=== WooCommerce - excelling eCommerce === Contributors: woothemes, mikejolley, jameskoster, CoenJacobs Tags: ecommerce, e-commerce, commerce, woothemes, wordpress ecommerce, affiliate, store, sales, sell, shop, shopping, cart, checkout, configurable, variable, widgets, reports, download, downloadable, digital, inventory, stock, reports, shipping, tax Donate link: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_xclick&business=paypal@woothemes.com&item_name=Donation+for+WooCommerce Requires at least: 3.3 Tested up to: 3.4 Stable tag: 1.5.8 License: GPLv3 License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html WooCommerce is a powerful, extendable eCommerce plugin that helps you sell anything. Beautifully. == Description == Transform your WordPress website into a thorough-bred online eCommerce store. Delivering enterprise-level quality and features whilst backed by a name you can trust. Say hello to the WooCommerce eCommerce plugin. WooCommerce is built by the experienced folk at WooThemes who also offer premium [eCommerce themes](http://www.woothemes.com/themes/woocommerce-themes/ "eCommerce themes from WooThemes") and [extensions](http://www.woothemes.com/extensions/woocommerce-extensions/ "eCommerce extensions for WooCommerce from WooThemes") to further enhance your shopfront. [vimeo http://vimeo.com/29198966] = STRENGTH & FLEXIBILITY = Built upon core WordPress functionality for stability, with enough hooks and filters to satisfy the most avid theme developer, eCommerce is now truly accessible to anyone. = CUSTOMIZABLE = Your business is unique, as should your online store. Choose one of our [eCommerce themes](http://www.woothemes.com/themes/woocommerce-themes/ "eCommerce themes from WooThemes") or build your own and give it a personal touch using the built in shortcodes and widgets. = SMART DASHBOARD WIDGETS = Keep a birds-eye view of incoming sales and reviews, stock levels and general store performance and statistics all from the WordPress dashboard. = FEATURES = Seriously, WooCommerce has got more features than you can shake a stick at. But don’t just take our word for it, try it for yourself. = BUNDLED GATEWAYS, SHIPPING AND INTEGRATIONS = WooCommerce is a powerful plugin straight out of the box and comes bundled with the following gateways: * __PayPal Standard Gateway__ - Accept credit cards and PayPal payments * __Mijireh Checkout__ - Accept credit cards via Stripe, Authorize.net, PayPal, eWay, SagePay, Braintree, PayLeap, and more. * __BACS__ - A simple bank transfer gateway * __Cheque__ - A simple Cheque gateway (great for testing!) * __Cash on Delivery__ - A simple cash only gateway For shipping we include the following: * __Flat rate shipping__ - Ship your items using a flat cost * __Free shipping__ - Ship for free, or require a coupon to enable * __International delivery__ - Flat rates for international deliveries * __Local delivery and local Pickup__ Finally, for extra power we integrate with these services: * __Google Analytics__ - Powerful analytics, including eCommerce tracking * __Sharedaddy__ - Let your customers share your products with their friends * __ShareThis__ - Like sharedaddy, helps you utilise social media * __ShareYourCart__ - Encourage your customers to share their purchases in return for a coupon = THEMES = WooCommerce works with any theme, including the default WordPress themes Twenty Ten and Eleven. Looking for a tailored WordPress eCommmerce theme designed specifically to be used with WooCommerce? Be sure to browse the official [WooCommerce Themes](http://www.woothemes.com/themes/woocommerce-themes/) and check out our free themes, such as [WooTique](http://www.woothemes.com/2011/09/wootique/). If you need help getting your theme working nicely with WooCommerce read our [theming docs](http://wcdocs.woothemes.com/category/codex/theming/). = EXTENSIONS = Need a specific payment gateway? Perhaps additional shipping methods? WooCommerce has a plethora of eCommerce extensions available to provide just that: [View our extensions](http://www.woothemes.com/extensions/woocommerce-extensions/ "eCommerce extensions for WooCommerce from WooThemes"). Some of our more popular plugins are listed below. * __Functionality__ * [Dynamic Pricing](http://www.woothemes.com/extension/dynamic-pricing/) - Bulk discounts, role based pricing and more. * [Product Addons](http://www.woothemes.com/extension/product-addons/) - Create personalised products. * [Gravity Forms Addons](http://www.woothemes.com/extension/gravityforms-product-addons/) - Create personalised products using gravity forms. * [Currency Converter Widget](http://www.woothemes.com/extension/currency-converter-widget/) - Dynamically switch the currency of displayed prices. * [Product Enquiry Form](http://www.woothemes.com/extension/product-enquiry-form/) - Allow visitors to email you enquiries about a product. * [Facebook Tab](http://www.woothemes.com/extension/facebook-tab/) - Sell your products via your Facebook page. * [Google Product Feed](http://www.woothemes.com/extension/google-product-feed/) - Add your products to Google Product Search. * [Newsletter Subscription](http://www.woothemes.com/extension/newsletter-subscription/) - Allow customers to subscribe to your MailChimp or CampaignMonitor mailing list. * __Shipping__ * [Shipment Tracking](http://www.woothemes.com/extension/shipment-tracking/) - Add tracking info to orders * [FedEx](http://www.woothemes.com/extension/fedex/) - Get rates from the FedEx API * [Table rate shipping](http://www.woothemes.com/extension/table-rate-shipping/) - Create rules based on country/postcode, weight, cart items, and price. * [UPS Shipping Method](http://www.woothemes.com/extension/ups/) - Get rates from the UPS API * __Payment__ * [PayPal Pro](http://www.woothemes.com/extension/paypal-pro/) - Direct gateway * [PayPal Express](http://www.woothemes.com/extension/paypal-express/) - Skip the WooCommerce checkout in favour of PayPal * [Authorize.net DPM](http://www.woothemes.com/extension/authorize-net-dpm/) - Form based gateway * __Import/Export__ * [Product CSV Import Suite](http://www.woothemes.com/extension/product-csv-import-suite/) - Import and Export variations and products via a CSV * [Order/Customer CSV Export](http://www.woothemes.com/extension/order-customer-csv-export/) - Export your orders and customer records to a CSV WordPress.org is home to some cool free extensions too: * [WooCommerce Admin Bar Addition](http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/woocommerce-admin-bar-addition/) - Adds useful admin links and resources for the WooCommerce eCommerce