
1556 lines
50 KiB

* Class Cart.
* @package WooCommerce\Tests\Cart
class WC_Tests_Cart extends WC_Unit_Test_Case {
* Test some discount logic which has caused issues in the past.
* Tickets:
* https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce/issues/10573
* https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce/issues/10963
* Due to discounts being split amongst products in cart.
public function test_cart_get_discounted_price() {
global $wpdb;
// We need this to have the calculate_totals() method calculate totals
if ( ! defined( 'WOOCOMMERCE_CHECKOUT' ) ) {
define( 'WOOCOMMERCE_CHECKOUT', true );
# Test case 1 #10963
// Create dummy coupon - fixed cart, 1 value
$coupon = WC_Helper_Coupon::create_coupon();
// Add coupon
WC()->cart->add_discount( $coupon->get_code() );
// Create dummy product - price will be 10
$product = WC_Helper_Product::create_simple_product();
// Add product to cart x1, calc and test
WC()->cart->add_to_cart( $product->get_id(), 1 );
$this->assertEquals( '9.00', number_format( WC()->cart->total, 2, '.', '' ) );
$this->assertEquals( '1.00', number_format( WC()->cart->discount_cart, 2, '.', '' ) );
// Add product to cart x2, calc and test
WC()->cart->add_to_cart( $product->get_id(), 1 );
$this->assertEquals( '19.00', number_format( WC()->cart->total, 2, '.', '' ) );
$this->assertEquals( '1.00', number_format( WC()->cart->discount_cart, 2, '.', '' ) );
// Add product to cart x3, calc and test
WC()->cart->add_to_cart( $product->get_id(), 1 );
$this->assertEquals( '29.00', number_format( WC()->cart->total, 2, '.', '' ) );
$this->assertEquals( '1.00', number_format( WC()->cart->discount_cart, 2, '.', '' ) );
// Clean up the cart
# Test case 2 #10573
update_post_meta( $product->get_id(), '_regular_price', '29.95' );
update_post_meta( $product->get_id(), '_price', '29.95' );
update_post_meta( $coupon->get_id(), 'discount_type', 'percent' );
update_post_meta( $coupon->get_id(), 'coupon_amount', '10' );
update_option( 'woocommerce_prices_include_tax', 'yes' );
update_option( 'woocommerce_calc_taxes', 'yes' );
$tax_rate = array(
'tax_rate_country' => '',
'tax_rate_state' => '',
'tax_rate' => '10.0000',
'tax_rate_name' => 'TAX',
'tax_rate_priority' => '1',
'tax_rate_compound' => '0',
'tax_rate_shipping' => '1',
'tax_rate_order' => '1',
'tax_rate_class' => '',
WC_Tax::_insert_tax_rate( $tax_rate );
$product = wc_get_product( $product->get_id() );
WC()->cart->add_to_cart( $product->get_id(), 1 );
WC()->cart->add_discount( $coupon->get_code() );
$cart_item = current( WC()->cart->get_cart() );
$this->assertEquals( '24.51', number_format( $cart_item['line_total'], 2, '.', '' ) );
// Cleanup
$wpdb->query( "DELETE FROM {$wpdb->prefix}woocommerce_tax_rates" );
$wpdb->query( "DELETE FROM {$wpdb->prefix}woocommerce_tax_rate_locations" );
WC_Helper_Product::delete_product( $product->get_id() );
# Test case 3 #11626
update_post_meta( $coupon->get_id(), 'discount_type', 'percent' );
update_post_meta( $coupon->get_id(), 'coupon_amount', '50' );
update_option( 'woocommerce_prices_include_tax', 'yes' );
update_option( 'woocommerce_calc_taxes', 'yes' );
$tax_rate = array(
'tax_rate_country' => '',
'tax_rate_state' => '',
'tax_rate' => '19.0000',
'tax_rate_name' => 'TAX',
'tax_rate_priority' => '1',
'tax_rate_compound' => '0',
'tax_rate_shipping' => '1',
'tax_rate_order' => '1',
'tax_rate_class' => '',
WC_Tax::_insert_tax_rate( $tax_rate );
$product_ids = array();
$products_data = array(
foreach ( $products_data as $price ) {
$loop_product = WC_Helper_Product::create_simple_product();
$product_ids[] = $loop_product->get_id();
update_post_meta( $loop_product->get_id(), '_regular_price', $price );
update_post_meta( $loop_product->get_id(), '_price', $price );
WC()->cart->add_to_cart( $loop_product->get_id(), 1 );
WC()->cart->add_discount( $coupon->get_code() );
$this->assertEquals( '16.55', WC()->cart->total );
// Cleanup
foreach ( $product_ids as $product_id ) {
WC_Helper_Product::delete_product( $product_id );
$wpdb->query( "DELETE FROM {$wpdb->prefix}woocommerce_tax_rates" );
$wpdb->query( "DELETE FROM {$wpdb->prefix}woocommerce_tax_rate_locations" );
update_option( 'woocommerce_prices_include_tax', 'no' );
update_option( 'woocommerce_calc_taxes', 'no' );
// Delete coupon
WC_Helper_Coupon::delete_coupon( $coupon->get_id() );
* Test that calculation rounding is done correctly with and without taxes.
