/** * External dependencies */ import { enablePageDialogAccept, isOfflineMode, setBrowserViewport, switchUserToAdmin, switchUserToTest, visitAdminPage, } from '@wordpress/e2e-test-utils'; // Set the default test timeout. jest.setTimeout( 120000 ); /** * Array of page event tuples of [ eventName, handler ]. * * @type {Array} */ const pageEvents = []; /** * Set of console logging types observed to protect against unexpected yet * handled (i.e. not catastrophic) errors or warnings. Each key corresponds * to the Puppeteer ConsoleMessage type, its value the corresponding function * on the console global object. * * @type {Object} */ const OBSERVED_CONSOLE_MESSAGE_TYPES = { error: 'error', }; async function setupBrowser() { await setBrowserViewport( 'large' ); } /** * Navigates to WooCommerce's import page and imports sample products. * * @return {Promise} Promise resolving once products have been imported. */ async function importSampleProducts() { await switchUserToAdmin(); // Visit `/wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=product` so we can see a list of products and decide if we should import them or not. await visitAdminPage( 'edit.php', 'post_type=product' ); const emptyState = await page.evaluate( () => window.find( 'Ready to start selling something awesome' ) ); const noProduct = await page.evaluate( () => window.find( 'No products found' ) ); if ( emptyState || noProduct ) { // Visit Import Products page. await visitAdminPage( 'edit.php', 'post_type=product&page=product_importer' ); await page.click( 'a.woocommerce-importer-toggle-advanced-options' ); await page.focus( '#woocommerce-importer-file-url' ); // local path for sample data that is included with woo. await page.keyboard.type( 'wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/sample-data/sample_products.csv' ); await page.click( '.wc-actions .button-next' ); await page.waitForSelector( '.wc-importer-mapping-table' ); await page.select( '.wc-importer-mapping-table tr:nth-child(29) select', '' ); await page.click( '.wc-actions .button-next' ); await page.waitForXPath( "//*[@class='woocommerce-importer-done' and contains(., 'Import complete! ')]" ); await switchUserToTest(); } } /** * Adds an event listener to the page to handle additions of page event * handlers, to assure that they are removed at test teardown. */ function capturePageEventsForTearDown() { page.on( 'newListener', ( eventName, listener ) => { pageEvents.push( [ eventName, listener ] ); } ); } /** * Removes all bound page event handlers. */ function removePageEvents() { pageEvents.forEach( ( [ eventName, handler ] ) => { page.removeListener( eventName, handler ); } ); } /** * Adds a page event handler to emit uncaught exception to process if one of * the observed console logging types is encountered. */ function observeConsoleLogging() { page.on( 'console', ( message ) => { const type = message.type(); if ( ! OBSERVED_CONSOLE_MESSAGE_TYPES.hasOwnProperty( type ) ) { return; } const text = message.text(); // Viewing posts on the front end can result in this error, which // has nothing to do with Gutenberg. if ( text.includes( 'net::ERR_UNKNOWN_URL_SCHEME' ) ) { return; } // Network errors are ignored only if we are intentionally testing // offline mode. if ( text.includes( 'net::ERR_INTERNET_DISCONNECTED' ) && isOfflineMode() ) { return; } const logFunction = OBSERVED_CONSOLE_MESSAGE_TYPES[ type ]; // Disable reason: We intentionally bubble up console error messages // for debugging reasons. If you need to test explicitly the logging, // use @wordpress/jest-console // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console[ logFunction ]( text ); } ); } // Before every test suite run, delete all content created by the test. This ensures // other posts/comments/etc. aren't dirtying tests and tests don't depend on // each other's side-effects. beforeAll( async () => { capturePageEventsForTearDown(); enablePageDialogAccept(); observeConsoleLogging(); await setupBrowser(); await importSampleProducts(); } ); afterEach( async () => { await setupBrowser(); } ); afterAll( () => { removePageEvents(); } );