/** * External dependencies */ import { renderFrontend } from '@woocommerce/base-utils'; import { Fragment, Suspense, isValidElement, cloneElement, } from '@wordpress/element'; import parse from 'html-react-parser'; import { getRegisteredBlocks, hasInnerBlocks, } from '@woocommerce/blocks-checkout'; /** * This file contains logic used on the frontend to convert DOM elements (saved by the block editor) to React * Components. These components are registered using registerBlockComponent() and registerCheckoutBlock() and map 1:1 * to a block by name. * * Blocks using this system will have their blockName stored as a data attribute, for example: *
* * This block name is then read, and using the map, dynamically converted to a real React Component. * * @see registerBlockComponent * @see registerCheckoutBlock */ /** * Gets a component from the block map for a given block name, or returns null if a component is not registered. */ const getBlockComponentFromMap = ( block: string, blockMap: Record< string, React.ReactNode > ): React.ElementType | null => { return block && blockMap[ block ] ? ( blockMap[ block ] as React.ElementType ) : null; }; /** * Render forced blocks which are missing from the template. * * Forced blocks are registered in registerCheckoutBlock. If a block is forced, it will be inserted in the editor * automatically, however, until that happens they may be missing from the frontend. To fix this, we look up what blocks * are registered as forced, and then append them here if they are missing. * * @see registerCheckoutBlock */ const renderForcedBlocks = ( block: string, blockMap: Record< string, React.ReactNode >, // Current children from the parent (siblings of the forced block) blockChildren: HTMLCollection | null ) => { if ( ! hasInnerBlocks( block ) ) { return null; } const currentBlocks = blockChildren ? ( Array.from( blockChildren ) .map( ( element: Element ) => element instanceof HTMLElement ? element?.dataset.blockName || null : null ) .filter( Boolean ) as string[] ) : []; const forcedBlocks = getRegisteredBlocks( block ).filter( ( { blockName, force } ) => force === true && ! currentBlocks.includes( blockName ) ); return forcedBlocks.map( ( { blockName, component }, index: number ): JSX.Element | null => { const ForcedComponent = component ? component : getBlockComponentFromMap( blockName, blockMap ); return ForcedComponent ? ( ) : null; } ); }; /** * Recursively replace block markup in the DOM with React Components. */ const renderInnerBlocks = ( { // This is the parent block we're working within (see renderParentBlock) block, // This is the map of blockNames->components blockMap, // Component which inner blocks are wrapped with. blockWrapper, // The children from the DOM we're currently iterating over. children, // Current depth of the children. Used to ensure keys are unique. depth = 1, }: { // Block (parent) being rendered. Used for inner block component mapping. block: string; // Map of block names to block components for children. blockMap: Record< string, React.ReactNode >; // Wrapper for inner components. blockWrapper?: React.ElementType; // Elements from the DOM being converted to components. children: HTMLCollection; // Depth within the DOM hierarchy. depth?: number; } ): ( JSX.Element | null )[] | null => { if ( ! children || children.length === 0 ) { return null; } return Array.from( children ).map( ( element: Element, index: number ) => { /** * This will grab the blockName from the data- attributes stored in block markup. Without a blockName, we cannot * convert the HTMLElement to a React component. */ const { blockName = '', ...componentProps } = { key: `${ block }_${ depth }_${ index }`, ...( element instanceof HTMLElement ? element.dataset : {} ), }; const InnerBlockComponent = getBlockComponentFromMap( blockName, blockMap ); /** * If the component cannot be found, or blockName is missing, return the original element. This also ensures * that children within the element are processed also, since it may be an element containing block markup. */ if ( ! InnerBlockComponent ) { const parsedElement = parse( element.outerHTML ); if ( isValidElement( parsedElement ) ) { const elementChildren = element.children && element.children.length ? renderInnerBlocks( { block, blockMap, children: element.children, depth: depth + 1, blockWrapper, } ) : null; return elementChildren ? cloneElement( parsedElement, componentProps, elementChildren ) : cloneElement( parsedElement, componentProps ); } return null; } // This will wrap inner blocks with the provided wrapper. If no wrapper is provided, we default to Fragment. const InnerBlockComponentWrapper = blockWrapper ? blockWrapper : Fragment; return ( } > { /** * Within this Inner Block Component we also need to recursively render it's children. This * is done here with a depth+1. The same block map and parent is used, but we pass new * children from this element. */ renderInnerBlocks( { block, blockMap, children: element.children, depth: depth + 1, blockWrapper, } ) } { /** * In addition to the inner blocks, we may also need to render FORCED blocks which have not * yet been added to the inner block template. We do this by comparing the current children * to the list of registered forced blocks. * * @see registerCheckoutBlock */ renderForcedBlocks( blockName, blockMap, element.children ) } ); } ); }; /** * Render a parent block on the frontend. * * This is the main entry point used on the frontend to convert Block Markup (with inner blocks) in the DOM to React * Components. * * This uses renderFrontend(). The difference is, renderFrontend renders a single block, but renderParentBlock() also * handles inner blocks by recursively running over children from the DOM. * * @see renderInnerBlocks * @see renderFrontend */ export const renderParentBlock = ( { Block, selector, blockName, getProps = () => ( {} ), blockMap, blockWrapper, }: { // Parent Block Name. Used for inner block component mapping. blockName: string; // Map of block names to block components for children. blockMap: Record< string, React.ReactNode >; // Wrapper for inner components. blockWrapper?: React.ElementType; // React component to use as a replacement. Block: React.FunctionComponent; // CSS selector to match the elements to replace. selector: string; // Function to generate the props object for the block. getProps: ( el: Element, i: number ) => Record< string, unknown >; } ): void => { /** * In addition to getProps, we need to render and return the children. This adds children to props. */ const getPropsWithChildren = ( element: Element, i: number ) => { const children = element.children && element.children.length ? renderInnerBlocks( { block: blockName, blockMap, children: element.children, blockWrapper, } ) : null; return { ...getProps( element, i ), children }; }; /** * The only difference between using renderParentBlock and renderFrontend is that here we provide children. */ renderFrontend( { Block, selector, getProps: getPropsWithChildren, } ); };