name: 'Setup WooCommerce Monorepo' description: 'A composite action bundling together the setup of dependencies and optional installation and building of projects.' inputs: php-version: description: 'The PHP version that should be installed. Use "false" to skip PHP installation.' default: '7.4' install: description: 'Given a boolean or PNPM filter, runs the install command for monorepo project(s).' default: false build: description: 'Given a boolean or PNPM filter, runs the build command for monorepo project(s).' default: false defaults: run: shell: 'bash' runs: using: 'composite' steps: - name: 'Setup PNPM' uses: 'pnpm/action-setup@d882d12c64e032187b2edb46d3a0d003b7a43598' with: version: '8' - name: 'Setup Node' uses: 'actions/setup-node@8f152de45cc393bb48ce5d89d36b731f54556e65' with: node-version-file: '.nvmrc' cache: 'pnpm' - name: 'Setup PHP' if: ${{ inputs.php-version != 'false' }} uses: 'shivammathur/setup-php@a36e1e52ff4a1c9e9c9be31551ee4712a6cb6bd0' with: php-version: '${{ inputs.php-version }}' coverage: 'none' tools: 'phpcs, sirbrillig/phpcs-changed:2.11.1' - name: 'Cache Composer Dependencies' if: ${{ inputs.php-version != 'false' }} uses: 'actions/cache@704facf57e6136b1bc63b828d79edcd491f0ee84' with: path: '~/.cache/composer/files' key: '${{ runner.os }}-composer-${{ hashFiles( "**/composer.lock" ) }}' restore-keys: '${{ runner.os }}-composer-' - name: 'Parse Project Filters' id: 'project-filters' run: | echo "install=$(node ./.github/actions/setup-woocommerce-monorepo/scripts/parse-input-filter.js '${{ inputs.install }}')" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT echo "build=$(node ./.github/actions/setup-woocommerce-monorepo/scripts/parse-input-filter.js '${{ }}')" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT - name: 'Install Project Dependencies' # Boolean inputs aren't parsed into filters so it'll either be "true" or there will be a filter. if: ${{ inputs.install == 'true' || steps.project-filters.outputs.install != '' }} run: 'pnpm install ${{ steps.project-filters.outputs.install }}' # We want to include an option to build projects using this action so that we can make # sure that the build cache is always used when building projects. - name: 'Cache Build Output' # Boolean inputs aren't parsed into filters so it'll either be "true" or there will be a filter. if: ${{ == 'true' || != '' }} uses: 'google/wireit@f3a3c79c553122e2fe5829eeac7d815326502903' - name: 'Build' # Boolean inputs aren't parsed into filters so it'll either be "true" or there will be a filter. if: ${{ == 'true' || != '' }} run: 'pnpm ${{ }} build'