
155 lines
4.9 KiB

jQuery( function( $ ) {
// wc_country_select_params is required to continue, ensure the object exists
if ( typeof wc_country_select_params === 'undefined' ) {
return false;
function getEnhancedSelectFormatString() {
var formatString = {
formatMatches: function( matches ) {
if ( 1 === matches ) {
return wc_country_select_params.i18n_matches_1;
return wc_country_select_params.i18n_matches_n.replace( '%qty%', matches );
formatNoMatches: function() {
return wc_country_select_params.i18n_no_matches;
formatAjaxError: function( jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown ) {
return wc_country_select_params.i18n_ajax_error;
formatInputTooShort: function( input, min ) {
var number = min - input.length;
if ( 1 === number ) {
return wc_country_select_params.i18n_input_too_short_1
return wc_country_select_params.i18n_input_too_short_n.replace( '%qty%', number );
formatInputTooLong: function( input, max ) {
var number = input.length - max;
if ( 1 === number ) {
return wc_country_select_params.i18n_input_too_long_1
return wc_country_select_params.i18n_input_too_long_n.replace( '%qty%', number );
formatSelectionTooBig: function( limit ) {
if ( 1 === limit ) {
return wc_country_select_params.i18n_selection_too_long_1;
return wc_country_select_params.i18n_selection_too_long_n.replace( '%qty%', number );
formatLoadMore: function( pageNumber ) {
return wc_country_select_params.i18n_load_more;
formatSearching: function() {
return wc_country_select_params.i18n_searching;
return formatString;
// Select2 Enhancement if it exists
if ( $().select2 ) {
var wc_country_select_select2 = function() {
$( 'select.country_select:visible, select.state_select:visible' ).each( function() {
var select2_args = $.extend({
minimumResultsForSearch: 10,
placeholder: $( this ).attr( 'placeholder' ),
placeholderOption: 'first',
width: '100%',
}, getEnhancedSelectFormatString() );
$( this ).select2( select2_args );
$( 'body' ).bind( 'country_to_state_changed', function() {
/* State/Country select boxes */
var states_json = wc_country_select_params.countries.replace( /"/g, '"' ),
states = $.parseJSON( states_json );
$( 'body' ).on( 'change', 'select.country_to_state, input.country_to_state', function() {
var country = $( this ).val(),
$statebox = $( this ).closest( 'div' ).find( '#billing_state, #shipping_state, #calc_shipping_state' ),
$parent = $statebox.parent(),
input_name = $statebox.attr( 'name' ),
input_id = $statebox.attr( 'id' ),
value = $statebox.val(),
placeholder = $statebox.attr( 'placeholder' );
if ( states[ country ] ) {
if ( $.isEmptyObject( states[ country ] ) ) {
$statebox.parent().hide().find( '.select2-container' ).remove();
$statebox.replaceWith( '<input type="hidden" class="hidden" name="' + input_name + '" id="' + input_id + '" value="" placeholder="' + placeholder + '" />' );
$( 'body' ).trigger( 'country_to_state_changed', [country, $( this ).closest( 'div' )] );
} else {
var options = '',
state = states[ country ];
for( var index in state ) {
if ( state.hasOwnProperty( index ) ) {
options = options + '<option value="' + index + '">' + state[ index ] + '</option>';
if ( $statebox.is( 'input' ) ) {
// Change for select
$statebox.replaceWith( '<select name="' + input_name + '" id="' + input_id + '" class="state_select" placeholder="' + placeholder + '"></select>' );
$statebox = $( this ).closest( 'div' ).find( '#billing_state, #shipping_state, #calc_shipping_state' );
$statebox.html( '<option value="">' + wc_country_select_params.i18n_select_state_text + '</option>' + options );
$statebox.val( value ).change();
$( 'body' ).trigger( 'country_to_state_changed', [country, $( this ).closest( 'div' )] );
} else {
if ( $statebox.is( 'select' ) ) {
$parent.show().find( '.select2-container' ).remove();
$statebox.replaceWith( '<input type="text" class="input-text" name="' + input_name + '" id="' + input_id + '" placeholder="' + placeholder + '" />' );
$( 'body' ).trigger( 'country_to_state_changed', [country, $( this ).closest( 'div' )] );
} else if ( $statebox.is( '.hidden' ) ) {
$parent.show().find( '.select2-container' ).remove();
$statebox.replaceWith( '<input type="text" class="input-text" name="' + input_name + '" id="' + input_id + '" placeholder="' + placeholder + '" />' );
$( 'body' ).trigger( 'country_to_state_changed', [country, $( this ).closest( 'div' )] );
$( 'body' ).trigger( 'country_to_state_changing', [country, $( this ).closest( 'div' )] );
$(function() {
$( ':input.country_to_state' ).change();