'intval', 'parent_id' => 'intval', 'date_created' => 'strval', 'date_created_gmt' => 'strval', 'status' => 'strval', 'customer_id' => 'intval', 'net_total' => 'floatval', 'gross_total' => 'floatval', 'num_items_sold' => 'intval', 'customer_type' => 'strval', ); /** * SQL columns to select in the db query and their mapping to SQL code. * * @var array */ protected $report_columns = array(); /** * Constructor */ public function __construct() { global $wpdb; $table_name = $wpdb->prefix . self::TABLE_NAME; // Avoid ambigious columns in SQL query. $this->report_columns = array( 'order_id' => "{$table_name}.order_id", 'parent_id' => "{$table_name}.parent_id", 'date_created' => "{$table_name}.date_created", 'date_created_gmt' => "{$table_name}.date_created_gmt", 'status' => "REPLACE({$table_name}.status, 'wc-', '') as status", 'customer_id' => "{$table_name}.customer_id", 'net_total' => "{$table_name}.net_total", 'gross_total' => "{$table_name}.gross_total", 'num_items_sold' => "{$table_name}.num_items_sold", 'customer_type' => "(CASE WHEN {$table_name}.returning_customer = 1 THEN 'returning' WHEN {$table_name}.returning_customer = 0 THEN 'new' ELSE '' END) as customer_type", ); } /** * Updates the database query with parameters used for orders report: coupons and products filters. * * @param array $query_args Query arguments supplied by the user. * @return array Array of parameters used for SQL query. */ protected function get_sql_query_params( $query_args ) { global $wpdb; $order_stats_lookup_table = $wpdb->prefix . self::TABLE_NAME; $operator = $this->get_match_operator( $query_args ); $where_subquery = array(); $sql_query_params = $this->get_time_period_sql_params( $query_args, $order_stats_lookup_table ); $sql_query_params = array_merge( $sql_query_params, $this->get_limit_sql_params( $query_args ) ); $sql_query_params = array_merge( $sql_query_params, $this->get_order_by_sql_params( $query_args ) ); $status_subquery = $this->get_status_subquery( $query_args ); if ( $status_subquery ) { if ( empty( $query_args['status_is'] ) && empty( $query_args['status_is_not'] ) ) { $sql_query_params['where_clause'] .= " AND {$status_subquery}"; } else { $where_subquery[] = $status_subquery; } } $included_orders = $this->get_included_orders( $query_args ); if ( $included_orders ) { $where_subquery[] = "{$order_stats_lookup_table}.order_id IN ({$included_orders})"; } $excluded_orders = $this->get_excluded_orders( $query_args ); if ( $excluded_orders ) { $where_subquery[] = "{$order_stats_lookup_table}.order_id NOT IN ({$excluded_orders})"; } if ( $query_args['customer_type'] ) { $returning_customer = 'returning' === $query_args['customer_type'] ? 1 : 0; $where_subquery[] = "{$order_stats_lookup_table}.returning_customer = ${returning_customer}"; } $refund_subquery = $this->get_refund_subquery( $query_args ); $sql_query_params['from_clause'] .= $refund_subquery['from_clause'] ? $refund_subquery['from_clause'] : ''; if ( $refund_subquery['where_clause'] ) { $where_subquery[] = $refund_subquery['where_clause']; } $included_coupons = $this->get_included_coupons( $query_args ); $excluded_coupons = $this->get_excluded_coupons( $query_args ); $order_coupon_lookup_table = $wpdb->prefix . 'wc_order_coupon_lookup'; if ( $included_coupons || $excluded_coupons ) { $sql_query_params['from_clause'] .= " JOIN {$order_coupon_lookup_table} ON {$order_stats_lookup_table}.order_id = {$order_coupon_lookup_table}.order_id"; } if ( $included_coupons ) { $where_subquery[] = "{$order_coupon_lookup_table}.coupon_id IN ({$included_coupons})"; } if ( $excluded_coupons ) { $where_subquery[] = "{$order_coupon_lookup_table}.coupon_id NOT IN ({$excluded_coupons})"; } $included_products = $this->get_included_products( $query_args ); $excluded_products = $this->get_excluded_products( $query_args ); $order_product_lookup_table = $wpdb->prefix . 'wc_order_product_lookup'; if ( $included_products || $excluded_products ) { $sql_query_params['from_clause'] .