/** * Internal dependencies */ import { PaymentMethodDataProvider } from '../payment-methods'; import { ShippingMethodDataProvider } from '../shipping'; import { actions } from './actions'; import { reducer } from './reducer'; import { DEFAULT_STATE, STATUS } from './constants'; import { EMIT_TYPES, emitterSubscribers, emitEvent, emitEventWithAbort, reducer as emitReducer, } from './event-emit'; /** * External dependencies */ import { createContext, useContext, useReducer, useRef, useMemo, useEffect, } from '@wordpress/element'; import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n'; /** * @typedef {import('@woocommerce/type-defs/checkout').CheckoutDispatchActions} CheckoutDispatchActions * @typedef {import('@woocommerce/type-defs/contexts').CheckoutDataContext} CheckoutDataContext */ const CheckoutContext = createContext( { submitLabel: '', onSubmit: () => void null, isComplete: false, isIdle: false, isCalculating: false, isProcessing: false, hasError: false, redirectUrl: '', billingData: {}, onCheckoutCompleteSuccess: () => void null, onCheckoutCompleteError: () => void null, onCheckoutProcessing: () => void null, dispatchActions: { resetCheckout: () => void null, setRedirectUrl: () => void null, setHasError: () => void null, clearError: () => void null, incrementCalculating: () => void null, decrementCalculating: () => void null, setBillingData: () => void null, }, } ); /** * @return {CheckoutDataContext} Returns the checkout data context value */ export const useCheckoutContext = () => { return useContext( CheckoutContext ); }; /** * Checkout provider * This wraps the checkout and provides an api interface for the checkout to * children via various hooks. * * @param {Object} props Incoming props for the provider. * @param {Array} props.children The children being wrapped. * @param {string} props.activePaymentMethod Can be used to set what the * initial active payment method is * set to. * @param {string} props.redirectUrl Initialize what the checkout will * redirect to after successful * submit. * @param {string} props.submitLabel What will be used for the checkout * submit button label. * @param {boolean} props.isEditor Whether the checkout is in the * editor context or not. */ export const CheckoutProvider = ( { children, activePaymentMethod: initialActivePaymentMethod, redirectUrl, isEditor, submitLabel = __( 'Place Order', 'woo-gutenberg-product-block' ), } ) => { // note, this is done intentionally so that the default state now has // the redirectUrl for when checkout is reset to PRISTINE state. DEFAULT_STATE.redirectUrl = redirectUrl; const [ checkoutState, dispatch ] = useReducer( reducer, DEFAULT_STATE ); const [ observers, subscriber ] = useReducer( emitReducer, {} ); const currentObservers = useRef( observers ); // set observers on ref so it's always current useEffect( () => { currentObservers.current = observers; }, [ observers ] ); const onCheckoutCompleteSuccess = emitterSubscribers( subscriber ) .onCheckoutCompleteSuccess; const onCheckoutCompleteError = emitterSubscribers( subscriber ) .onCheckoutCompleteError; const onCheckoutProcessing = emitterSubscribers( subscriber ) .onCheckoutProcessing; /** * @type {CheckoutDispatchActions} */ const dispatchActions = useMemo( () => ( { resetCheckout: () => void dispatch( actions.setPristine() ), setRedirectUrl: ( url ) => void dispatch( actions.setRedirectUrl( url ) ), setHasError: () => void dispatch( actions.setHasError() ), clearError: () => void dispatch( actions.clearError() ), incrementCalculating: () => void dispatch( actions.incrementCalculating() ), decrementCalculating: () => void dispatch( actions.decrementCalculating() ), setBillingData: ( data ) => void dispatch( actions.setBillingData( data ) ), } ), [] ); // emit events useEffect( () => { const status = checkoutState.status; if ( status === STATUS.PROCESSING ) { emitEventWithAbort( currentObservers.current, EMIT_TYPES.CHECKOUT_PROCESSING, {} ).then( ( response ) => { if ( response !== true ) { // @todo handle any validation error property values in the // response dispatchActions.setHasError(); } dispatch( actions.setComplete() ); } ); } if ( checkoutState.isComplete ) { if ( checkoutState.hasError ) { emitEvent( currentObservers.current, EMIT_TYPES.CHECKOUT_COMPLETE_WITH_ERROR, {} ); } else { emitEvent( currentObservers.current, EMIT_TYPES.CHECKOUT_COMPLETE_WITH_SUCCESS, {} ).then( () => { // all observers have done their thing so let's redirect // (if no error) if ( ! checkoutState.hasError ) { window.location = checkoutState.redirectUrl; } } ); } } }, [ checkoutState.status, checkoutState.hasError, checkoutState.isComplete, checkoutState.redirectUrl, ] ); const onSubmit = () => { dispatch( actions.setProcessing() ); }; /** * @type {CheckoutDataContext} */ const checkoutData = { submitLabel, billingData: checkoutState.billingData, onSubmit, isComplete: checkoutState.status === STATUS.COMPLETE, isIdle: checkoutState.status === STATUS.IDLE, isCalculating: checkoutState.status === STATUS.CALCULATING, isProcessing: checkoutState.status === STATUS.PROCESSING, hasError: checkoutState.hasError, redirectUrl: checkoutState.redirectUrl, onCheckoutCompleteSuccess, onCheckoutCompleteError, onCheckoutProcessing, dispatchActions, isEditor, }; return ( { children } ); };