/** * External dependencies */ import { createMachine, sendParent } from 'xstate'; import { getQuery } from '@woocommerce/navigation'; /** * Internal dependencies */ import { designWithAiStateMachineContext, designWithAiStateMachineEvents, FontPairing, ColorPaletteResponse, HomepageTemplate, } from './types'; import { BusinessInfoDescription, LookAndFeel, ToneOfVoice, ApiCallLoader, AssembleHubLoader, } from './pages'; import { actions } from './actions'; import { services } from './services'; import { defaultColorPalette } from './prompts'; export const hasStepInUrl = ( _ctx: unknown, _evt: unknown, { cond }: { cond: unknown } ) => { const { path = '' } = getQuery() as { path: string }; const pathFragments = path.split( '/' ); return ( pathFragments[ 3 ] === // [0] '', [1] 'customize-store', [2] cys step slug [3] design-with-ai step slug ( cond as { step: string | undefined } ).step ); }; export const designWithAiStateMachineDefinition = createMachine( { id: 'designWithAi', predictableActionArguments: true, preserveActionOrder: true, schema: { context: {} as designWithAiStateMachineContext, events: {} as designWithAiStateMachineEvents, }, invoke: { src: 'browserPopstateHandler', }, on: { EXTERNAL_URL_UPDATE: { target: 'navigate', }, AI_WIZARD_CLOSED_BEFORE_COMPLETION: { actions: [ sendParent( ( _context, event ) => event ), 'recordTracksStepClosed', ], }, }, context: { businessInfoDescription: { descriptionText: '', }, lookAndFeel: { choice: '', }, toneOfVoice: { choice: '', }, aiSuggestions: { // Default color palette, font pairing are used as fallbacks when the AI endpoint fails. defaultColorPalette: { default: 'Ancient Bronze', } as ColorPaletteResponse, fontPairing: 'Rubik + Inter' as FontPairing[ 'pair_name' ], homepageTemplate: 'template1' as HomepageTemplate[ 'homepage_template' ], }, apiCallLoader: { hasErrors: false, }, }, initial: 'navigate', states: { navigate: { always: [ { target: 'businessInfoDescription', cond: { type: 'hasStepInUrl', step: 'business-info-description', }, }, { target: 'lookAndFeel', cond: { type: 'hasStepInUrl', step: 'look-and-feel', }, }, { target: 'toneOfVoice', cond: { type: 'hasStepInUrl', step: 'tone-of-voice', }, }, { target: 'apiCallLoader', cond: { type: 'hasStepInUrl', step: 'api-call-loader', }, }, { target: 'businessInfoDescription', }, ], }, businessInfoDescription: { id: 'businessInfoDescription', initial: 'preBusinessInfoDescription', states: { preBusinessInfoDescription: { // if we need to prefetch options, other settings previously populated from core profiler, do it here always: { target: 'businessInfoDescription', }, }, businessInfoDescription: { meta: { component: BusinessInfoDescription, }, entry: [ { type: 'recordTracksStepViewed', step: 'business_info_description', }, ], on: { BUSINESS_INFO_DESCRIPTION_COMPLETE: { actions: [ 'assignBusinessInfoDescription', 'spawnSaveDescriptionToOption', ], target: 'postBusinessInfoDescription', }, }, }, postBusinessInfoDescription: { invoke: { src: 'getLookAndTone', onError: { actions: [ { type: 'recordTracksStepCompleted', step: 'business_info_description', }, 'logAIAPIRequestError', ], target: '#lookAndFeel', }, onDone: { actions: [ { type: 'recordTracksStepCompleted', step: 'business_info_description', }, 'assignLookAndTone', ], target: '#lookAndFeel', }, }, }, }, }, lookAndFeel: { id: 'lookAndFeel', initial: 'preLookAndFeel', states: { preLookAndFeel: { always: { target: 'lookAndFeel', }, }, lookAndFeel: { meta: { component: LookAndFeel, }, entry: [ { type: 'updateQueryStep', step: 'look-and-feel', }, { type: 'recordTracksStepViewed', step: 'look_and_feel', }, ], on: { LOOK_AND_FEEL_COMPLETE: { actions: [ { type: 'recordTracksStepCompleted', step: 'look_and_feel', }, 'assignLookAndFeel', ], target: 'postLookAndFeel', }, }, }, postLookAndFeel: { always: { target: '#toneOfVoice', }, }, }, }, toneOfVoice: { id: 'toneOfVoice', initial: 'preToneOfVoice', states: { preToneOfVoice: { always: { target: 'toneOfVoice', }, }, toneOfVoice: { meta: { component: ToneOfVoice, }, entry: [ { type: 'updateQueryStep', step: 'tone-of-voice', }, { type: 'recordTracksStepViewed', step: 'tone_of_voice', }, ], on: { TONE_OF_VOICE_COMPLETE: { actions: [ 'assignToneOfVoice', { type: 'recordTracksStepCompleted', step: 'tone_of_voice', }, ], target: 'postToneOfVoice', }, }, }, postToneOfVoice: { always: { target: '#apiCallLoader', }, }, }, }, apiCallLoader: { id: 'apiCallLoader', initial: 'preApiCallLoader', states: { preApiCallLoader: { always: { target: 'apiCallLoader', }, }, apiCallLoader: { meta: { component: ApiCallLoader, }, entry: [ { type: 'updateQueryStep', step: 'api-call-loader', }, ], type: 'parallel', states: { chooseColorPairing: { initial: 'pending', states: { pending: { invoke: { src: 'queryAiEndpoint', data: ( context ) => { return { ...defaultColorPalette, prompt: defaultColorPalette.prompt( context .businessInfoDescription .descriptionText, context.lookAndFeel .choice, context.toneOfVoice .choice ), }; }, onDone: { actions: [ 'assignDefaultColorPalette', ], target: 'success', }, // If there's an error we don't want to block the user from proceeding. onError: { target: 'success', }, }, }, success: { type: 'final' }, }, }, chooseFontPairing: { initial: 'pending', states: { pending: { entry: [ 'assignFontPairing' ], always: { target: 'success', }, }, success: { type: 'final' }, }, }, updateStorePatterns: { initial: 'pending', states: { pending: { invoke: { src: 'updateStorePatterns', onDone: { target: 'success', }, onError: { actions: [ 'assignAPICallLoaderError', ], target: '#toneOfVoice', }, }, }, success: { type: 'final' }, }, }, installAndActivateTheme: { initial: 'pending', states: { pending: { invoke: { src: 'installAndActivateTheme', onDone: { target: 'success', }, onError: { actions: [ 'assignAPICallLoaderError', ], target: '#toneOfVoice', }, }, }, success: { type: 'final' }, }, }, }, onDone: 'postApiCallLoader', }, postApiCallLoader: { type: 'parallel', states: { assembleSite: { initial: 'pending', states: { pending: { invoke: { src: 'assembleSite', onDone: { target: 'done', }, onError: { actions: [ 'assignAPICallLoaderError', ], target: '#toneOfVoice', }, }, }, done: { type: 'final', }, }, }, saveAiResponse: { initial: 'pending', states: { pending: { invoke: { src: 'saveAiResponseToOption', onDone: { target: 'done', }, onError: { target: 'failed', }, }, }, done: { type: 'final', }, failed: { type: 'final', }, }, }, }, onDone: { target: '#designWithAi.showAssembleHub', }, }, }, }, showAssembleHub: { meta: { component: AssembleHubLoader, }, entry: [ 'redirectToAssemblerHub' ], type: 'final', }, }, }, { actions, services, guards: { hasStepInUrl, }, } );