/** * Internal dependencies */ import { STATUS, DEFAULT_PAYMENT_DATA, DEFAULT_PAYMENT_METHOD_DATA, } from './constants'; import reducer from './reducer'; import { statusOnly, error, failed, success, setRegisteredPaymentMethods, setRegisteredExpressPaymentMethods, setShouldSavePaymentMethod, } from './actions'; import { usePaymentMethods, useExpressPaymentMethods, } from './use-payment-method-registration'; import { useBillingDataContext } from '../billing'; import { useCheckoutContext } from '../checkout-state'; import { useShippingDataContext } from '../shipping'; import { EMIT_TYPES, emitterSubscribers, emitEventWithAbort, reducer as emitReducer, } from './event-emit'; import { useValidationContext } from '../validation'; /** * External dependencies */ import { createContext, useContext, useState, useReducer, useCallback, useEffect, useRef, useMemo, } from '@wordpress/element'; import { getSetting } from '@woocommerce/settings'; import { useStoreNotices, useEmitResponse } from '@woocommerce/base-hooks'; import { useEditorContext } from '@woocommerce/base-context'; /** * @typedef {import('@woocommerce/type-defs/contexts').PaymentMethodDataContext} PaymentMethodDataContext * @typedef {import('@woocommerce/type-defs/contexts').PaymentStatusDispatch} PaymentStatusDispatch * @typedef {import('@woocommerce/type-defs/contexts').PaymentStatusDispatchers} PaymentStatusDispatchers * @typedef {import('@woocommerce/type-defs/billing').BillingData} BillingData * @typedef {import('@woocommerce/type-defs/contexts').CustomerPaymentMethod} CustomerPaymentMethod * @typedef {import('@woocommerce/type-defs/contexts').ShippingDataResponse} ShippingDataResponse */ const { STARTED, PROCESSING, COMPLETE, PRISTINE, ERROR, FAILED, SUCCESS, } = STATUS; const PaymentMethodDataContext = createContext( DEFAULT_PAYMENT_METHOD_DATA ); /** * @return {PaymentMethodDataContext} The data and functions exposed by the * payment method context provider. */ export const usePaymentMethodDataContext = () => { return useContext( PaymentMethodDataContext ); }; /** * PaymentMethodDataProvider is automatically included in the * CheckoutDataProvider. * * This provides the api interface (via the context hook) for payment method * status and data. * * @param {Object} props Incoming props for provider * @param {Object} props.children The wrapped components in this * provider. */ export const PaymentMethodDataProvider = ( { children } ) => { const { setBillingData } = useBillingDataContext(); const { isProcessing: checkoutIsProcessing, isIdle: checkoutIsIdle, isCalculating: checkoutIsCalculating, hasError: checkoutHasError, } = useCheckoutContext(); const { isSuccessResponse, isErrorResponse, isFailResponse, noticeContexts, } = useEmitResponse(); const [ activePaymentMethod, setActive ] = useState( '' ); const [ observers, subscriber ] = useReducer( emitReducer, {} ); const currentObservers = useRef( observers ); const { isEditor, previewData } = useEditorContext(); const customerPaymentMethods = isEditor && previewData?.previewSavedPaymentMethods ? previewData?.previewSavedPaymentMethods : getSetting( 'customerPaymentMethods', {} ); const [ paymentData, dispatch ] = useReducer( reducer, DEFAULT_PAYMENT_DATA ); const setActivePaymentMethod = useCallback( ( paymentMethodSlug ) => { setActive( paymentMethodSlug ); dispatch( statusOnly( PRISTINE ) ); }, [ setActive, dispatch ] ); const paymentMethodsDispatcher = useCallback( ( paymentMethods ) => { dispatch( setRegisteredPaymentMethods( paymentMethods ) ); }, [ dispatch ] ); const expressPaymentMethodsDispatcher = useCallback( ( paymentMethods ) => { dispatch( setRegisteredExpressPaymentMethods( paymentMethods ) ); }, [ dispatch ] ); const paymentMethodsInitialized = usePaymentMethods( paymentMethodsDispatcher ); const expressPaymentMethodsInitialized = useExpressPaymentMethods( expressPaymentMethodsDispatcher ); const { setValidationErrors } = useValidationContext(); const { addErrorNotice, removeNotice } = useStoreNotices(); const { setShippingAddress } = useShippingDataContext(); const setShouldSavePayment = useCallback( ( shouldSave ) => { dispatch( setShouldSavePaymentMethod( shouldSave ) ); }, [ dispatch ] ); const setExpressPaymentError = useCallback( ( message ) => { if ( message ) { addErrorNotice( message, { context: 'wc/express-payment-area', id: 'wc-express-payment-error', } ); } else { removeNotice( 'wc-express-payment-error', 'wc/express-payment-area' ); } }, [ addErrorNotice, removeNotice ] ); // ensure observers are always current. useEffect( () => { currentObservers.current = observers; }, [ observers ] ); const onPaymentProcessing = useMemo( () => emitterSubscribers( subscriber ).onPaymentProcessing, [ subscriber ] ); const currentStatus = useMemo( () => ( { isPristine: paymentData.currentStatus === PRISTINE, isStarted: paymentData.currentStatus === STARTED, isProcessing: paymentData.currentStatus === PROCESSING, isFinished: [ ERROR, FAILED, SUCCESS ].includes( paymentData.currentStatus ), hasError: paymentData.currentStatus === ERROR, hasFailed: paymentData.currentStatus === FAILED, isSuccessful: paymentData.currentStatus === SUCCESS, } ), [ paymentData.currentStatus ] ); /** * @type {PaymentStatusDispatch} */ const setPaymentStatus = useCallback( () => ( { started: () => dispatch( statusOnly( STARTED ) ), processing: () => dispatch( statusOnly( PROCESSING ) ), completed: () => dispatch( statusOnly( COMPLETE ) ), /** * @param {string} errorMessage An error message */ error: ( errorMessage ) => dispatch( error( errorMessage ) ), /** * @param {string} errorMessage An error message * @param {Object} paymentMethodData Arbitrary payment method data to * accompany the checkout submission. * @param {BillingData|null} [billingData] The billing data accompanying the * payment method. */ failed: ( errorMessage, paymentMethodData, billingData = null ) => { if ( billingData ) { setBillingData( billingData ); } dispatch( failed( { errorMessage, paymentMethodData, } ) ); }, /** * @param {Object} [paymentMethodData] Arbitrary payment method data to * accompany the checkout. * @param {BillingData|null} [billingData] The billing data accompanying the * payment method. * @param {ShippingDataResponse|null} [shippingData] The shipping data accompanying the * payment method. */ success: ( paymentMethodData = {}, billingData = null, shippingData = null ) => { if ( billingData ) { setBillingData( billingData ); } if ( shippingData !== null && shippingData?.address ) { setShippingAddress( shippingData.address ); } dispatch( success( { paymentMethodData, } ) ); }, } ), [ dispatch, setBillingData, setShippingAddress ] ); // flip payment to processing if checkout processing is complete, there are // no errors, and payment status is started. useEffect( () => { if ( checkoutIsProcessing && ! checkoutHasError && ! checkoutIsCalculating && ! currentStatus.isFinished ) { setPaymentStatus().processing(); } }, [ checkoutIsProcessing, checkoutHasError, checkoutIsCalculating, currentStatus.isFinished, setPaymentStatus, ] ); // When checkout is returned to idle, set payment status to pristine // but only if payment status is already not finished. useEffect( () => { if ( checkoutIsIdle && ! currentStatus.isSuccessful ) { dispatch( statusOnly( PRISTINE ) ); } }, [ checkoutIsIdle, currentStatus.isSuccessful ] ); // set initial active payment method if it's undefined. useEffect( () => { const paymentMethodKeys = Object.keys( paymentData.paymentMethods ); if ( paymentMethodsInitialized && ! activePaymentMethod && paymentMethodKeys.length > 0 ) { setActivePaymentMethod( Object.keys( paymentData.paymentMethods )[ 0 ] ); } }, [ activePaymentMethod, paymentMethodsInitialized, paymentData.paymentMethods, setActivePaymentMethod, ] ); // emit events. useEffect( () => { // Note: the nature of this event emitter is that it will bail on any // observer that returns a response that !== true. However, this still // allows for other observers that return true for continuing through // to the next observer (or bailing if there's a problem). if ( currentStatus.isProcessing ) { removeNotice( 'wc-payment-error', noticeContexts.PAYMENTS ); emitEventWithAbort( currentObservers.current, EMIT_TYPES.PAYMENT_PROCESSING, {} ).then( ( response ) => { if ( isSuccessResponse( response ) ) { setPaymentStatus().success( response?.meta?.paymentMethodData, response?.meta?.billingData, response?.meta?.shippingData ); } else if ( isFailResponse( response ) ) { if ( response.message && response.message.length ) { addErrorNotice( response.message, { id: 'wc-payment-error', isDismissible: false, context: response?.messageContext || noticeContexts.PAYMENTS, } ); } setPaymentStatus().failed( response?.message, response?.meta?.paymentMethodData, response?.meta?.billingData ); } else if ( isErrorResponse( response ) ) { if ( response.message && response.message.length ) { addErrorNotice( response.message, { id: 'wc-payment-error', isDismissible: false, context: response?.messageContext || noticeContexts.PAYMENTS, } ); } setPaymentStatus().error( response.message ); setValidationErrors( response?.validationErrors ); } else { // otherwise there are no payment methods doing anything so // just consider success setPaymentStatus().success(); } } ); } }, [ currentStatus.isProcessing, setValidationErrors, setPaymentStatus, removeNotice, noticeContexts.PAYMENTS, isSuccessResponse, isFailResponse, isErrorResponse, addErrorNotice, ] ); /** * @type {PaymentMethodDataContext} */ const paymentContextData = { setPaymentStatus, currentStatus, paymentStatuses: STATUS, paymentMethodData: paymentData.paymentMethodData, errorMessage: paymentData.errorMessage, activePaymentMethod, setActivePaymentMethod, onPaymentProcessing, customerPaymentMethods, paymentMethods: paymentData.paymentMethods, expressPaymentMethods: paymentData.expressPaymentMethods, paymentMethodsInitialized, expressPaymentMethodsInitialized, setExpressPaymentError, shouldSavePayment: paymentData.shouldSavePaymentMethod, setShouldSavePayment, }; return ( { children } ); };