
308 lines
8.9 KiB

* External dependencies
import { act, render, screen } from '@testing-library/react';
import { VALIDATION_STORE_KEY } from '@woocommerce/block-data';
import { dispatch, select } from '@wordpress/data';
import userEvent from '@testing-library/user-event';
import { useState } from '@wordpress/element';
import * as wpData from '@wordpress/data';
* Internal dependencies
import ValidatedTextInput from '../validated-text-input';
jest.mock( '@wordpress/data', () => ( {
__esModule: true,
...jest.requireActual( '@wordpress/data' ),
useDispatch: jest.fn().mockImplementation( ( args ) => {
return jest.requireActual( '@wordpress/data' ).useDispatch( args );
} ),
} ) );
describe( 'ValidatedTextInput', () => {
it( 'Removes related validation error on change', async () => {
instanceId={ '0' }
accept={ 'image/*' }
onChange={ () => void 0 }
value={ 'Test' }
id={ 'test-input' }
label={ 'Test Input' }
await act( () =>
dispatch( VALIDATION_STORE_KEY ).setValidationErrors( {
'test-input': {
message: 'Error message',
hidden: false,
} )
await expect(
select( VALIDATION_STORE_KEY ).getValidationError( 'test-input' )
).not.toBe( undefined );
const textInputElement = await screen.getByLabelText( 'Test Input' );
await userEvent.type( textInputElement, 'New value' );
await expect(
select( VALIDATION_STORE_KEY ).getValidationError( 'test-input' )
).toBe( undefined );
} );
it( 'Hides related validation error on change when id is not specified', async () => {
instanceId={ '1' }
accept={ 'image/*' }
onChange={ () => void 0 }
value={ 'Test' }
label={ 'Test Input' }
await act( () =>
dispatch( VALIDATION_STORE_KEY ).setValidationErrors( {
'textinput-1': {
message: 'Error message',
hidden: false,
} )
await expect(
select( VALIDATION_STORE_KEY ).getValidationError( 'textinput-1' )
).not.toBe( undefined );
const textInputElement = await screen.getByLabelText( 'Test Input' );
await userEvent.type( textInputElement, 'New value' );
await expect(
select( VALIDATION_STORE_KEY ).getValidationError( 'textinput-1' )
).toBe( undefined );
} );
it( 'Displays a passed error message', async () => {
instanceId={ '2' }
accept={ 'image/*' }
onChange={ () => void 0 }
value={ 'Test' }
label={ 'Test Input' }
errorMessage={ 'Custom error message' }
await act( () =>
dispatch( VALIDATION_STORE_KEY ).setValidationErrors( {
'textinput-2': {
message: 'Error message in data store',
hidden: false,
} )
const customErrorMessageElement = await screen.getByText(
'Custom error message'
screen.queryByText( 'Error message in data store' )
await expect( customErrorMessageElement ).toBeInTheDocument();
} );
it( 'Displays an error message from the data store', async () => {
instanceId={ '3' }
accept={ 'image/*' }
onChange={ () => void 0 }
value={ 'Test' }
label={ 'Test Input' }
await act( () =>
dispatch( VALIDATION_STORE_KEY ).setValidationErrors( {
'textinput-3': {
message: 'Error message 3',
hidden: false,
} )
const errorMessageElement = await screen.getByText( 'Error message 3' );
await expect( errorMessageElement ).toBeInTheDocument();
} );
it( 'Runs custom validation on the input', async () => {
const TestComponent = () => {
const [ inputValue, setInputValue ] = useState( 'Test' );
return (
instanceId={ '4' }
id={ 'test-input' }
onChange={ ( value ) => setInputValue( value ) }
value={ inputValue }
label={ 'Test Input' }
customValidation={ ( inputObject ) => {
return inputObject.value === 'Valid Value';
} }
render( <TestComponent /> );
const textInputElement = await screen.getByLabelText( 'Test Input' );
await userEvent.type( textInputElement, 'Invalid Value' );
await expect(
select( VALIDATION_STORE_KEY ).getValidationError( 'test-input' )
).not.toBe( undefined );
await userEvent.type( textInputElement, '{selectall}{del}Valid Value' );
await expect( textInputElement.value ).toBe( 'Valid Value' );
await expect(
