/** * External dependencies * * @format */ // import { noop } from 'lodash'; /** * Internal dependencies */ import { dummyOrders } from '../dummy'; import { parseDate, getUniqueKeys, getOrderedKeys, getLineData, getXScale, getXGroupScale, getXLineScale, getColorScale, getYMax, } from '../utils'; const orderedKeys = [ 'Cap', 'T-Shirt', 'Sunglasses', 'Polo', 'Hoodie' ]; const orderedDates = [ '2018-05-30', '2018-05-31', '2018-06-01', '2018-06-02', '2018-06-03', '2018-06-04', ]; const testLineData = getLineData( dummyOrders ); describe( 'parseDate', () => { it( 'correctly parse date in the expected format', () => { const testDate = parseDate( '2018-06-30' ); const expectedDate = new Date( Date.UTC( 2018, 5, 30 ) ); expect( testDate.getTime() ).toEqual( expectedDate.getTime() ); } ); } ); describe( 'getUniqueKeys', () => { it( 'returns an array of keys excluding date', () => { const testUniqueKeys = getUniqueKeys( dummyOrders ); const sortedAZKeys = orderedKeys.slice(); expect( testUniqueKeys.sort() ).toEqual( sortedAZKeys.sort() ); } ); } ); describe( 'getOrderedKeys', () => { it( 'returns an array of keys order by value from largest to smallest', () => { const testKeys = getOrderedKeys( dummyOrders ); expect( testKeys ).toEqual( orderedKeys ); } ); } ); describe( 'getLineData', () => { it( 'returns a sorted array of objects with category key', () => { expect( testLineData ).toBeInstanceOf( Array ); expect( testLineData ).toHaveLength( 5 ); expect( testLineData.map( d => d.key ) ).toEqual( orderedKeys ); } ); testLineData.forEach( d => { it( 'ensure a key and that the values property is an array', () => { expect( d ).toHaveProperty( 'key' ); expect( d ).toHaveProperty( 'values' ); expect( d.values ).toBeInstanceOf( Array ); } ); it( 'ensure all unique dates exist in values array', () => { const rowDates = d.values.map( row => row.date ); expect( rowDates ).toEqual( orderedDates ); } ); d.values.forEach( row => { it( 'ensure a date property and that the values property is an array with date (parseable) and value properties', () => { expect( row ).toHaveProperty( 'date' ); expect( row ).toHaveProperty( 'value' ); expect( parseDate( row.date ) ).not.toBeNull(); expect( typeof row.date ).toBe( 'string' ); expect( typeof row.value ).toBe( 'number' ); } ); } ); } ); } ); describe( 'getXScale', () => { it( 'properly scale inputs to the provided domain and range', () => { const testXScale = getXScale( dummyOrders, { width: 100 } ); expect( testXScale( orderedDates[ 0 ] ) ).toEqual( 3 ); expect( testXScale( orderedDates[ 2 ] ) ).toEqual( 35 ); expect( testXScale( orderedDates[ orderedDates.length - 1 ] ) ).toEqual( 83 ); } ); it( 'properly scale inputs and test the bandwidth', () => { const testXScale = getXScale( dummyOrders, { width: 100 } ); expect( testXScale.bandwidth() ).toEqual( 14 ); } ); } ); describe( 'getXGroupScale', () => { it( 'properly scale inputs based on the getXScale', () => { const testXGroupScale = getXGroupScale( dummyOrders, { width: 100 } ); expect( testXGroupScale( orderedKeys[ 0 ] ) ).toEqual( 2 ); expect( testXGroupScale( orderedKeys[ 2 ] ) ).toEqual( 6 ); expect( testXGroupScale( orderedKeys[ orderedKeys.length - 1 ] ) ).toEqual( 10 ); } ); } ); describe( 'getXLineScale', () => { it( 'properly scale inputs for the line', () => { const testXLineScale = getXLineScale( dummyOrders, { width: 100 } ); expect( testXLineScale( new Date( orderedDates[ 0 ] ) ) ).toEqual( 0 ); expect( testXLineScale( new Date( orderedDates[ 2 ] ) ) ).toEqual( 40 ); expect( testXLineScale( new Date( orderedDates[ orderedDates.length - 1 ] ) ) ).toEqual( 100 ); } ); } ); describe( 'getColorScale', () => { it( 'properly scale product keys into a range of colors', () => { const testColorScale = getColorScale( dummyOrders ); orderedKeys.map( d => testColorScale( d ) ); // without this it fails! why? how? expect( testColorScale( orderedKeys[ 0 ] ) ).toEqual( 0 ); expect( testColorScale( orderedKeys[ 2 ] ) ).toEqual( 0.5 ); expect( testColorScale( orderedKeys[ orderedKeys.length - 1 ] ) ).toEqual( 1 ); } ); } ); describe( 'getYMax', () => { it( 'calculate the correct maximum y value', () => { const testYMax = getYMax( dummyOrders ); expect( testYMax ).toEqual( 14139347 ); } ); } );