/** @format */ /** * External dependencies */ const { map } = require( 'lodash' ); /** * Given a string, returns a new string with dash separators converted to * camel-case equivalent. This is not as aggressive as `_.camelCase` in * converting to uppercase, where Lodash will convert letters following * numbers. * * @param {string} string Input dash-delimited string. * * @return {string} Camel-cased string. */ function camelCaseDash( string ) { return string .replace( /^([a-z])/g, ( match, letter ) => letter.toUpperCase() ) .replace( /-([a-z])/g, ( match, letter ) => letter.toUpperCase() ); } /** * Get a formatted description string. * * @param { string } description Component description as retrieved from component docs. * @return { string } Formatted string. */ function getDescription( description = '' ) { // eslint requires valid jsdoc, but we can remove this because it's implicit. description = description .replace( '@return { object } -', '' ) .replace( '@param { object } props -', '' ); return description + '\n'; } /** * Get a single prop's details formatted for markdown. * * @param { string } propName Prop name. * @param { object } prop Prop details as retrieved from component docs. * @return { string } Formatted string. */ function getProp( propName, prop ) { const lines = [ '### `' + propName + '`\n' ]; prop.required && lines.push( '- **Required**' ); lines.push( '- Type: ' + getPropType( prop.type, propName ) ); lines.push( '- Default: ' + getPropDefaultValue( prop.defaultValue ) ); lines.push( '' ); prop.description && lines.push( prop.description ); lines.push( '' ); return lines.join( '\n' ); } /** * Get a single prop's default value. * * @param { object } value Default value as retrieved from component docs. * @return { string } Formatted string. */ function getPropDefaultValue( value ) { if ( value && value.value ) { return '`' + value.value + '`'; } return 'null'; } /** * Get props and prop details formatted for markdown. * * @param { object } props Component props as retrieved from component docs. * @return { string } Formatted string. */ function getProps( props = {} ) { if ( Object.keys( props ).length < 1 ) { return ''; } const title = 'Props'; const lines = [ title, stringOfLength( '-', title.length ), '' ]; Object.keys( props ).map( key => { lines.push( getProp( key, props[ key ] ) ); } ); return lines.join( '\n' ); } /** * Get a single prop's type. * * @param { object } type Prop type as retrieved from component docs. * @return { string } Formatted string. */ function getPropType( type ) { if ( ! type ) { return; } const labels = { func: 'Function', array: 'Array', object: 'Object', string: 'String', number: 'Number', bool: 'Boolean', node: 'ReactNode', element: 'ReactElement', any: '*', custom: '(custom validator)', }; let value = ''; switch ( type.name ) { case 'arrayOf': // replacing "Object" is a hack for shape proptypes. value = 'Array\n' + getPropType( type.value ).replace( 'Object\n', '' ); break; case 'objectOf': // replacing "Object" is a hack for shape proptypes. value = 'Object\n' + getPropType( type.value ).replace( 'Object\n', '' ); break; case 'shape': value = map( type.value, ( v, key ) => `\n - ${ key }: ` + getPropType( v ) ).join( '' ); value = 'Object\n' + value.replace( /^\n/, '' ); break; case 'enum': value = 'One of: ' + type.value.map( v => v.value ).join( ', ' ); break; case 'union': value = 'One of type: ' + type.value.map( v => v.name ).join( ', ' ); break; default: value = ( labels[ type.name ] || type.name ) + ( type.description ? ` - ${ type.description }` : '' ); } return value; } /** * Get a formatted title string. * * @param { string } name Component title as retrieved from component docs. * @return { string } Formatted string. */ function getTitle( name ) { const title = '`' + name + '` (component)'; return title + '\n' + stringOfLength( '=', title.length ) + '\n'; } /** * Repeat a string n times. If the string is 1 character long, * this will return a string of length n. * * @param { string } string String to repeat. * @param { number } n Number to repeat the string. * @return { string } New string. */ function stringOfLength( string, n ) { let newString = ''; for ( let i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { newString += string; } return newString; } module.exports = { camelCaseDash, getDescription, getProp, getPropDefaultValue, getProps, getPropType, getTitle, stringOfLength, };