Plugin to the WordPress Toolbar / Admin Bar. * [WooCommerce Delivery Notes](http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/woocommerce-delivery-notes/) - Print delivery Notes for orders. * [Affiliates WooCommerce Integration Light](http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/affiliates-woocommerce-light/) - Integrates Affiliates with WooCommerce. * [WooCommerce Multilingual](http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/woocommerce-multilingual/) - Allows running multilingual e-commerce sites using WooCommerce and WPML. = MORE INFORMATION AND GETTING INVOLVED = Read more about the features and benefits of the WooCommerce eCommerce platform on the [WooCommerce website](http://www.woothemes.com/woocommerce/ "WooCommerce: An open-source eCommerce plugin for WordPress"), Developers can checkout and contribute to the source code on the [WooCommerce GitHub Repository](http://github.com/woothemes/woocommerce/) or submit extensions to be listed on the WooThemes site [here](http://www.woothemes.com/become-a-woocommerce-developer/). == Installation == = Minimum Requirements = * WordPress 3.3 or greater * PHP version 5.2.4 or greater * MySQL version 5.0 or greater * Some payment gateways require fsockopen support (for IPN access) = Automatic installation = Automatic installation is the easiest option as WordPress handles the file transfers itself and you don’t even need to leave your web browser. To do an automatic install of WooCommerce, log in to your WordPress admin panel, navigate to the Plugins menu and click Add New. In the search field type “WooCommerce” and click Search Plugins. Once you’ve found our eCommerce plugin you can view details about it such as the the point release, rating and description. Most importantly of course, you can install it by simply clicking Install Now. After clicking that link you will be asked if you’re sure you want to install the plugin. Click yes and WordPress will automatically complete the installation. = Manual installation = The manual installation method involves downloading our eCommerce plugin and uploading it to your webserver via your favourite FTP application. 1. Download the plugin file to your computer and unzip it 2. Using an FTP program, or your hosting control panel, upload the unzipped plugin folder to your WordPress installation’s wp-content/plugins/ directory. 3. Activate the plugin from the Plugins menu within the WordPress admin. = Upgrading = Automatic updates should work a charm; as always though, ensure you backup your site just in case. If on the off chance you do encounter issues with the shop/category pages after an update you simply need to flush the permalinks by going to WordPress > Settings > Permalinks and hitting 'save'. That should return things to normal. == Frequently Asked Questions == = Where can I find WooCommerce documentation and user guides = To view our extensive WooCommerce Codex, documentation and tips go to the [WooCommerce Docs site](http://wcdocs.woothemes.com/). Clients and beginners will appreciate the usage instructions here: [User Guide](http://wcdocs.woothemes.com/category/user-guide/) If you get stuck, and your not a WooThemes member, you can ask for help on the [Community Forums](http://www.woothemes.com/support-forum/?viewforum=150) = Will WooCommerce work with my theme? = Yes; WooCommerce will work with any theme, but may require some styling to make it match nicely. See our docs. = Where can I request new features, eCommerce themes and extensions? = You can vote on and request new features and extensions in our [WooIdeas board](http://ideas.woothemes.com/forums/133476-woocommerce) = Where can I report bugs or contribute to the project? = Bugs can be reported either in our support forum or preferably on the [WooCommerce GitHub repository](https://github.com/woothemes/woocommerce/issues). = WooCommerce is awesome! Can I contribute? = Yes you can! Join in on our [GitHub repository](http://github.com/woothemes/woocommerce/) :) == Screenshots == 1. The slick WooCommerce settings panel 2. WooCommerce products admin 3. WooCommerce sales reports == Changelog == = 1.5.8 - 21/06/2012 = * Tweak - Textarea for notes and enabled HTML * Tweak - Added checkout processing triggers for gateways (in particular stripe) to use * Tweak - Pay page woocommerce_pay hidden input so we can use javascript to submit the form * Tweak - Hooks for order statuses in reports * Tweak - Extra hooks in some templates * Fix - Remove depreciated ereg_replace in validation class * Fix - strpos warning in shipping class * Fix - $query instead of $q in query class * Fix - Visibility setting for products in widgets = - 14/06/2012 = * Fix - Saving Mijireh settings bug = 1.5.7 - 14/06/2012 = * Feature - Mijireh Checkout Integration * Feature - Menu count for orders requiring admin action * Feature - 'supports' function for gateways. * Feature - Ajax powered coupon form on checkout. * Feature - Option to filter uncategorized products in admin. * Tweak - Improved coupon feedback messages * Tweak - woocommerce_get_product_terms for getting terms in the user defined order. * Tweak - Variations that are disabled are not taken into consideration when displaying parent price. * Tweak - Variations maintain selections after adding to cart. * Tweak - Improvements to the order tracking code, including better error messages * Tweak - EU states for tax * Tweak - woocommerce_shipping_chosen_method hook * Tweak - Layered nav child taxonomies support * Tweak - Change debug page to status page to make it more noticeable. * Tweak - Broken up settings pages to ease development * Tweak - Improved re-ordering prouducts performance * Tweak - Load settings/settings-save.php on custom settings pages too * Tweak - Update order date upon payment * Tweak - hide cart note if taxes are disabled * Tweak - Key added to woocommerce_get_cart_item_from_session filter * Tweak - Changed menu position to avoid conflicts * Tweak - country_multiselect_options returns allowed countries only * Tweak - Add order - country should not set itself * Tweak - Add error/message filters * Tweak - Only allow 1 shipping class in quick edit. * Tweak - Broke up variable add to cart function and added to product class. * Tweak - Format phone number dots to dashes * Tweak - Cart widget respects cart tax settings * Tweak - Exempt from VAT shows price ex VAT * Tweak - Newlines for order meta (flat) * Tweak - Show method title when free * Tweak - Improved queries when shop is on the front-page * Fix - check_cart_coupons on checkout to prevent invalid coupons being used * Fix - Hide out