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* WC_Admin_Reports_Data_Store class file.
* @package WooCommerce Admin/Classes
if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
* WC_Admin_Reports_Data_Store: Common parent for custom report data stores.
class WC_Admin_Reports_Data_Store {
* Cache group for the reports.
* @var string
protected $cache_group = 'reports';
* Time out for the cache.
* @var int
protected $cache_timeout = 3600;
* Table used as a data store for this report.
* @var string
const TABLE_NAME = '';
* Mapping columns to data type to return correct response types.
* @var array
protected $column_types = array();
* SQL columns to select in the db query.
* @var array
protected $report_columns = array();
// @todo This does not really belong here, maybe factor out the comparison as separate class?
* Order by property, used in the cmp function.
* @var string
private $order_by = '';
* Order property, used in the cmp function.
* @var string
private $order = '';
* Compares two report data objects by pre-defined object property and ASC/DESC ordering.
* @param stdClass $a Object a.
* @param stdClass $b Object b.
* @return string
private function interval_cmp( $a, $b ) {
if ( '' === $this->order_by || '' === $this->order ) {
return 0;
// @todo Should return WP_Error here perhaps?
if ( $a[ $this->order_by ] === $b[ $this->order_by ] ) {
// As relative order is undefined in case of equality in usort, second-level sorting by date needs to be enforced
// so that paging is stable.
if ( $a['time_interval'] === $b['time_interval'] ) {
return 0; // This should never happen.
} elseif ( $a['time_interval'] > $b['time_interval'] ) {
return 1;
} elseif ( $a['time_interval'] < $b['time_interval'] ) {
return -1;
} elseif ( $a[ $this->order_by ] > $b[ $this->order_by ] ) {
return strtolower( $this->order ) === 'desc' ? -1 : 1;
} elseif ( $a[ $this->order_by ] < $b[ $this->order_by ] ) {
return strtolower( $this->order ) === 'desc' ? 1 : -1;
* Sorts intervals according to user's request.
* They are pre-sorted in SQL, but after adding gaps, they need to be sorted including the added ones.
* @param stdClass $data Data object, must contain an array under $data->intervals.
* @param string $sort_by Ordering property.
* @param string $direction DESC/ASC.
protected function sort_intervals( &$data, $sort_by, $direction ) {
$this->sort_array( $data->intervals, $sort_by, $direction );
* Sorts array of arrays based on subarray key $sort_by.
* @param array $arr Array to sort.
* @param string $sort_by Ordering property.
* @param string $direction DESC/ASC.
protected function sort_array( &$arr, $sort_by, $direction ) {
$this->order_by = $this->normalize_order_by( $sort_by );
$this->order = $direction;
usort( $arr, array( $this, 'interval_cmp' ) );
* Fills in interval gaps from DB with 0-filled objects.
* @param array $db_intervals Array of all intervals present in the db.
* @param DateTime $start_datetime Start date.
* @param DateTime $end_datetime End date.
* @param string $time_interval Time interval, e.g. day, week, month.
* @param stdClass $data Data with SQL extracted intervals.
* @return stdClass
protected function fill_in_missing_intervals( $db_intervals, $start_datetime, $end_datetime, $time_interval, &$data ) {
// @todo This is ugly and messy.
$local_tz = new DateTimeZone( wc_timezone_string() );
// At this point, we don't know when we can stop iterating, as the ordering can be based on any value.
$time_ids = array_flip( wp_list_pluck( $data->intervals, 'time_interval' ) );
$db_intervals = array_flip( $db_intervals );
// Totals object used to get all needed properties.
$totals_arr = get_object_vars( $data->totals );
foreach ( $totals_arr as $key => $val ) {
$totals_arr[ $key ] = 0;
// @todo Should 'products' be in intervals?
unset( $totals_arr['products'] );
while ( $start_datetime <= $end_datetime ) {
$next_start = WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::iterate( $start_datetime, $time_interval );
$time_id = WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::time_interval_id( $time_interval, $start_datetime );
// Either create fill-zero interval or use data from db.
if ( $next_start > $end_datetime ) {
$interval_end = $end_datetime->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' );
} else {
$prev_end_timestamp = (int) $next_start->format( 'U' ) - 1;
$prev_end = new DateTime();
$prev_end->setTimestamp( $prev_end_timestamp );
$prev_end->setTimezone( $local_tz );
$interval_end = $prev_end->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' );
if ( array_key_exists( $time_id, $time_ids ) ) {
// For interval present in the db for this time frame, just fill in dates.
