0, // File pointer start. 'end_pos' => -1, // File pointer end. 'lines' => -1, // Max lines to read. 'mapping' => array(), // Column mapping. csv_heading => schema_heading. 'parse' => false, // Whether to sanitize and format data. 'delimiter' => ',', // CSV delimiter. ); $this->params = wp_parse_args( $params, $default_args ); $this->file = $file; $this->read_file(); } /** * Read file. * * @return array */ protected function read_file() { if ( false !== ( $handle = fopen( $this->file, 'r' ) ) ) { $this->raw_keys = fgetcsv( $handle, 0, $this->params['delimiter'] ); if ( 0 !== $this->params['start_pos'] ) { fseek( $handle, (int) $this->params['start_pos'] ); } while ( false !== ( $row = fgetcsv( $handle, 0, $this->params['delimiter'] ) ) ) { $this->raw_data[] = $row; if ( ( $this->params['end_pos'] > 0 && ftell( $handle ) >= $this->params['end_pos'] ) || 0 === --$this->params['lines'] ) { break; } } $this->file_position = ftell( $handle ); } if ( ! empty( $this->params['mapping'] ) ) { $this->set_mapped_keys(); } if ( $this->params['parse'] ) { $this->set_parsed_data(); } } /** * Set file mapped keys. * * @return array */ protected function set_mapped_keys() { $mapping = $this->params['mapping']; foreach ( $this->raw_keys as $key ) { $this->mapped_keys[] = isset( $mapping[ $key ] ) ? $mapping[ $key ] : $key; } } /** * Parse relative field and return product ID. * Handle `id:xx` and SKUs. * * @param string $field Field value. * @return int|string */ protected function parse_relative_field( $field ) { if ( empty( $field ) ) { return ''; } if ( preg_match( '/^id:(\d+)$/', $field, $matches ) ) { return intval( $matches[1] ); } return wc_get_product_id_by_sku( $field ); } /** * Parse reletive comma-delineated field and return product ID. * * @param string $field Field value. * @return array */ protected function parse_relative_comma_field( $field ) { if ( empty( $field ) ) { return array(); } return array_filter( array_map( array( $this, 'parse_relative_field' ), array_map( 'trim', explode( ',', $field ) ) ) ); } /** * Parse a comma-delineated field from a CSV. * * @param string $field Field value. * @return array */ protected function parse_comma_field( $field ) { if ( empty( $field ) ) { return array(); } return array_map( 'wc_clean', array_map( 'trim', explode( ',', $field ) ) ); } /** * Parse a field that is generally '1' or '0' but can be something else. * * @param string $field Field value. * @return bool|string */ protected function parse_bool_field( $field ) { if ( '0' === $field ) { return false; } if ( '1' === $field ) { return true; } // Don't return explicit true or false for empty fields or values like 'notify'. return wc_clean( $field ); } /** * Parse a float value field. * * @param string $field Field value. * @return float|string */ protected function parse_float_field( $field ) { if ( '' === $field ) { return $field; } return floatval( $field ); } /** * Parse a category field from a CSV. * Categories are separated by commas and subcategories are "parent > subcategory". * * @param string $field Field value. * @return array of arrays with "parent" and "name" keys. */ protected function parse_categories( $field ) { if ( empty( $field ) ) { return array(); } $sections = array_map( 'trim', explode( ',', $field ) ); $categories = array(); foreach ( $sections as $section ) { // Top level category. if ( false === strpos( $section, '>' ) ) { $categories[] = array( 'parent' => false, 'name' => wc_clean( $section ), ); // Subcategory. } else { $chunks = array_map( 'trim', explode( '>', $section ) ); $categories[] = array( 'parent' => wc_clean( reset( $chunks ) ), 'name' => wc_clean( end( $chunks ) ), ); } } return $categories; } /** * Get formatting callback. * * @return array */ protected function get_formating_callback() { /** * Columns not mentioned here will get parsed with 'wc_clean'. * column_name => callback. */ $data_formatting = array( 'id' => 'absint', 'type' => array( $this, 'parse_comma_field' ), 'published' => array( $this, 'parse_bool_field' ), 'featured' => array( $this, 'parse_bool_field' ), 'date_on_sale_from' => 'strtotime', 'date_on_sale_to' => 'strtotime', 'short_description' => 'wp_kses_post', 'description' => 'wp_kses_post', 'manage_stock' => array( $this, 'parse_bool_field' ), 'backorders' => array( $this, 'parse_bool_field' ), 'stock_status' => array( $this, 'parse_bool_field' ), 'sold_individually' => array( $this, 'parse_bool_field' ), 'width' => array( $this, 'parse_float_field' ), 'length' => array( $this, 'parse_float_field' ), 'height' => array( $this, 'parse_float_field' ), 