/** * External dependencies */ import { addCustomerEffortScoreExitPageListener } from '@woocommerce/customer-effort-score'; import { recordEvent } from '@woocommerce/tracks'; /** * Internal dependencies */ import { attachEventListenerToParentForChildren, waitUntilElementIsPresent, } from './utils'; /** * Get the product data. * * @return object */ const isElementVisible = ( element: HTMLElement ) => ! ( window.getComputedStyle( element ).display === 'none' ); const getProductType = () => { return ( document.querySelector( '#product-type' ) as HTMLInputElement ) ?.value; }; const getProductData = () => { const isBlockEditor = document.querySelectorAll( '.block-editor' ).length > 0; let description_value = ''; let tagsText = ''; if ( ! isBlockEditor ) { tagsText = ( document.querySelector( '[name="tax_input[product_tag]"]' ) as HTMLInputElement ).value; const content = document.querySelector( '#content' ) as HTMLInputElement; if ( content && isElementVisible( content ) ) { description_value = content.value; } else if ( typeof tinymce === 'object' && tinymce.get( 'content' ) ) { description_value = tinymce.get( 'content' ).getContent(); } } else { description_value = ( document.querySelector( '.block-editor-rich-text__editable' ) as HTMLInputElement )?.value; } const productData = { product_id: ( document.querySelector( '#post_ID' ) as HTMLInputElement ) ?.value, product_type: getProductType(), is_downloadable: ( document.querySelector( '#_downloadable' ) as HTMLInputElement )?.checked ? 'Yes' : 'No', is_virtual: ( document.querySelector( '#_virtual' ) as HTMLInputElement )?.checked ? 'Yes' : 'No', manage_stock: ( document.querySelector( '#_manage_stock' ) as HTMLInputElement )?.checked ? 'Yes' : 'No', attributes: document.querySelectorAll( '.woocommerce_attribute' ) .length, categories: document.querySelectorAll( '[name="tax_input[product_cat][]"]:checked' ).length, cross_sells: document.querySelectorAll( '#crosssell_ids option' ).length ? 'Yes' : 'No', description: description_value.trim() !== '' ? 'Yes' : 'No', enable_reviews: ( document.querySelector( '#comment_status' ) as HTMLInputElement )?.checked ? 'Yes' : 'No', is_block_editor: isBlockEditor, menu_order: parseInt( ( document.querySelector( '#menu_order' ) as HTMLInputElement ) ?.value ?? 0, 10 ) !== 0 ? 'Yes' : 'No', product_gallery: document.querySelectorAll( '#product_images_container .product_images > li' ).length, product_image: parseInt( ( document.querySelector( '#_thumbnail_id' ) as HTMLInputElement )?.value, 10 ) > 0 ? 'Yes' : 'No', purchase_note: ( document.querySelector( '#_purchase_note' ) as HTMLInputElement )?.value.length ? 'Yes' : 'No', sale_price: ( document.querySelector( '#_sale_price' ) as HTMLInputElement )?.value ? 'Yes' : 'No', short_description: ( document.querySelector( '#excerpt' ) as HTMLInputElement )?.value.length ? 'Yes' : 'No', tags: tagsText.length > 0 ? tagsText.split( ',' ).length : 0, upsells: document.querySelectorAll( '#upsell_ids option' ).length ? 'Yes' : 'No', weight: ( document.querySelector( '#_weight' ) as HTMLInputElement ) ?.value ? 'Yes' : 'No', }; return productData; }; /** * Get the publish date as a string. * * @param prefix Prefix for date element selectors. * @return string */ const getPublishDate = ( prefix = '' ) => { const month = ( document.querySelector( `#${ prefix }mm` ) as HTMLInputElement )?.value; const day = ( document.querySelector( `#${ prefix }jj` ) as HTMLInputElement )?.value; const year = ( document.querySelector( `#${ prefix }aa` ) as HTMLInputElement )?.value; const hours = ( document.querySelector( `#${ prefix }hh` ) as HTMLInputElement )?.value; const seconds = ( document.querySelector( `#${ prefix }mn` ) as HTMLInputElement )?.value; return `${ month }-${ day }-${ year } ${ hours }:${ seconds }`; }; /** * Get the data from the publishing widget. * * @return object */ const getPublishingWidgetData = () => { return { status: ( document.querySelector( '#post_status' ) as HTMLInputElement ) ?.value, visibility: ( document.querySelector( 'input[name="visibility"]:checked' ) as HTMLInputElement )?.value, date: getPublishDate() !