$record = &$data->intervals[ $time_ids[ $time_id ] ];
$record['date_start'] = $start_datetime->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' );
$record['date_end'] = $interval_end;
} elseif ( ! array_key_exists( $time_id, $db_intervals ) ) {
// For intervals present in the db outside of this time frame, do nothing.
// For intervals not present in the db, fabricate it.
$record_arr = array();
$record_arr['time_interval'] = $time_id;
$record_arr['date_start'] = $start_datetime->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' );
$record_arr['date_end'] = $interval_end;
$data->intervals[] = array_merge( $record_arr, $totals_arr );
$start_datetime = $next_start;
return $data;
* Converts input datetime parameters to local timezone. If there are no inputs from the user in query_args,
* uses default from $defaults.
* @param array $query_args Array of query arguments.
* @param array $defaults Array of default values.
protected function normalize_timezones( &$query_args, $defaults ) {
$local_tz = new DateTimeZone( wc_timezone_string() );
foreach ( array( 'before', 'after' ) as $query_arg_key ) {
if ( isset( $query_args[ $query_arg_key ] ) && is_string( $query_args[ $query_arg_key ] ) ) {
// Assume that unspecified timezone is a local timezone.
$datetime = new DateTime( $query_args[ $query_arg_key ], $local_tz );
// In case timezone was forced by using +HH:MM, convert to local timezone.
$datetime->setTimezone( $local_tz );
$query_args[ $query_arg_key ] = $datetime;
} elseif ( isset( $query_args[ $query_arg_key ] ) && is_a( $query_args[ $query_arg_key ], 'DateTime' ) ) {
// In case timezone is in other timezone, convert to local timezone.
$query_args[ $query_arg_key ]->setTimezone( $local_tz );
} else {
$query_args[ $query_arg_key ] = isset( $defaults[ $query_arg_key ] ) ? $defaults[ $query_arg_key ] : null;
* Removes extra records from intervals so that only requested number of records get returned.
* @param stdClass $data Data from whose intervals the records get removed.
* @param int $page_no Offset requested by the user.
* @param int $items_per_page Number of records requested by the user.
* @param int $db_interval_count Database interval count.
* @param int $expected_interval_count Expected interval count on the output.
* @param string $order_by Order by field.
* @param string $order ASC or DESC.
protected function remove_extra_records( &$data, $page_no, $items_per_page, $db_interval_count, $expected_interval_count, $order_by, $order ) {
if ( 'date' === strtolower( $order_by ) ) {
$offset = 0;
} else {
if ( 'asc' === strtolower( $order ) ) {
$offset = ( $page_no - 1 ) * $items_per_page;
} else {
$offset = ( $page_no - 1 ) * $items_per_page - $db_interval_count;
$offset = $offset < 0 ? 0 : $offset;
$count = $expected_interval_count - ( $page_no - 1 ) * $items_per_page;
if ( $count < 0 ) {
$count = 0;
} elseif ( $count > $items_per_page ) {
$count = $items_per_page;
$data->intervals = array_slice( $data->intervals, $offset, $count );
* Returns expected number of items on the page in case of date ordering.
* @param int $expected_interval_count Expected number of intervals in total.
* @param int $items_per_page Number of items per page.
* @param int $page_no Page number.
* @return float|int
protected function expected_intervals_on_page( $expected_interval_count, $items_per_page, $page_no ) {
$total_pages = (int) ceil( $expected_interval_count / $items_per_page );
if ( $page_no < $total_pages ) {
return $items_per_page;
} elseif ( $page_no === $total_pages ) {
return $expected_interval_count - ( $page_no - 1 ) * $items_per_page;
} else {
return 0;
* Returns true if there are any intervals that need to be filled in the response.