of stock now works with widgets. * Fix - Strange error where detecting the page (is_page etc) would break the canonical redirect in some instances when hooked into 'wp'. Used the later get_header hook instead. * Fix - Right now links. * Fix - fix for https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=61166 (thanks Max Rice) * Fix - postcode validation when country is different for shipping vs billing * Fix - user_email typo * Fix - Cancelling adding an attribute blocks panel * Fix - Variation duplication respects post status * Fix - Minimum coupon amount check * Fix - Prevent double add to cart with related products * Fix - Out of base tax rounding * Fix - Backorders for variations allow more than stock to be purchased now * Fix - Conflict with compfight. * Fix - Tax calc JS NaN fix * Fix - Sidebar login jsonp * Fix - Category widget name sorting. * Localization - Updated localisations * Localization - Updated currency symbols * Localization - translations for admin menu names * Localization - Updated french translaction by Arnaud Cheminand = 1.5.6 - 17/05/2012 = * Feature - Default display for shipping methods is radio buttons. Before, when methods were enabled/disabled based on coupons or customer, changed methods could go unnoticed. Radio options are always visible. * Feature - Option to display shipping methods as a select box vs. radio buttons * Feature - Added support for cost per order to Flat Rate shipping * Feature - image support added to sharethis * Tweak - When the count of available shipping methods changes, reset to default * Tweak - Optimisations to monthly and product reports * Tweak - Individually sold variation handling * Tweak - Removed mdash; from shipping options * Tweak - Made woocommerce_locate_template more useful for third party plugins - ability to pass a full path * Tweak - WC Debug page hooks * Tweak - Tidied up installer * Tweak - Removed unused get_hidden_product_ids * Fix - Google Analytics options fix * Fix - % discount rounding * Fix - get_stock_quantity returns '' if stock management is off in global settings * Fix - Prevent error in ecommerce tracking if no categories set = 1.5.5 - 10/05/2012 = * Feature - New 'default' sorting order using menu_order, with drag and drop sorting (based on http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/simple-page-ordering/) * Feature - Settings now include colours for things like buttons and tabs. * Feature - New integration section which allows other class-based integrations to be added. * Feature - ShareYourCart integration built in. * Feature - is_sold_individually() function for disabling quantity inputs for products * Feature - Collect shipping address even when not required option * Feature - Stock display options - show no stock amount, low stock amount, or always show stock amount * Feature - woocommerce_form_field select type * Feature - Add WooCommerce Products to Appearance->Menus * Feature - Optional hide free products from Best Sellers Widget * Tweak - Removed nonces from add to cart urls, this makes them easier to make use of; you can hardcode add to cart links or link to your add to cart link from other places without needing to use WC functions. * Tweak - Cart.php display with more filters * Tweak - is_product_category and is_product_tag support term argument * Tweak - Added minus symbol before discount on view order page * Tweak - Added yards as dimensions unit * Tweak - Allow more readable flat rate options to be entered * Tweak - Changed category and tag link to filter product list in admin panel * Tweak - Removed product 'exists' variable in favour of the exists() method. Tweaked exist method to look for ID in DB. * Tweak - Only use rm=2 for paypal when SSL is enabled, to avoid security warnings when returning to the site. * Tweak - Show sku in stock reports. * Tweak - When sending the order as a whole to paypal, send the shipping separately. * Tweak - Clear cache along with transients * Tweak - Protocol-relative AJAX URL * Tweak - Hidden some uncommon settings * Tweak - Fixed labels for settings API. * Tweak - New WC_Order Class Formatting Filters and Function for totals (thanks thenbrent) * Tweak - Free shipping availability check to deal with min amount and coupon rules together * Tweak - Shipping class added to product data panel instead of separate * Tweak - After getting a shipping quote, use the shipping address for taxes on the cart page * Fix - Replacing use of deprecated function get_current_theme() with wp_get_theme() * Fix - Body classes now correct for WordPress themes with non alphanumeric characters * Fix - PayPal http_build_query & -> & on some PHP 5.3 servers * Fix - update_count_callback for tags * Fix - Pass shipping calc state to checkout * Fix - Removed space from postcode validation * Fix - per product flat rate. * Fix - Use term_id instead of term slug to get term link (allows numeric slugs for product categories) * Fix - Replace spaces with + signs in download url after decode (allows + characters in email addresses for downloads) * Fix - Prevent setting download expire date to 1970-01-01 in rare cases * Localization - Slovak translation by Dušan Beleščák * Localization - Updated localisations * Localization - Updated French translation by mediana (Ticket 1000 in GitHub, woohoo!) = 1.5.4 - 16/04/2012 = * Feature - Allow attributes to be added from the edit product page * Feature - Allow external products to be a part of a grouped product. Button titles will be respected when displayed. * Feature - Added woocommerce_get_dimension/woocommerce_get_weight helpers for normalisation. Thanks Andy Zhang * Feature - Pass page_style to paypal standard if defined * Feature - Option to hide shipping costs until an address is entered on the cart/checkout * Feature - Tax class selection for variations * Feature - Shortcode to show a list of all product categories * Feature - Minimum fee option for flat rate shipping * Feature - "Package" support for shipping calculations - allows third parties to split the cart up to calc shipping. Also caches packages meaning the cart shipping only needs to be calculated once (until totals or customer location changes) * Feature - Local delivery cost per item condition * Feature - get_product_search_form function, used in product search widget * Tweak - Redesigned variation panels and variation bulk edit to make them easier to use and expand. * Tweak - Show multiple success messages/error messages if added, rather than one or the other * Tweak - Adding an item to an order now uses the ajax style product finder * Tweak - Updated chosen to latest release * Tweak - Changed recent order tables to make them slightly more compact * Tweak - Moved recent order table to a template file * Tweak - Improved default view-order page when order id is not defined - instead of stating "invalid order" it will list recent orders * Tweak - For the short description, removed the_content filter and used woocommerce_short_description * Tweak - Don't send password in new account email (some customers complained/privacy concerns) * Tweak - Don't show unused tabs on the frontend (description and reviews) * Tweak - Rename comments meta box to reviews * Tweak - Rewritten widgets to use category walkers * Tweak - Improved installation code (dbdelta) * Tweak - Email tfoot compatibility for outlook * Tweak - Removed shortcode wrappers/cache for main pages since they are only ever called once per page load * Tweak - woocommerce_after_cart_item_quantity_update action sends cart item key instead of object * Tweak - Product images on orders page * Tweak - Payment method transition * Tweak - Moved product attribute table to a template file for easier customisation. * Tweak - If the "Only ship to the users billing address" admin option is set to true, the checkout form displayed "Billing & Shipping". Even when a cart contains only virtual goods and does not require shipping. (Thanks thenbrent) * Tweak - Separate sections for each shipping method, due to the volume of data being posted upon save. NOTE TO DEVELOPERS: The save hook for shipping options is woocommerce_update_options_shipping_{your method id} * Tweak - $order->send_stock_notifications function * Fix - Product cat sortable when item cannot be moved. * Fix - Do not show the Additional Information tab on product single page if contents are hidden or not existing. * Fix - nofollow add to cart links to prevent indexing * Fix - Add to cart shortcode and hidden products * Fix - Local rates were being ignored if no main rates were set * Localization - Canada post code locale * Localization - RMB paypal * Localization - Bundled translation updates * Localization - Changed the filters for checkout field locales - lets you override the base country labels * Localization - Wrong code for Quebec -> PQ to QC * Localization - Malaysian ringgit symbol = 1.5.3 - 29/03/2012 = * Feature - Debug/status page with some handy functions to resolve common issues * Feature - Control default catalog sort order from Catalog Settings * Feature - Option to use post instead of get to submit paypal standard - form also has target="_top" to work when in iframes * Feature - Local delivery postcode limiting * Feature - Visual editor for excerpt (thanks Andrew Benbow - http://www.chromeorange.co.uk/) * Feature - Allow shortcodes in excerpts * Feature - Update/set order dates * Feature - 'Invoice' for completed/pending emails re-sends download links etc * Feature - Option to enable/disable review star rating * Tweak - Improved stock check upon add to cart * Tweak - get order number function complete with filter * Tweak - View cart link in 'you already have this in your cart' message * Tweak - When viewing a product, give shop menu item a class * Tweak - Layered nav dropdown code to filter displayed terms based on view * Tweak - Improved wording of stock panel to make less confusing * Tweak - tip -> data-tip * Tweak - Revised load order so that localisation is done at init * Tweak - Hook for product availability * Tweak - Order items table (for emails) moved to template file * Tweak - Queries on report pages to replace get_posts to resolve issues on stores with a shed load of orders * Tweak - Remove case sensitively from order tracking and force email lowercase on checkout * Tweak - woocommerce_update_variation_values trigger in JS * Tweak - Optimised price filter query (Thanks Lucas Stark) * Tweak - woocommerce_attribute_label filter * Tweak - When min and max price are the same, don't show price filter * Tweak - Hooks for countries and states * Tweak - Updated UK locale * Tweak - Locale settings change placeholder dynamically like the label * Tweak - PayPal standard - separate option for address_override * Tweak - Only show weight/dimensions in bulk/quick edit when enabled * Tweak - Add total sales meta to products even if unsold * Fix - Search/filter compatibility with relevanssi * Fix - Ecommerce tracking enable/disable option * Fix - After tax coupons for categories * Fix - Multiple variation image upload * Fix - User email check for coupons * Fix - Put chosen frontend script back * Fix - Make download links use billing email, not user email * Fix - ' in prices (thousand separator) * Fix - exclude products in coupons panel now looks for variations. * Fix - Admin menu highlighting when adding orders * Localization - Removed translations from reports page tab URLS * Localization - Spanish update by Héctor Carranza * Localization - Added Russian translation by Orlov Sergei = - 16/03/2012 = * Fix - Redirect when no payment is required * Fix - Admin bar hide option only for customers, not everyone * Fix - Removed admin bar css and spacing when disabled * Fix - Placeholder support for old browsers * Tweak - e-commerce tracking - SKU and Category (thanks jdiderik) * Tweak - renamed transients (some generated transients were too long) * Localization - Made the monthly sales dashboard widget translatable (by GeertDD) * Localization - Updated Danish Translation (by FrederikRS) = 1.5.2 - 15/03/2012 = * Feature - My account ssl (added by justinstern) * Feature - Product id rules for coupons apply to a products parent (useful for grouped products) * Feature - Billing email sets user email address, other profile fields filled in based on billing info * Feature - Option to disable coupons (by GeertDD) * Feature - Option to show tax even if zero * Feature - variation menu_order for organisation (drag and drop) * Feature - Customer email field for coupons - limit to user/billing email * Feature - Option to reorder items from past orders by GeertDD * Feature - woocommerce_messages shortcode for showing error/success messages on a page * Feature - Add to cart shortcode for variations * Feature - Disable admin bar for customers when admin access if locked down * Tweak - Menu tweaks + new icons * Tweak - More granular rights on dashboard widgets by role (thanks jdiderik) * Tweak - Upsells/cross sells interface * Tweak - Single product title template file now hooked in * Tweak - is_visible for variations - means you can hide out of stock variations * Tweak - Template Loader support for taxonomy-product_cat-SLUG.php template files * Tweak - More logging in paypal class * Tweak - Force