--- post_title: WooCommerce Plugin API Callback Documentation --- ## Overview This document provides a guide on how to use the WooCommerce Plugin API to initiate callbacks for plugin actions, especially for gateways and classes not initialized by default. ## Callback URL Structure Before WooCommerce 2.0, use: `https://example.com/?wc-api=CALLBACK` In WooCommerce 2.0 or later, use the endpoint: `https://example.com/wc-api/CALLBACK/` ## Behavior When the callback URL is accessed, WooCommerce will: - Initialize the `CALLBACK` class, if available - Trigger the `woocommerce_api_callback` action - Exit WordPress ## Hooking into the API Callback To hook into the callback, add an action in your plugin: ```php add_action( 'woocommerce_api_callback', 'your_callback_handler_function' ); ``` ## Redirecting After Callback It's possible to redirect users after the action has been executed using your custom handler function.