== getPublishDate( 'hidden_' ) ? 'yes' : 'no', catalog_visibility: ( document.querySelector( 'input[name="_visibility"]:checked' ) as HTMLInputElement )?.value, featured: ( document.querySelector( '#_featured' ) as HTMLInputElement ) ?.checked, }; }; /** * Prefix all object keys with a string. * * @param obj Object to create keys from. * @param prefix Prefix used before all keys. * @return object */ const prefixObjectKeys = ( obj: { [ key: string ]: unknown }, prefix: string ) => { return Object.fromEntries( Object.entries( obj ).map( ( [ k, v ] ) => [ `${ prefix }${ k }`, v ] ) ); }; /** * Gets the tab name for a tab element. * * @param tab Tab element to get slug for. * @return string */ const getTabName = ( tab: Element ) => { const optionsSuffix = '_options'; const optionsClassNames = Array.from( tab.classList ).filter( ( className ) => className.endsWith( optionsSuffix ) ); if ( optionsClassNames.length > 0 ) { const className = optionsClassNames[ 0 ]; return className.slice( 0, -optionsSuffix.length ); } return ''; }; /** * Gets additional data associated with a product tab click. * * @param tabName The name of the tab to get data for. * @return object */ const getDataForProductTabClickEvent = ( tabName: string ) => { const data: Record< string, boolean | string > = {}; data.product_type = getProductType(); if ( tabName === 'inventory' ) { data.is_store_stock_management_enabled = document.querySelector( '#_manage_stock' ) !== null; } return data; }; /** * Attaches the product tabs Tracks events. */ const attachProductTabsTracks = () => { const tabs = document.querySelectorAll( '.product_data_tabs > li' ); tabs.forEach( ( tab ) => { const tabName = getTabName( tab ); tab.querySelector( 'a' )?.addEventListener( 'click', () => { recordEvent( 'product_tab_click', { product_tab: tabName, ...getDataForProductTabClickEvent( tabName ), } ); } ); } ); }; /** * Attaches the inventory tab Tracks events. */ const attachProductInventoryTabTracks = () => { document .querySelector( '#_manage_stock' ) ?.addEventListener( 'click', ( event ) => { recordEvent( 'product_manage_stock_click', { is_enabled: ( event.target as HTMLInputElement )?.checked, } ); } ); document .querySelector( '#_manage_stock_disabled > a' ) ?.addEventListener( 'click', () => { recordEvent( 'product_manage_stock_disabled_store_settings_link_click' ); } ); document .querySelector( '#inventory_product_data .notice a' ) ?.addEventListener( 'click', () => { recordEvent( 'product_inventory_variations_notice_learn_more_click' ); } ); }; /** * Attaches product tags tracks. */ const attachProductTagsTracks = () => { function deleteTagEventListener(/* event: Event */) { recordEvent( 'product_tags_delete', { page: 'product', tag_list_size: document.querySelector( '.tagchecklist' )?.children.length || 0, } ); } function addTagsDeleteTracks() { const tagsDeleteButtons = document.querySelectorAll( '#product_tag .ntdelbutton' ); tagsDeleteButtons.forEach( ( button ) => { button.removeEventListener( 'click', deleteTagEventListener ); button.addEventListener( 'click', deleteTagEventListener ); } ); } waitUntilElementIsPresent( '#product_tag .tagchecklist', addTagsDeleteTracks ); document .querySelector( '.tagadd' ) ?.addEventListener( 'click', (/* event: Event */) => { const tagInput = document.querySelector< HTMLInputElement >( '#new-tag-product_tag' ); if ( tagInput && tagInput.value && tagInput.value.length > 0 ) { recordEvent( 'product_tags_add', { page: 'product', tag_string_length: tagInput.value.length, tag_list_size: ( document.querySelector( '.tagchecklist' )?.children .length || 0 ) + 1, most_used: false, } ); setTimeout( () => { addTagsDeleteTracks(); }, 500 ); } } ); function addMostUsedTagEventListener( event: Event ) { recordEvent( 'product_tags_add', { page: 'product', tag_string_length: ( event.target as HTMLAnchorElement ).textContent ?.length, tag_list_size: document.querySelector( '.tagchecklist' )?.children.length || 0, most_used: true, } ); addTagsDeleteTracks(); } function addMostUsedTagsTracks() { const tagCloudLinks = document.querySelectorAll( '#tagcloud-product_tag .tag-cloud-link' ); tagCloudLinks.forEach( ( button ) => { button.removeEventListener( 'click', addMostUsedTagEventListener ); button.addEventListener( 'click', addMostUsedTagEventListener ); } ); } document .querySelector( '.tagcloud-link' ) ?.addEventListener( 'click', () => { waitUntilElementIsPresent( '#tagcloud-product_tag', addMostUsedTagsTracks ); } ); }; /** * Attaches attributes tracks. */ const attachAttributesTracks = () => { function addNewTermEventHandler() { recordEvent( 'product_attributes_add_term', { page: 'product', } ); } function addNewAttributeTermTracks() { const addNewTermButtons = document.querySelectorAll( '.woocommerce_attribute .add_new_attribute' ); addNewTermButtons.forEach( ( button ) => { button.removeEventListener( 'click', addNewTermEventHandler ); button.addEventListener( 'click', addNewTermEventHandler ); } ); } addNewAttributeTermTracks(); document .querySelector( '.add_attribute' ) ?.addEventListener( 'click', () => { setTimeout( () => { addNewAttributeTermTracks(); }, 1000 ); } ); }; /** * Attaches product attributes tracks. */ const attachProductAttributesTracks = () => { const attributesCount = document.querySelectorAll( '.woocommerce_attribute' ).length; document .querySelector( '.save_attributes' ) ?.addEventListener( 'click', ( event ) => { if ( event.target instanceof Element && event.target.classList.contains( 'disabled' ) ) { // skip in case the button is disabled return; } const newAttributesCount = document.querySelectorAll( '.woocommerce_attribute' ).length; if ( newAttributesCount > attributesCount ) { const local_attributes = [ ...document.querySelectorAll( '.woocommerce_attribute:not(.pa_glbattr)' ), ].map( ( attr ) => { const terms = ( attr.querySelector( "[name^='attribute_values']" ) as HTMLTextAreaElement )?.value.split( '|' ).length ?? 0; return { name: ( attr.querySelector( '[name^="attribute_names"]' ) as HTMLInputElement )?.value, terms, }; } ); recordEvent( 'product_attributes_add', { page: 'product', enable_archive: '', default_sort_order: '', local_attributes, } ); } } ); }; /** * Attaches product variations tracks. */ const attachProductVariationsTracks = () => { document .querySelector( '#variable_product_options_inner .variations-add-attributes-link' ) ?.addEventListener( 'click', () => { recordEvent( 'product_variations_empty_state', { action: 'add_attribute_link', } ); } ); document .querySelector( '#variable_product_options_inner .variations-learn-more-link' ) ?.addEventListener( 'click', () => { recordEvent( 'product_variations_empty_state', { action: 'learn_more_link', } ); } ); const variationsSection = '#variable_product_options'; // We attach the events in this way because the buttons are added dynamically. attachEventListenerToParentForChildren( variationsSection, [ { eventName: 'click', childQuery: '.add_variation_manually', callback: () => { recordEvent( 'product_variations_buttons', { action: 'add_variation_manually', } ); }, }, { eventName: 'change', childQuery: '#field_to_edit', callback: () => { const selectElement = document.querySelector( '#field_to_edit' ) as HTMLSelectElement; // Get the index of the selected option const selectedIndex = selectElement.selectedIndex; recordEvent( 'product_variations_buttons', { action: 'bulk_actions', selected: selectElement.options[ selectedIndex ]?.value, } ); }, }, ] ); }; /** * Attaches general product screen tracks. */ const attachProductScreenTracks = () => { const initialPublishingData = getPublishingWidgetData(); document .querySelector( '#post-preview' ) ?.addEventListener( 'click', () => { recordEvent( 'product_preview_changes' ); } ); document .querySelector( '.submitduplicate' ) ?.addEventListener( 'click', () => { recordEvent( 'product_copy', getProductData() ); } ); document .querySelector( '.submitdelete' ) ?.addEventListener( 'click', () => { recordEvent( 