/** * External dependencies */ import { camelCase, mapKeys } from 'lodash'; /** * Internal dependencies */ import { ACTION_TYPES as types } from './action-types'; import { defaultCartState } from '../default-states'; /** * Sub-reducer for cart items array. * * @param {Array} state cartData.items state slice. * @param {Object} action Action object. */ const cartItemsReducer = ( state = [], action ) => { switch ( action.type ) { case types.RECEIVE_CART_ITEM: // Replace specified cart element with the new data from server. return state.map( ( cartItem ) => { if ( cartItem.key === action.cartItem.key ) { return action.cartItem; } return cartItem; } ); } return state; }; /** * Reducer for receiving items related to the cart. * * @param {Object} state The current state in the store. * @param {Object} action Action object. * * @return {Object} New or existing state. */ const reducer = ( state = defaultCartState, action ) => { switch ( action.type ) { case types.RECEIVE_ERROR: state = { ...state, errors: state.errors.concat( action.error ), }; break; case types.REPLACE_ERRORS: state = { ...state, errors: [ action.error ], }; break; case types.RECEIVE_CART: state = { ...state, errors: [], cartData: mapKeys( action.response, ( _, key ) => camelCase( key ) ), }; break; case types.APPLYING_COUPON: state = { ...state, metaData: { ...state.metaData, applyingCoupon: action.couponCode, }, }; break; case types.REMOVING_COUPON: state = { ...state, metaData: { ...state.metaData, removingCoupon: action.couponCode, }, }; break; case types.ITEM_PENDING_QUANTITY: // Remove key by default - handles isQuantityPending==false // and prevents duplicates when isQuantityPending===true. const keysPendingQuantity = state.cartItemsPendingQuantity.filter( ( key ) => key !== action.cartItemKey ); if ( action.isPendingQuantity ) { keysPendingQuantity.push( action.cartItemKey ); } state = { ...state, cartItemsPendingQuantity: keysPendingQuantity, }; break; case types.RECEIVE_REMOVED_ITEM: const keysPendingDelete = state.cartItemsPendingDelete.filter( ( key ) => key !== action.cartItemKey ); if ( action.isPendingDelete ) { keysPendingDelete.push( action.cartItemKey ); } state = { ...state, cartItemsPendingDelete: keysPendingDelete, }; break; // Delegate to cartItemsReducer. case types.RECEIVE_CART_ITEM: state = { ...state, errors: [], cartData: { ...state.cartData, items: cartItemsReducer( state.cartData.items, action ), }, }; break; case types.UPDATING_SHIPPING_ADDRESS: state = { ...state, metaData: { ...state.metaData, updatingShipping: action.isResolving, }, }; break; case types.UPDATING_SELECTED_SHIPPING_RATE: state = { ...state, metaData: { ...state.metaData, updatingSelectedRate: action.isResolving, }, }; } return state; }; export default reducer;