const getHookFunction = ( hookType ) => { if ( hookType === 'action' ) { return 'do_action'; } if ( hookType === 'action_reference' ) { return 'do_action_ref_array'; } if ( hookType === 'filter_reference' ) { return 'apply_filters_ref_array'; } return 'apply_filters'; }; const generateIntroduction = ( hook ) => { const hookName =; const hookType = hook.type; const hookFunction = getHookFunction( hookType ); const tags = hook.doc.tags || []; const deprecated = tags.filter( ( { name: tagName } ) => tagName === 'deprecated' )[ 0 ] || undefined; const internal = tags.filter( ( { name: tagName } ) => tagName === 'internal' )[ 0 ] || undefined; const paramDocs = tags.filter( ( { name: tagName } ) => tagName === 'param' ) || []; const hookParams = ( { variable, types }, index ) => { const formattedType = types.join( '|' ); const formattedVariable = variable ? variable : `$argument${ index }`; return `${ formattedType } ${ formattedVariable }`; } ); const hookParamPrefix = hookFunction.includes( 'ref_array' ) ? '[ ' : ''; const hookParamSuffix = hookFunction.includes( 'ref_array' ) ? ' ]' : ''; const formattedHookParams = hookParams.length ? ', ' + hookParamPrefix + hookParams.join( ', ' ) + hookParamSuffix : ''; return [ { p: hook.doc.description }, { code: { language: 'php', content: `${ hookFunction }( '${ hookName }'${ formattedHookParams } )`, }, }, deprecated ? { p: `**Deprecated: ${ deprecated.content ? deprecated.content : 'This hook is deprecated and will be removed' }**`, } : null, internal ? { p: `**Note: ${ internal.content ? internal.content : 'This hook is for internal use only' }**`, } : null, ]; }; module.exports = { generateIntroduction };