
483 lines
13 KiB

* Beta Tester plugin main class
* @package WC_Beta_Tester
defined( 'ABSPATH' ) || exit;
* WC_Beta_Tester Main Class.
class WC_Beta_Tester {
* Config
* @var array
private $plugin_config;
* Plugin name.
* @var string
private $plugin_name;
* Plugin instance.
* @var WC_Beta_Tester
protected static $instance = null;
* WP.org data
* @var object
private $wporg_data;
* Main Instance.
public static function instance() {
self::$instance = is_null( self::$instance ) ? new self() : self::$instance;
return self::$instance;
* Ran on activation to flush update cache
public static function activate() {
delete_site_transient( 'update_plugins' );
delete_site_transient( 'woocommerce_latest_tag' );
* Get plugin settings.
* @return object
public static function get_settings() {
$settings = (object) wp_parse_args(
get_option( 'wc_beta_tester_options', array() ),
'channel' => 'beta',
'auto_update' => false,
$settings->channel = $settings->channel;
$settings->auto_update = (bool) $settings->auto_update;
return $settings;
* Get the plugin url.
* @return string
public function plugin_url() {
return untrailingslashit( plugins_url( '/', WC_BETA_TESTER_FILE ) );
* Constructor
public function __construct() {
$this->plugin_name = plugin_basename( WC_BETA_TESTER_FILE );
$this->plugin_config = array(
'plugin_file' => 'woocommerce/woocommerce.php',
'slug' => 'woocommerce',
'proper_folder_name' => 'woocommerce',
'api_url' => 'https://api.wordpress.org/plugins/info/1.0/woocommerce.json',
'repo_url' => 'https://wordpress.org/plugins/woocommerce/',
add_filter( "plugin_action_links_{$this->plugin_name}", array( $this, 'plugin_action_links' ), 10, 1 );
add_filter( 'auto_update_plugin', array( $this, 'auto_update_woocommerce' ), 100, 2 );
if ( 'stable' !== $this->get_settings()->channel ) {
add_filter( 'pre_set_site_transient_update_plugins', array( $this, 'api_check' ) );
add_filter( 'plugins_api_result', array( $this, 'plugins_api_result' ), 10, 3 );
add_filter( 'upgrader_source_selection', array( $this, 'upgrader_source_selection' ), 10, 3 );
* Include any classes we need within admin.
public function includes() {
include_once dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/class-wc-beta-tester-admin-menus.php';
include_once dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/class-wc-beta-tester-admin-assets.php';
* Check whether or not the transients need to be overruled and API needs to be called for every single page load
* @return bool overrule or not
public function overrule_transients() {
* Checks if a given version is a pre-release.
* @param string $version Version to compare.
* @return bool
public function is_prerelease( $version ) {
return preg_match( '/(.*)?-(beta|rc)(.*)/', $version );
* Get New Version from WPorg
* @since 1.0
* @return int $version the version number
public function get_latest_channel_release() {
$tagged_version = get_site_transient( md5( $this->plugin_config['slug'] ) . '_latest_tag' );
if ( $this->overrule_transients() || empty( $tagged_version ) ) {
$data = $this->get_wporg_data();
$latest_version = $data->version;
$versions = (array) $data->versions;
$channel = $this->get_settings()->channel;
foreach ( $versions as $version => $download_url ) {
if ( 'trunk' === $version ) {
switch ( $channel ) {
case 'stable':
if ( $this->is_in_stable_channel( $version ) ) {
$tagged_version = $version;
case 'rc':
if ( $this->is_in_rc_channel( $version ) ) {
$tagged_version = $version;
case 'beta':
if ( $this->is_in_beta_channel( $version ) ) {
$tagged_version = $version;
// Refresh every 6 hours.
if ( ! empty( $tagged_version ) ) {
set_site_transient( md5( $this->plugin_config['slug'] ) . '_latest_tag', $tagged_version, HOUR_IN_SECONDS * 6 );
return $tagged_version;
* Get Data from .org API.
