
974 lines
31 KiB

* External dependencies.
const child_process = require( 'child_process' );
const fs = require( 'fs' );
const https = require( 'http' );
* Uses the WordPress API to get the downlod URL to the latest version of an X.X version line. This
* also accepts "latest-X" to get an offset from the latest version of WordPress.
* @param {string} wpVersion The version of WordPress to look for.
* @return {Promise.<string>} The precise WP version download URL.
async function getPreciseWPVersionURL( wpVersion ) {
return new Promise( ( resolve, reject ) => {
// We're going to use the WordPress.org API to get information about available versions of WordPress.
const request = https.get(
( response ) => {
// Listen for the response data.
let responseData = '';
response.on( 'data', ( chunk ) => {
responseData += chunk;
} );
// Once we have the entire response we can process it.
response.on( 'end', () =>
resolve( JSON.parse( responseData ) )
request.on( 'error', ( error ) => {
reject( error );
} );
} ).then( ( allVersions ) => {
// Note: allVersions is an object where the keys are the version and the value is information about the version's status.
// If we're requesting a "latest" offset then we need to figure out what version line we're offsetting from.
const latestSubMatch = wpVersion.match( /^latest(?:-([0-9]+))?$/i );
if ( latestSubMatch ) {
for ( const version in allVersions ) {
if ( allVersions[ version ] !== 'latest' ) {
// We don't care about the patch version because we will
// the latest version from the version line below.
const versionParts = version.match( /^([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)/ );
// We're going to subtract the offset to figure out the right version.
let offset = parseInt( latestSubMatch[ 1 ] ?? 0, 10 );
let majorVersion = parseInt( versionParts[ 1 ], 10 );
let minorVersion = parseInt( versionParts[ 2 ], 10 );
while ( offset > 0 ) {
if ( minorVersion < 0 ) {
minorVersion = 9;
// Set the version that we found in the offset.
wpVersion = majorVersion + '.' + minorVersion;
// Scan through all of the versions to find the latest version in the version line.
let latestVersion = null;
let latestPatch = -1;
for ( const v in allVersions ) {
// Parse the version so we can make sure we're looking for the latest.
const matches = v.match( /([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)(?:\.([0-9]+))?/ );
// We only care about the correct minor version.
const minor = `${ matches[ 1 ] }.${ matches[ 2 ] }`;
if ( minor !== wpVersion ) {
// Track the latest version in the line.
const patch =
matches[ 3 ] === undefined ? 0 : parseInt( matches[ 3 ], 10 );
if ( patch > latestPatch ) {
latestPatch = patch;
latestVersion = v;
if ( ! latestVersion ) {
throw new Error(
`Unable to find latest version for version line ${ wpVersion }.`
return `https://wordpress.org/wordpress-${ latestVersion }.zip`;
} );
* Parses a display-friendly WordPress version and returns a link to download the given version.
* @param {string} wpVersion A display-friendly WordPress version. Supports ("master", "trunk", "nightly", "latest", "latest-X", "X.X" for version lines, and "X.X.X" for specific versions)
* @return {Promise.<string>} A link to download the given version of WordPress.
async function parseWPVersion( wpVersion ) {
// Allow for download URLs in place of a version.
if ( wpVersion.match( /[a-z]+:\/\//i ) ) {
return wpVersion;
// Start with versions we can infer immediately.
switch ( wpVersion ) {
case 'master':
case 'trunk': {
return 'WordPress/WordPress#master';
case 'nightly': {
return 'https://wordpress.org/nightly-builds/wordpress-latest.zip';
case 'latest': {
return 'https://wordpress.org/latest.zip';
// We can also infer X.X.X versions immediately.
const parsedVersion = wpVersion.match( /^([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)$/ );
if ( parsedVersion ) {
// Note that X.X.0 versions use a X.X download URL.
let urlVersion = `${ parsedVersion[ 1 ] }.${ parsedVersion[ 2 ] }`;
if ( parsedVersion[ 3 ] !== '0' ) {
urlVersion += `.${ parsedVersion[ 3 ] }`;
return `https://wordpress.org/wordpress-${ urlVersion }.zip`;
// Since we haven't found a URL yet we're going to use the WordPress.org API to try and infer one.
return getPreciseWPVersionURL( wpVersion );
* Given a path within a project,
* @param {string} absolutePath An absolute path to a project or a project file.
