order_type = 'simple'; parent::__construct( $order ); } /** * Get order refunds * * @since 2.2 * @return array */ public function get_refunds() { if ( empty( $this->refunds ) && ! is_array( $this->refunds ) ) { $refunds = array(); $refund_items = get_posts( array( 'post_type' => 'shop_order_refund', 'post_parent' => $this->id, 'posts_per_page' => -1, 'post_status' => 'any', 'fields' => 'ids' ) ); foreach ( $refund_items as $refund_id ) { $refunds[] = new WC_Order_Refund( $refund_id ); } $this->refunds = $refunds; } return $this->refunds; } /** * Get amount already refunded * * @since 2.2 * @return int|float */ public function get_total_refunded() { global $wpdb; $total = $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare( " SELECT SUM( postmeta.meta_value ) FROM $wpdb->postmeta AS postmeta INNER JOIN $wpdb->posts AS posts ON ( posts.post_type = 'shop_order_refund' AND posts.post_parent = %d ) WHERE postmeta.meta_key = '_refund_amount' AND postmeta.post_id = posts.ID ", $this->id ) ); return $total; } /** * Get the refunded amount for a line item * * @param int $item_id ID of the item we're checking * @param string $item_type type of the item we're checking, if not a line_item * @return integer */ public function get_qty_refunded_for_item( $item_id, $item_type = 'line_item' ) { $qty = 0; foreach ( $this->get_refunds() as $refund ) { foreach ( $refund->get_items( $item_type ) as $refunded_item ) { if ( isset( $refunded_item['refunded_item_id'] ) && $refunded_item['refunded_item_id'] == $item_id ) { $qty += $refunded_item['qty']; } } } return $qty; } /** * Get the refunded amount for a line item * * @param int $item_id ID of the item we're checking * @param string $item_type type of the item we're checking, if not a line_item * @return integer */ public function get_total_refunded_for_item( $item_id, $item_type = 'line_item' ) { $total = 0; foreach ( $this->get_refunds() as $refund ) { foreach ( $refund->get_items( $item_type ) as $refunded_item ) { if ( isset( $refunded_item['refunded_item_id'] ) && $refunded_item['refunded_item_id'] == $item_id ) { switch ( $item_type ) { case 'shipping' : $total += $refunded_item['cost']; break; default : $total += $refunded_item['line_total']; break; } } } } return $total * -1; } /** * Get the refunded amount for a line item * * @param int $item_id ID of the item we're checking * @param int $tax_id ID of the tax we're checking * @param string $item_type type of the item we're checking, if not a line_item * @return integer */ public function get_tax_refunded_for_item( $item_id, $tax_id, $item_type = 'line_item' ) { $total = 0; foreach ( $this->get_refunds() as $refund ) { foreach ( $refund->get_items( $item_type ) as $refunded_item ) { if ( isset( $refunded_item['refunded_item_id'] ) && $refunded_item['refunded_item_id'] == $item_id ) { switch ( $item_type ) { case 'shipping' : $tax_data = maybe_unserialize( $refunded_item['taxes'] ); if ( isset( $tax_data[ $tax_id ] ) ) { $total += $tax_data[ $tax_id ]; } break; default : $tax_data = maybe_unserialize( $refunded_item['line_tax_data'] ); if ( isset( $tax_data['total'][ $tax_id ] ) ) { $total += $tax_data['total'][ $tax_id ]; } break; } } } } return $total * -1; } }