* @param int $expected_interval_count Expected number of intervals in total.
* @param int $db_records Total number of records for given period in the database.
* @param int $items_per_page Number of items per page.
* @param int $page_no Page number.
* @param string $order asc or desc.
* @param string $order_by Column by which the result will be sorted.
* @param int $intervals_count Number of records for given (possibly shortened) time interval.
* @return bool
protected function intervals_missing( $expected_interval_count, $db_records, $items_per_page, $page_no, $order, $order_by, $intervals_count ) {
if ( $expected_interval_count > $db_records ) {
if ( 'date' === $order_by ) {
$expected_intervals_on_page = $this->expected_intervals_on_page( $expected_interval_count, $items_per_page, $page_no );
if ( $intervals_count < $expected_intervals_on_page ) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
} else {
if ( 'desc' === $order ) {
if ( $page_no > floor( $db_records / $items_per_page ) ) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
} elseif ( 'asc' === $order ) {
if ( $page_no <= ceil( ( $expected_interval_count - $db_records ) / $items_per_page ) ) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
} else {
// Invalid ordering.
return false;
} else {
return false;
* Updates the LIMIT query part for Intervals query of the report.
* If there are less records in the database than time intervals, then we need to remap offset in SQL query
* to fetch correct records.
* @param array $intervals_query Array with clauses for the Intervals SQL query.
* @param array $query_args Query arguements.
* @param int $db_interval_count Database interval count.
* @param int $expected_interval_count Expected interval count on the output.
* @param string $table_name Name of the db table relevant for the date constraint.
protected function update_intervals_sql_params( &$intervals_query, &$query_args, $db_interval_count, $expected_interval_count, $table_name ) {
if ( $db_interval_count === $expected_interval_count ) {
$local_tz = new DateTimeZone( wc_timezone_string() );
if ( 'date' === strtolower( $query_args['orderby'] ) ) {
// page X in request translates to slightly different dates in the db, in case some
// records are missing from the db.
$start_iteration = 0;
$end_iteration = 0;
if ( 'asc' === strtolower( $query_args['order'] ) ) {
// ORDER BY date ASC.
$new_start_date = $query_args['after'];
$intervals_to_skip = ( $query_args['page'] - 1 ) * $intervals_query['per_page'];
$latest_end_date = $query_args['before'];
for ( $i = 0; $i < $intervals_to_skip; $i++ ) {
if ( $new_start_date > $latest_end_date ) {
$new_start_date = $latest_end_date;
$start_iteration = 0;
$new_start_date = WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::iterate( $new_start_date, $query_args['interval'] );
$start_iteration ++;
$new_end_date = clone $new_start_date;
for ( $i = 0; $i < $intervals_query['per_page']; $i++ ) {
if ( $new_end_date > $latest_end_date ) {
$new_end_date = WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::iterate( $new_end_date, $query_args['interval'] );
$end_iteration ++;
if ( $new_end_date > $latest_end_date ) {
$new_end_date = $latest_end_date;
$end_iteration = 0;
if ( $end_iteration ) {
$new_end_date_timestamp = (int) $new_end_date->format( 'U' ) - 1;
$new_end_date->setTimestamp( $new_end_date_timestamp );
} else {
// ORDER BY date DESC.
$new_end_date = $query_args['before'];
$intervals_to_skip = ( $query_args['page'] - 1 ) * $intervals_query['per_page'];
$earliest_start_date = $query_args['after'];
for ( $i = 0; $i < $intervals_to_skip; $i++ ) {
if ( $new_end_date < $earliest_start_date ) {
$new_end_date = $earliest_start_date;
$end_iteration = 0;
$new_end_date = WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::iterate( $new_end_date, $query_args['interval'], true );
$end_iteration ++;
$new_start_date = clone $new_end_date;
for ( $i = 0; $i < $intervals_query['per_page']; $i++ ) {
if ( $new_start_date < $earliest_start_date ) {
$new_start_date = WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::iterate( $new_start_date, $query_args['interval'], true );
$start_iteration ++;
if ( $new_start_date < $earliest_start_date ) {
$new_start_date = $earliest_start_date;
$start_iteration = 0;
if ( $start_iteration ) {
// @todo Is this correct? should it only be added if iterate runs? other two iterate instances, too?