SSL for get_option('siteurl') * Tweak - backorders_require_notification returns false if stock is disabled * Tweak - Postcode format code for UK * Tweak - based on user feedback, empty default state on checkout to prevent submission errors * Tweak - Stock checker works with items on multiple rows * Tweak - coupon class loading * Tweak - queries with no_found_rows * Fix - Minimum spend subtotal * Fix - Prevented order save code running multiple times * Fix - Prevent ms-files.php accessing protected downloads when multisite is enabled * Fix - Download permissions * Fix - COD gateway to reduce stock * Fix - shipping_method_title in manual orders * Fix - notice in GA code * Fix - glitch adding variation images * Localization - Vietnam locale and support for hiding fields * Localization - Danish translation by Frederik Svarre = 1.5.1 - 08/03/2012 = * Persistent (logged-in) customer carts (thanks dominic-p) * Error suppression on set_time_out * Order-details removed shipping when disabled * Updated Turkish translation * Layered nav for attribute pages (thanks helgatheviking) * Fixed dates in dashboard stats * Download expiry was backwards * Fix styling of new attribute * When passing aggregate orders to paypal, include item names * Localisation improvements * Fix local method availability * Show order even if free * Removed duplicate order on tracking page * Improved coupon page * Added option to limit coupons to a category * Hooks for locate template functions (Thanks Lucas) * Better language loading (GeertDD and deckerweb #win) * Fix for grouped product from price * Store less cart data in sessions to reduce file sizes * Minimum spend option for coupons (thanks to jason whitaker) * 5 digit UK postcode handling = 1.5 - 01/03/2012 = * Quick edit products * Bulk edit products * Purchase notes - add text to a product to include in order tables after payment * Downloadable Product Permissions management via orders page - grant and revoke access to files * See how many times a download has been downloaded * Option for downloadable files to expire after X days * Define extra flat rate addons - e.g. priority shipping for an extra $5 * PayPal standard goes straight to PayPal via a GET request - no more pay page/forms * Better mixed cart handling - option to give access to downloads after payment (processing order status) * Added basic API for payment gateways to hook into (for IPN etc) * Added Bulgarian translation * Fixed SKU sort in admin * woocommerce_file_download_path hook * Order screen has icons showing customer notes + order notes * Fixed category hierarchy (typo) * Delete term cleanup * Filters to override default country and state on checkout form * Added item_number to paypal standard (sku) * Errors can be loaded into any page though wc_error query string var * Fix for default value when data-min is used * Hooks for quantity selectors * Load order of the translation files tweaked so ones in wp-content/languages get priority * Improved woocommerce_get_template_part * Improved edit my address page when accessed directly * Extra hooks in carts/totals * Tweaked attributes page/labels * Added required * to checkout fields, dynamically for locales * is main query tweak * Filters for BACS fields * Polish translation by Maciej Swoboda * More reliable cache deletion * Fixed record_product_sales * Fix order tracking page * Fix dates for orders * Made links in customer notes clickable links * Product option for customise the button text for external products * Function for getting placeholder.png - woocommerce_placeholder_img_src() with filter woocommerce_placeholder_img_src * Slight settings cleanup * Order items (frontend) link through to product pages * Separate right now widget (thanks Mamaduka!) * Fixed missing errors on my account * Enhanced variation price display (thanks pixeltrix) and tweaked get_price_html - new filters for variation prices * email_order_items_table image thumbnail support * Hiding the cart widget option now shows the widget if adding to cart via ajax * More reliable un-force https code * Reset link for variations * Better grouped price code * My account remembers post data upon error * Hidden shipping address from account page and mails when disabled * Option to limit products which are downloadable and virtual to 1 per cart * woocommerce_items_in_cart cookie when cart has contents (can be used for caching plugins) = 1.4.4 - 18/02/2012 = * Fix for remove coupon links after ajax update of shipping * Fix for reducing/increasing stock + notifications * Don't reset shipping method on cart during every update * Checkout country/state/postcode defaults to session if not logged in * Method availability (country) for local pickup/delivery * Fixed get_permalink in shortcodes * Install process tweaks (for flushing post type rules) * data-min argument/option for quantity inputs * Notice is now shown in admin when the configuration may cause permalink errors * Trigger 'change' event on the hidden variation_id input * Load non-minified woocommerce.js file if SCRIPT_DEBUG is on * Category widget hierarchy on single product page = 1.4.3 - 16/02/2012 = * Fix for variation shipping class detection * Classes added to my-account * Fix for price filtering when the shop is the homepage * Renamed orderby GET variable to 'sort' to prevent conflicts with permalinks * Fixed a bug allowing checkout when items are out of stock * Added a cart item error page for checkout, if the items are invalid * Hidden shipping text when calculator is hidden * If theres 1 shipping method, don't show a select box (thanks GeertDD) * Don't repeat weight units after each measurement (GeertDD is on a role) * CZ fix * SKU system changes - old system was confusing and could conflict with post IDs thus the following changes have been made; 1) SKU no longer defaults to post ID automatically, 2) Unique SKU check looks for SKUs only - not post IDs 3) get_sku() will return _sku not post ID * Product admin interface tweaks * Variation interface tweaks * Attribute interface tweaks * Ability to select all/none attributes * Quantity based on stock limit on cart page, like the product page * Fixed category widget hierarchy * Password error on checkout * Improved install process * Hookable woocommerce_form_field * Updated dummy content * Removed the sorting 'GET' from the sort form in favour of POST - caused too many issues. GET requests will still work however. * Moved localisation to init * Price slider triggers = 1.4.2 - 09/02/2012 = * Uninstall fix * Improved template loader - passes args instead of using globals * Get dimensions fix * Add