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if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
* Abstract WC Data Class
* Implemented by classes using the same CRUD(s) pattern.
* @version 2.6.0
* @package WooCommerce/Abstracts
* @category Abstract Class
* @author WooThemes
abstract class WC_Data {
* ID for this object.
* @var int
protected $id = 0;
* Core data for this object. Name value pairs (name + default value).
* @var array
protected $data = array();
* Core data changes for this object.
* @var array
protected $changes = array();
* This is false until the object is read from the DB.
* @var bool
protected $object_read = false;
* This is the name of this object type.
* @var string
protected $object_type = 'data';
* Extra data for this object. Name value pairs (name + default value).
* Used as a standard way for sub classes (like product types) to add
* additional information to an inherited class.
* @var array
protected $extra_data = array();
* Set to _data on construct so we can track and reset data if needed.
* @var array
protected $default_data = array();
* Contains a reference to the data store for this class.
* @var object
protected $data_store;
* Stores meta in cache for future reads.
* A group must be set to to enable caching.
* @var string
protected $cache_group = '';
* Stores additonal meta data.
* @var array
protected $meta_data = null;
* Default constructor.
* @param int|object|array $read ID to load from the DB (optional) or already queried data.
public function __construct( $read = 0 ) {
$this->default_data = $this->data;
* Get the data store.
* @since 2.7.0
* @return object
public function get_data_store() {
return $this->data_store;
* Returns the unique ID for this object.
* @return int
public function get_id() {
return $this->id;
* Delete an object, set the ID to 0, and return result.
* @param bool $force_delete
* @return bool result
public function delete( $force_delete = false ) {
if ( $this->data_store ) {
$this->data_store->delete( $this, array( 'force_delete' => $force_delete ) );
$this->set_id( 0 );
return true;
return false;
* Save should create or update based on object existance.
* @return int
public function save() {
if ( $this->data_store ) {
// Trigger action before saving to the DB. Allows you to adjust object props before save.
do_action( 'woocommerce_before_' . $this->object_type . '_object_save', $this, $this->data_store );
if ( $this->get_id() ) {
$this->data_store->update( $this );
} else {
$this->data_store->create( $this );
return $this->get_id();
* Change data to JSON format.
* @return string Data in JSON format.
public function __toString() {
return json_encode( $this->get_data() );
* Returns all data for this object.
* @return array
public function get_data() {
return array_merge( array( 'id' => $this->get_id() ), $this->data, array( 'meta_data' => $this->get_meta_data() ) );
* Returns array of expected data keys for this object.
* @since 2.7.0
* @return array
public function get_data_keys() {
return array_keys( $this->data );
* Returns all "extra" data keys for an object (for sub objects like product types).
* @since 2.7.0
* @return array
public function get_extra_data_keys() {
return array_keys( $this->extra_data );
* Filter null meta values from array.
* @return bool
protected function filter_null_meta( $meta ) {
return ! is_null( $meta->value );
* Get All Meta Data.
* @since 2.6.0
* @return array
public function get_meta_data() {
return array_filter( $this->meta_data, array( $this, 'filter_null_meta' ) );
* Get Meta Data by Key.
* @since 2.6.0
* @param string $key
* @param bool $single return first found meta with key, or all with $key
* @param string $context What the value is for. Valid values are view and edit.
* @return mixed
public function get_meta( $key = '', $single = true, $context = 'view' ) {
$array_keys = array_keys( wp_list_pluck( $this->get_meta_data(), 'key' ), $key );
$value = '';
if ( ! empty( $array_keys ) ) {
if ( $single ) {
$value = $this->meta_data[ current( $array_keys ) ]->value;
} else {
$value = array_intersect_key( $this->meta_data, array_flip( $array_keys ) );
if ( 'view' === $context ) {
$value = apply_filters( $this->get_hook_prefix() . $key, $value, $this );
return $value;
* Set all meta data from array.
* @since 2.6.0
* @param array $data Key/Value pairs
public function set_meta_data( $data ) {
if ( ! empty( $data ) && is_array( $data ) ) {
foreach ( $data as $meta ) {
$meta = (array) $meta;
if ( isset( $meta['key'], $meta['value'], $meta['id'] ) ) {
$this->meta_data[] = (object) array(
'id' => $meta['id'],
'key' => $meta['key'],
'value' => $meta['value'],
* Add meta data.
* @since 2.6.0
* @param string $key Meta key
* @param string $value Meta value
* @param bool $unique Should this be a unique key?
public function add_meta_data( $key, $value, $unique = false ) {
if ( $unique ) {
$this->delete_meta_data( $key );
$this->meta_data[] = (object) array(
'key' => $key,
'value' => $value,
* Update meta data by key or ID, if provided.
* @since 2.6.0
* @param string $key
* @param string $value
* @param int $meta_id
public function update_meta_data( $key, $value, $meta_id = '' ) {
if ( $array_key = $meta_id ? array_keys( wp_list_pluck( $this->meta_data, 'id' ), $meta_id ) : '' ) {
$this->meta_data[ current( $array_key ) ] = (object) array(
'id' => $meta_id,
'key' => $key,
'value' => $value,
} else {
$this->add_meta_data( $key, $value, true );
* Delete meta data.
* @since 2.6.0
* @param array $key Meta key
public function delete_meta_data( $key ) {
if ( $array_keys = array_keys( wp_list_pluck( $this->meta_data, 'key' ), $key ) ) {
foreach ( $array_keys as $array_key ) {
$this->meta_data[ $array_key ]->value = null;
* Delete meta data.