$new_start_date_timestamp = (int) $new_start_date->format( 'U' ) + 1;
$new_start_date->setTimestamp( $new_start_date_timestamp );
$query_args['adj_after'] = $new_start_date;
$query_args['adj_before'] = $new_end_date;
$adj_after = $new_start_date->format( WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::$sql_datetime_format );
$adj_before = $new_end_date->format( WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::$sql_datetime_format );
$intervals_query['where_time_clause'] = '';
$intervals_query['where_time_clause'] .= " AND {$table_name}.date_created <= '$adj_before'";
$intervals_query['where_time_clause'] .= " AND {$table_name}.date_created >= '$adj_after'";
$intervals_query['limit'] = 'LIMIT 0,' . $intervals_query['per_page'];
} else {
if ( 'asc' === $query_args['order'] ) {
$offset = ( ( $query_args['page'] - 1 ) * $intervals_query['per_page'] ) - ( $expected_interval_count - $db_interval_count );
$offset = $offset < 0 ? 0 : $offset;
$count = $query_args['page'] * $intervals_query['per_page'] - ( $expected_interval_count - $db_interval_count );
if ( $count < 0 ) {
$count = 0;
} elseif ( $count > $intervals_query['per_page'] ) {
$count = $intervals_query['per_page'];
$intervals_query['limit'] = 'LIMIT ' . $offset . ',' . $count;
// Otherwise no change in limit clause.
$query_args['adj_after'] = $query_args['after'];
$query_args['adj_before'] = $query_args['before'];
* Casts strings returned from the database to appropriate data types for output.
* @param array $array Associative array of values extracted from the database.
* @return array|WP_Error
protected function cast_numbers( $array ) {
$retyped_array = array();
$column_types = apply_filters( 'woocommerce_rest_reports_column_types', $this->column_types, $array );
foreach ( $array as $column_name => $value ) {
if ( is_array( $value ) ) {
$value = $this->cast_numbers( $value );
if ( isset( $column_types[ $column_name ] ) ) {
$retyped_array[ $column_name ] = $column_types[ $column_name ]( $value );
} else {
$retyped_array[ $column_name ] = $value;
return $retyped_array;
* Returns a list of columns selected by the query_args formatted as a comma separated string.
* @param array $query_args User-supplied options.
* @return string
protected function selected_columns( $query_args ) {
$selections = $this->report_columns;
if ( isset( $query_args['fields'] ) && is_array( $query_args['fields'] ) ) {
$keep = array();
foreach ( $query_args['fields'] as $field ) {
if ( isset( $selections[ $field ] ) ) {
$keep[ $field ] = $selections[ $field ];
$selections = implode( ', ', $keep );
} else {
$selections = implode( ', ', $selections );
return $selections;
* Get the excluded order statuses used when calculating reports.
* @return array
protected static function get_excluded_report_order_statuses() {
$excluded_statuses = WC_Admin_Settings::get_option( 'woocommerce_excluded_report_order_statuses', array( 'pending', 'failed', 'cancelled' ) );
$excluded_statuses = array_merge( array( 'refunded', 'trash' ), $excluded_statuses );
return apply_filters( 'woocommerce_reports_excluded_order_statuses', $excluded_statuses );
* Maps order status provided by the user to the one used in the database.
* @param string $status Order status.
* @return string
protected static function normalize_order_status( $status ) {
$status = trim( $status );
return 'wc-' . $status;
* Normalizes order_by clause to match to SQL query.
* @param string $order_by Order by option requeste by user.
* @return string
protected function normalize_order_by( $order_by ) {
if ( 'date' === $order_by ) {
return 'time_interval';
return $order_by;
* Updates start and end dates for intervals so that they represent intervals' borders, not times when data in db were recorded.
* E.g. if there are db records for only Tuesday and Thursday this week, the actual week interval is [Mon, Sun], not [Tue, Thu].
* @param DateTime $start_datetime Start date.
* @param DateTime $end_datetime End date.
* @param string $time_interval Time interval, e.g. day, week, month.
