source: ./ destination: wc-apidocs templateConfig: apigen/theme-woocommerce/config.neon # list of scanned file extensions (e.g. php5, phpt...) extensions: [php] # directories and files matching this file mask will not be parsed exclude: - includes/libraries/ - includes/api/legacy/ - i18n/ - node_modules/ - wc-apidocs/ - tmp/ - tests/ - .sass-cache/ - apigen/ # character set of source files; if you use only one across your files, we recommend you name it charset: [UTF-8] # elements with this name prefix will be considered as the "main project" (the rest will be considered as libraries) main: WC # title of generated documentation title: WooCommerce 2.6.x Code Reference # base url used for sitemap (useful for public doc) baseUrl: # choose ApiGen template theme templateTheme: default # generate documentation for PHP internal classes php: false # generate highlighted source code for elements sourceCode: true # generate tree view of classes, interfaces, traits and exceptions tree: true # generate documentation for deprecated elements deprecated: true # generate list of tasks with @ todo annotation todo: true # add link to ZIP archive of documentation download: false