$controller = new $controller(); $this->$controller->register_routes(); } } /** * Filter REST API endpoints. * * @param array $endpoints List of endpoints. * @return array */ public static function filter_rest_endpoints( $endpoints ) { // Override GET /wc/v3/system_status/tools. if ( isset( $endpoints['/wc/v3/system_status/tools'] ) && isset( $endpoints['/wc/v3/system_status/tools'][1] ) && isset( $endpoints['/wc/v3/system_status/tools'][0] ) && $endpoints['/wc/v3/system_status/tools'][1]['callback'][0] instanceof WC_Admin_REST_System_Status_Tools_Controller ) { $endpoints['/wc/v3/system_status/tools'][0] = $endpoints['/wc/v3/system_status/tools'][1]; } // // Override GET & PUT for /wc/v3/system_status/tools. if ( isset( $endpoints['/wc/v3/system_status/tools/(?P[\w-]+)'] ) && isset( $endpoints['/wc/v3/system_status/tools/(?P[\w-]+)'][3] ) && isset( $endpoints['/wc/v3/system_status/tools/(?P[\w-]+)'][2] ) && $endpoints['/wc/v3/system_status/tools/(?P[\w-]+)'][2]['callback'][0] instanceof WC_Admin_REST_System_Status_Tools_Controller && $endpoints['/wc/v3/system_status/tools/(?P[\w-]+)'][3]['callback'][0] instanceof WC_Admin_REST_System_Status_Tools_Controller ) { $endpoints['/wc/v3/system_status/tools/(?P[\w-]+)'][0] = $endpoints['/wc/v3/system_status/tools/(?P[\w-]+)'][2]; $endpoints['/wc/v3/system_status/tools/(?P[\w-]+)'][1] = $endpoints['/wc/v3/system_status/tools/(?P[\w-]+)'][3]; } // Override GET /wc/v3/reports. if ( isset( $endpoints['/wc/v3/reports'] ) && isset( $endpoints['/wc/v3/reports'][1] ) && isset( $endpoints['/wc/v3/reports'][0] ) && $endpoints['/wc/v3/reports'][1]['callback'][0] instanceof WC_Admin_REST_Reports_Controller ) { $endpoints['/wc/v3/reports'][0] = $endpoints['/wc/v3/reports'][1]; } // Override /wc/v3/customers. if ( isset( $endpoints['/wc/v3/customers'] ) && isset( $endpoints['/wc/v3/customers'][3] ) && isset( $endpoints['/wc/v3/customers'][2] ) && $endpoints['/wc/v3/customers'][2]['callback'][0] instanceof WC_Admin_REST_Customers_Controller && $endpoints['/wc/v3/customers'][3]['callback'][0] instanceof WC_Admin_REST_Customers_Controller ) { $endpoints['/wc/v3/customers'][0] = $endpoints['/wc/v3/customers'][2]; $endpoints['/wc/v3/customers'][1] = $endpoints['/wc/v3/customers'][3]; } // Override /wc/v3/orders/$id. if ( isset( $endpoints['/wc/v3/orders/(?P[\d]+)'] ) && isset( $endpoints['/wc/v3/orders/(?P[\d]+)'][5] ) && isset( $endpoints['/wc/v3/orders/(?P[\d]+)'][4] ) && isset( $endpoints['/wc/v3/orders/(?P[\d]+)'][3] ) && $endpoints['/wc/v3/orders/(?P[\d]+)'][3]['callback'][0] instanceof WC_Admin_REST_Orders_Stats_Controller && $endpoints['/wc/v3/orders/(?P[\d]+)'][4]['callback'][0] instanceof WC_Admin_REST_Orders_Stats_Controller && $endpoints['/wc/v3/orders/(?P[\d]+)'][5]['callback'][0] instanceof WC_Admin_REST_Orders_Stats_Controller ) { $endpoints['/wc/v3/orders/(?P[\d]+)'][0] = $endpoints['/wc/v3/orders/(?P[\d]+)'][3]; $endpoints['/wc/v3/orders/(?P[\d]+)'][1] = $endpoints['/wc/v3/orders/(?P[\d]+)'][4]; $endpoints['/wc/v3/orders/(?P[\d]+)'][2] = $endpoints['/wc/v3/orders/(?P[\d]+)'][5]; } // Override /wc/v3orders. if ( isset( $endpoints['/wc/v3/orders'] ) && isset( $endpoints['/wc/v3/orders'][3] ) && isset( $endpoints['/wc/v3/orders'][2] ) && $endpoints['/wc/v3/orders'][2]['callback'][0] instanceof WC_Admin_REST_Orders_Stats_Controller && $endpoints['/wc/v3/orders'][3]['callback'][0] instanceof WC_Admin_REST_Orders_Stats_Controller ) { $endpoints['/wc/v3/orders'][0] = $endpoints['/wc/v3/orders'][2]; $endpoints['/wc/v3/orders'][1] = $endpoints['/wc/v3/orders'][3]; } // Override /wc/v3/data. if ( isset( $endpoints['/wc/v3/data'] ) && isset( $endpoints['/wc/v3/data'][1] ) && $endpoints['/wc/v3/data'][1]['callback'][0] instanceof WC_Admin_REST_Data_Controller ) { $endpoints['/wc/v3/data'][0] = $endpoints['/wc/v3/data'][1]; } // Override /wc/v3/products. if ( isset( $endpoints['/wc/v3/products'] ) && isset( $endpoints['/wc/v3/products'][3] ) && isset( $endpoints['/wc/v3/products'][2] ) && $endpoints['/wc/v3/products'][2]['callback'][0] instanceof WC_Admin_REST_Products_Controller && $endpoints['/wc/v3/products'][3]['callback'][0] instanceof WC_Admin_REST_Products_Controller ) { $endpoints['/wc/v3/products'][0] = $endpoints['/wc/v3/products'][2]; $endpoints['/wc/v3/products'][1] = $endpoints['/wc/v3/products'][3]; } // Override /wc/v3/products/$id. if ( isset( $endpoints['/wc/v3/products/(?P[\d]+)'] ) && isset( $endpoints['/wc/v3/products/(?P[\d]+)'][5] ) && isset( $endpoints['/wc/v3/products/(?P[\d]+)'][4] ) && isset( $endpoints['/wc/v3/products/(?P[\d]+)'][3] ) && $endpoints['/wc/v3/products/(?P[\d]+)'][3]['callback'][0] instanceof WC_Admin_REST_Products_Controller && $endpoints['/wc/v3/products/(?P[\d]+)'][4]['callback'][0] instanceof WC_Admin_REST_Products_Controller && $endpoints['/wc/v3/products/(?P[\d]+)'][5]['callback'][0] instanceof WC_Admin_REST_Products_Controller ) { $endpoints['/wc/v3/products/(?P[\d]+)'][0] = $endpoints['/wc/v3/products/(?P[\d]+)'][3]; $endpoints['/wc/v3/products/(?P[\d]+)'][1] = $endpoints['/wc/v3/products/(?P[\d]+)'][4]; $endpoints['/wc/v3/products/(?P[\d]+)'][2] = $endpoints['/wc/v3/products/(?P[\d]+)'][5]; } // Override /wc/v3/products/reviews. if ( isset( $endpoints['/wc/v3/products/reviews'] ) && isset( $endpoints['/wc/v3/products/reviews'][3] ) && isset( $endpoints['/wc/v3/products/reviews'][2] ) && $endpoints['/wc/v3/products/reviews'][2]['callback'][0] instanceof WC_Admin_REST_Product_Reviews_Controller && $endpoints['/wc/v3/products/reviews'][3]['callback'][0] instanceof WC_Admin_REST_Product_Reviews_Controller ) { $endpoints['/wc/v3/products/reviews'][0] = $endpoints['/wc/v3/products/reviews'][2]; $endpoints['/wc/v3/products/reviews'][1] = $endpoints['/wc/v3/products/reviews'][3]; } return $endpoints; } /** * Regenerate data for reports. */ public static function regenerate_report_data() { // Add registered customers to the lookup table before updating order stats // so that the orders can be associated with the `customer_id` column. self::customer_lookup_batch_init(); WC_Admin_Reports_Orders_Stats_Data_Store::queue_order_stats_repopulate_database(); self::order_product_lookup_store_init(); } /** * Adds regenerate tool. * * @param array $tools List of tools. * @return array */ public static function add_regenerate_tool( $tools ) { return array_merge( $tools, array( 'rebuild_stats' => array( 'name' => __( 'Rebuild reports data', 'wc-admin' ), 'button' => __( 'Rebuild reports', 'wc-admin' ), 'desc' => __( 'This tool will rebuild all of the information used by the reports.', 'wc-admin' ), 'callback' => array( 'WC_Admin_Api_Init', 'regenerate_report_data' ), ), ) ); } /** * Init orders data store. */ public static function orders_data_store_init() { WC_Admin_Reports_Orders_Stats_Data_Store::init(); WC_Admin_Reports_Products_Data_Store::init(); WC_Admin_Reports_Taxes_Data_Store::init(); WC_Admin_Reports_Coupons_Data_Store::init(); } /** * Init orders product lookup store. * * @param WC_Background_Updater|null $updater Updater instance. * @return bool */ public static function order_product_lookup_store_init( $updater = null ) { // TODO: this needs to be updated a bit, as it no longer runs as a part of WC_Install, there is no bg updater. global $wpdb; $orders = get_transient( 'wc_update_350_all_orders' ); if ( false === $orders ) { $orders = wc_get_orders( array( 'limit' => -1, 'return' => 'ids', ) ); set_transient( 'wc_update_350_all_orders', $orders, DAY_IN_SECONDS ); } // Process orders until close to running out of memory timeouts on large sites then requeue. foreach ( $orders as $order_id ) { WC_Admin_Reports_Products_Data_Store::sync_order_products( $order_id ); // Pop the order ID from the array for updating the transient later should we near memory exhaustion. unset( $orders[ $order_id ] ); if ( $updater instanceof WC_Background_Updater && $updater->is_memory_exceeded() ) { // Update the transient for the next run to avoid processing the same orders again. set_transient( 'wc_update_350_all_orders', $orders, DAY_IN_SECONDS ); return true; } } return true; } /** * Init customers report data store. */ public static function customers_report_data_store_init() { WC_Admin_Reports_Customers_Data_Store::init(); } /** * Returns the batch size for regenerating reports. * * @return int Batch size. */ public static function get_batch_size() { return apply_filters( 'wc_admin_report_regenerate_batch_size', 25 ); } /** * Queue a large number of batch jobs, respecting the batch size limit. * Reduces a range of batches down to "single batch" jobs. * * @param int $range_start Starting batch number. * @param int $range_end Ending batch number. * @param string $single_batch_action Action to schedule for a single batch. * @return void */ public static function queue_batches( $range_start, $range_end, $single_batch_action ) { $batch_size = self::get_batch_size(); $range_size = 1 + ( $range_end - $range_start ); $queue = WC()->queue(); $schedule = time() + 5; if ( $range_size > $batch_size ) { // If the current batch range is larger than a single batch, // split the range into $batch_size chunks. $chunk_size = ceil( $range_size / $batch_size ); for ( $i = 0; $i < $batch_size; $i++ ) { $batch_start = $range_start + ( $i * $chunk_size ); $batch_end = min( $range_end, $range_start + ( $chunk_size * ( $i + 1 ) ) - 1 ); $queue->schedule_single( $schedule, 'wc-admin_queue_batches', array( $batch_start, $batch_end, $single_batch_action ) ); } } else { // Otherwise, queue the single batches. for ( $i = $range_start; $i <= $range_end; $i++ ) { $queue->schedule_single( $schedule, $single_batch_action, array( $i ) ); } } } /** * Init customer lookup table update (in batches). */ public static function customer_lookup_batch_init() { $batch_size = self::get_batch_size(); $customer_query = new WP_User_Query( array( 'fields' => 'ID', 'role' => 'customer', 'number' => 1, ) ); $queue = WC()->queue(); $schedule = time() + 5; $total_customers = $customer_query->get_total(); $num_batches = ceil( $total_customers / $batch_size ); self::queue_batches( 1, $num_batches, 'wc-admin_process_customers_batch' ); } /** * Process a batch of customers to update. * * @param int $batch_number Batch number to process (essentially a query page number). * @return void */ public static function customer_lookup_process_batch( $batch_number ) { $batch_size = self::get_batch_size(); $customer_query = new WP_User_Query( array( 'fields' => 'ID', 'role' => 'customer', 'orderby' => 'ID', 'order' => 'ASC', 'number' => $batch_size, 'paged' => $batch_number, ) ); $customer_ids = $customer_query->get_results(); foreach ( $customer_ids as $customer_id ) { // TODO: schedule single customer update if this fails? WC_Admin_Reports_Customers_Data_Store::update_registered_customer( $customer_id ); } } /** * Adds data stores. * * @param array $data_stores List of data stores. * @return array */ public static function add_data_stores( $data_stores ) { return array_merge( $data_stores, array( 'report-revenue-stats' => 'WC_Admin_Reports_Orders_Stats_Data_Store', 'report-orders' => 'WC_Admin_Reports_Orders_Data_Store', 'report-orders-stats' => 'WC_Admin_Reports_Orders_Stats_Data_Store', 'report-products' => 'WC_Admin_Reports_Products_Data_Store', 'report-variations' => 'WC_Admin_Reports_Variations_Data_Store', 'report-products-stats' => 'WC_Admin_Reports_Products_Stats_Data_Store', 'report-categories' => 'WC_Admin_Reports_Categories_Data_Store', 'report-taxes' => 'WC_Admin_Reports_Taxes_Data_Store', 'report-taxes-stats' => 'WC_Admin_Reports_Taxes_Stats_Data_Store', 'report-coupons' => 'WC_Admin_Reports_Coupons_Data_Store', 'report-coupons-stats' => 'WC_Admin_Reports_Coupons_Stats_Data_Store', 'report-downloads' => 'WC_Admin_Reports_Downloads_Data_Store', 'report-downloads-stats' => 'WC_Admin_Reports_Downloads_Stats_Data_Store', 'admin-note' => 'WC_Admin_Notes_Data_Store', 'report-customers' => 'WC_Admin_Reports_Customers_Data_Store', ) ); } /** * Adds new tables. * * @param array $wc_tables List of WooCommerce tables. * @return array */ public static function add_tables( $wc_tables ) { global $wpdb; return array_merge( $wc_tables, array( // TODO: will this work on multisite? "{$wpdb->prefix}wc_order_stats", "{$wpdb->prefix}wc_order_product_lookup", "{$wpdb->prefix}wc_order_tax_lookup", "{$wpdb->prefix}wc_order_coupon_lookup", "{$wpdb->prefix}woocommerce_admin_notes", "{$wpdb->prefix}woocommerce_admin_note_actions", "{$wpdb->prefix}wc_customer_lookup", ) ); } /** * Get database schema. * * @return string */ private static function get_schema() { global $wpdb; if ( $wpdb->has_cap( 'collation' ) ) { $collate = $wpdb->get_charset_collate(); } $tables = " CREATE TABLE {$wpdb->prefix}wc_order_stats ( order_id bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL, date_created timestamp DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00' NOT NULL, num_items_sold int(11) UNSIGNED DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, gross_total double DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, coupon_total double DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, refund_total double DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, tax_total double DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, shipping_total double DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, net_total double DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, returning_customer boolean DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, status varchar(200) NOT NULL, customer_id BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (order_id), KEY date_created (date_created) ) $collate; CREATE TABLE {$wpdb->prefix}wc_order_product_lookup ( order_item_id BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, order_id BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, product_id BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, variation_id BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, customer_id BIGINT UNSIGNED NULL, date_created timestamp DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00' NOT NULL, product_qty INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, product_net_revenue double DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (order_item_id), KEY order_id (order_id), KEY product_id (product_id), KEY customer_id (customer_id), KEY date_created (date_created) ) $collate; CREATE TABLE {$wpdb->prefix}wc_order_tax_lookup ( order_id BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, tax_rate_id BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, date_created timestamp DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00' NOT NULL, shipping_tax double DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, order_tax double DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, total_tax double DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, KEY order_id (order_id), KEY tax_rate_id (tax_rate_id), KEY date_created (date_created) ) $collate; CREATE TABLE {$wpdb->prefix}wc_order_coupon_lookup ( order_id BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, coupon_id BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, date_created timestamp DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00' NOT NULL, discount_amount double DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (order_id, coupon_id), KEY coupon_id (coupon_id), KEY date_created (date_created) ) $collate; CREATE TABLE {$wpdb->prefix}woocommerce_admin_notes ( note_id BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, name varchar(255) NOT NULL, type varchar(20) NOT NULL, locale varchar(20) NOT NULL, title longtext NOT NULL, content longtext NOT NULL, icon varchar(200) NOT NULL, content_data longtext NULL default null, status varchar(200) NOT NULL, source varchar(200) NOT NULL, date_created datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00', date_reminder datetime NULL default null, PRIMARY KEY (note_id) ) $collate; CREATE TABLE {$wpdb->prefix}woocommerce_admin_note_actions ( action_id BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, note_id BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, name varchar(255) NOT NULL, label varchar(255) NOT NULL, query longtext NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (action_id), KEY note_id (note_id) ) $collate; CREATE TABLE {$wpdb->prefix}wc_customer_lookup ( customer_id BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, user_id BIGINT UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL, username varchar(60) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, first_name varchar(255) NOT NULL, last_name varchar(255) NOT NULL, email varchar(100) NOT NULL, date_last_active timestamp DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00' NOT NULL, date_registered timestamp NULL default null, country char(2) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, postcode varchar(20) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, city varchar(100) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (customer_id), UNIQUE KEY user_id (user_id), KEY email (email) ) $collate; "; return $tables; } /** * Create database tables. */ public static function create_db_tables() { require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/upgrade.php'; dbDelta( self::get_schema() ); } /** * Install plugin. */ public static function install() { // Create tables. self::create_db_tables(); // Initialize report tables. // TODO: just call self::regenerate_report_data() here? add_action( 'woocommerce_after_register_post_type', array( 'WC_Admin_Api_Init', 'order_product_lookup_store_init' ), 20 ); add_action( 'woocommerce_after_register_post_type', array( 'WC_Admin_Api_Init', 'customer_lookup_batch_init' ), 20 ); } } new WC_Admin_Api_Init();