/** @format */ /** * External dependencies */ import { __, _n, sprintf } from '@wordpress/i18n'; import { Component, Fragment } from '@wordpress/element'; import { compose } from '@wordpress/compose'; import { map } from 'lodash'; /** * WooCommerce dependencies */ import { appendTimestamp, defaultTableDateFormat, getCurrentDates } from '@woocommerce/date'; import { Date, Link, OrderStatus, ViewMoreList } from '@woocommerce/components'; import { formatCurrency } from '@woocommerce/currency'; /** * Internal dependencies */ import { QUERY_DEFAULTS } from 'store/constants'; import { getFilterQuery } from 'store/reports/utils'; import { numberFormat } from 'lib/number'; import withSelect from 'wc-api/with-select'; import ReportTable from 'analytics/components/report-table'; import { formatTableOrders } from './utils'; import './style.scss'; class OrdersReportTable extends Component { constructor() { super(); this.getHeadersContent = this.getHeadersContent.bind( this ); this.getRowsContent = this.getRowsContent.bind( this ); this.getSummary = this.getSummary.bind( this ); } getHeadersContent() { return [ { label: __( 'Date', 'wc-admin' ), key: 'date', required: true, defaultSort: true, isLeftAligned: true, isSortable: true, }, { label: __( 'Order #', 'wc-admin' ), screenReaderLabel: __( 'Order ID', 'wc-admin' ), key: 'id', required: true, isSortable: true, }, { label: __( 'Status', 'wc-admin' ), key: 'status', required: false, isSortable: false, }, { label: __( 'Customer', 'wc-admin' ), key: 'customer_id', required: false, isSortable: false, }, { label: __( 'Product(s)', 'wc-admin' ), screenReaderLabel: __( 'Products', 'wc-admin' ), key: 'products', required: false, isSortable: false, }, { label: __( 'Items Sold', 'wc-admin' ), key: 'items_sold', required: false, isSortable: false, isNumeric: true, }, { label: __( 'Coupon(s)', 'wc-admin' ), screenReaderLabel: __( 'Coupons', 'wc-admin' ), key: 'coupons', required: false, isSortable: false, }, { label: __( 'N. Revenue', 'wc-admin' ), screenReaderLabel: __( 'Net Revenue', 'wc-admin' ), key: 'net_revenue', required: true, isSortable: false, isNumeric: true, }, ]; } getRowsContent( tableData ) { return map( tableData, row => { const { date, id, status, customer_id, line_items, items_sold, coupon_lines, currency, net_revenue, } = row; const products = line_items .sort( ( itemA, itemB ) => itemB.quantity - itemA.quantity ) .map( item => ( { label: item.name, href: 'post.php?post=' + item.product_id + '&action=edit', quantity: item.quantity, } ) ); const coupons = coupon_lines.map( coupon => ( { label: coupon.code, // @TODO It should link to the coupons report href: 'edit.php?s=' + coupon.code + '&post_type=shop_coupon', } ) ); return [ { display: , value: date, }, { display: ( { id } ), value: id, }, { display: ( ), value: status, }, { // @TODO This should display customer type (new/returning) once it's // implemented in the API. display: customer_id, value: customer_id, }, { display: this.renderList( products.length ? [ products[ 0 ] ] : [], products.map( product => ( { label: sprintf( __( '%s× %s', 'wc-admin' ), product.quantity, product.label ), href: product.href, } ) ) ), value: products.map( product => product.label ).join( ' ' ), }, { display: numberFormat( items_sold ), value: items_sold, }, { display: this.renderList( coupons.length ? [ coupons[ 0 ] ] : [], coupons ), value: coupons.map( item => item.code ).join( ' ' ), }, { display: formatCurrency( net_revenue, currency ), value: net_revenue, }, ]; } ); } getSummary( totals ) { if ( ! totals ) { return []; } return [ { label: _n( 'order', 'orders', totals.orders_count, 'wc-admin' ), value: numberFormat( totals.orders_count ), }, { label: _n( 'new customer', 'new customers', totals.num_new_customers, 'wc-admin' ), value: numberFormat( totals.num_new_customers ), }, { label: _n( 'returning customer', 'returning customers', totals.num_returning_customers, 'wc-admin' ), value: numberFormat( totals.num_returning_customers ), }, { label: _n( 'product', 'products', totals.products, 'wc-admin' ), value: numberFormat( totals.products ), }, { label: _n( 'item sold', 'items sold', totals.num_items_sold, 'wc-admin' ), value: numberFormat( totals.num_items_sold ), }, { label: _n( 'coupon', 'coupons', totals.coupons, 'wc-admin' ), value: numberFormat( totals.coupons ), }, { label: __( 'net revenue', 'wc-admin' ), value: formatCurrency( totals.net_revenue ), }, ]; } renderLinks( items = [] ) { return items.map( ( item, i ) => ( { item.label } ) ); } renderList( visibleItems, popoverItems ) { return ( { this.renderLinks( visibleItems ) } { popoverItems.length > 1 && } ); } render() { const { query, tableData } = this.props; return ( ); } } export default compose( withSelect( ( select, props ) => { const { query } = props; const datesFromQuery = getCurrentDates( query ); const filterQuery = getFilterQuery( 'orders', query ); const { getOrders, getOrdersTotalCount, getOrdersError, isGetOrdersRequesting } = select( 'wc-api' ); const tableQuery = { orderby: query.orderby || 'date', order: query.order || 'asc', page: query.page || 1, per_page: query.per_page || QUERY_DEFAULTS.pageSize, after: appendTimestamp( datesFromQuery.primary.after, 'start' ), before: appendTimestamp( datesFromQuery.primary.before, 'end' ), status: [ 'processing', 'on-hold', 'completed' ], ...filterQuery, }; const orders = getOrders( tableQuery ); const ordersTotalCount = getOrdersTotalCount( tableQuery ); const isError = Boolean( getOrdersError( tableQuery ) ); const isRequesting = isGetOrdersRequesting( tableQuery ); return { tableData: { items: { data: formatTableOrders( orders ), totalResults: ordersTotalCount, }, isError, isRequesting, query: tableQuery, }, }; } ) )( OrdersReportTable );