/** * External dependencies */ import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n'; import apiFetch from '@wordpress/api-fetch'; import { Component } from '@wordpress/element'; import { compose } from '@wordpress/compose'; import { difference, filter } from 'lodash'; import interpolateComponents from 'interpolate-components'; import { withDispatch, withSelect } from '@wordpress/data'; import { Card, Link, Stepper, Plugins } from '@woocommerce/components'; import { getAdminLink, getSetting } from '@woocommerce/wc-admin-settings'; import { getHistory, getNewPath } from '@woocommerce/navigation'; import { SETTINGS_STORE_NAME, PLUGINS_STORE_NAME } from '@woocommerce/data'; import { recordEvent } from '@woocommerce/tracks'; /** * Internal dependencies */ import Connect from '../../../dashboard/components/connect'; import { getCountryCode } from '../../../dashboard/utils'; import StoreLocation from '../steps/location'; import ShippingRates from './rates'; class Shipping extends Component { constructor( props ) { super( props ); this.initialState = { isPending: false, step: 'store_location', shippingZones: [], }; // Cache active plugins to prevent removal mid-step. this.activePlugins = props.activePlugins; this.state = this.initialState; this.completeStep = this.completeStep.bind( this ); } componentDidMount() { this.reset(); } reset() { this.setState( this.initialState ); } async fetchShippingZones() { this.setState( { isPending: true } ); const { countryCode, countryName } = this.props; // @todo The following fetches for shipping information should be moved into // the wc-api to make these methods and states more readily available. const shippingZones = []; const zones = await apiFetch( { path: '/wc/v3/shipping/zones' } ); let hasCountryZone = false; await Promise.all( zones.map( async ( zone ) => { // "Rest of the world zone" if ( zone.id === 0 ) { zone.methods = await apiFetch( { path: `/wc/v3/shipping/zones/${ zone.id }/methods`, } ); zone.name = __( 'Rest of the world', 'woocommerce-admin' ); zone.toggleable = true; shippingZones.push( zone ); return; } // Return any zone with a single location matching the country zone. zone.locations = await apiFetch( { path: `/wc/v3/shipping/zones/${ zone.id }/locations`, } ); const countryLocation = zone.locations.find( ( location ) => countryCode === location.code ); if ( countryLocation ) { zone.methods = await apiFetch( { path: `/wc/v3/shipping/zones/${ zone.id }/methods`, } ); shippingZones.push( zone ); hasCountryZone = true; } } ) ); // Create the default store country zone if it doesn't exist. if ( ! hasCountryZone ) { const zone = await apiFetch( { method: 'POST', path: '/wc/v3/shipping/zones', data: { name: countryName }, } ); zone.locations = await apiFetch( { method: 'POST', path: `/wc/v3/shipping/zones/${ zone.id }/locations`, data: [ { code: countryCode, type: 'country' } ], } ); shippingZones.push( zone ); } shippingZones.reverse(); this.setState( { isPending: false, shippingZones } ); } componentDidUpdate( prevProps, prevState ) { const { countryCode, settings } = this.props; const { woocommerce_store_address: storeAddress, woocommerce_default_country: defaultCountry, woocommerce_store_postcode: storePostCode, } = settings; const { step } = this.state; if ( step === 'rates' && ( prevProps.countryCode !== countryCode || prevState.step !