* @param array $intervals Array of intervals extracted from SQL db.
protected function update_interval_boundary_dates( $start_datetime, $end_datetime, $time_interval, &$intervals ) {
$local_tz = new DateTimeZone( wc_timezone_string() );
foreach ( $intervals as $key => $interval ) {
$datetime = new DateTime( $interval['datetime_anchor'], $local_tz );
$prev_start = WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::iterate( $datetime, $time_interval, true );
// @todo Not sure if the +1/-1 here are correct, especially as they are applied before the ?: below.
$prev_start_timestamp = (int) $prev_start->format( 'U' ) + 1;
$prev_start->setTimestamp( $prev_start_timestamp );
if ( $start_datetime ) {
$date_start = $prev_start < $start_datetime ? $start_datetime : $prev_start;
$intervals[ $key ]['date_start'] = $date_start->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' );
} else {
$intervals[ $key ]['date_start'] = $prev_start->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' );
$next_end = WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::iterate( $datetime, $time_interval );
$next_end_timestamp = (int) $next_end->format( 'U' ) - 1;
$next_end->setTimestamp( $next_end_timestamp );
if ( $end_datetime ) {
$date_end = $next_end > $end_datetime ? $end_datetime : $next_end;
$intervals[ $key ]['date_end'] = $date_end->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' );
} else {
$intervals[ $key ]['date_end'] = $next_end->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' );
$intervals[ $key ]['interval'] = $time_interval;
* Change structure of intervals to form a correct response.
* Also converts local datetimes to GMT and adds them to the intervals.
* @param array $intervals Time interval, e.g. day, week, month.
protected function create_interval_subtotals( &$intervals ) {
foreach ( $intervals as $key => $interval ) {
$start_gmt = WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::convert_local_datetime_to_gmt( $interval['date_start'] );
$end_gmt = WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::convert_local_datetime_to_gmt( $interval['date_end'] );
// Move intervals result to subtotals object.
$intervals[ $key ] = array(
'interval' => $interval['time_interval'],
'date_start' => $interval['date_start'],
'date_start_gmt' => $start_gmt->format( WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::$sql_datetime_format ),
'date_end' => $interval['date_end'],
'date_end_gmt' => $end_gmt->format( WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::$sql_datetime_format ),
unset( $interval['interval'] );
unset( $interval['date_start'] );
unset( $interval['date_end'] );
unset( $interval['datetime_anchor'] );
unset( $interval['time_interval'] );
$intervals[ $key ]['subtotals'] = (object) $this->cast_numbers( $interval );
* Fills WHERE clause of SQL request with date-related constraints.
* @param array $query_args Parameters supplied by the user.
* @param string $table_name Name of the db table relevant for the date constraint.
* @return array
protected function get_time_period_sql_params( $query_args, $table_name ) {
$sql_query = array(
'from_clause' => '',
'where_time_clause' => '',
'where_clause' => '',
if ( isset( $query_args['before'] ) && '' !== $query_args['before'] ) {
if ( is_a( $query_args['before'], 'WC_DateTime' ) ) {
$datetime_str = $query_args['before']->date( WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::$sql_datetime_format );
} else {
$datetime_str = $query_args['before']->format( WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::$sql_datetime_format );
$sql_query['where_time_clause'] .= " AND {$table_name}.date_created <= '$datetime_str'";
if ( isset( $query_args['after'] ) && '' !== $query_args['after'] ) {
if ( is_a( $query_args['after'], 'WC_DateTime' ) ) {
$datetime_str = $query_args['after']->date( WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::$sql_datetime_format );
} else {
$datetime_str = $query_args['after']->format( WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::$sql_datetime_format );
$sql_query['where_time_clause'] .= " AND {$table_name}.date_created >= '$datetime_str'";
return $sql_query;
* Fills LIMIT clause of SQL request based on user supplied parameters.
* @param array $query_args Parameters supplied by the user.