'product_delete', getProductData() ); } ); document .querySelectorAll( '.edit-post-status, .edit-visibility, .edit-timestamp, .edit-catalog-visibility' ) .forEach( ( button ) => { button.addEventListener( 'click', () => { recordEvent( 'product_publish_widget_edit', { ...getPublishingWidgetData(), ...getProductData(), } ); } ); } ); document .querySelectorAll( '.save-post-status, .save-post-visibility, .save-timestamp, .save-post-visibility' ) .forEach( ( button ) => { button.addEventListener( 'click', () => { recordEvent( 'product_publish_widget_save', { ...prefixObjectKeys( getPublishingWidgetData(), 'new_' ), ...prefixObjectKeys( initialPublishingData, 'current_' ), ...getProductData(), } ); } ); } ); document .querySelectorAll( '.handle-order-lower, .handle-order-higher' ) .forEach( ( button ) => { button.addEventListener( 'click', ( event ) => { const postBox = ( event.target as HTMLElement ).closest( '.postbox' ); if ( ! postBox ) { return; } recordEvent( 'product_widget_order_change', { widget: postBox.id, } ); } ); } ); document .querySelector( '#show-settings-link' ) ?.addEventListener( 'click', () => { recordEvent( 'product_screen_options_open' ); } ); document .querySelectorAll( '#adv-settings .metabox-prefs input[type=checkbox]' ) .forEach( ( input ) => { input.addEventListener( 'change', () => { recordEvent( 'product_screen_elements', { selected_element: ( input as HTMLInputElement ).value, checkbox: ( input as HTMLInputElement ).checked, } ); } ); } ); document .querySelectorAll( 'input[name="screen_columns"]' ) .forEach( ( input ) => { input.addEventListener( 'change', () => { recordEvent( 'product_layout', { selected_layout: ( input as HTMLInputElement ).value, } ); } ); } ); document .querySelector( '#editor-expand-toggle' ) ?.addEventListener( 'change', ( event ) => { recordEvent( 'product_additional_settings', { checkbox: ( event.target as HTMLInputElement ).checked, } ); } ); document .querySelector( '#woocommerce-product-updated-message-view-product__link' ) ?.addEventListener( 'click', () => { recordEvent( 'product_view_product_click', getProductData() ); } ); const dismissProductUpdatedButtonSelector = '.notice-success.is-dismissible > button'; waitUntilElementIsPresent( dismissProductUpdatedButtonSelector, () => { document .querySelector( dismissProductUpdatedButtonSelector ) ?.addEventListener( 'click', () => { recordEvent( 'product_view_product_dismiss', getProductData() ); } ); } ); }; /** * Initialize all product screen tracks. */ export const initProductScreenTracks = () => { attachAttributesTracks(); attachProductScreenTracks(); attachProductTagsTracks(); attachProductAttributesTracks(); attachProductVariationsTracks(); attachProductTabsTracks(); attachProductInventoryTabTracks(); }; export function addExitPageListener( pageId: string ) { let productChanged = false; let triggeredDelete = false; const deleteButton = document.querySelector( '#submitpost a.submitdelete' ); if ( deleteButton ) { deleteButton.addEventListener( 'click', function () { triggeredDelete = true; } ); } function checkIfSubmitButtonsDisabled() { const submitButtonSelectors = [ '#submitpost [type="submit"]', '#submitpost #post-preview', ]; let isDisabled = false; for ( const sel of submitButtonSelectors ) { document.querySelectorAll( sel ).forEach( ( element ) => { if ( element.classList.contains( 'disabled' ) ) { isDisabled = true; } } ); } return isDisabled; } window.addEventListener( 'beforeunload', function (/* event */) { // Check if button disabled or triggered delete to see if user saved or deleted the product instead. if ( checkIfSubmitButtonsDisabled() || triggeredDelete ) { productChanged = false; triggeredDelete = false; return; } const editor = window.tinymce && window.tinymce.get( 'content' ); if ( window.wp.autosave ) { productChanged = window.wp.autosave.server.postChanged(); } else if ( editor ) { productChanged = ! editor.isHidden() && editor.isDirty(); } } ); addCustomerEffortScoreExitPageListener( pageId, () => { return productChanged; } ); }