== 'rates' ) ) { this.fetchShippingZones(); } const isCompleteAddress = Boolean( storeAddress && defaultCountry && storePostCode ); if ( step === 'store_location' && isCompleteAddress ) { this.completeStep(); } } completeStep() { const { createNotice } = this.props; const { step } = this.state; const steps = this.getSteps(); const currentStepIndex = steps.findIndex( ( s ) => s.key === step ); const nextStep = steps[ currentStepIndex + 1 ]; if ( nextStep ) { this.setState( { step: nextStep.key } ); } else { createNotice( 'success', __( "📦 Shipping is done! Don't worry, you can always change it later.", 'woocommerce-admin' ) ); getHistory().push( getNewPath( {}, '/', {} ) ); } } getPluginsToActivate() { const { countryCode } = this.props; const plugins = []; if ( [ 'GB', 'CA', 'AU' ].includes( countryCode ) ) { plugins.push( 'woocommerce-shipstation-integration' ); } else if ( countryCode === 'US' ) { plugins.push( 'woocommerce-services' ); plugins.push( 'jetpack' ); } return difference( plugins, this.activePlugins ); } getSteps() { const { countryCode, isJetpackConnected } = this.props; const pluginsToActivate = this.getPluginsToActivate(); const requiresJetpackConnection = ! isJetpackConnected && countryCode === 'US'; const steps = [ { key: 'store_location', label: __( 'Set store location', 'woocommerce-admin' ), description: __( 'The address from which your business operates', 'woocommerce-admin' ), content: ( { const country = getCountryCode( values.countryState ); recordEvent( 'tasklist_shipping_set_location', { country, } ); this.completeStep(); } } /> ), visible: true, }, { key: 'rates', label: __( 'Set shipping costs', 'woocommerce-admin' ), description: __( 'Define how much customers pay to ship to different destinations', 'woocommerce-admin' ), content: ( ), visible: true, }, { key: 'label_printing', label: __( 'Enable shipping label printing', 'woocommerce-admin' ), description: pluginsToActivate.includes( 'woocommerce-shipstation-integration' ) ? interpolateComponents( { mixedString: __( 'We recommend using ShipStation to save time at the post office by printing your shipping ' + 'labels at home. Try ShipStation free for 30 days. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}.', 'woocommerce-admin' ), components: { link: ( ), }, } ) : __( 'With WooCommerce Services and Jetpack you can save time at the ' + 'Post Office by printing your shipping labels at home', 'woocommerce-admin' ), content: ( { recordEvent( 'tasklist_shipping_label_printing', { install: true, pluginsToActivate, } ); this.completeStep(); } } onSkip={ () => { recordEvent( 'tasklist_shipping_label_printing', { install: false, pluginsToActivate, } ); getHistory().push( getNewPath( {}, '/', {} ) ); } } pluginSlugs={ pluginsToActivate } { ...this.props } /> ), visible: pluginsToActivate.length, }, { key: 'connect', label: __( 'Connect your store', 'woocommerce-admin' ), description: __( 'Connect your store to WordPress.com to enable label printing', 'woocommerce-admin' ), content: ( { recordEvent( 'tasklist_shipping_connect_store' ); } } /> ), visible: requiresJetpackConnection, }, ]; return filter( steps, ( step ) => step.visible ); } render() { const { isPending, step } = this.state; const { isUpdateSettingsRequesting } = this.props; return (
); } } export default compose( withSelect( ( select ) => { const { getSettings, isUpdateSettingsRequesting } = select( SETTINGS_STORE_NAME ); const { getActivePlugins, isJetpackConnected } = select( PLUGINS_STORE_NAME ); const { general: settings = {} } = getSettings( 'general' ); const countryCode = getCountryCode( settings.woocommerce_default_country ); const { countries = [] } = getSetting( 'dataEndpoints', {} ); const country = countryCode ? countries.find( ( c ) => c.code === countryCode ) : null; const countryName = country ? country.name : null; const activePlugins = getActivePlugins(); return { countryCode, countryName, isUpdateSettingsRequesting: isUpdateSettingsRequesting( 'general' ), settings, activePlugins, isJetpackConnected: isJetpackConnected(), }; } ), withDispatch( ( dispatch ) => { const { createNotice } = dispatch( 'core/notices' ); const { updateAndPersistSettingsForGroup } = dispatch( SETTINGS_STORE_NAME ); return { createNotice, updateAndPersistSettingsForGroup, }; } ) )( Shipping );