* @return {string} The path to the project.
function getProjectPathFromAbsolutePath( absolutePath ) {
const matches = absolutePath.match(
// Note the special handling for `plugins/woocommerce/client/*` packages.
if ( ! matches ) {
return null;
return matches[ 1 ];
* A record for a project and all of the changes that have occurred to it.
* @typedef {Object} ProjectChanges
* @property {string} path The path to the project.
* @property {boolean} phpSourceChanges Whether or not the project has changes to PHP source files.
* @property {boolean} jsSourceChanges Whether or not the project has changes to JS source files.
* @property {boolean} assetSourceChanges Whether or not the project has changed to asset source files.
* @property {boolean} documentationChanges Whether or not the project has documentation changes.
* @property {boolean} phpTestChanges Whether or not the project has changes to PHP test files.
* @property {boolean} jsTestChanges Whether or not the project has changes to JS test files.
* @property {boolean} e2eTestChanges Whether or not the project has changes to e2e test files.
* Scans through the files that have been changed since baseRef and returns information about the projects that have
* changes and the kind of changes that have taken place.
* @param {string} baseRef The base branch to check for changes against.
* @return {Array.<ProjectChanges>} An array of projects and the kinds of changes that have occurred.
function detectProjectChanges( baseRef ) {
// Using a diff will not only allow us to find the projects that have changed but we can also identify the nature of the change.
const output = child_process.execSync(
`git diff --relative --name-only ${ baseRef }`,
{ encoding: 'utf8' }
const changedFilePaths = output.split( '\n' );
// Scan all of the changed files into the projects they belong to.
const projectsWithChanges = {};
for ( const filePath of changedFilePaths ) {
if ( ! filePath ) {
const projectPath = getProjectPathFromAbsolutePath( filePath );
if ( ! projectPath ) {
`${ filePath }: ignoring change because it is not part of a project.`
if ( ! projectsWithChanges[ projectPath ] ) {
projectsWithChanges[ projectPath ] = [];
projectsWithChanges[ projectPath ].push( filePath );
`${ filePath }: marked as a change in project "${ projectPath }".`
// Scan through the projects that have changes and identify the type of changes that have occurred.
const projectChanges = [];
for ( const projectPath in projectsWithChanges ) {
// We are only interested in projects that are part of our workspace.
if ( ! fs.existsSync( `${ projectPath }/package.json` ) ) {
console.error( `${ projectPath }: no "package.json" file found.` );
// Keep track of the kind of changes that have occurred.
let phpTestChanges = false;
let jsTestChanges = false;
let e2eTestChanges = false;
let phpSourceChanges = false;
let jsSourceChanges = false;
let assetSourceChanges = false;
let documentationChanges = false;
// Now we can look through all of the files that have changed and figure out the type of changes that have occurred.
const fileChanges = projectsWithChanges[ projectPath ];
for ( const filePath of fileChanges ) {
// Some types of changes are not interesting and should be ignored completely.
if ( filePath.match( /\/changelog\//i ) ) {
`${ projectPath }: ignoring changelog file "${ filePath }".`
// As a preface, the detection of changes here is likely not absolutely perfect. We're going to be making some assumptions
// about file extensions and paths in order to decide whether or not something is a type of change. This should still
// be okay though since we have other cases where we check everything without looking at any changes to filter.
// We can identify PHP test files using PSR-4 or WordPress file naming conventions. We also have
// a fallback to any PHP files in a "tests" directory or its children.
// Note: We need to check for this before we check for source files, otherwise we will
// consider test file changes to be PHP source file changes.
if (
filePath.match( /(?:[a-z]+Test|-test|\/tests?\/[^\.]+)\.php$/i )
) {
phpTestChanges = true;
`${ projectPath }: detected PHP test file change in "${ filePath }".`
// We can identify JS test files using Jest file file naming conventions. We also have
// a fallback to any JS files in a "tests" directory or its children, but we need to
// avoid picking up E2E test files in the process.
