/** * External dependencies */ import config from 'config'; import { activateTheme, disableSiteEditorWelcomeGuide, openGlobalBlockInserter, pressKeyWithModifier, switchUserToAdmin, visitAdminPage, visitSiteEditor, } from '@wordpress/e2e-test-utils'; import { getQueryArgs } from '@wordpress/url'; import { WP_ADMIN_DASHBOARD } from '@woocommerce/e2e-utils'; /** * Internal dependencies */ import { elementExists, getElementData, getTextContent } from './page-utils'; /** * @typedef {import('@types/puppeteer').ElementHandle} ElementHandle * @typedef {import('@wordpress/blocks').Block} WPBlock */ /** * @typedef {{ addedBy: string, hasActions: boolean, templateTitle: string }} TemplateTableItem */ export const BASE_URL = config.get( 'url' ); export const DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 30000; const SELECTORS = { canvas: 'iframe[name="editor-canvas"]', inserter: { search: '.components-search-control__input,.block-editor-inserter__search input,.block-editor-inserter__search-input,input.block-editor-inserter__search', }, templatesListTable: { actionsContainer: '.edit-site-list-table__actions', cells: '.edit-site-list-table-column', headings: 'thead th.edit-site-list-table-column', root: '.edit-site-list-table', rows: '.edit-site-list-table-row', templateTitle: '[data-wp-component="Heading"]', }, themesPage: { currentTheme: '.theme.active', }, toolbar: { confirmSave: '.editor-entities-saved-states__save-button', saveButton: '.edit-site-save-button__button', savePrompt: '.entities-saved-states__text-prompt', }, }; /** * Search for block in the global inserter. * * @see https://github.com/WordPress/gutenberg/blob/2356b2d3165acd0af980d52bc93fb1e42748bb25/packages/e2e-test-utils/src/inserter.js#L95 * * @param {string} searchTerm The text to search the inserter for. */ export async function searchForBlock( searchTerm ) { await page.waitForSelector( SELECTORS.inserter.search ); await page.focus( SELECTORS.inserter.search ); await pressKeyWithModifier( 'primary', 'a' ); await page.keyboard.type( searchTerm ); } /** * Opens the inserter, searches for the given term, then selects the first * result that appears. * * @param {string} searchTerm The text to search the inserter for. */ export async function insertBlockDontWaitForInsertClose( searchTerm ) { await openGlobalBlockInserter(); await searchForBlock( searchTerm ); const insertButton = ( await page.$x( `//button//span[text()='${ searchTerm }']` ) )[ 0 ]; await insertButton.click(); } export const closeInserter = async () => { if ( await page.evaluate( () => { return !! document.querySelector( '.edit-post-header [aria-label="Add block"]' ); } ) ) { await page.click( '.edit-post-header [aria-label="Add block"]' ); return; } await page.click( '.edit-post-header [aria-label="Toggle block inserter"]' ); }; const WP_ADMIN_WIDGETS_EDITOR = WP_ADMIN_DASHBOARD + 'widgets.php'; export const openWidgetEditor = async () => { await page.goto( WP_ADMIN_WIDGETS_EDITOR, { waitUntil: 'networkidle0', } ); }; export const closeModalIfExists = async () => { if ( await page.evaluate( () => { return !! document.querySelector( '.components-modal__header' ); } ) ) { await page.click( '.components-modal__header [aria-label="Close dialog"]' ); } }; export const openWidgetsEditorBlockInserter = async () => { await page.click( '.edit-widgets-header [aria-label="Add block"],.edit-widgets-header [aria-label="Toggle block inserter"]' ); }; export const isBlockInsertedInWidgetsArea = async ( blockName ) => { const widgetAreaSelector = '.wp-block-widget-area'; const widgetsArea = await page.$$( widgetAreaSelector ); return widgetsArea.some( async ( widgetArea ) => ( await widgetArea.$$( `[data-block-title="${ blockName }"]` ) .length ) > 0 ); }; /** * Visits the Site Editor main page in Core WordPress * * There are two different possible site editor pages: * * 1. `themes.php?page=gutenberg-edit-site` is the one used and available if the Gutenberg plugin is enabled. * 2. `site-editor.php` is the one available in WP Core. * * @param {string} query String to be serialized as query portion of URL. * @param {'core' | 'gutenberg'} [editorContext='core'] Whether to go to the Gutenberg URL or the Core one. */ export async function goToSiteEditor( query, editorContext = 'core' ) { if ( editorContext === 'gutenberg' ) { const queryArgs = getQueryArgs( query ); await visitSiteEditor( queryArgs ); } else { await visitAdminPage( 'site-editor.php', query ); await disableSiteEditorWelcomeGuide(); } } /** * Waits for the Gutenberg canvas to be available * * @param {number} [timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT] The amount of ms to wait for the element * * @return {Promise} The canvas element handle */ export function waitForCanvas( timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT ) { return page.waitForSelector( SELECTORS.canvas, { timeout } ); } /** * Saves a template */ export async function saveTemplate() { const { confirmSave, saveButton, savePrompt } = SELECTORS.toolbar; await page.click( saveButton ); await page.waitForSelector( savePrompt ); await page.click( confirmSave ); await page.waitForSelector( `${ saveButton }[aria-disabled="true"]` ); } /** * Gets all available templates from the template list table UI * * @return {Promise} A promise of an array of informations about the templates extracted from the UI */ export async function getAllTemplates() { const { templatesListTable } = SELECTORS; await page.waitForSelector( templatesListTable.root ); const table = await page.$( templatesListTable.root ); if ( ! table ) throw new Error( 'Templates table not found' ); const rows = await table.$$( templatesListTable.rows ); return Promise.all( rows.map( async ( row ) => ( { addedBy: ( await getTextContent( templatesListTable.cells, row ) )[ 1 ], hasActions: await elementExists( templatesListTable.actionsContainer, row ), templateTitle: ( await getTextContent( templatesListTable.templateTitle, row ) )[ 0 ], } ) ) ); } /** * Gets all the blocks that fulfill a given predicate * * @param {( block: WPBlock ) => boolean} predicate The function invoked per iteration * @return {Promise< Partial< WPBlock >[] >} The blocks which have been found */ export async function filterCurrentBlocks( predicate ) { /** * @type {WPBlock[]} */ const blocks = await page.evaluate( () => { /** * Gets all serializeable data from a block * * @param {WPBlock} block A Gutenberg Block * @return {Partial} A block with unserializeable values turned to `null` */ function getSerializeableBlockData( block ) { return JSON.parse( JSON.stringify( block ) ); } const blockEditorStore = window.wp.data.select( 'core/block-editor' ); /** * @type {string[]} */ const allClientIds = blockEditorStore.getClientIdsWithDescendants(); return allClientIds.map( ( id ) => getSerializeableBlockData( blockEditorStore.getBlock( id ) ) ); } ); return blocks.filter( predicate ); } /** * Sets up a suite to use a theme without side-effects * * *Note:* this “hook” is supposed to be used within `describe` calls to * make it easier to set theme dependencies for tests without messing * the environment of any other test and to explicitly declare a * dependency. * * @param {string} themeSlug The theme the test suite should use */ export function useTheme( themeSlug ) { let previousTheme; beforeAll( async () => { await switchUserToAdmin(); await visitAdminPage( 'themes.php' ); previousTheme = await getElementData( SELECTORS.themesPage.currentTheme, 'slug' ); await activateTheme( themeSlug ); } ); afterAll( async () => { await activateTheme( previousTheme ); } ); }