* @return array
protected function get_limit_sql_params( $query_args ) {
$sql_query['per_page'] = get_option( 'posts_per_page' );
if ( isset( $query_args['per_page'] ) && is_numeric( $query_args['per_page'] ) ) {
$sql_query['per_page'] = (int) $query_args['per_page'];
$sql_query['offset'] = 0;
if ( isset( $query_args['page'] ) ) {
$sql_query['offset'] = ( (int) $query_args['page'] - 1 ) * $sql_query['per_page'];
$sql_query['limit'] = "LIMIT {$sql_query['offset']}, {$sql_query['per_page']}";
return $sql_query;
* Generates a virtual table given a list of IDs.
* @param array $ids Array of IDs.
* @param array $id_field Name of the ID field.
* @param array $other_values Other values that must be contained in the virtual table.
* @return array
protected function get_ids_table( $ids, $id_field, $other_values = array() ) {
$selects = array();
foreach ( $ids as $id ) {
$new_select = "SELECT {$id} AS {$id_field}";
foreach ( $other_values as $key => $value ) {
$new_select .= ", {$value} AS {$key}";
array_push( $selects, $new_select );
return join( ' UNION ', $selects );
* Returns a comma separated list of the fields in the `query_args`, if there aren't, returns `report_columns` keys.
* @param array $query_args Parameters supplied by the user.
* @return array
protected function get_fields( $query_args ) {
if ( isset( $query_args['fields'] ) && is_array( $query_args['fields'] ) ) {
return $query_args['fields'];
return array_keys( $this->report_columns );
* Returns a comma separated list of the field names prepared to be used for a selection after a join with `default_results`.
* @param array $fields Array of fields name.
* @param array $default_results_fields Fields to load from `default_results` table.
* @param array $outer_selections Array of fields that are not selected in the inner query.
* @return string
protected function format_join_selections( $fields, $default_results_fields, $outer_selections = array() ) {
foreach ( $fields as $i => $field ) {
foreach ( $default_results_fields as $default_results_field ) {
if ( $field === $default_results_field ) {
$fields[ $i ] = "default_results.{$field} AS {$field}";
if ( in_array( $field, $outer_selections, true ) && array_key_exists( $field, $this->report_columns ) ) {
$fields[ $i ] = $this->report_columns[ $field ];
return implode( ', ', $fields );
* Fills ORDER BY clause of SQL request based on user supplied parameters.
* @param array $query_args Parameters supplied by the user.
* @return array
protected function get_order_by_sql_params( $query_args ) {
$sql_query['order_by_clause'] = '';
if ( isset( $query_args['orderby'] ) ) {
$sql_query['order_by_clause'] = $this->normalize_order_by( $query_args['orderby'] );
if ( isset( $query_args['order'] ) ) {
$sql_query['order_by_clause'] .= ' ' . $query_args['order'];
} else {
$sql_query['order_by_clause'] .= ' DESC';
return $sql_query;
* Fills FROM and WHERE clauses of SQL request for 'Intervals' section of data response based on user supplied parameters.
* @param array $query_args Parameters supplied by the user.
* @param string $table_name Name of the db table relevant for the date constraint.
* @return array
protected function get_intervals_sql_params( $query_args, $table_name ) {
$intervals_query = array(
'from_clause' => '',
'where_time_clause' => '',
'where_clause' => '',
$intervals_query = array_merge( $intervals_query, $this->get_time_period_sql_params( $query_args, $table_name ) );
if ( isset( $query_args['interval'] ) && '' !== $query_args['interval'] ) {
$interval = $query_args['interval'];
$intervals_query['select_clause'] = WC_Admin_Reports_Interval::db_datetime_format( $interval, $table_name );
$intervals_query = array_merge( $intervals_query, $this->get_limit_sql_params( $query_args ) );
$intervals_query = array_merge( $intervals_query, $this->get_order_by_sql_params( $query_args ) );
return $intervals_query;
* Returns an array of products belonging to given categories.
* @param array $categories List of categories IDs.
* @return array|stdClass
protected function get_products_by_cat_ids( $categories ) {
$product_categories = get_categories(
'hide_empty' => 0,
'taxonomy' => 'product_cat',
$cat_slugs = array();
$categories = array_flip( $categories );
foreach ( $product_categories as $product_cat ) {
if ( key_exists( $product_cat->cat_ID, $categories ) ) {
$cat_slugs[] = $product_cat->slug;
if ( empty( $cat_slugs ) ) {
return array();
$args = array(
'category' => $cat_slugs,
'limit' => -1,
return wc_get_products( $args );
* Returns an array of ids of allowed products, based on query arguments from the user.