'weight' => array( $this, 'parse_float_field' ), 'reviews_allowed' => array( $this, 'parse_bool_field' ), 'purchase_note' => 'wp_kses_post', 'price' => 'wc_format_decimal', 'regular_price' => 'wc_format_decimal', 'stock_quantity' => 'absint', 'category_ids' => array( $this, 'parse_categories' ), 'tag_ids' => array( $this, 'parse_comma_field' ), 'image_id' => array( $this, 'parse_comma_field' ), 'parent_id' => array( $this, 'parse_relative_field' ), 'upsell_ids' => array( $this, 'parse_relative_comma_field' ), 'cross_sell_ids' => array( $this, 'parse_relative_comma_field' ), 'download_limit' => 'absint', 'download_expiry' => 'absint', ); /** * Match special column names. */ $regex_match_data_formatting = array( '/attributes:value*/' => array( $this, 'parse_comma_field' ), '/downloads:url*/' => 'esc_url', '/meta:*/' => 'wp_kses_post', // Allow some HTML in meta fields. ); $callbacks = array(); // Figure out the parse function for each column. foreach ( $this->get_mapped_keys() as $index => $heading ) { $callback = 'wc_clean'; if ( isset( $data_formatting[ $heading ] ) ) { $callback = $data_formatting[ $heading ]; } else { foreach ( $regex_match_data_formatting as $regex => $callback ) { if ( preg_match( $regex, $heading ) ) { $callback = $callback; break; } } } $callbacks[] = $callback; } return $callbacks; } /** * Check if strings starts with determined word. * * @param string $haystack Complete sentence. * @param string $needle Excerpt. * @return bool */ protected function starts_with( $haystack, $needle ) { return $needle === substr( $haystack, 0, strlen( $needle ) ); } /** * Expand special and internal data. * * @param array $data Data to import. * @return array */ protected function expand_data( $data ) { $data = apply_filters( 'woocommerce_product_importer_pre_expand_data', $data ); // Meta data. $data['meta_data'] = array(); $data['attributes'] = array(); $data['default_attributes'] = array(); $data['downloads'] = array(); // Manage stock. if ( isset( $data['stock_quantity'] ) ) { $data['manage_stock'] = 0 < $data['stock_quantity']; } // Type, virtual and downlodable. if ( isset( $data['type'] ) ) { $data['virtual'] = in_array( 'virtual', $data['type'], true ); $data['downloadable'] = in_array( 'downloadable', $data['type'], true ); // Convert type to string. $data['type'] = current( array_diff( $data['type'], array( 'virtual', 'downloadable' ) ) ); } // Handle special column names. foreach ( $data as $key => $value ) { // Attributes. if ( $this->starts_with( $key, 'attributes:name' ) ) { if ( ! empty( $value ) ) { $data['attributes'][ str_replace( 'attributes:name', '', $key ) ]['name'] = $value; } unset( $data[ $key ] ); } if ( $this->starts_with( $key, 'attributes:value' ) ) { if ( ! empty( $value ) ) { $data['attributes'][ str_replace( 'attributes:value', '', $key ) ]['value'] = $value; } unset( $data[ $key ] ); } // Default attributes if ( $this->starts_with( $key, 'attributes:default' ) ) { if ( ! empty( $value ) ) { $data['default_attributes'][] = $value; } unset( $data[ $key ] ); } // Downloads. if ( $this->starts_with( $key, 'downloads:name' ) ) { if ( ! empty( $value ) ) { $data['attributes'][ str_replace( 'downloads:name', '', $key ) ]['name'] = $value; } unset( $data[ $key ] ); } if ( $this->starts_with( $key, 'downloads:url' ) ) { if ( ! empty( $value ) ) { $data['attributes'][ str_replace( 'downloads:url', '', $key ) ]['url'] = $value; } unset( $data[ $key ] ); } // Meta data. if ( $this->starts_with( $key, 'meta:' ) ) { $data['meta_data'][] = array( 'key' => str_replace( 'meta:', '', $key ), 'value' => $value, ); unset( $data[ $key ] ); } } return $data; } /** * Map and format raw data to known fields. * * @return array */ protected function set_parsed_data() { $parse_functions = $this->get_formating_callback(); $mapped_keys = $this->get_mapped_keys(); // Parse the data. foreach ( $this->raw_data as $row ) { $data = array(); foreach ( $row as $id => $value ) { // Skip ignored columns. if ( empty( $mapped_keys[ $id ] ) ) { continue; } $data[ $mapped_keys[ $id ] ] = call_user_func( $parse_functions[ $id ], $value ); } $this->parsed_data[] = apply_filters( 'woocommerce_product_importer_parsed_data', $this->expand_data( $data ) ); } } /** * Process importer. * * @return array */ public function import() { $data = array( 'imported' => array(), 'failed' => array(), ); foreach ( $this->parsed_data as $parsed_data ) { $result = $this->process_item( $parsed_data ); if ( is_wp_error( $result ) ) { $data['failed'][] = $result; } else { $data['imported'][] = $result; } } return $data; } }