// Note: We need to check for this before we check for source files, otherwise we will
// consider test file changes to be JS source file changes.
if (
) {
jsTestChanges = true;
`${ projectPath }: detected JS test file change in "${ filePath }".`
// We're going to make an assumption about where E2E test files live based on what seems typical.
if ( filePath.match( /\/test?\/e2e/i ) ) {
e2eTestChanges = true;
`${ projectPath }: detected E2E test file change in "${ filePath }".`
// Generally speaking, PHP files and changes to Composer dependencies affect PHP source code.
if (
filePath.match( /\.(?:php|html)$|composer\.(?:json|lock)$/i )
) {
phpSourceChanges = true;
`${ projectPath }: detected PHP source file change in "${ filePath }".`
// JS changes should also include JSX and TS files.
if (
filePath.match( /\.(?:(?:t|j)sx?|json|html)$|package\.json$/i )
) {
jsSourceChanges = true;
`${ projectPath }: detected JS source file change in "${ filePath }".`
// We should also keep an eye on asset file changes since these may affect
// presentation in different tests that have expectations about this data.
if (
) {
assetSourceChanges = true;
`${ projectPath }: detected asset file change in "${ filePath }".`
// We can be a strict with documentation changes because they are only ever going to be markdown files.
if ( filePath.match( /\.md$/i ) ) {
documentationChanges = true;
`${ projectPath }: detected documentation change in "${ filePath }".`
// We only want to track a changed project when we have encountered file changes that we care about.
if (
! phpSourceChanges &&
! jsSourceChanges &&
! assetSourceChanges &&
! documentationChanges &&
! phpTestChanges &&
! jsSourceChanges &&
! e2eTestChanges
) {
console.log( `${ projectPath }: no changes detected.` );
// We can use the information we've collected to generate the project change object.
projectChanges.push( {
path: projectPath,
} );
return projectChanges;
* Check the changes that occurred in each project and add any projects that are affected by those changes.
* @param {Array.<ProjectChanges>} projectChanges The project changes to cascade.
* @return {Array.<ProjectChanges>} The project changes with any cascading changes.
function cascadeProjectChanges( projectChanges ) {
const cascadedChanges = {};
// Scan through all of the changes and add any other projects that are affected by the changes.
for ( const changes of projectChanges ) {
// Populate the change object for the project if it doesn't already exist.
// It might exist if the project has been affected by another project.
if ( ! cascadedChanges[ changes.path ] ) {
cascadedChanges[ changes.path ] = changes;
// Make sure that we are recording any "true" changes that have occurred either in the project itself or as a result of another project.
for ( const property in changes ) {
// We're going to assume the only properties on this object are "path" and the change flags.
if ( property === 'path' ) {
cascadedChanges[ changes.path ][ property ] =
changes[ property ] ||
cascadedChanges[ changes.path ][ property ];
// Use PNPM to get a list of dependent packages that may have been affected.
// Note: This is actually a pretty slow way of doing this. If we find it is
// taking too long we can instead use `--depth="Infinity" --json` and then
// traverse the dependency tree ourselves.
const output = child_process.execSync(
`pnpm list --filter='...{./${ changes.path }}' --only-projects --depth='-1' --parseable`,
{ encoding: 'utf8' }
// The `--parseable` flag returns a list of package directories separated by newlines.
const affectedProjects = output.split( '\n' );
// At the VERY least PNPM will return the path to the project if it exists. The only way
// this will happen is if the project isn't part of the workspace and we can ignore it.
// We expect this to happen and thus haven't use the caret in the filter above.
if ( ! affectedProjects ) {
// Run through and decide whether or not the project has been affected by the changes.
for ( const affected of affectedProjects ) {
const affectedProjectPath =
getProjectPathFromAbsolutePath( affected );
if ( ! affectedProjectPath ) {
// Skip the project we're checking against since it'll be in the results.
if ( affectedProjectPath === changes.path ) {
// Only changes to source files will impact other projects.
if (
! changes.phpSourceChanges &&
! changes.jsSourceChanges &&
! changes.assetSourceChanges
) {
`${ changes.path }: cascading source file changes to ${ affectedProjectPath }.`
// Populate the change object for the affected project if it doesn't already exist.
if ( ! cascadedChanges[ affectedProjectPath ] ) {
cascadedChanges[ affectedProjectPath ] = {
path: affectedProjectPath,
phpSourceChanges: false,
jsSourceChanges: false,
assetSourceChanges: false,
documentationChanges: false,
phpTestChanges: false,
jsTestChanges: false,
e2eTestChanges: false,
// Consider the source files to have changed in the affected project because they are dependent on the source files in the changed project.
if ( changes.phpSourceChanges ) {
cascadedChanges[ affectedProjectPath ].phpSourceChanges = true;
if ( changes.jsSourceChanges ) {
cascadedChanges[ affectedProjectPath ].jsSourceChanges = true;
if ( changes.assetSourceChanges ) {
].assetSourceChanges = true;
return Object.values( cascadedChanges );
* The valid commands that we can execute.
