name: New CFE/PRR workflow notifications on: issues: types: [labeled] permissions: {} jobs: prep: if: == 'code freeze exception' || == 'point release request' || == 'Approved' || == 'Rejected' runs-on: ubuntu-20.04 outputs: release_number: ${{ steps.extract-release.outputs.RELEASE_NUMBER }} steps: - name: Extract Release Number from Issue Body id: extract-release uses: actions/github-script@v7 with: script: | const body = context.payload.issue.body; // Accessing the issue body directly from the context // Regular expression to match the release number after the specific question const releaseRegex = /Which release does this request apply to\?.*?\n([0-9]+\.[0-9]+)/s; // Match the body against the regex const match = body.match(releaseRegex); // Check if a valid release number was found if (match && match[1]) { const releaseNumber = match[1]; // Log the release number and set it as a GitHub output console.log(`Valid release number: ${releaseNumber}`); core.setOutput('RELEASE_NUMBER', releaseNumber); } else { // If no valid release number is found, fail the step core.setFailed("No valid release number found after the 'Which release does this request apply to?' section. Aborting."); } apply-milestone: if: == 'code freeze exception' || == 'point release request' || == 'Approved' || == 'Rejected' runs-on: ubuntu-20.04 permissions: issues: write needs: - prep steps: - name: Apply Milestone to the Issue env: MILESTONE: ${{ needs.prep.outputs.release_number }}.0 ISSUE_URL: ${{ github.event.issue.html_url }} GH_TOKEN: ${{ github.token }} run: | echo "Applying milestone: $MILESTONE" gh issue edit "$ISSUE_URL" --milestone "$MILESTONE" cfe-created: if: == 'code freeze exception' || == 'point release request' runs-on: ubuntu-20.04 steps: - name: Set Slack Message id: set-message uses: actions/github-script@v7 with: script: | const event = context.payload; const labelName = event.label?.name; const issueTitle = event.issue.title; const issueUrl = event.issue.html_url; let message = ''; // Determine the type of message based on the label name if (labelName === 'code freeze exception') { message = `:arrow_right: New CFE request: ${issueTitle} ${issueUrl}`; } else { message = `:arrow_right: New PRR request: ${issueTitle} ${issueUrl}`; } // Set the message as a core output core.setOutput('SLACK_MESSAGE', message); - name: Notify Slack uses: archive/github-actions-slack@v2.0.0 id: notify with: slack-bot-user-oauth-access-token: ${{ secrets.CODE_FREEZE_BOT_TOKEN }} slack-channel: ${{ secrets.WOO_RELEASE_SLACK_CHANNEL }} slack-text: ${{ steps.set-message.outputs.SLACK_MESSAGE }} slack-optional-unfurl_links: false slack-optional-unfurl_media: false continue-on-error: true request-approved: if: ${{ == 'Approved' }} runs-on: ubuntu-20.04 permissions: pull-requests: write issues: write steps: - name: Extract PR number from issue body id: extract-pr uses: actions/github-script@v7 with: script: | const body = context.payload.issue.body; // Regular expression to match the PR link that follows the specific question const prRegex = /Which PR needs to be included\?.*?\n(https:\/\/github\.com\/[a-zA-Z0-9_\-]+\/[a-zA-Z0-9_\-]+\/pull\/([0-9]+))/s; // Match the body against the regex const match = body.match(prRegex); // Check if a valid PR number was found if (match && match[2]) { const prNumber = match[2]; // Log the PR number and set it as a GitHub output console.log(`Valid PR number: ${prNumber}`); core.setOutput('PR_NUMBER', prNumber); } else { // If no valid PR number is found, fail the step core.setFailed("No valid PR found after the 'Which PR' section. Aborting."); } - name: Add label 'cherry pick to trunk' to PR env: OWNER: ${{ github.event.repository.owner.login }} REPO: ${{ }} PR_NUMBER: ${{ steps.extract-pr.outputs.PR_NUMBER }} GH_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} run: | gh pr edit $PR_NUMBER --add-label "cherry pick to trunk" --repo "$OWNER/$REPO" - name: Add label 'cherry pick to frozen release' to PR if: contains(github.event.issue.labels.*.name, 'point release request') env: OWNER: ${{ github.event.repository.owner.login }} REPO: ${{ }} PR_NUMBER: ${{ steps.extract-pr.outputs.PR_NUMBER }} GH_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} run: | gh pr edit $PR_NUMBER --add-label "cherry pick to frozen release" --repo "$OWNER/$REPO" - name: Comment issue has been approved env: ISSUE_URL: ${{ github.event.issue.html_url }} GH_TOKEN: ${{ github.token }} run: | gh issue comment "$ISSUE_URL" --body "This request has been approved. Please merge the PR to release branch." - name: Set Slack Message id: set-message uses: actions/github-script@v7 with: script: | const event = context.payload; // Accessing the event directly from the context const labelName = event.label?.name; const issueTitle = event.issue.title; const issueUrl = event.issue.html_url; let message = ''; if (labelName === 'code freeze exception') { message = `:white_check_mark: CFE request approved: ${issueTitle} ${issueUrl}`; } else { message = `:white_check_mark: PRR request approved: ${issueTitle} ${issueUrl}`; } core.setOutput('SLACK_MESSAGE', message); - name: Notify Slack uses: archive/github-actions-slack@v2.0.0 id: notify with: slack-bot-user-oauth-access-token: ${{ secrets.CODE_FREEZE_BOT_TOKEN }} slack-channel: ${{ secrets.WOO_CORE_RELESES_DAILY_SLACK_CHANNEL }} slack-text: ${{ steps.set-message.outputs.SLACK_MESSAGE }} slack-optional-unfurl_links: false slack-optional-unfurl_media: false continue-on-error: true request-rejected: if: ${{ == 'Rejected' }} runs-on: ubuntu-20.04 permissions: issues: write steps: - name: Close the request env: ISSUE_URL: ${{ github.event.issue.html_url }} GH_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} run: | gh issue close "$ISSUE_URL" --comment "Closing issue as the request is rejected - $ISSUE_URL. Please switch the base to trunk and merge." - name: Set Slack Message id: set-message uses: actions/github-script@v7 with: script: | const event = context.payload; const labelName = event.label?.name; const issueTitle = event.issue.title; const issueUrl = event.issue.html_url; let message = ''; if (labelName === 'code freeze exception') { message = `:x: CFE request rejected: ${issueTitle} ${issueUrl}`; } else { message = `:x: PRR request rejected: ${issueTitle} ${issueUrl}`; } core.setOutput('SLACK_MESSAGE', message); - name: Notify Slack uses: archive/github-actions-slack@v2.0.0 id: notify with: slack-bot-user-oauth-access-token: ${{ secrets.CODE_FREEZE_BOT_TOKEN }} slack-channel: ${{ secrets.WOO_CORE_RELESES_DAILY_SLACK_CHANNEL }} slack-text: ${{ steps.set-message.outputs.SLACK_MESSAGE }} slack-optional-unfurl_links: false slack-optional-unfurl_media: false continue-on-error: true