= " JOIN {$order_product_lookup_table} ON {$order_stats_lookup_table}.order_id = {$order_product_lookup_table}.order_id"; } if ( $included_products ) { $where_subquery[] = "{$order_product_lookup_table}.product_id IN ({$included_products})"; } if ( $excluded_products ) { $where_subquery[] = "{$order_product_lookup_table}.product_id NOT IN ({$excluded_products})"; } if ( 0 < count( $where_subquery ) ) { $sql_query_params['where_clause'] .= ' AND (' . implode( " {$operator} ", $where_subquery ) . ')'; } return $sql_query_params; } /** * Returns the report data based on parameters supplied by the user. * * @param array $query_args Query parameters. * @return stdClass|WP_Error Data. */ public function get_data( $query_args ) { global $wpdb; $table_name = $wpdb->prefix . self::TABLE_NAME; // These defaults are only partially applied when used via REST API, as that has its own defaults. $defaults = array( 'per_page' => get_option( 'posts_per_page' ), 'page' => 1, 'order' => 'DESC', 'orderby' => 'date_created', 'before' => '', 'after' => '', 'fields' => '*', 'product_includes' => array(), 'product_excludes' => array(), 'coupon_includes' => array(), 'coupon_excludes' => array(), 'customer_type' => null, 'status_is' => array(), 'extended_info' => false, 'refunds' => null, 'order_includes' => array(), 'order_excludes' => array(), ); $query_args = wp_parse_args( $query_args, $defaults ); $this->normalize_timezones( $query_args, $defaults ); $cache_key = $this->get_cache_key( $query_args ); $data = wp_cache_get( $cache_key, $this->cache_group ); if ( false === $data ) { $data = (object) array( 'data' => array(), 'total' => 0, 'pages' => 0, 'page_no' => 0, ); $selections = $this->selected_columns( $query_args ); $sql_query_params = $this->get_sql_query_params( $query_args ); $db_records_count = (int) $wpdb->get_var( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ( SELECT {$table_name}.order_id FROM {$table_name} {$sql_query_params['from_clause']} WHERE 1=1 {$sql_query_params['where_time_clause']} {$sql_query_params['where_clause']} ) AS tt" ); // WPCS: cache ok, DB call ok, unprepared SQL ok. if ( 0 === $sql_query_params['per_page'] ) { $total_pages = 0; } else { $total_pages = (int) ceil( $db_records_count / $sql_query_params['per_page'] ); } if ( $query_args['page'] < 1 || $query_args['page'] > $total_pages ) { $data = (object) array( 'data' => array(), 'total' => $db_records_count, 'pages' => 0, 'page_no' => 0, ); return $data; } $orders_data = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT {$selections} FROM {$table_name} {$sql_query_params['from_clause']} WHERE 1=1 {$sql_query_params['where_time_clause']} {$sql_query_params['where_clause']} ORDER BY {$sql_query_params['order_by_clause']} {$sql_query_params['limit']} ", ARRAY_A ); // WPCS: cache ok, DB call ok, unprepared SQL ok. if ( null === $orders_data ) { return $data; } if ( $query_args['extended_info'] ) { $this->include_extended_info( $orders_data, $query_args ); } $orders_data = array_map( array( $this, 'cast_numbers' ), $orders_data ); $data = (object) array( 'data' => $orders_data, 'total' => $db_records_count, 'pages' => $total_pages, 'page_no' => (int) $query_args['page'], ); wp_cache_set( $cache_key, $data, $this->cache_group ); } return $data; } /** * Normalizes order_by clause to match to SQL query. * * @param string $order_by Order by option requeste by user. * @return string */ protected function normalize_order_by( $order_by ) { if ( 'date' === $order_by ) { return 'date_created'; } return $order_by; } /** * Enriches the order data. * * @param array $orders_data Orders data. * @param array $query_args Query parameters. */ protected function include_extended_info( &$orders_data, $query_args ) { $mapped_orders = $this->map_array_by_key( $orders_data, 'order_id' ); $products = $this->get_products_by_order_ids( array_keys( $mapped_orders ) ); $mapped_products = $this->map_array_by_key( $products, 'product_id' ); $coupons = $this->get_coupons_by_order_ids( array_keys( $mapped_orders ) ); $customers = $this->get_customers_by_orders( $orders_data ); $mapped_customers = $this->map_array_by_key( $customers, 'customer_id' ); $mapped_data = array(); foreach ( $products as $product ) { if ( ! isset( $mapped_data[ $product['order_id'] ] ) ) { $mapped_data[ $product['order_id'] ]['products'] = array(); } $mapped_data[ $product['order_id'] ]['products'][] = array( 'id' => $product['product_id'], 'name' => $product['product_name'], 'quantity' => $product['product_quantity'], ); } foreach ( $coupons as $coupon ) { if ( ! isset( $mapped_data[ $coupon['order_id'] ] ) ) { $mapped_data[ $product['order_id'] ]['coupons'] = array(); } $mapped_data[ $coupon['order_id'] ]['coupons'][] = array( 'id' => $coupon['coupon_id'], 'code' => wc_format_coupon_code( $coupon['coupon_code'] ), ); } foreach ( $orders_data as $key => $order_data ) { $defaults = array( 'products' => array(), 'coupons' => array(), 'customer' => array(), ); $orders_data[ $key ]['extended_info'] = isset( $mapped_data[ $order_data['order_id'] ] ) ? array_merge( $defaults, $mapped_data[ $order_data['order_id'] ] ) : $defaults; if ( $order_data['customer_id'] && isset( $mapped_customers[ $order_data['customer_id'] ] ) ) { $orders_data[ $key ]['extended_info']['customer'] = $mapped_customers[ $order_data['customer_id'] ]; } } } /** * Returns the same array index by a given key * * @param array $array Array to be looped over. * @param string $key Key of values used for new array. * @return array */ protected function map_array_by_key( $array, $key ) { $mapped = array(); foreach ( $array as $item ) { $mapped[ $item[ $key ] ] = $item; } return $mapped; } /** * Get product IDs, names, and quantity from order IDs. * * @param array $order_ids Array of order IDs. * @return array */ protected function get_products_by_order_ids( $order_ids ) { global $wpdb; $order_product_lookup_table = $wpdb->prefix . 'wc_order_product_lookup'; $included_order_ids = implode( ',', $order_ids ); $products = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT order_id, ID as product_id, post_title as product_name, product_qty as product_quantity FROM {$wpdb->prefix}posts JOIN {$order_product_lookup_table} ON {$order_product_lookup_table}.product_id = {$wpdb->prefix}posts.ID WHERE order_id IN ({$included_order_ids}) ", ARRAY_A ); // WPCS: cache ok, DB call ok, unprepared SQL ok. return $products; } /** * Get customer data from Order data. * * @param array $orders Array of orders data. * @return array */ protected function get_customers_by_orders( $orders ) { global $wpdb; $customer_lookup_table = $wpdb->prefix . 'wc_customer_lookup'; $customer_ids = array(); foreach ( $orders as $order ) { if ( $order['customer_id'] ) { $customer_ids[] = intval( $order['customer_id'] ); } } if ( empty( $customer_ids ) ) { return array(); } $customer_ids = implode( ',', $customer_ids ); $customers = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT * FROM {$customer_lookup_table} WHERE customer_id IN ({$customer_ids})", ARRAY_A ); // WPCS: cache ok, DB call ok, unprepared SQL ok. return $customers; } /** * Get coupon information from order IDs. * * @param array $order_ids Array of order IDs. * @return array */ protected function get_coupons_by_order_ids( $order_ids ) { global $wpdb; $order_coupon_lookup_table = $wpdb->prefix . 'wc_order_coupon_lookup'; $included_order_ids = implode( ',', $order_ids ); $coupons = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT order_id, coupon_id, post_title as coupon_code FROM {$wpdb->prefix}posts JOIN {$order_coupon_lookup_table} ON {$order_coupon_lookup_table}.coupon_id = {$wpdb->prefix}posts.ID WHERE order_id IN ({$included_order_ids}) ", ARRAY_A ); // WPCS: cache ok, DB call ok, unprepared SQL ok. return $coupons; } /** * Returns string to be used as cache key for the data. * * @param array $params Query parameters. * @return string */ protected function get_cache_key( $params ) { return 'woocommerce_' . self::TABLE_NAME . '_' . md5( wp_json_encode( $params ) ); } }