get_taxes(); $tax_classes = array_filter( array_map( 'trim', explode( "\n", get_option( 'woocommerce_tax_classes' ) ) ) ); $classes_options = array(); $classes_options[''] = __( 'Standard', 'woocommerce' ); if ( $tax_classes ) { foreach ( $tax_classes as $class ) { $classes_options[ sanitize_title( $class ) ] = $class; } } } // Get the payment gateway $payment_gateway = wc_get_payment_gateway_by_order( $order ); // Check if order can be edited $can_be_edited = in_array( $order->get_status(), apply_filters( 'wc_order_can_be_edited', array( 'pending', 'on-hold' ) ) ); ?>
$tax_item ) : $tax_class = wc_get_tax_class_by_tax_id( $tax_item['rate_id'] ); $tax_class_name = isset( $classes_options[ $tax_class ] ) ? $classes_options[ $tax_class ] : __( 'Tax', 'woocommerce' ); $column_label = ! empty( $tax_item['label'] ) ? $tax_item['label'] : __( 'Tax', 'woocommerce' ); ?> get_items( apply_filters( 'woocommerce_admin_order_item_types', 'line_item' ) ); foreach ( $order_items as $item_id => $item ) { $_product = $order->get_product_from_item( $item ); $item_meta = $order->get_item_meta( $item_id ); include( 'html-order-item.php' ); do_action( 'woocommerce_order_item_' . $item['type'] . '_html', $item_id, $item ); } ?> get_items( 'shipping' ); $shipping_methods = WC()->shipping() ? WC()->shipping->load_shipping_methods() : array(); foreach ( $order_items as $item_id => $item ) { include( 'html-order-shipping.php' ); } ?> get_items( 'fee' ); foreach ( $order_items as $item_id => $item ) { include( 'html-order-fee.php' ); } ?> get_refunds() ) { foreach ( $refunds as $refund ) { include( 'html-order-refund.php' ); } } ?>
get_items( array( 'coupon' ) ); if ( $coupons ) { ?>
[?]: get_total_shipping() ); ?>
[?]: get_total_tax() ); ?>
get_total_discount() ); ?>
: -get_total_refunded() ); ?>
get_total() ); ?>