select( VALIDATION_STORE_KEY ).getValidationError( 'test-input' )
).toBe( undefined );
} );
it( 'Shows a custom error message for an invalid required input', async () => {
const TestComponent = () => {
const [ inputValue, setInputValue ] = useState( '' );
return (
instanceId={ '5' }
id={ 'test-input' }
onChange={ ( value ) => setInputValue( value ) }
value={ inputValue }
label={ 'Test Input' }
required={ true }
render( <TestComponent /> );
const textInputElement = await screen.getByLabelText( 'Test Input' );
await userEvent.type( textInputElement, 'test' );
await userEvent.type( textInputElement, '{selectall}{del}' );
await textInputElement.blur();
await expect(
screen.queryByText( 'Please enter a valid test input' )
} );
describe( 'correctly validates on mount', () => {
it( 'validates when focusOnMount is true and validateOnMount is not set', async () => {
const setValidationErrors = jest.fn();
wpData.useDispatch.mockImplementation( ( storeName: string ) => {
if ( storeName === VALIDATION_STORE_KEY ) {
return {
.requireActual( '@wordpress/data' )
.useDispatch( storeName ),
return jest
.requireActual( '@wordpress/data' )
.useDispatch( storeName );
} );
const TestComponent = () => {
const [ inputValue, setInputValue ] = useState( '' );
return (
instanceId={ '6' }
id={ 'test-input' }
onChange={ ( value ) => setInputValue( value ) }
value={ inputValue }
label={ 'Test Input' }
required={ true }
focusOnMount={ true }
await render( <TestComponent /> );
const textInputElement = await screen.getByLabelText(
'Test Input'
await expect( textInputElement ).toHaveFocus();
await expect( setValidationErrors ).toHaveBeenCalledWith( {
'test-input': {
message: 'Please enter a valid test input',
hidden: true,
} );
} );
it( 'validates when focusOnMount is false, regardless of validateOnMount value', async () => {
const setValidationErrors = jest.fn();
wpData.useDispatch.mockImplementation( ( storeName: string ) => {
if ( storeName === VALIDATION_STORE_KEY ) {
return {
.requireActual( '@wordpress/data' )
.useDispatch( storeName ),
return jest
.requireActual( '@wordpress/data' )
.useDispatch( storeName );
} );
const TestComponent = ( { validateOnMount = false } ) => {
const [ inputValue, setInputValue ] = useState( '' );
return (
instanceId={ '6' }
id={ 'test-input' }
onChange={ ( value ) => setInputValue( value ) }
value={ inputValue }
label={ 'Test Input' }
required={ true }
focusOnMount={ true }
validateOnMount={ validateOnMount }
const { rerender } = await render( <TestComponent /> );
const textInputElement = await screen.getByLabelText(
'Test Input'
await expect( textInputElement ).toHaveFocus();
await expect( setValidationErrors ).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
await rerender( <TestComponent validateOnMount={ true } /> );
await expect( textInputElement ).toHaveFocus();
await expect( setValidationErrors ).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
} );
it( 'does not validate when validateOnMount is false and focusOnMount is true', async () => {
const setValidationErrors = jest.fn();
wpData.useDispatch.mockImplementation( ( storeName: string ) => {
if ( storeName === VALIDATION_STORE_KEY ) {
return {
.requireActual( '@wordpress/data' )
.useDispatch( storeName ),
return jest
.requireActual( '@wordpress/data' )
.useDispatch( storeName );
} );
const TestComponent = () => {
const [ inputValue, setInputValue ] = useState( '' );
return (
instanceId={ '6' }
id={ 'test-input' }
onChange={ ( value ) => setInputValue( value ) }
value={ inputValue }
label={ 'Test Input' }
required={ true }
focusOnMount={ true }
validateOnMount={ false }
await render( <TestComponent /> );
const textInputElement = await screen.getByLabelText(
'Test Input'
await expect( textInputElement ).toHaveFocus();
await expect( setValidationErrors ).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
} );
} );
} );