# WP Admin Scripts Scripts located in this directory are meant to be loaded on wp-admin pages outside the context of WooCommerce Admin, such as the post editor. Each subdirectory of this directory is automatically added as an entrypoint in the [webpack build script](../../../../plugins/woocommerce-admin/webpack.config.js#L71) of WooCommerce Admin. When they are built, each one results in a pair of `.asset.php` and `.js` file in the `build\wp-admin-scripts\` path, but they will not be automatically loaded on every PHP page. The `.asset.php` file contains a list of automatically detected dependencies generated by the Dependency Extraction Webpack Plugin, so JS dependencies are not required to be manually enqueued as long as the `WCAdminAssets::register_script()` function is used to enqueue the script. As an example, the `payment-method-promotions` wp-admin-scripts has generated `payment-method-promotions.asset.php` with the contents below: ` array('react', 'wc-components', 'wc-experimental', 'wc-settings', 'wc-store-data', 'wc-tracks', 'wp-components', 'wp-data', 'wp-element', 'wp-i18n'), 'version' => 'e64b1e69145febe07734');` And is registered as a script like so: [`plugins/woocommerce/src/Internal/Admin/WCPayPromotion/Init.php`](../../../../plugins/woocommerce/src/Internal/Admin/WCPayPromotion/Init.php#L179), `WCAdminAssets::register_script( 'wp-admin-scripts', 'payment-method-promotions', true );`