* : The branch to install. * * ## Examples * * wp wc-beta-tester install update/some-branch * * @param array $args Arguments passed to CLI. */ public function install( $args ) { $installer = new WC_Beta_Tester_Live_Branches_Installer(); $branch = $args[0]; $info = $installer->get_branch_info_from_manifest( $branch ); if ( ! $info ) { WP_CLI::error( "Could not find branch $branch in manifest" ); } else { $install_result = $installer->install( $info->download_url, $info->branch, $info->version ); if ( is_wp_error( $install_result ) ) { WP_CLI::error( $install_result->get_error_message() ); } WP_CLI::success( "Installed $branch" ); } } /** * Deactivate WooCommerce. * * ## Examples * wp wc-beta-tester deactivate_woocommerce */ public function deactivate_woocommerce() { $installer = new WC_Beta_Tester_Live_Branches_Installer(); $installer->deactivate_woocommerce(); WP_CLI::success( 'Deactivated WooCommerce' ); } /** * Activate a live branch of the WooCommerce plugin. * * ## Options * * : The branch to activate. * * ## Examples * * wp wc-beta-tester activate update/some-branch* * * @param array $args Arguments passed to CLI. */ public function activate( $args ) { $installer = new WC_Beta_Tester_Live_Branches_Installer(); $branch = $args[0]; $info = $installer->get_branch_info_from_manifest( $branch ); if ( ! $info ) { WP_CLI::error( "Could not find branch $branch in manifest" ); } else { $installer->activate( $info->version ); WP_CLI::success( "Activated $branch" ); } } }