`SummaryList` (component) ========================= A container element for a list of SummaryNumbers. This component handles detecting & switching to the mobile format on smaller screens. Props ----- ### `children` - **Required** - Type: ReactNode - Default: null A list of ``s ### `label` - Type: String - Default: null An optional label of this group, read to screen reader users. Defaults to "Performance Indicators". `SummaryNumber` (component) =========================== A component to show a value, label, and an optional change percentage. Can also act as a link to a specific report focus. Props ----- ### `delta` - Type: Number - Default: null A number to represent the percentage change since the last comparison period - positive numbers will show a green up arrow, negative numbers will show a red down arrow, and zero will show a flat right arrow. If omitted, no change value will display. ### `href` - Type: String - Default: `'/analytics'` An internal link to the report focused on this number. ### `isOpen` - Type: Boolean - Default: `false` Boolean describing whether the menu list is open. Only applies in mobile view, and only applies to the toggle-able item (first in the list). ### `label` - **Required** - Type: String - Default: null A string description of this value, ex "Revenue", or "New Customers" ### `onToggle` - Type: Function - Default: null A function used to switch the given SummaryNumber to a button, and called on click. ### `prevLabel` - Type: String - Default: `__( 'Previous Period:', 'wc-admin' )` A string description of the previous value's timeframe, ex "Previous Year:". ### `prevValue` - Type: One of type: number, string - Default: null A string or number value to display - a string is allowed so we can accept currency formatting. If omitted, this section won't display. ### `reverseTrend` - Type: Boolean - Default: `false` A boolean used to indicate that a negative delta is "good", and should be styled like a positive (and vice-versa). ### `selected` - Type: Boolean - Default: `false` A boolean used to show a highlight style on this number. ### `value` - Type: One of type: number, string - Default: null A string or number value to display - a string is allowed so we can accept currency formatting. `SummaryListPlaceholder` (component) ==================================== `SummaryListPlaceholder` behaves like `SummaryList` but displays placeholder summary items instead of data. This can be used while loading data. Props ----- ### `numberOfItems` - **Required** - Type: Number - Default: null An integer with the number of summary items to display. ### `numberOfRows` - Type: undefined - Default: `5`