order item error fix * Made slug non-required on add attribute form * Fixed sharethis code * Added sharedaddy support * Option to require login to download files * Option to display layered nav as a dropdown * Shipping classes added to individual product variations * woocommerce_nocache function for cart/checkout/myaccount pages which need to be dynamic * Coupon code case fix * Removed automatic -free on shipping methods * Option to redirect to the product page after searching if one result found (kudos to pixeltrix) * Other minor fixes = 1.4.1 - 01/02/2012 = * Depreciated tax class fix * Logout error fix * get_shipping_tax_rate deprecated to stop errors * get_attribute returns non-linked terms * First time install fix * Added back version constant to stop 3rd party themes breaking = 1.4 - 01/02/2012 = * Improved default theme * Support for multiple and stacked (compound) taxes * Locale options for country address formatting and checkout fields * Multiple taxes shown in order total tables * Rewritten parts + re-organised files for increased performance and decreased memory usage * Moved many shortcodes (contents) to template files for easier customisation * Moved template function contents to template files * Added a simple, basic method of adding woocommerce support to themes using a woocommerce.php file based on page.php containing woocommerce_content() * Moved woocommerce class into the main file * Improved roles and capabilities for WooCommerce pages - more caps added for easier configuration * Category ordering fix * Made 'product' global, and auto filled when calling the_post - also remove this from the hooks. Certain themes may need to be updated. * Changed woocommerce_breadcrumb args * Filters for customer email attachments * Chosen selects for country/state select inputs (optional) * Piwik (http://piwik.org/) tracking - requires http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wp-piwik/ * Option to hide cart widget if the cart is empty * Category widget - order by option * Option to re-order shipping methods * Coupon entry form on checkout (optional) * paying_customer user meta when order is complete * Improved download links in emails * Replaced quantity selector of grouped downloadable products with a button * Reworked checkout fields to make them easier to extend * Added address meta to users panel * Added address data to edit users screen * Using 3.3 function is_main_query() * Fixed price display if taxes disabled * Backorder notifications show order # * Product data write panel tweaks * Enabled product custom fields panel * Renamed custom fields for product data - upgrade script will run when upgrading. Some themes may be affected if using 'featured' - it is now '_featured' * woocommerce_product_visibility_options filter for backend * Shipping method classes/api changed to make rate definition simpler - shipping methods will need updating to stay compatible * Change textdomain from woothemes to woocommerce * Free shipping coupons ignore min-amount * Delete all variations option * Removed the need of ob_start on most frontend pages to improve page loading speed * Product category widget option to show current children only * Updated default styles * Tweaked visibility settings and made them more clear * If there is limited stock, quantity input plus button won't go higher * Displaying correct currency symbol (Real of Brazil) * Added local pickup and local delivery shipping methods (thanks Patrick Garman) * Improved woocommerce_coupon_is_valid filter * Random products widget, thanks to Geert De Deckere * Error are now lists instead of divs so we can show multiple errors at once * Problem: Stock management off, hide out of stock on meant some product were hidden randomly. Solution: Enable instock/outofstock selector on edit product page regardless of settings * If sending shipping to paypal, send shipping address * Send shipping name to paypal * Code to allow add-on validation * International shipping (based on flat rate) = - 15/12/2011 = * Category/Ordering fix * HTTPS download URL fix = 1.3.2 - 09/12/2011 = * Fixed error when adding an order manually * Dumped the orders class (hardly used) * Shipping classes can be set up without assigning products first * Product reports: Combines children so grouped products have stats = 1.3.1 - 08/12/2011 = * Many Minor bug fixes * Ability to re-order payment gateways and choose a default * Added a 'Shipping class' taxonomy for grouping products * Enhanced Flat Rate shipping to give a flat rate to each shipping class * Made jQuery UI optional and improved Javascript * Javascript can be loaded in the footer * Reworked term ordering system to make it more flexible and easier to manage * add_to_cart_url shortcode * French translation * Customer note field quote fix * Moved product-category and tag slugs to settings (page) * % coupon fix * Tax rates based on shipping address * Helpers for outputting JS in the footer * Fixed sale widget * File download method option so force download can be switched off * Improved product cat dropdowns * Czech translation by Martin Nečas * Turkish translation by Ercan = 1.3 - 01/12/2011 = * Minor bug fixes + localisations * Schema.org markup for products and reviews * Option to apply coupons before tax (per coupon) * Rewritten cart tax calculations to support coupons before tax and after tax * 2 lines of discounts on total tables - 1 for product discounts, 1 for after tax discounts (e.g. store credit) * Tweaked paypal to work with tax inclusive prices without screwing up rounding * Stored ex. prices with higher precision to prevent rounding errors * Rewritten options for tax display - cart items can be shown without tax now * Fixed ordering of custom attributes in variation select boxes * Support for ordering attributes with the same ID (but different taxonomies) * Made catalog ordering filterable * Enhanced admin with http://harvesthq.github.com/chosen/ * Added ZAR currency * Fixed product (single) visibility * Improved orders interface * On orders screen you can load customer details is on file * Fixed address_1 address_2 names * Updated German Lang (formal) thanks @owcv * Sale date uses current_time('timestamp') instead of strtotime * Fixed variations loading dimensions * Product get_attribute function * Option to clear cart on logout * Made cheque/bacs gateways reduce stock levels upon ordering * Continue shopping button when directing user to cart after adding a product to the cart * Refund/Reverse notification in paypal gateway * Made stock notifications use email template * Added dimensions to individual variations * Added settings API to be used by Shipping Methods and Payment Gateways * Free shipping/Flat rate uses setting API * Free shipping coupons * Ship to billing default option * Trim zeros off prices (optional) = 1.2.4 - 18/11/2011 = * More sale price logic fixes for variations. Now correctly compares variation's prices. * Clear cache on upgrade/install * Related product fix when no categories are set * Fix for price filter + variations with multiple prices * Grouped product link/quantity fix * Made record_product_sales trigger once only * Payment complete only when on-hold/pending * More logging in paypal gateway * Feature to prevent admin access to customers (optional) * Fixed quick edit * text/html email headers * Fixed variation issue with quote symbols using esc_html = 1.2.3 - 17/11/2011 = * Fix for sale price logic * Related products array_diff fix * Fixed Produkt-Kategorie in formal german translation * Variations limit fix * Transients cleared on install * Taxonomies defined before products to prevent 404's = 1.2.2 - 17/11/2011 = * Minor fixes and optimisations * Tweaked 'pay' emails * Check at top of email templates to make sure they are not accessed directly * Fixes for hiding order notes from feeds etc * Added transients to main query to improve performance * Improved products class and get_related function * Removed subcats when paged * Category widget now supports hierarchy/counts * woocommerce-page body class for all woocommerce pages * Fix active class in wp_list_pages for shop page * Ability to register from my account page * Option to show size/weight on attributes tab * Added logger class for debugging * Logs folder added upon install with htaccess added to prevent access * Ability to make layered nav an "OR" query so you can expand your search rather than filter it * Tweaked coupon logic. Excluded coupons (for product discounts) don't get a product discount, but valid products do * Prevent checkout being submitted twice * Made order notes optional * PayPal standard stores payer email address * Added handling for paypal reversal and refunded statuses * Downloads check order status is completed before allowing access - to do this we've added a new column to the permissions table (order id). Existing rows will be updated upon activation. * Formatted address shows full state name * State field shows 'select a state by default' * Country defaults to base country on checkout * Fixed upload directory * Added customer note email notifications = 1.2.1 - 10/11/2011 = * Reworked downloadable and virtual products - now variations can be downloadable/virtual too making it more flexible * My account/login widget * Added shortcode insertion button to the post editor * Shortcode for products by category (slug) * Option to enable/disable ajax add to cart buttons * Widget for showing onsale products * Signup/login can be turned off for checkout * Paypal remote post now has 'sslverify' => false to prevent errors with CURL * Minor admin settings tidyup * Dutch translation has been updated * Cart is now more robust and supports custom data being stored, such as addons * Fix for 0 quantity * add_to_cart shortcode * Improved order search * Option to unforce SSL checkout * Support for X-Accel-Redirect / X-Sendfile for downloads * Customer new account email when signing up from the checkout * Attributes can be added to nav bar via filter * External/Affiliate product type * Added Spanish translation by lluis masachs * Support for informal/formal localisations * Directory changed for uploading file downloads - uploads/woocommerce_files * Download directory created on install as well as htaccess for denying access * Formal and informal German translations - thanks to stefahn, jessor, Ramoonus , owcv and deckerweb * Hook for checking cart contents during cart/checkout - used for plugins too = 1.2 - 03/11/2011 = * Added quick status change buttons (processing/complete) to orders panel * Ability to preview email templates * Option to add logout link to my account menu * Added ability to show meta (custom fields) on order emails - useful for plugins * Added order details to thankyou page * Added basic rss feeds for products and product categories * Added functions which show tax/vat conditionally * Made use of transients to store average ratings and improve performance * Added page installer on installation to make it optional (you may want to import your pages) * BACS and Cheque gateways now contain payment instructions * Custom field for product total_sales when sold * Best sellers widget based on new total_sales field * Ability to exclude product ids * Option for the recipient of order/stock emails * Options to define default attribute selections in variations * Edit category - image fix * Order Complete email heading fix * 100% discount when price excludes tax logic fix * Download urls use site_url instead of home_url so installs in subdirectories are handled correctly * Fixed variations - Incorrectly used instead $product_custom_fields of $parent_custom_fields * Adding cart item resets shipping - so free shipping etc is selected when going over a threshold * Changes to shipping calc - if no rates are found, but the user did not enter a state/postcode, it asks them to do so. * Fix for adding sites in multisite * Dashboard chart now ignores 'pending' orders * Fixed dashboard report range * Added hooks to gateway icons * Added Dutch translation by [Ramoonus](http://www.ramoonus.nl/) = 1.1.3 - 27/10/2011 = * Improved Force SSL Setting - now forces https urls for enqueued scripts and styles * Updated some localisation strings in email subject lines * Fixed variation coupons * Fixed edit address via my account * Support for localisations in wp-content/languages/woocommerce * Added ability to change email template colors and from name/address from the settings panel * Added italian translation by Roberto Lioniello * Added swedish translation by Stefan Johansson * Made cart page hide the 'no shipping methods found' message unless the user has calculated shipping. * Given shop_manager role capabilities of an editor * Fixed menu order when logged in as a shop manager * Added SKU column to order data * Removed output buffering from loop * Add product % coupons * Filtering hides subcategories * Lots of other minor fixes = 1.1.2 - 23/10/2011 = * Coupons can be applied to variations (by ID) * Fixed up/cross-sell removal * Fixed image (zoom) URL after variation selection * Fixed category filter in admin * Fixed billing/shipping address on my account page * Tax fix for prices excluding tax - issue was in the 1.1.1 update * Option to hide products when sub-cats are shown, and empty cats are shown * Renamed $columns global for compatibility with certain themes * Made variation slugs display as term name * Added a helper function to get the return url (for gateways) - fixes https return url = 1.1.1 - 16/10/2011 = * Products need a base, regardless of category settings - added base to prevent pages breaking * Fixed hard cropping * Translation fixes * Moved discount above shipping calc * Fixed enter key on product edit page * Typos * Made custom attributes display 'nicely' in cart widgets, instead of santized = 1.1 - 12/10/2011 = * Tested and working with WordPress 3.3 beta-1 * Added a hook for payment complete order status * Added woocommerce term meta api * Added ability to upload category thumbnails * Added option to show sub-categories when browing categories/the shop page * Zero tax rate fix * Filters for tax rates * Fixes to find rate function * Product dimension fields * Fixed archives being displayed by woocommerce_show_product_images * Added 'configure terms' button to attributes page to make it clearer * Fix for variations when an attribute has been removed * Fixed some localisation strings * Hard crop option for images (use regenerate thumbnails after toggling to redo all images) * Password field type for gateways API * Front page shop improvements/correct title tags * Added option for controlling product permalinks * Shop page title option * Load admin css only where needed * Admin JS cleanup * Removed error message when clicking buttons to view variations/grouped * Drag and drop term ordering (so variation options can be sorted) * Pay page after invoicing fix = 1.0.3 - 06/10/2011 = * Several minor fixes/tweaks * Conditionals check for existing function names * Made image size settings clearer * Cleaned up coupon code settings/write panel and added a few more hooks * Fixed 'product ids' setting in coupons * Fixed notices on shop pages due to WP_QUERY * Cleaned up discount types and made some helper functions for getting them * woocommerce_coupon_is_valid hook * Fixed order tracking completed time * Sale price affects variable product 'from:' price * Variation options (frontend) no longer lose your selections when changing an option * Gallery image field fix * Image 'insert into' fix * variable products store min and max variation price, so if they match the 'from' text is not displayed * Email items list fix * Reports chart fix * Fixed category ordering in widgets * Labels to taxonomies updated * Query tweak to fix tags/cats * Order tracking localisation = 1.0.2 - 02/10/2011 = * Fix in woocommerce_templates for when a shop is the front-page * Added esc_html/esc_attribute in review-order.php * Tweaked localised strings in shortcode-thankyou.php * Filter added to get_downloadable_products so more advanced rules can be applied. * Fixed required fields in edit shipping address * Fixed login link 'jump' on checkout * Added Turkish lira currency * Active menu state fix * Few minor typos/case changes * Tweaked install script so it only redirects after activation * Removing attributes fix * only style mails of WooCommerce - not all mails. This is to prevent conflicts with other plugins. * unique sku check only checks products * More security audit tweaks thanks to Mark Jaquith * cart totals update when adding cross-sells to cart * Removed the 'resave permalinks message' due to it being done automatically * Added support to exclude images from product page = 1.0.1 - 29/09/2011 = * Fixed notices on product page * Variation formatting uses item_meta when showing order items * Javascript fixes in admin + correct enqueuing of scripts * Added en_GB po file * Used dbDelta for installation of tables for better table upgrades/installs * Fix for reviews form when fancybox is turned off = 1.0 - 27/09/2011 = * Initial Release. Woo! == Upgrade Notice == = 1.5.4 = Please update your shipping methods after upgrading - the save hooks have been modified to ensure settings are saved more reliably. Also note, there was a mistake in the code for Quebec -> PQ to QC. If you have rates for Quebec ensure you re-save them. = = Minor update. Note, titles are now hooked in to single-product.php - if you have overridden this template and have double titles, update your single-product.php template with that from core. = 1.4.4 = Minor update fixing a few bugs. If you encounter any problems with the store/category pages after upgrade simply go to Settings > Permalinks and hit 'save'. = 1.4 = Major update with plenty of optimisations and new features. Changes to note: * Requires WP 3.3 * Product data meta has been renamed in this version so that custom-fields can be enabled. Product data is now prepended with an underscore so they are hidden from the custom-field panel. Existing data will be upgraded automatically. * The shipping method classes have been updated to make rate definition easier. Third party plugins will need updating. * Textdomain has changed - re-scan your po/mo's * Tax additions (tax rows, compounds etc) required a change to the way order items are stored. Old orders won't show items when viewed. Order totals should be unaffected. * Significant modifications to woocommerce.less/.css to deliver a more polished look when using the default styles. If your theme builds on top of this you will likely need to update some classes. Consider using https://gist.github.com/1601558 to disable WooCommerce default css. Please backup your database before upgrading and also ensure you are running the latest versions of any WooCommerce plugins after upgrading - this includes shipping and payment gateways. = 1.3 = This is a major update and includes improvements to the tax and coupon system in particular - please backup your database before upgrading and also ensure you are running the latest versions of any WooCommerce plugins after upgrading. = 1.2.3 = Fixes minor issues in 1.2.2 - please backup your database before upgrading and also ensure you are running the latest versions of any WooCommerce plugins. = 1.2.2 = Due to some changes in the plugin, if you are using any of our extensions please ensure you check the changelogs and download any updates from your account - especially if using 2CO, iDeal or authorize.net. This version also updates the download permissions table so please ensure you backup your database before upgrading. = 1.2.1 = This version has improved product types - ensure you de/re-activate the theme to ensure existing products get converted correctly. = 1.2 = New features, bug fixes and improvements to keep WooCommerce running smoothly.