* @param array $query_args Parameters supplied by the user.
* @return array
protected function get_included_products_array( $query_args ) {
$included_products = array();
$operator = $this->get_match_operator( $query_args );
if ( isset( $query_args['categories'] ) && is_array( $query_args['categories'] ) && count( $query_args['categories'] ) > 0 ) {
$included_products = $this->get_products_by_cat_ids( $query_args['categories'] );
$included_products = empty( $included_products ) ? array( '-1' ) : wc_list_pluck( $included_products, 'get_id' );
if ( isset( $query_args['product_includes'] ) && is_array( $query_args['product_includes'] ) && count( $query_args['product_includes'] ) > 0 ) {
if ( count( $included_products ) > 0 ) {
if ( 'AND' === $operator ) {
$included_products = array_intersect( $included_products, $query_args['product_includes'] );
} elseif ( 'OR' === $operator ) {
// Union of products from selected categories and manually included products.
$included_products = array_unique( array_merge( $included_products, $query_args['product_includes'] ) );
} else {
$included_products = $query_args['product_includes'];
return $included_products;
* Returns comma separated ids of allowed products, based on query arguments from the user.
* @param array $query_args Parameters supplied by the user.
* @return string
protected function get_included_products( $query_args ) {
$included_products = $this->get_included_products_array( $query_args );
return implode( ',', $included_products );
* Returns comma separated ids of allowed variations, based on query arguments from the user.
* @param array $query_args Parameters supplied by the user.
* @return string
protected function get_included_variations( $query_args ) {
$included_variations = array();
$operator = $this->get_match_operator( $query_args );
if ( isset( $query_args['variations'] ) && is_array( $query_args['variations'] ) && count( $query_args['variations'] ) > 0 ) {
$included_variations = array_filter( array_map( 'intval', $query_args['variations'] ) );
$included_variations_str = implode( ',', $included_variations );
return $included_variations_str;
* Returns comma separated ids of excluded products, based on query arguments from the user.
* @param array $query_args Parameters supplied by the user.
* @return string
protected function get_excluded_products( $query_args ) {
$excluded_products_str = '';
if ( isset( $query_args['product_excludes'] ) && is_array( $query_args['product_excludes'] ) && count( $query_args['product_excludes'] ) > 0 ) {
$excluded_products_str = implode( ',', $query_args['product_excludes'] );
return $excluded_products_str;
* Returns comma separated ids of included coupons, based on query arguments from the user.
* @param array $query_args Parameters supplied by the user.
* @return string
protected function get_included_coupons( $query_args ) {
$included_coupons_str = '';
if ( isset( $query_args['coupon_includes'] ) && is_array( $query_args['coupon_includes'] ) && count( $query_args['coupon_includes'] ) > 0 ) {
$included_coupons_str = implode( ',', $query_args['coupon_includes'] );
return $included_coupons_str;
* Returns comma separated ids of excluded coupons, based on query arguments from the user.
* @param array $query_args Parameters supplied by the user.
* @return string
protected function get_excluded_coupons( $query_args ) {
$excluded_coupons_str = '';
if ( isset( $query_args['coupon_excludes'] ) && is_array( $query_args['coupon_excludes'] ) && count( $query_args['coupon_excludes'] ) > 0 ) {
$excluded_coupons_str = implode( ',', $query_args['coupon_excludes'] );
return $excluded_coupons_str;
* Returns comma separated ids of included orders, based on query arguments from the user.
* @param array $query_args Parameters supplied by the user.
* @return string
protected function get_included_orders( $query_args ) {
$included_orders_str = '';
if ( isset( $query_args['order_includes'] ) && is_array( $query_args['order_includes'] ) && count( $query_args['order_includes'] ) > 0 ) {
$included_orders_str = implode( ',', $query_args['order_includes'] );
return $included_orders_str;
* Returns comma separated ids of excluded orders, based on query arguments from the user.