* @since 1.0
* @return array $wporg_data The data.
public function get_wporg_data() {
if ( ! empty( $this->wporg_data ) ) {
return $this->wporg_data;
$wporg_data = get_site_transient( md5( $this->plugin_config['slug'] ) . '_wporg_data' );
if ( $this->overrule_transients() || ( ! isset( $wporg_data ) || ! $wporg_data || '' === $wporg_data ) ) {
$wporg_data = wp_remote_get( $this->plugin_config['api_url'] );
if ( is_wp_error( $wporg_data ) ) {
return false;
$wporg_data = json_decode( $wporg_data['body'] );
// Refresh every 6 hours.
set_site_transient( md5( $this->plugin_config['slug'] ) . '_wporg_data', $wporg_data, HOUR_IN_SECONDS * 6 );
// Store the data in this class instance for future calls.
$this->wporg_data = $wporg_data;
return $wporg_data;
* Get plugin download URL.
* @since 1.0
* @param string $version The version.
* @return string
public function get_download_url( $version ) {
$data = $this->get_wporg_data();
if ( empty( $data->versions->$version ) ) {
return false;
return $data->versions->$version;
* Get Plugin data.
* @since 1.0
* @return object $data The data.
public function get_plugin_data() {
return get_plugin_data( WP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/' . $this->plugin_config['plugin_file'] );
* Hook into the plugin update check and connect to WPorg.
* @since 1.0
* @param object $transient The plugin data transient.
* @return object $transient Updated plugin data transient.
public function api_check( $transient ) {
// Clear our transient.
delete_site_transient( md5( $this->plugin_config['slug'] ) . '_latest_tag' );
// Get version data.
$plugin_data = $this->get_plugin_data();
$version = $plugin_data['Version'];
$new_version = $this->get_latest_channel_release();
// check the version and decide if it's new.
$update = version_compare( $new_version, $version, '>' );
if ( ! $update ) {
return $transient;
// Populate response data.
if ( ! isset( $transient->response['woocommerce/woocommerce.php'] ) ) {
$transient->response['woocommerce/woocommerce.php'] = (object) $this->plugin_config;
$transient->response['woocommerce/woocommerce.php']->new_version = $new_version;
$transient->response['woocommerce/woocommerce.php']->zip_url = $this->get_download_url( $new_version );
$transient->response['woocommerce/woocommerce.php']->package = $this->get_download_url( $new_version );
return $transient;
* Filters the Plugin Installation API response results.
* @param object|WP_Error $response Response object or WP_Error.
* @param string $action The type of information being requested from the Plugin Installation API.
* @param object $args Plugin API arguments.
* @return object
public function plugins_api_result( $response, $action, $args ) {
// Check if this call API is for the right plugin.
if ( ! isset( $response->slug ) || $response->slug !== $this->plugin_config['slug'] ) {
return $response;
$new_version = $this->get_latest_channel_release();
if ( version_compare( $response->version, $new_version, '=' ) ) {
return $response;
if ( $this->is_beta_version( $new_version ) ) {
$warning = __( '<h1><span>&#9888;</span>This is a beta release<span>&#9888;</span></h1>', 'woocommerce-beta-tester' );
if ( $this->is_rc_version( $new_version ) ) {
$warning = __( '<h1><span>&#9888;</span>This is a pre-release version<span>&#9888;</span></h1>', 'woocommerce-beta-tester' );
// If we are returning a different version than the stable tag on .org, manipulate the returned data.
$response->version = $new_version;
$response->download_link = $this->get_download_url( $new_version );
$response->sections['changelog'] = sprintf(
'<p><a target="_blank" href="%s">' . __( 'Read the changelog and find out more about the release on GitHub.', 'woocommerce-beta-tester' ) . '</a></p>',
'https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce/blob/' . $response->version . '/readme.txt'
foreach ( $response->sections as $key => $section ) {
$response->sections[ $key ] = $warning . $section;
return $response;
* Rename the downloaded zip
* @param string $source File source location.
