/** * Internal dependencies */ import { TYPES, DEFAULT_STATE, STATUS } from './constants'; const { SET_PRISTINE, SET_IDLE, SET_PROCESSING, SET_BEFORE_PROCESSING, SET_AFTER_PROCESSING, SET_PROCESSING_RESPONSE, SET_REDIRECT_URL, SET_COMPLETE, SET_HAS_ERROR, SET_NO_ERROR, INCREMENT_CALCULATING, DECREMENT_CALCULATING, SET_ORDER_ID, } = TYPES; const { PRISTINE, IDLE, PROCESSING, BEFORE_PROCESSING, AFTER_PROCESSING, COMPLETE, } = STATUS; /** * Prepares the payment_result data from the server checkout endpoint response. * * @param {Object} data The value of `payment_result` from the checkout * processing endpoint response. * @param {string} data.message If there was a general error message it will appear * on this property. * @param {string} data.payment_status The payment status. One of 'success', 'failure', * 'pending', 'error'. * @param {Array} data.payment_details An array of Objects with a 'key' property that is a * string and value property that is a string. These are * converted to a flat object where the key becomes the * object property and value the property value. * * @return {Object} A new object with 'paymentStatus', and 'paymentDetails' as the properties. */ export const prepareResponseData = ( data ) => { const responseData = { message: data?.message || '', paymentStatus: data.payment_status, paymentDetails: {}, }; if ( Array.isArray( data.payment_details ) ) { data.payment_details.forEach( ( { key, value } ) => { responseData.paymentDetails[ key ] = value; } ); } return responseData; }; /** * Reducer for the checkout state * * @param {Object} state Current state. * @param {Object} action Incoming action object. */ export const reducer = ( state = DEFAULT_STATE, { url, type, orderId, data } ) => { let newState; switch ( type ) { case SET_PRISTINE: newState = DEFAULT_STATE; break; case SET_IDLE: newState = state.status !== IDLE ? { ...state, status: IDLE, } : state; break; case SET_REDIRECT_URL: newState = url !== state.url ? { ...state, redirectUrl: url, } : state; break; case SET_PROCESSING_RESPONSE: newState = { ...state, processingResponse: data, }; break; case SET_COMPLETE: newState = state.status !== COMPLETE ? { ...state, status: COMPLETE, redirectUrl: data?.redirectUrl || state.redirectUrl, } : state; break; case SET_PROCESSING: newState = state.status !== PROCESSING ? { ...state, status: PROCESSING, hasError: false, } : state; // clear any error state. newState = newState.hasError === false ? newState : { ...newState, hasError: false }; break; case SET_BEFORE_PROCESSING: newState = state.status !== BEFORE_PROCESSING ? { ...state, status: BEFORE_PROCESSING, hasError: false, } : state; break; case SET_AFTER_PROCESSING: newState = state.status !== AFTER_PROCESSING ? { ...state, status: AFTER_PROCESSING, } : state; break; case SET_HAS_ERROR: newState = state.hasError ? state : { ...state, hasError: true, }; newState = state.status === PROCESSING || state.status === BEFORE_PROCESSING ? { ...newState, status: IDLE, } : newState; break; case SET_NO_ERROR: newState = state.hasError ? { ...state, hasError: false, } : state; break; case INCREMENT_CALCULATING: newState = { ...state, calculatingCount: state.calculatingCount + 1, }; break; case DECREMENT_CALCULATING: newState = { ...state, calculatingCount: Math.max( 0, state.calculatingCount - 1 ), }; break; case SET_ORDER_ID: newState = { ...state, orderId, }; break; } // automatically update state to idle from pristine as soon as it // initially changes. if ( newState !== state && type !== SET_PRISTINE && newState.status === PRISTINE ) { newState.status = IDLE; } return newState; };