
334 lines
8.6 KiB

* External dependencies
import { render, screen, waitFor, act } from '@testing-library/react';
import userEvent from '@testing-library/user-event';
import { previewCart } from '@woocommerce/resource-previews';
import * as wpDataFunctions from '@wordpress/data';
import {
CART_STORE_KEY as storeKey,
} from '@woocommerce/block-data';
import {
} from '@woocommerce/blocks-registry';
import { default as fetchMock } from 'jest-fetch-mock';
* Internal dependencies
import {
} from '../../../blocks/cart-checkout-shared/payment-methods';
import { checkPaymentMethodsCanPay } from '../../payment-methods/check-payment-methods';
import { defaultCartState } from '../../cart/default-state';
const originalSelect = jest.requireActual( '@wordpress/data' ).select;
jest.spyOn( wpDataFunctions, 'select' ).mockImplementation( ( storeName ) => {
const originalStore = originalSelect( storeName );
if ( storeName === storeKey ) {
return {
hasFinishedResolution: jest
.mockImplementation( ( selectorName ) => {
if ( selectorName === 'getCartTotals' ) {
return true;
return originalStore.hasFinishedResolution( selectorName );
} ),
return originalStore;
} );
jest.mock( '@woocommerce/settings', () => {
const originalModule = jest.requireActual( '@woocommerce/settings' );
return {
// @ts-ignore We know @woocommerce/settings is an object.
getSetting: ( setting, ...rest ) => {
if ( setting === 'customerPaymentMethods' ) {
return {
cc: [
method: {
gateway: 'credit-card',
last4: '4242',
brand: 'Visa',
expires: '12/22',
is_default: true,
tokenId: 1,
return originalModule.getSetting( setting, ...rest );
} );
const registerMockPaymentMethods = ( savedCards = true ) => {
[ 'cheque', 'bacs' ].forEach( ( name ) => {
registerPaymentMethod( {
label: name,
content: <div>A payment method</div>,
edit: <div>A payment method</div>,
icons: null,
canMakePayment: () => true,
supports: {
features: [ 'products' ],
ariaLabel: name,
} );
} );
[ 'credit-card' ].forEach( ( name ) => {
registerPaymentMethod( {
label: name,
content: <div>A payment method</div>,
edit: <div>A payment method</div>,
icons: null,
canMakePayment: () => true,
supports: {
showSavedCards: savedCards,
showSaveOption: true,
features: [ 'products' ],
ariaLabel: name,
} );
} );
[ 'express-payment' ].forEach( ( name ) => {
const Content = ( {
onClose = () => void null,
onClick = () => void null,
} ) => {
return (
<button onClick={ onClick }>
{ name + ' express payment method' }
<button onClick={ onClose }>
{ name + ' express payment method close' }
registerExpressPaymentMethod( {
content: <Content />,
edit: <div>An express payment method</div>,
canMakePayment: () => true,
paymentMethodId: name,
supports: {
features: [ 'products' ],
} );
} );
checkPaymentMethodsCanPay( true );
const resetMockPaymentMethods = () => {
[ 'cheque', 'bacs', 'credit-card' ].forEach( ( name ) => {
__experimentalDeRegisterPaymentMethod( name );
} );
[ 'express-payment' ].forEach( ( name ) => {
__experimentalDeRegisterExpressPaymentMethod( name );
} );
describe( 'Payment method data store selectors/thunks', () => {
beforeEach( () => {
act( () => {
registerMockPaymentMethods( false );
fetchMock.mockResponse( ( req ) => {
if ( req.url.match( /wc\/store\/v1\/cart/ ) ) {
return Promise.resolve( JSON.stringify( previewCart ) );
return Promise.resolve( '' );
} );
// need to clear the store resolution state between tests.
