
132 lines
4.3 KiB

* @format
* Internal dependencies
import { StoreOwnerFlow } from '../../utils/flows';
import { completeOldSetupWizard, completeOnboardingWizard } from '../../utils/components';
import {
verifyCheckboxIsUnset, verifyValueOfInputField
} from '../../utils';
const config = require( 'config' );
describe( 'Store owner can login and make sure WooCommerce is activated', () => {
it( 'can login', async () => {
await StoreOwnerFlow.login();
} );
it( 'can make sure WooCommerce is activated. If not, activate it', async () => {
const slug = 'woocommerce';
await StoreOwnerFlow.openPlugins();
const disableLink = await page.$( `tr[data-slug="${ slug }"] .deactivate a` );
if ( disableLink ) {
await page.click( `tr[data-slug="${ slug }"] .activate a` );
await page.waitForSelector( `tr[data-slug="${ slug }"] .deactivate a` );
} );
} );
describe( 'Store owner can go through store Setup Wizard', () => {
it( 'can start Setup Wizard when visiting the site for the first time. Skip all other times.', async () => {
// Check if Setup Wizard Notice is visible on the screen.
// If yes - proceed with Setup Wizard, if not - skip Setup Wizard (already been completed).
const setupWizardNotice = await Promise.race( [
new Promise( resolve => setTimeout( () => resolve(), 1000 ) ), // resolves without value after 1s
page.waitForSelector('.updated.woocommerce-message.wc-connect', { visible: true } )
] );
if ( setupWizardNotice ) {
await StoreOwnerFlow.runSetupWizard();
await completeOnboardingWizard();
} );
} );
describe( 'Store owner can go through setup Task List', () => {
it( 'can setup shipping', async () => {
// Query for all tasks on the list
const taskListItems = await page.$$( '.woocommerce-list__item-title' );
expect( taskListItems ).toHaveLength( 5 );
await Promise.all( [
// Click on "Set up shipping" task to move to the next step
// Wait for shipping setup section to load
page.waitForNavigation( { waitUntil: 'networkidle0' } ),
] );
// Query for store location fields
const storeLocationFields = await page.$$( '.components-text-control__input' );
expect( storeLocationFields ).toHaveLength( 4 );
// Wait for "Continue" button to become active
await page.waitForSelector( 'button.is-primary:not(:disabled)' );
// Click on "Continue" button to move to the shipping cost section
await page.click( 'button.is-primary' );
// Wait for "Proceed" button to become active
await page.waitForSelector( 'button.is-primary:not(:disabled)' );
await page.waitFor( 3000 );
// Click on "Proceed" button to save shipping settings
await page.click( 'button.is-primary' );
await page.waitFor( 3000 );
} );
} );
describe( 'Store owner can finish initial store setup', () => {
it( 'can enable tax rates and calculations', async () => {
// Go to general settings page
await StoreOwnerFlow.openSettings( 'general' );
// Make sure the general tab is active
await expect( page ).toMatchElement( 'a.nav-tab-active', { text: 'General' } );
// Enable tax rates and calculations
await setCheckbox( '#woocommerce_calc_taxes' );
await settingsPageSaveChanges();
// Verify that settings have been saved
await Promise.all( [
expect( page ).toMatchElement( '#message', { text: 'Your settings have been saved.' } ),
verifyCheckboxIsSet( '#woocommerce_calc_taxes' ),
] );
} );
it( 'can configure permalink settings', async () => {
// Go to Permalink Settings page
await StoreOwnerFlow.openPermalinkSettings();
// Select "Post name" option in common settings section
await page.click( 'input[value="/%postname%/"]', { text: ' Post name' } );
// Select "Custom base" in product permalinks section
await page.click( '#woocommerce_custom_selection' );
// Fill custom base slug to use
await expect( page ).toFill( '#woocommerce_permalink_structure', '/product/' );
await permalinkSettingsPageSaveChanges();
// Verify that settings have been saved
await Promise.all( [
expect( page ).toMatchElement( '#setting-error-settings_updated', { text: 'Permalink structure updated.' } ),
verifyValueOfInputField( '#permalink_structure', '/%postname%/' ),
verifyValueOfInputField( '#woocommerce_permalink_structure', '/product/' ),
] );
} );
} );