// Reference: https://github.com/WordPress/gutenberg/blob/release/16.4/packages/block-editor/src/components/block-preview/auto.js /* eslint-disable @woocommerce/dependency-group */ /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment */ /** * External dependencies */ import { useResizeObserver, pure } from '@wordpress/compose'; import { useContext, useMemo, useState } from '@wordpress/element'; import { Disabled, Popover } from '@wordpress/components'; import { __unstableEditorStyles as EditorStyles, __unstableIframe as Iframe, privateApis as blockEditorPrivateApis, BlockList, store as blockEditorStore, // @ts-ignore No types for this exist yet. } from '@wordpress/block-editor'; // @ts-ignore No types for this exist yet. import { unlock } from '@wordpress/edit-site/build-module/lock-unlock'; /** * Internal dependencies */ import { LogoBlockContext } from './logo-block-context'; import { SYSTEM_FONT_SLUG } from './sidebar/global-styles/font-pairing-variations/constants'; import { PreloadFonts } from './preload-fonts'; import { FontFamily } from '../types/font'; import { FontFamiliesLoaderDotCom } from './sidebar/global-styles/font-pairing-variations/font-families-loader-dot-com'; import { CustomizeStoreContext } from '.'; import { isAIFlow } from '../guards'; import { selectBlockOnHover } from './utils/select-block-on-hover'; import { useDispatch, useSelect } from '@wordpress/data'; import { PopoverStatus, usePopoverHandler } from './hooks/use-popover-handler'; import { noop } from 'lodash'; import { useAddAutoBlockPreviewEventListenersAndObservers } from './hooks/auto-block-preview-event-listener'; import { IsResizingContext } from './resizable-frame'; import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n'; // @ts-ignore No types for this exist yet. const { Provider: DisabledProvider } = Disabled.Context; // This is used to avoid rendering the block list if the sizes change. let MemoizedBlockList: typeof BlockList | undefined; const { useGlobalSetting } = unlock( blockEditorPrivateApis ); const MAX_HEIGHT = 2000; export type ScaledBlockPreviewProps = { viewportWidth?: number; containerWidth: number; minHeight?: number; settings: { styles: string[]; [ key: string ]: unknown; }; additionalStyles: string; isScrollable?: boolean; autoScale?: boolean; setLogoBlockContext?: boolean; CustomIframeComponent?: React.ComponentType< Parameters< typeof Iframe >[ 0 ] >; isPatternPreview: boolean; }; function ScaledBlockPreview( { viewportWidth, containerWidth, settings, additionalStyles, isScrollable = true, autoScale = true, isPatternPreview, CustomIframeComponent = Iframe, }: ScaledBlockPreviewProps ) { const [ contentHeight, setContentHeight ] = useState< number | null >( null ); const { setLogoBlockIds, logoBlockIds } = useContext( LogoBlockContext ); const [ fontFamilies ] = useGlobalSetting( 'typography.fontFamilies.theme' ) as [ FontFamily[] ]; const externalFontFamilies = fontFamilies.filter( ( { slug } ) => slug !== SYSTEM_FONT_SLUG ); const { context } = useContext( CustomizeStoreContext ); if ( ! viewportWidth ) { viewportWidth = containerWidth; } const [ iframeRef, setIframeRef ] = useState< HTMLElement | null >( null ); const [ popoverStatus, virtualElement, updatePopoverPosition, setPopoverStatus, ] = usePopoverHandler(); // @ts-expect-error No types for this exist yet. const { selectBlock, setBlockEditingMode } = useDispatch( blockEditorStore ); // @ts-expect-error No types for this exist yet. const { getBlockParents } = useSelect( blockEditorStore ); // Avoid scrollbars for pattern previews. const editorStyles = useMemo( () => { if ( ! isScrollable && settings.styles ) { return [ ...settings.styles, { css: 'body{height:auto;overflow:hidden;border:none;padding:0;}', __unstableType: 'presets', }, ]; } return settings.styles; }, [ settings.styles, isScrollable ] ); const scale = containerWidth / viewportWidth; const aspectRatio = contentHeight ? containerWidth / ( contentHeight * scale ) : 0; // Initialize on render instead of module top level, to avoid circular dependency issues. MemoizedBlockList = MemoizedBlockList || pure( BlockList ); const isResizing = useContext( IsResizingContext ); useAddAutoBlockPreviewEventListenersAndObservers( { documentElement: iframeRef, autoScale, isPatternPreview, contentHeight, logoBlockIds, }, { selectBlockOnHover, selectBlock, getBlockParents, setBlockEditingMode, updatePopoverPosition, setLogoBlockIds, setContentHeight, setPopoverStatus, } ); return ( <> { ! isPatternPreview && virtualElement && popoverStatus === PopoverStatus.VISIBLE && ! isResizing && ( { __( 'You can edit your content later in the Editor', 'woocommerce' ) } ) }
MAX_HEIGHT ? MAX_HEIGHT * scale : undefined, } : {} } > { if ( ! bodyElement || iframeRef !== null ) { return; } const documentElement = bodyElement.ownerDocument.documentElement; setIframeRef( documentElement ); } } > { isAIFlow( context.flowType ) && ( ) }
); } export const AutoHeightBlockPreview = ( props: Omit< ScaledBlockPreviewProps, 'containerWidth' > ) => { const [ containerResizeListener, { width: containerWidth } ] = useResizeObserver(); return ( <>
{ containerResizeListener }
{ !! containerWidth && ( ) }
); };