/** * External dependencies */ import { render, Suspense } from '@wordpress/element'; import BlockErrorBoundary from '@woocommerce/base-components/block-error-boundary'; // Some blocks take care of rendering their inner blocks automatically. For // example, the empty cart. In those cases, we don't want to trigger the render // function of inner components on load. Instead, the wrapper block can trigger // the event `wc-blocks_render_blocks_frontend` to render its inner blocks. const selectorsToSkipOnLoad = [ '.wp-block-woocommerce-cart' ]; // Given an element and a list of wrappers, check if the element is inside at // least one of the wrappers. const isElementInsideWrappers = ( el, wrappers ) => { return Array.prototype.some.call( wrappers, ( wrapper ) => wrapper.contains( el ) && ! wrapper.isSameNode( el ) ); }; /** * Renders a block component in each `containers` node. * * @param {Object} props Render props. * @param {Function} props.Block React component to use as a * replacement. * @param {NodeList} props.containers Containers to replace with * the Block component. * @param {Function} [props.getProps] Function to generate the * props object for the block. * @param {Function} [props.getErrorBoundaryProps] Function to generate the * props object for the error * boundary. */ const renderBlockInContainers = ( { Block, containers, getProps = () => {}, getErrorBoundaryProps = () => {}, } ) => { if ( containers.length === 0 ) { return; } // Use Array.forEach for IE11 compatibility. Array.prototype.forEach.call( containers, ( el, i ) => { const props = getProps( el, i ); const errorBoundaryProps = getErrorBoundaryProps( el, i ); const attributes = { ...el.dataset, ...props.attributes, }; el.classList.remove( 'is-loading' ); render( }> , el ); } ); }; /** * Renders the block frontend in the elements matched by the selector which are * outside the wrapper elements. * * @param {Object} props Render props. * @param {Function} props.Block React component to use as a * replacement. * @param {string} props.selector CSS selector to match the * elements to replace. * @param {Function} [props.getProps] Function to generate the * props object for the block. * @param {Function} [props.getErrorBoundaryProps] Function to generate the * props object for the error * boundary. * @param {NodeList} props.wrappers All elements matched by the * selector which are inside * the wrapper will be ignored. */ const renderBlockOutsideWrappers = ( { Block, getProps, getErrorBoundaryProps, selector, wrappers, } ) => { const containers = document.body.querySelectorAll( selector ); // Filter out blocks inside the wrappers. if ( wrappers.length > 0 ) { Array.prototype.filter.call( containers, ( el ) => { return ! isElementInsideWrappers( el, wrappers ); } ); } renderBlockInContainers( { Block, containers, getProps, getErrorBoundaryProps, } ); }; /** * Renders the block frontend in the elements matched by the selector inside the * wrapper element. * * @param {Object} props Render props. * @param {Function} props.Block React component to use as a * replacement. * @param {string} props.selector CSS selector to match the * elements to replace. * @param {Function} [props.getProps] Function to generate the * props object for the block. * @param {Function} [props.getErrorBoundaryProps] Function to generate the * props object for the error * boundary. * @param {Element} props.wrapper Wrapper element to query the * selector inside. */ const renderBlockInsideWrapper = ( { Block, getProps, getErrorBoundaryProps, selector, wrapper, } ) => { const containers = wrapper.querySelectorAll( selector ); renderBlockInContainers( { Block, containers, getProps, getErrorBoundaryProps, } ); }; /** * Renders the block frontend on page load. If the block is contained inside a * wrapper element that should be excluded from initial load, it adds the * appropriate event listeners to render the block when the * `blocks_render_blocks_frontend` event is triggered. * * @param {Object} props Render props. * @param {Function} props.Block React component to use as a * replacement. * @param {string} props.selector CSS selector to match the * elements to replace. * @param {Function} [props.getProps] Function to generate the * props object for the block. * @param {Function} [props.getErrorBoundaryProps] Function to generate the * props object for the error * boundary. */ export const renderFrontend = ( props ) => { const wrappersToSkipOnLoad = document.body.querySelectorAll( selectorsToSkipOnLoad.join( ',' ) ); renderBlockOutsideWrappers( { ...props, wrappers: wrappersToSkipOnLoad, } ); // For each wrapper, add an event listener to render the inner blocks when // `wc-blocks_render_blocks_frontend` event is triggered. Array.prototype.forEach.call( wrappersToSkipOnLoad, ( wrapper ) => { wrapper.addEventListener( 'wc-blocks_render_blocks_frontend', () => { renderBlockInsideWrapper( { ...props, wrapper } ); } ); } ); }; export default renderFrontend;