wpDataFunctions.dispatch( storeKey ).invalidateResolutionForStore();
.dispatch( storeKey )
.receiveCart( defaultCartState.cartData );
} );
} );
afterEach( async () => {
act( () => {
} );
} );
it( 'toggles active payment method correctly for express payment activation and close', async () => {
const TriggerActiveExpressPaymentMethod = () => {
const activePaymentMethod = wpDataFunctions.useSelect(
( select ) => {
return select(
return (
<CheckoutExpressPayment />
{ 'Active Payment Method: ' + activePaymentMethod }
const TestComponent = () => {
return <TriggerActiveExpressPaymentMethod />;
render( <TestComponent /> );
// should initialize by default the first payment method.
await waitFor( () => {
const activePaymentMethod = screen.queryByText(
/Active Payment Method: credit-card/
expect( activePaymentMethod ).not.toBeNull();
} );
// Express payment method clicked.
screen.getByText( 'express-payment express payment method' )
await waitFor( () => {
const activePaymentMethod = screen.queryByText(
/Active Payment Method: express-payment/
expect( activePaymentMethod ).not.toBeNull();
} );
// Express payment method closed.
screen.getByText( 'express-payment express payment method close' )
await waitFor( () => {
const activePaymentMethod = screen.queryByText(
/Active Payment Method: credit-card/
expect( activePaymentMethod ).not.toBeNull();
} );
} );
} );
describe( 'Testing Payment Methods work correctly with saved cards turned on', () => {
beforeEach( () => {
act( () => {
registerMockPaymentMethods( true );
fetchMock.mockResponse( ( req ) => {
if ( req.url.match( /wc\/store\/v1\/cart/ ) ) {
return Promise.resolve( JSON.stringify( previewCart ) );
return Promise.resolve( '' );
} );
// need to clear the store resolution state between tests.
wpDataFunctions.dispatch( storeKey ).invalidateResolutionForStore();
.dispatch( storeKey )
.receiveCart( defaultCartState.cartData );
} );
} );
afterEach( async () => {
act( () => {
} );
} );
it( 'resets saved payment method data after starting and closing an express payment method', async () => {
const TriggerActiveExpressPaymentMethod = () => {
const { activePaymentMethod, paymentMethodData } =
wpDataFunctions.useSelect( ( select ) => {
const store = select( PAYMENT_METHOD_DATA_STORE_KEY );
return {
activePaymentMethod: store.getActivePaymentMethod(),
paymentMethodData: store.getPaymentMethodData(),
} );
return (
<CheckoutExpressPayment />
<SavedPaymentMethodOptions onChange={ () => void null } />
{ 'Active Payment Method: ' + activePaymentMethod }
{ paymentMethodData[ 'wc-credit-card-payment-token' ] && (
<span>credit-card token</span>
) }
const TestComponent = () => {
return <TriggerActiveExpressPaymentMethod />;
render( <TestComponent /> );
// Should initialize by default the default saved payment method.
await waitFor( () => {
const activePaymentMethod = screen.queryByText(
/Active Payment Method: credit-card/
expect( activePaymentMethod ).not.toBeNull();
} );
await waitFor( () => {
const creditCardToken = screen.queryByText( /credit-card token/ );
expect( creditCardToken ).not.toBeNull();
} );
// Express payment method clicked.
screen.getByText( 'express-payment express payment method' )
await waitFor( () => {
const activePaymentMethod = screen.queryByText(
/Active Payment Method: express-payment/
expect( activePaymentMethod ).not.toBeNull();
} );
await waitFor( () => {
const creditCardToken = screen.queryByText( /credit-card token/ );
expect( creditCardToken ).toBeNull();
} );
// Express payment method closed.
screen.getByText( 'express-payment express payment method close' )
await waitFor( () => {
const activePaymentMethod = screen.queryByText(
/Active Payment Method: credit-card/
expect( activePaymentMethod ).not.toBeNull();
} );
await waitFor( () => {
const creditCardToken = screen.queryByText( /credit-card token/ );
expect( creditCardToken ).not.toBeNull();
} );
} );
} );