* @since 2.6.0
* @param int $mid Meta ID
public function delete_meta_data_by_mid( $mid ) {
if ( $array_keys = array_keys( wp_list_pluck( $this->meta_data, 'id' ), $mid ) ) {
foreach ( $array_keys as $array_key ) {
$this->meta_data[ $array_key ]->value = null;
* Read meta data if null.
* @since 2.7.0
protected function maybe_read_meta_data() {
if ( is_null( $this->meta_data ) ) {
* Read Meta Data from the database. Ignore any internal properties.
* Uses it's own caches because get_metadata does not provide meta_ids.
* @since 2.6.0
* @param bool $force_read True to force a new DB read (and update cache).
public function read_meta_data( $force_read = false ) {
$this->meta_data = array();
$cache_loaded = false;
if ( ! $this->get_id() ) {
if ( ! $this->data_store ) {
if ( ! empty( $this->cache_group ) ) {
$cache_key = WC_Cache_Helper::get_cache_prefix( $this->cache_group ) . 'object_meta_' . $this->get_id();
if ( ! $force_read ) {
if ( ! empty( $this->cache_group ) ) {
$cached_meta = wp_cache_get( $cache_key, $this->cache_group );
if ( false !== $cached_meta ) {
$this->meta_data = $cached_meta;
$cache_loaded = true;
if ( ! $cache_loaded ) {
$raw_meta_data = $this->data_store->read_meta( $this );
if ( $raw_meta_data ) {
foreach ( $raw_meta_data as $meta ) {
$this->meta_data[] = (object) array(
'id' => (int) $meta->meta_id,
'key' => $meta->meta_key,
'value' => maybe_unserialize( $meta->meta_value ),
if ( ! empty( $this->cache_group ) ) {
wp_cache_set( $cache_key, $this->meta_data, $this->cache_group );
* Update Meta Data in the database.
* @since 2.6.0
public function save_meta_data() {
if ( ! $this->data_store || is_null( $this->meta_data ) ) {
foreach ( $this->meta_data as $array_key => $meta ) {
if ( is_null( $meta->value ) ) {
if ( ! empty( $meta->id ) ) {
$this->data_store->delete_meta( $this, $meta );
} elseif ( empty( $meta->id ) ) {
$new_meta_id = $this->data_store->add_meta( $this, $meta );
$this->meta_data[ $array_key ]->id = $new_meta_id;
} else {
$this->data_store->update_meta( $this, $meta );
if ( ! empty( $this->cache_group ) ) {
WC_Cache_Helper::incr_cache_prefix( $this->cache_group );
$this->read_meta_data( true );
* Set ID.
* @param int $id
public function set_id( $id ) {
$this->id = absint( $id );
* Set all props to default values.
public function set_defaults() {
$this->data = $this->default_data;
$this->changes = array();
$this->set_object_read( false );
* Set object read property.
* @param boolean $read
public function set_object_read( $read = true ) {
$this->object_read = (bool) $read;
* Get object read property.
* @return boolean
public function get_object_read() {
return (bool) $this->object_read;
* Set a collection of props in one go, collect any errors, and return the result.
* Only sets using public methods.
* @param array $props Key value pairs to set. Key is the prop and should map to a setter function name.
* @return WP_Error|bool
public function set_props( $props, $context = 'set' ) {
$errors = new WP_Error();
foreach ( $props as $prop => $value ) {
try {
if ( 'meta_data' === $prop ) {
$setter = "set_$prop";
if ( ! is_null( $value ) && is_callable( array( $this, $setter ) ) ) {
$reflection = new ReflectionMethod( $this, $setter );
if ( $reflection->isPublic() ) {
$this->{$setter}( $value );
} catch ( WC_Data_Exception $e ) {
$errors->add( $e->getErrorCode(), $e->getMessage() );
return sizeof( $errors->get_error_codes() ) ? $errors : true;
* Sets a prop for a setter method.
* This stores changes in a special array so we can track what needs saving
* the the DB later.
* @since 2.7.0
* @param string $prop Name of prop to set.
* @param mixed $value Value of the prop.
protected function set_prop( $prop, $value ) {
if ( array_key_exists( $prop, $this->data ) ) {
if ( true === $this->object_read ) {
if ( $value !== $this->data[ $prop ] || array_key_exists( $prop, $this->changes ) ) {
$this->changes[ $prop ] = $value;
} else {
$this->data[ $prop ] = $value;
* Return data changes only.
* @since 2.7.0
* @return array
public function get_changes() {
return $this->changes;
* Merge changes with data and clear.
* @since 2.7.0
public function apply_changes() {
$this->data = array_merge( $this->data, $this->changes );
$this->changes = array();
* Prefix for action and filter hooks on data.
* @since 2.7.0
* @return string
protected function get_hook_prefix() {
return 'woocommerce_get_' . $this->object_type . '_';
* Gets a prop for a getter method.
* Gets the value from either current pending changes, or the data itself.
* Context controls what happens to the value before it's returned.
* @since 2.7.0
* @param string $prop Name of prop to get.
* @param string $context What the value is for. Valid values are view and edit.
* @return mixed
protected function get_prop( $prop, $context = 'view' ) {
$value = null;
if ( array_key_exists( $prop, $this->data ) ) {
$value = isset( $this->changes[ $prop ] ) ? $this->changes[ $prop ] : $this->data[ $prop ];
if ( 'view' === $context ) {
$value = apply_filters( $this->get_hook_prefix() . $prop, $value, $this );
return $value;
* When invalid data is found, throw an exception unless reading from the DB.
* @param string $error_code Error code.
* @param string $error_message Error message.
* @throws WC_Data_Exception
protected function error( $error_code, $error_message ) {
throw new WC_Data_Exception( $error_code, $error_message );