* @param array $query_args Parameters supplied by the user.
* @return string
protected function get_excluded_orders( $query_args ) {
$excluded_orders_str = '';
if ( isset( $query_args['order_excludes'] ) && is_array( $query_args['order_excludes'] ) && count( $query_args['order_excludes'] ) > 0 ) {
$excluded_orders_str = implode( ',', $query_args['order_excludes'] );
return $excluded_orders_str;
* Returns comma separated ids of included users, based on query arguments from the user.
* @param array $query_args Parameters supplied by the user.
* @return string
protected function get_included_users( $query_args ) {
$included_users_str = '';
if ( isset( $query_args['user_includes'] ) && is_array( $query_args['user_includes'] ) && count( $query_args['user_includes'] ) > 0 ) {
$included_users_str = implode( ',', $query_args['user_includes'] );
return $included_users_str;
* Returns comma separated ids of excluded users, based on query arguments from the user.
* @param array $query_args Parameters supplied by the user.
* @return string
protected function get_excluded_users( $query_args ) {
$excluded_users_str = '';
if ( isset( $query_args['user_excludes'] ) && is_array( $query_args['user_excludes'] ) && count( $query_args['user_excludes'] ) > 0 ) {
$excluded_users_str = implode( ',', $query_args['user_excludes'] );
return $excluded_users_str;
* Returns order status subquery to be used in WHERE SQL query, based on query arguments from the user.
* @param array $query_args Parameters supplied by the user.
* @param string $operator AND or OR, based on match query argument.
* @return string
protected function get_status_subquery( $query_args, $operator = 'AND' ) {
global $wpdb;
$subqueries = array();
$excluded_statuses = array();
if ( isset( $query_args['status_is'] ) && is_array( $query_args['status_is'] ) && count( $query_args['status_is'] ) > 0 ) {
$allowed_statuses = array_map( array( $this, 'normalize_order_status' ), $query_args['status_is'] );
if ( $allowed_statuses ) {
$subqueries[] = "{$wpdb->prefix}wc_order_stats.status IN ( '" . implode( "','", $allowed_statuses ) . "' )";
if ( isset( $query_args['status_is_not'] ) && is_array( $query_args['status_is_not'] ) && count( $query_args['status_is_not'] ) > 0 ) {
$excluded_statuses = array_map( array( $this, 'normalize_order_status' ), $query_args['status_is_not'] );
if ( ( ! isset( $query_args['status_is'] ) || empty( $query_args['status_is'] ) )
&& ( ! isset( $query_args['status_is_not'] ) || empty( $query_args['status_is_not'] ) )
) {
$excluded_statuses = array_map( array( $this, 'normalize_order_status' ), $this->get_excluded_report_order_statuses() );
if ( $excluded_statuses ) {
$subqueries[] = "{$wpdb->prefix}wc_order_stats.status NOT IN ( '" . implode( "','", $excluded_statuses ) . "' )";
return implode( " $operator ", $subqueries );
* Returns customer subquery to be used in WHERE SQL query, based on query arguments from the user.
* @param array $query_args Parameters supplied by the user.
* @return string
protected function get_customer_subquery( $query_args ) {
global $wpdb;
$customer_filter = '';
if ( isset( $query_args['customer'] ) ) {
if ( 'new' === strtolower( $query_args['customer'] ) ) {
$customer_filter = " {$wpdb->prefix}wc_order_stats.returning_customer = 0";
} elseif ( 'returning' === strtolower( $query_args['customer'] ) ) {
$customer_filter = " {$wpdb->prefix}wc_order_stats.returning_customer = 1";
return $customer_filter;
* Returns logic operator for WHERE subclause based on 'match' query argument.
* @param array $query_args Parameters supplied by the user.
* @return string
protected function get_match_operator( $query_args ) {
$operator = 'AND';
if ( ! isset( $query_args['match'] ) ) {
return $operator;
if ( 'all' === strtolower( $query_args['match'] ) ) {
$operator = 'AND';
} elseif ( 'any' === strtolower( $query_args['match'] ) ) {
$operator = 'OR';
return $operator;