{ "compilerOptions": { "noEmit": true, // Target latest version of ECMAScript. "target": "esnext", // Search under node_modules for non-relative imports. "moduleResolution": "node", // Process & infer types from .js files. "allowJs": true, "jsx": "preserve", // Enable strictest settings like strictNullChecks & noImplicitAny. "strict": true, // Import non-ES modules as default imports. "esModuleInterop": true, // Skip type checking of declaration files because some libraries define two copies of the same type in an inconsistent way "skipLibCheck": true, "module": "esnext", "baseUrl": "client", "paths": { "~/*": [ "*" ] }, "rootDir": "client", "typeRoots": [ "./client/typings", "./node_modules/@types" ] }, "include": [ "./client/**/*" ] }