key, $allowed_bundles, true ) ) { continue; } foreach ( $spec->plugins as $plugin ) { $extension = EvaluateExtension::evaluate( (object) $plugin ); if ( ! property_exists( $extension, 'is_visible' ) || $extension->is_visible ) { $bundle['plugins'][] = $extension; } } $bundles[] = $bundle; } return $bundles; } /** * Delete the specs transient. */ public static function delete_specs_transient() { delete_transient( self::SPECS_TRANSIENT_NAME ); } /** * Get specs or fetch remotely if they don't exist. */ public static function get_specs() { $specs = get_transient( self::SPECS_TRANSIENT_NAME ); // Fetch specs if they don't yet exist. if ( false === $specs || ! is_array( $specs ) || 0 === count( $specs ) ) { if ( 'no' === get_option( 'woocommerce_show_marketplace_suggestions', 'yes' ) ) { return DefaultFreeExtensions::get_all(); } $specs = DataSourcePoller::read_specs_from_data_sources(); // Fall back to default specs if polling failed. if ( ! $specs || empty( $specs ) ) { return DefaultFreeExtensions::get_all(); } set_transient( self::SPECS_TRANSIENT_NAME, $specs, 7 * DAY_IN_SECONDS ); } return $specs; } }