* @typedef {string} CommandType
* @enum {CommandType}
const COMMAND_TYPE = {
Lint: 'lint',
TestPHP: 'test:php',
TestJS: 'test:js',
E2E: 'e2e',
* Checks a command to see whether or not it is valid.
* @param {CommandType} command The command to check.
* @return {boolean} Whether or not the command is valid.T
function isValidCommand( command ) {
for ( const commandType in COMMAND_TYPE ) {
if ( COMMAND_TYPE[ commandType ] === command ) {
return true;
return false;
* Indicates whether or not the command is a test command.
* @param {CommandType} command The command to check.
* @return {boolean} Whether or not the command is a test command.
function isTestCommand( command ) {
return (
command === COMMAND_TYPE.TestPHP ||
command === COMMAND_TYPE.TestJS ||
command === COMMAND_TYPE.E2E
* Details about a task that should be run for a project.
* @typedef {Object} ProjectTask
* @property {string} name The name of the task.
* @property {Array.<CommandType>} commandsToRun The commands that the project should run.
* @property {Object.<string,string>} customCommands Any commands that should be run in place of the default commands.
* @property {string|null} testEnvCommand The command that should be run to start the test environment if one is needed.
* @property {Object.<string,string>} testEnvConfig Any configuration for the test environment if one is needed.
* Parses the task configuration from the package.json file and returns a task object.
* @param {Object} packageFile The package file for the project.
* @param {Object} config The taw task configuration.
* @param {Array.<CommandType>} commandsForChanges The commands that we should run for the project.
* @param {ProjectTask|null} parentTask The task that this task is a child of.
* @return {ProjectTask|null} The parsed task.
function parseTaskConfig(
) {
// Child tasks are required to have a name because otherwise
// every task for a project would be named "default".
let taskName = 'default';
if ( parentTask ) {
taskName = config.name;
if ( ! taskName ) {
throw new Error( `${ packageFile.name }: missing name for task.` );
// When the config object declares a command filter we should remove any
// of the commands it contains from the list of commands to run.
if ( config?.commandFilter ) {
// Check for invalid commands being used since they won't do anything.
for ( const command of config.commandFilter ) {
if ( ! isValidCommand( command ) ) {
throw new Error(
`${ packageFile.name }: invalid command filter type of "${ command }" for task "${ taskName }".`
// Apply the command filter.
commandsForChanges = commandsForChanges.filter( ( command ) =>
config.commandFilter.includes( command )
// Custom commands developers to support a command without having to use the
// standardized script name for it. For ease of use we will add parent task
// custom commands to children and allow the children to override any
// specific tasks they want.
const customCommands = Object.assign(
parentTask?.customCommands ?? {}
if ( config?.customCommands ) {
for ( const customCommandType in config.customCommands ) {
// Check for invalid commands being mapped since they won't do anything.
if ( ! isValidCommand( customCommandType ) ) {
throw new Error(
`${ packageFile.name }: invalid custom command type "${ customCommandType } for task "${ taskName }".`
// Custom commands may have tokens that we need to remove in order to check them for existence.
const split =
config.customCommands[ customCommandType ].split( ' ' );
const customCommand = split[ 0 ];
if ( ! packageFile.scripts?.[ customCommand ] ) {
throw new Error(
`${ packageFile.name }: unknown custom "${ customCommandType }" command "${ customCommand }" for task "${ taskName }".`
// We only need to bother with commands we can actually run.
if ( commandsForChanges.includes( customCommandType ) ) {
customCommands[ customCommandType ] =
config.customCommands[ customCommandType ];
// Our goal is to run only the commands that have changes, however, not all
// projects will have scripts for all of the commands we want to run.
const commandsToRun = [];
for ( const command of commandsForChanges ) {
// We have already filtered and confirmed custom commands.
if ( customCommands[ command ] ) {
commandsToRun.push( command );
// Commands that don't have a script to run should be ignored.
if ( ! packageFile.scripts?.[ command ] ) {
commandsToRun.push( command );
// We don't want to create a task if there aren't any commands to run.
if ( ! commandsToRun.length ) {
return null;
// The test environment command only needs to be set when a test environment is needed.
let testEnvCommand = null;
if ( commandsToRun.some( ( command ) => isTestCommand( command ) ) ) {
if ( config?.testEnvCommand ) {
// Make sure that a developer hasn't put in a test command that doesn't exist.
if ( ! packageFile.scripts?.[ config.testEnvCommand ] ) {
throw new Error(
`${ packageFile.name }: unknown test environment command "${ config.testEnvCommand }" for task "${ taskName }".`
testEnvCommand =
config?.testEnvCommand ?? parentTask?.testEnvCommand;
} else if ( packageFile.scripts?.[ 'test:env:start' ] ) {
testEnvCommand = 'test:env:start';
// The test environment configuration should also cascade from parent task to child task.
const testEnvConfig = Object.assign(
parentTask?.testEnvConfig ?? {},
config?.testEnvConfig ?? {}
return {
name: taskName,
* Details about a project and the tasks that should be run for it.
