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=== WooCommerce ===
Contributors: woothemes
Tags: ecommerce, woothemes, wordpress ecommerce, store, shop, shopping, cart, checkout, widgets, reports, shipping, tax, paypal, inventory, moneybookers
Requires at least: 3.1
Tested up to: 3.2
Stable tag: 1.0
An open source eCommerce plugin for WordPress created by WooThemes; feature packed and built upon WordPress core functionality ensuring excellent performance and customisability.
== Description ==
Set up shop in minutes with physical and downloadable products or even services. WooCommerce provides you with the features necessary to set up an eCommerce web site lickety-split.
With the option to create a multitude of product types and apply detailed attributes customers can easily refine your catalog, ensuring they find what they're looking for in just a couple of clicks.
There are integrated worldwide payment and shipping options to cater for a global audience.
Inside the custom dashboard you get sortable sales graphs, incoming order / review notifications as well as stats on your stores performance.
Manage your stock levels and customer orders easily. WooCommerce has been engineered to make the boring parts of eCommerce, well, less boring!
Built upon the WordPress core you get all the benefits of this global leading platform: free, easy to use, secure, highly customisable and with a great support community to hold your hand.
Styled to work with Twenty Ten, setting up a clean stylish store is easy.
Find out more on the official <a href="http://woocommerce.com" title="WordPress eCommerce">WooCommerce web site</a>.
= WooCommerce core features: =
* Sell physical, digital and virtual products
* Simple, grouped and configurable&dagger; products
* Discount coupon management
* Automatic related products
* Product reviews / hreviews
* Tax by location
* Currency options
* Multiple shipping options
* Layered product navigation
* Customer account area
* Inventory tracking
* Detailed order management
* Product import / export
* Custom widgets - recent / featured products, shopping cart, product search
* Gateways: PayPal standard, Moneybookers, Cheque payments, Bank Transfer
= Minimum Requirements =
* WordPress 3.1+
* PHP version 5.2.4 or greater
* MySQL version 5.0 or greater
* The mod_rewrite Apache module (for permalinks)
* fsockopen support (for payment gateway IPN access)
== Installation ==
= To Install: =
1. Download the WooCommerce plugin file
2. Unzip the file into a folder on your hard drive
3. Upload the `/woocommerce/` folder to the `/wp-content/plugins/` folder on your site
4. Visit the plugins page in admin and activate it
5. Re-save your permalink settings to ensure custom post types are installed
= Upgrading WooCommerce =
After upgrading WooCommerce plugin files, be sure to re-activate the plugin to ensure new components are installed correctly.
= Setting up and configuring WooCommerce =
You can find the WooCommerce usage guide <a href="http://woocommerce.com/user-guide/" title="WooCommerce usage guide">on our web site</a>.
== Frequently Asked Questions ==
= Will WooCommerce work with X theme? =
WooCommerce will in theory work with any theme, but of course, certain parts may need to be styled using CSS to make them match up. We've added default styling for Twenty Ten (the WordPress default theme) and we also provide a few bespoke themes optimised for WooCommerce.
If you need a theme built, or have a theme that needs styling, give us a shout and we may be able to assist (see http://woocommerce.co.uk/contact/).
= Can I have WooCommerce in my language =
WooCommerce comes with a .po file and is localisation ready. If you'd like to share your localisation with us please get in touch!
= Do you have an X payment gateway =
We will be introducing payment gateways incrementally, however, not all will be in the free version. If you want to request a payment gateway, or you have built one and you would like to share it with us, please get in touch.
= Do I have access to my order and product data? =
Orders and products are stored as custom post types in the WordPress database; you have full control of them and can import/export using WordPress' functions.
= Will tax settings work in my country? =
WooCommerce has a flexible tax rule system which allows you to define tax rates per country - it should allow you to do what you want.
= I need hosting! =
We offer optimised hosting packages starting from 10 GBP per month at http://woocommerce.co.uk
= I need support! =
We have a <a href="http://woocommerce.com/forum" title="WooCommerce support forum">community forum</a> for getting help from other users, however, if you want priority, dedicated support from us we offer support packages - see our website for details.
== Screenshots ==
1. WooCommerce Dashboard
2. WooCommerce Settings
3. Shipping settings
4. Products
5. Product details
6. Orders
7. Homepage
8. Cart
9. Checkout
== Changelog ==
= 1.0 =
* Initial Release