/** * External dependencies */ import { useSelect } from '@wordpress/data'; import { store as WP_BLOCKS_STORE } from '@wordpress/blocks'; /** * Internal dependencies */ import { QUERY_LOOP_ID } from './constants'; import { ProductQueryBlock, ProductQueryBlockQuery, QueryVariation, } from './types'; /** * Creates an array that is the symmetric difference of the given arrays */ export function ArrayXOR< T extends Array< unknown > >( a: T, b: T ) { return a.filter( ( el ) => ! b.includes( el ) ); } /** * Identifies if a block is a Query block variation from our conventions * * We are extending Gutenberg's core Query block with our variations, and * also adding extra namespaced attributes. If those namespaced attributes * are present, we can be fairly sure it is our own registered variation. */ export function isWooQueryBlockVariation( block: ProductQueryBlock ) { return ( block.name === QUERY_LOOP_ID && Object.values( QueryVariation ).includes( block.attributes.namespace as QueryVariation ) ); } /** * Sets the new query arguments of a Product Query block * * Shorthand for setting new nested query parameters. */ export function setQueryAttribute( block: ProductQueryBlock, queryParams: Partial< ProductQueryBlockQuery > ) { const { query } = block.attributes; block.setAttributes( { query: { ...query, ...queryParams, }, } ); } // This is a feature flag to enable the custom inherit Global Query implementation. // This is not intended to be a permanent feature flag, but rather a temporary. // https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce-blocks/pull/7382 export const isCustomInheritGlobalQueryImplementationEnabled = false; export function isWooInheritQueryEnabled( attributes: ProductQueryBlock[ 'attributes' ] ) { return isCustomInheritGlobalQueryImplementationEnabled ? attributes.query.__woocommerceInherit : attributes.query.inherit; } /** * Hook that returns the query properties' names defined by the active * block variation, to determine which block inspector controls to show. * * @param {Object} attributes Block attributes. * @return {string[]} An array of the controls keys. */ export function useAllowedControls( attributes: ProductQueryBlock[ 'attributes' ] ) { const isSiteEditor = useSelect( 'core/edit-site' ) !== undefined; const controls = useSelect( ( select ) => select( WP_BLOCKS_STORE ).getActiveBlockVariation( QUERY_LOOP_ID, attributes )?.allowedControls, [ attributes ] ); if ( ! isSiteEditor ) { return controls.filter( ( control ) => control !== 'wooInherit' ); } return isWooInheritQueryEnabled( attributes ) ? controls.filter( ( control ) => control === 'wooInherit' ) : controls; }