* @typedef {Object} ProjectTasks
* @property {string} name The name of the project.
* @property {Array.<ProjectTask>} tasks The tasks that should be run for the project.
* Evaluates the given changes against the possible commands and returns those that should run as
* a result of the change criteria being met.
* @param {ProjectChanges|null} changes Any changes that have occurred to the project.
* @return {Array.<string>} The commands that can be run for the project.
function getCommandsForChanges( changes ) {
// Here are all of the commands that we support and the change criteria that they require to execute.
// We treat the command's criteria as passing if any of the properties are true.
const commandCriteria = {
[ COMMAND_TYPE.Lint ]: [
[ COMMAND_TYPE.TestPHP ]: [ 'phpSourceChanges', 'phpTestChanges' ],
[ COMMAND_TYPE.TestJS ]: [ 'jsSourceChanges', 'jsTestChanges' ],
//[ COMMAND_TYPE.E2E ]: [ 'phpSourceChanges', 'jsSourceChanges', 'assetSourceChanges', 'e2eTestFileChanges' ],
// We only want the list of possible commands to contain those that
// the project actually has and meet the criteria for execution.
const commandsForChanges = [];
for ( const command in commandCriteria ) {
// The criteria only needs to be checked if there is a change object to evaluate.
if ( changes ) {
let commandCriteriaMet = false;
for ( const criteria of commandCriteria[ command ] ) {
// Confidence check to make sure the criteria wasn't misspelled.
if ( ! changes.hasOwnProperty( criteria ) ) {
throw new Error(
`Invalid criteria "${ criteria }" for command "${ command }".`
if ( changes[ criteria ] ) {
commandCriteriaMet = true;
// As long as we meet one of the criteria requirements we can add the command.
if ( ! commandCriteriaMet ) {
console.log( `${ changes.path }: command "${ command }" added based on given changes.` );
commandsForChanges.push( command );
return commandsForChanges;
* Builds a task object for the project with support for limiting the tasks to only those that have changed.
* @param {string} projectPath The path to the project.
* @param {ProjectChanges|null} changes Any changes that have occurred to the project.
* @return {ProjectTasks|null} The tasks that should be run for the project.
function buildTasksForProject( projectPath, changes ) {
// There's nothing to do if the project has no tasks.
const commandsForChanges = getCommandsForChanges( changes );
if ( ! commandsForChanges.length ) {
return null;
// Load the package file so we can check for task existence before adding them.
const rawPackageFile = fs.readFileSync(
`${ projectPath }/package.json`,
const packageFile = JSON.parse( rawPackageFile );
// We're going to parse each of the projects and add them to the list of tasks if necessary.
const projectTasks = [];
// Parse the task configuration from the package.json file.
const parentTask = parseTaskConfig(
if ( parentTask ) {
projectTasks.push( parentTask );
if ( packageFile.config?.ci?.additionalTasks ) {
for ( const additionalTask of packageFile.config.ci.additionalTasks ) {
const task = parseTaskConfig(
if ( task ) {
projectTasks.push( task );
if ( ! projectTasks.length ) {
return null;
return {
name: packageFile.name,
tasks: projectTasks,
* This function takes a list of project changes and generates a list of tasks that should be run for each project.
* @param {Array.<ProjectChanges>} projectChanges The project changes to generate tasks for.
* @return {Array.<ProjectTasks>} All of the projects and the tasks that they should undertake.
function generateProjectTasksForChanges( projectChanges ) {
const projectTasks = [];
// Scan through all of the changes and generate task objects for them.
for ( const changes of projectChanges ) {
const tasks = buildTasksForProject( changes.path, changes );
if ( tasks ) {
projectTasks.push( tasks );
return projectTasks;
* Generates a list of tasks that should be run for each project in the workspace.