* @param string $remote_source Remote file source location.
* @param WP_Upgrader $upgrader WordPress Upgrader instance.
* @return string
public function upgrader_source_selection( $source, $remote_source, $upgrader ) {
global $wp_filesystem;
if ( strstr( $source, '/woocommerce-woocommerce-' ) ) {
$corrected_source = trailingslashit( $remote_source ) . trailingslashit( $this->plugin_config['proper_folder_name'] );
if ( $wp_filesystem->move( $source, $corrected_source, true ) ) {
return $corrected_source;
} else {
return new WP_Error();
return $source;
* Enable auto updates for WooCommerce.
* @param bool $update Should this autoupdate.
* @param object $plugin Plugin being checked.
* @return bool
public function auto_update_woocommerce( $update, $plugin ) {
if ( true === $this->get_settings()->auto_update && 'woocommerce' === $plugin->slug ) {
return true;
} else {
return $update;
* Return true if version string is a beta version.
* @param string $version_str Version string.
* @return bool
protected static function is_beta_version( $version_str ) {
return strpos( $version_str, 'beta' ) !== false;
* Return true if version string is a Release Candidate.
* @param string $version_str Version string.
* @return bool
protected static function is_rc_version( $version_str ) {
return strpos( $version_str, 'rc' ) !== false;
* Return true if version string is a stable version.
* @param string $version_str Version string.
* @return bool
protected static function is_stable_version( $version_str ) {
return ! self::is_beta_version( $version_str ) && ! self::is_rc_version( $version_str );
* Return true if release's version string belongs to beta channel, i.e.
* if it's beta, rc or stable release.
* @param string $version_str Version string of the release.
* @return bool
protected static function is_in_beta_channel( $version_str ) {
return self::is_beta_version( $version_str ) || self::is_rc_version( $version_str ) || self::is_stable_version( $version_str );
* Return true if release's version string belongs to release candidate channel, i.e.
* if it's rc or stable release.
* @param string $version_str Version string of the release.
* @return bool
protected static function is_in_rc_channel( $version_str ) {
return self::is_rc_version( $version_str ) || self::is_stable_version( $version_str );
* Return true if release's version string belongs to stable channel, i.e.
* if it's stable release and not a beta or rc.
* @param string $version_str Version string of the release.
* @return bool
protected static function is_in_stable_channel( $version_str ) {
return self::is_stable_version( $version_str );
* Return available versions from wp.org tags belonging to selected channel.
* @param string $channel Filter versions by channel: all|beta|rc|stable.
* @return array(string)
public function get_tags( $channel = 'all' ) {
$data = $this->get_wporg_data();
$releases = (array) $data->versions;
unset( $releases['trunk'] );
$releases = array_keys( $releases );
foreach ( $releases as $index => $version ) {
if ( version_compare( $version, '3.6', '<' ) ) {
unset( $releases[ $index ] );
if ( 'beta' === $channel ) {
$releases = array_filter( $releases, array( __CLASS__, 'is_in_beta_channel' ) );
} elseif ( 'rc' === $channel ) {
$releases = array_filter( $releases, array( __CLASS__, 'is_in_rc_channel' ) );
} elseif ( 'stable' === $channel ) {
$releases = array_filter( $releases, array( __CLASS__, 'is_in_stable_channel' ) );
return $releases;
* Show action links on the plugin screen.
* @param mixed $links Plugin Action links.
* @return array
public function plugin_action_links( $links ) {
$action_links = array(
'switch-version' => sprintf(
'<a href="%s">%s</a>',
esc_url( admin_url( 'plugins.php?page=wc-beta-tester-version-picker' ) ),
esc_html__( 'Switch versions', 'woocommerce-beta-tester' )
'settings' => sprintf(
'<a href="%s">%s</a>',
esc_url( admin_url( 'plugins.php?page=wc-beta-tester' ) ),
esc_html__( 'Settings', 'woocommerce-beta-tester' )
return array_merge( $action_links, $links );