/** * External dependencies */ import { clickBlockToolbarButton, openDocumentSettingsSidebar, switchUserToAdmin, getAllBlocks, } from '@wordpress/e2e-test-utils'; import { findLabelWithText, visitBlockPage, selectBlockByName, } from '@woocommerce/blocks-test-utils'; import { merchant } from '@woocommerce/e2e-utils'; /** * Internal dependencies */ import { searchForBlock, insertBlockDontWaitForInsertClose, openWidgetEditor, closeModalIfExists, openWidgetsEditorBlockInserter, } from '../../utils.js'; const block = { name: 'Cart', slug: 'woocommerce/cart', class: '.wp-block-woocommerce-cart', }; const filledCartBlock = { name: 'Filled Cart', slug: 'woocommerce/filled-cart-block', class: '.wp-block-woocommerce-filled-cart-block', }; const emptyCartBlock = { name: 'Empty Cart', slug: 'woocommerce/empty-cart-block', class: '.wp-block-woocommerce-empty-cart-block', }; const crossSellsBlock = { name: 'Cart Cross-Sells block', slug: 'woocommerce/cart-cross-sells-products-block', class: '.wp-block-woocommerce-cart-cross-sells-products-block', }; if ( process.env.WOOCOMMERCE_BLOCKS_PHASE < 2 ) { // eslint-disable-next-line jest/no-focused-tests, jest/expect-expect test.only( `skipping ${ block.name } tests`, () => {} ); } describe( `${ block.name } Block`, () => { describe( 'in page editor', () => { beforeAll( async () => { await switchUserToAdmin(); await visitBlockPage( `${ block.name } Block` ); } ); it( 'can only be inserted once', async () => { await insertBlockDontWaitForInsertClose( block.name ); expect( await getAllBlocks() ).toHaveLength( 1 ); } ); it( 'renders without crashing', async () => { await expect( page ).toRenderBlock( block ); await expect( page ).toRenderBlock( filledCartBlock ); await expect( page ).toRenderBlock( crossSellsBlock ); await expect( page ).toRenderBlock( emptyCartBlock ); } ); it( 'shows empty cart when changing the view', async () => { await page.waitForSelector( block.class ).catch( () => { throw new Error( `Could not find an element with class ${ block.class } - the block probably did not load correctly.` ); } ); await selectBlockByName( block.slug ); await clickBlockToolbarButton( 'Switch view', 'ariaLabel' ); const emptyCartButton = await page.waitForXPath( `//button[contains(@class,'components-dropdown-menu__menu-item')]//span[contains(text(), 'Empty Cart')]` ); // Clicks the element by running the JavaScript HTMLElement.click() method on the given element in the // browser context, which fires a click event. It doesn't scroll the page or move the mouse and works // even if the element is off-screen. await emptyCartButton.evaluate( ( b ) => b.click() ); await expect( page ).not.toMatchElement( `${ emptyCartBlock.class }[hidden]` ); await expect( page ).toMatchElement( `${ filledCartBlock.class }[hidden]` ); await selectBlockByName( block.slug ); await clickBlockToolbarButton( 'Switch view', 'ariaLabel' ); const filledCartButton = await page.waitForXPath( `//button[contains(@class,'components-dropdown-menu__menu-item')]//span[contains(text(), 'Filled Cart')]` ); await filledCartButton.evaluate( ( b ) => b.click() ); await expect( page ).toMatchElement( `${ emptyCartBlock.class }[hidden]` ); await expect( page ).not.toMatchElement( `${ filledCartBlock.class }[hidden]` ); } ); describe( 'attributes', () => { beforeEach( async () => { await openDocumentSettingsSidebar(); await selectBlockByName( 'woocommerce/cart-order-summary-shipping-block' ); } ); it( 'can toggle Shipping calculator', async () => { const selector = ` .wc-block-components-totals-shipping__change-address-button`; const toggleLabel = await findLabelWithText( 'Shipping calculator' ); await expect( toggleLabel ).toToggleElement( selector ); } ); } ); } ); describe( 'in widget editor', () => { it( "can't be inserted in a widget area", async () => { await merchant.login(); await openWidgetEditor(); await closeModalIfExists(); await openWidgetsEditorBlockInserter(); await searchForBlock( block.name ); const cartButton = await page.$x( `//button//span[text()='${ block.name }']` ); // This one match is the Cart widget. expect( cartButton ).toHaveLength( 1 ); } ); } ); } );