* @return {Array.<ProjectTasks>} All of the projects and the tasks that they should undertake.
function generateProjectTasksForWorkspace() {
// We can use PNPM to quickly get a list of every project in the workspace.
const output = child_process.execSync(
"pnpm list --filter='*' --only-projects --depth='-1' --parseable",
{ encoding: 'utf8' }
// The `--parseable` flag returns a list of package directories separated by newlines.
const workspaceProjects = output.split( '\n' );
const projectTasks = [];
for ( const project of workspaceProjects ) {
const projectPath = getProjectPathFromAbsolutePath( project );
if ( ! projectPath ) {
const tasks = buildTasksForProject( projectPath, null );
if ( tasks ) {
projectTasks.push( tasks );
return projectTasks;
* A CI matrix for the GitHub workflow.
* @typedef {Object} CIMatrix
* @property {string} projectName The name of the project.
* @property {string} taskName The name of the task.
* @property {Object.<string,string>} testEnvVars The environment variables for the test environment.
* @property {string|null} lintCommand The command to run if linting is necessary.
* @property {string|null} phpTestCommand The command to run if PHP tests are necessary.
* @property {string|null} jsTestCommand The command to run if JS tests are necessary.
* @property {string|null} e2eCommand The command to run if E2E is necessary.
* Parses the test environment's configuration and returns any environment variables that
* should be set.
* @param {Object} testEnvConfig The test environment configuration.
* @return {Promise.<Object>} The environment variables for the test environment.
async function parseTestEnvConfig( testEnvConfig ) {
const envVars = {};
// Convert `wp-env` configuration options to environment variables.
if ( testEnvConfig.wpVersion ) {
try {
envVars.WP_ENV_CORE = await parseWPVersion(
} catch ( error ) {
throw new Error(
`Failed to parse WP version: ${ error.message }.`
if ( testEnvConfig.phpVersion ) {
envVars.WP_ENV_PHP_VERSION = testEnvConfig.phpVersion;
return envVars;
* Generates a command for the task that can be executed in the CI matrix. This will check the task
* for the command, apply any command override, and replace any valid tokens with their values.
* @param {ProjectTask} task The task to get the command for.
* @param {CommandType} command The command to run.
* @param {Object.<string,string>} tokenValues Any tokens that should be replaced and their associated values.
* @return {string|null} The command that should be run for the task or null if the command should not be run.
function getCommandForMatrix( task, command, tokenValues ) {
if ( ! task.commandsToRun.includes( command ) ) {
return null;
// Support overriding the default command with a custom one.
command = task.customCommands[ command ] ?? command;
// Replace any of the tokens that are used in commands with their values if one exists.
let matrixCommand = command;
const matches = command.matchAll( /\${([a-z0-9_\-]+)}/gi );
if ( matches ) {
for ( const match of matches ) {
if ( ! tokenValues.hasOwnProperty( match[ 1 ] ) ) {
throw new Error(
`Command "${ command }" contains unknown token "${ match[ 1 ] }".`
matrixCommand = matrixCommand.replace(
match[ 0 ],
tokenValues[ match[ 1 ] ]
return matrixCommand;
* Generates a matrix for the CI GitHub Workflow.
* @param {string} baseRef The base branch to check for changes against. If empty we check for everything.
* @return {Promise.<Array.<CIMatrix>>} The CI matrix to be used in the CI workflows.
async function buildCIMatrix( baseRef ) {
const matrix = [];
// Build the project tasks based on the branch we are comparing against.
let projectTasks = [];
if ( baseRef ) {
const projectChanges = detectProjectChanges( baseRef );
const cascadedProjectChanges = cascadeProjectChanges( projectChanges );
projectTasks = generateProjectTasksForChanges( cascadedProjectChanges );
} else {
projectTasks = generateProjectTasksForWorkspace();
// Prepare the tokens that are able to be replaced in commands.
const commandTokens = {
baseRef: baseRef ?? '',
// Parse the tasks and generate matrix entries for each of them.
for ( const project of projectTasks ) {
for ( const task of project.tasks ) {
matrix.push( {
projectName: project.name,
taskName: task.name,
testEnvCommand: task.testEnvCommand,
testEnvVars: await parseTestEnvConfig( task.testEnvConfig ),
lintCommand: getCommandForMatrix(
phpTestCommand: getCommandForMatrix(
jsTestCommand: getCommandForMatrix(
e2eCommand: getCommandForMatrix(
} );
return matrix;
module.exports = buildCIMatrix;