
135 lines
3.4 KiB

* External dependencies
import { render, screen } from '@testing-library/react';
import { useSelect } from '@wordpress/data';
* Internal dependencies
import ShippingRecommendations from '../experimental-shipping-recommendations';
jest.mock( '@wordpress/data', () => ( {
...jest.requireActual( '@wordpress/data' ),
useSelect: jest.fn(),
} ) );
jest.mock( '../../settings-recommendations/dismissable-list', () => ( {
DismissableList: ( ( { children } ) => children ) as React.FC,
DismissableListHeading: ( ( { children } ) => children ) as React.FC,
} ) );
jest.mock( '@woocommerce/admin-layout', () => {
const mockContext = {
layoutPath: [ 'home' ],
layoutString: 'home',
extendLayout: () => {},
isDescendantOf: () => false,
return {
...jest.requireActual( '@woocommerce/admin-layout' ),
useLayoutContext: jest.fn().mockReturnValue( mockContext ),
useExtendLayout: jest.fn().mockReturnValue( mockContext ),
} );
const defaultSelectReturn = {
getActivePlugins: () => [],
getInstalledPlugins: () => [],
isJetpackConnected: () => false,
getSettings: () => ( {
general: {
woocommerce_default_country: 'US',
} ),
getProfileItems: () => ( {} ),
hasFinishedResolution: jest.fn(),
getOption: jest.fn(),
describe( 'ShippingRecommendations', () => {
beforeEach( () => {
( useSelect as jest.Mock ).mockImplementation( ( fn ) =>
fn( () => ( { ...defaultSelectReturn } ) )
} );
it( 'should not render when WCS is already installed and Jetpack is connected', () => {
( useSelect as jest.Mock ).mockImplementation( ( fn ) =>
fn( () => ( {
getActivePlugins: () => [ 'woocommerce-services' ],
isJetpackConnected: () => true,
} ) )
render( <ShippingRecommendations /> );
screen.queryByText( 'WooCommerce Shipping' )
} );
[ 'woocommerce-shipping' ],
[ 'woocommerce-tax' ],
[ 'woocommerce-shipping', 'woocommerce-tax' ],
].forEach( ( activePlugins ) => {
it( `should not render if the following plugins are active: ${ JSON.stringify(
) }`, () => {
( useSelect as jest.Mock ).mockImplementation( ( fn ) =>
fn( () => ( {
getActivePlugins: () => activePlugins,
} ) )
render( <ShippingRecommendations /> );
screen.queryByText( 'WooCommerce Shipping' )
} );
} );
it( 'should not render when store location is not US', () => {
( useSelect as jest.Mock ).mockImplementation( ( fn ) =>
fn( () => ( {
getSettings: () => ( {
general: {
woocommerce_default_country: 'JP',
} ),
} ) )
render( <ShippingRecommendations /> );
screen.queryByText( 'WooCommerce Shipping' )
} );
it( 'should not render when store sells digital products only', () => {
( useSelect as jest.Mock ).mockImplementation( ( fn ) =>
fn( () => ( {
getProfileItems: () => ( {
product_types: [ 'downloads' ],
} ),
} ) )
render( <ShippingRecommendations /> );
screen.queryByText( 'WooCommerce Shipping' )
} );
it( 'should render WCS when not installed', () => {
render( <ShippingRecommendations /> );
screen.queryByText( 'WooCommerce Shipping' )
} );
} );