/** * External dependencies */ import { __, sprintf, _n } from '@wordpress/i18n'; import { Button } from '@wordpress/components'; import interpolateComponents from '@automattic/interpolate-components'; import { Link } from '@woocommerce/components'; import { Extension, ExtensionList } from '@woocommerce/data'; import { useState } from 'react'; /** * Internal dependencies */ import { CoreProfilerStateMachineContext, PluginsLearnMoreLinkClicked, } from '../index'; import { PluginsInstallationRequestedEvent, PluginsPageSkippedEvent } from '..'; import { Heading } from '../components/heading/heading'; import { Navigation } from '../components/navigation/navigation'; import { PluginCard } from '../components/plugin-card/plugin-card'; import { getAdminSetting } from '~/utils/admin-settings'; const locale = ( getAdminSetting( 'locale' )?.siteLocale || 'en_US' ).replace( '_', '-' ); const joinWithAnd = ( items: string[] ) => { return new Intl.ListFormat( locale, { style: 'long', type: 'conjunction', } ).formatToParts( items ); }; export const Plugins = ( { context, navigationProgress, sendEvent, }: { context: CoreProfilerStateMachineContext; sendEvent: ( payload: | PluginsInstallationRequestedEvent | PluginsPageSkippedEvent | PluginsLearnMoreLinkClicked ) => void; navigationProgress: number; } ) => { const [ selectedPlugins, setSelectedPlugins ] = useState< ExtensionList[ 'plugins' ] >( context.pluginsAvailable.filter( context.pluginsInstallationErrors.length ? ( plugin ) => context.pluginsSelected.includes( plugin.key ) : ( plugin ) => ! plugin.is_activated ) ); const setSelectedPlugin = ( plugin: Extension ) => { setSelectedPlugins( selectedPlugins.some( ( item ) => item.key === plugin.key ) ? selectedPlugins.filter( ( item ) => item.key !== plugin.key ) : [ ...selectedPlugins, plugin ] ); }; const skipPluginsPage = () => { return sendEvent( { type: 'PLUGINS_PAGE_SKIPPED', } ); }; const submitInstallationRequest = () => { return sendEvent( { type: 'PLUGINS_INSTALLATION_REQUESTED', payload: { plugins: selectedPlugins.map( ( plugin ) => plugin.key.replace( ':alt', '' ) ), }, } ); }; const composeListFormatParts = ( part: { type: string; value: string; } ) => { if ( part.type === 'element' ) { return '{{span}}' + part.value + '{{/span}}'; } return part.value; }; const errorMessage = context.pluginsInstallationErrors.length ? interpolateComponents( { mixedString: sprintf( // Translators: %s is a list of plugins that does not need to be translated __( 'Oops! We encountered a problem while installing %s. {{link}}Please try again{{/link}}.', 'woocommerce' ), joinWithAnd( context.pluginsInstallationErrors.map( ( error ) => error.plugin ) ) .map( composeListFormatParts ) .join( '' ) ), components: { span: , link: ( { pluginsWithAgreement.length > 0 && (

{ interpolateComponents( { mixedString: sprintf( /* translators: %s: a list of plugins, e.g. Jetpack */ _n( 'By installing %s plugin for free you agree to our {{link}}Terms of Service{{/link}}.', 'By installing %s plugins for free you agree to our {{link}}Terms of Service{{/link}}.', pluginsWithAgreement.length, 'woocommerce' ), joinWithAnd( pluginsWithAgreement.map( ( plugin ) => plugin.name ) ) .map( composeListFormatParts ) .join( '' ) ), components: { span: , link: ( ), }, } ) }

) } ); };