* @see https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce/issues/16305
* @since 3.2
public function test_discount_cart_rounding() {
global $wpdb;
# Test with no taxes.
$product = new WC_Product_Simple();
$product->set_regular_price( 51.86 );
$coupon = new WC_Coupon();
$coupon->set_code( 'testpercent' );
$coupon->set_discount_type( 'percent' );
$coupon->set_amount( 40 );
WC()->cart->add_to_cart( $product->get_id(), 1 );
WC()->cart->add_discount( $coupon->get_code() );
$cart_item = current( WC()->cart->get_cart() );
$this->assertEquals( '31.12', number_format( $cart_item['line_total'], 2, '.', '' ) );
// Clean up.
# Test with taxes.
update_option( 'woocommerce_prices_include_tax', 'no' );
update_option( 'woocommerce_calc_taxes', 'yes' );
$tax_rate = array(
'tax_rate_country' => '',
'tax_rate_state' => '',
'tax_rate' => '8.2500',
'tax_rate_name' => 'TAX',
'tax_rate_priority' => '1',
'tax_rate_compound' => '0',
'tax_rate_shipping' => '1',
'tax_rate_order' => '1',
'tax_rate_class' => '',
WC_Tax::_insert_tax_rate( $tax_rate );
WC()->cart->add_to_cart( $product->get_id(), 1 );
WC()->cart->add_discount( $coupon->get_code() );
$cart_item = current( WC()->cart->get_cart() );
$this->assertEquals( '33.69', number_format( $cart_item['line_total'] + $cart_item['line_tax'], 2, '.', '' ) );
// Clean up.
WC_Helper_Product::delete_product( $product->get_id() );
WC_Helper_Coupon::delete_coupon( $coupon->get_id() );
$wpdb->query( "DELETE FROM {$wpdb->prefix}woocommerce_tax_rates" );
$wpdb->query( "DELETE FROM {$wpdb->prefix}woocommerce_tax_rate_locations" );
update_option( 'woocommerce_prices_include_tax', 'no' );
update_option( 'woocommerce_calc_taxes', 'no' );
* Test cart calculations when out of base location and using inclusive taxes and discounts.
* @see GitHub issues #17517 and #17536.
* @since 3.3
public function test_out_of_base_discounts_inclusive_tax() {
global $wpdb;
// Set up tax options.
update_option( 'woocommerce_prices_include_tax', 'yes' );
update_option( 'woocommerce_calc_taxes', 'yes' );
update_option( 'woocommerce_default_country', 'GB' );
update_option( 'woocommerce_default_customer_address', 'base' );
update_option( 'woocommerce_tax_based_on', 'shipping' );
// 20% tax for GB.
$tax_rate = array(
'tax_rate_country' => 'GB',
'tax_rate_state' => '',
'tax_rate' => '20.0000',
'tax_rate_name' => 'VAT',
'tax_rate_priority' => '1',
'tax_rate_compound' => '0',
'tax_rate_shipping' => '0',
'tax_rate_order' => '1',
'tax_rate_class' => '',
WC_Tax::_insert_tax_rate( $tax_rate );
// 20% tax everywhere else.
$tax_rate = array(
'tax_rate_country' => '',
'tax_rate_state' => '',
'tax_rate' => '20.0000',
'tax_rate_name' => 'TAX',
'tax_rate_priority' => '1',
'tax_rate_compound' => '0',
'tax_rate_shipping' => '0',
'tax_rate_order' => '1',
'tax_rate_class' => '',
WC_Tax::_insert_tax_rate( $tax_rate );
// Create product.
$product = new WC_Product_Simple();
$product->set_regular_price( '9.99' );
// Create coupons.
$ten_coupon = new WC_Coupon();
$ten_coupon->set_code( '10off' );
$ten_coupon->set_discount_type( 'percent' );
$ten_coupon->set_amount( 10 );
$half_coupon = new WC_Coupon();
$half_coupon->set_code( '50off' );
$half_coupon->set_discount_type( 'percent' );
$half_coupon->set_amount( 50 );
$full_coupon = new WC_Coupon();
$full_coupon->set_code( '100off' );
$full_coupon->set_discount_type( 'percent' );
$full_coupon->set_amount( 100 );
add_filter( 'woocommerce_customer_get_shipping_country', array( $this, 'force_customer_gb_shipping' ) );
WC()->cart->add_to_cart( $product->get_id(), 1 );
// Test in store location with no coupon.
$this->assertEquals( '8.33', wc_format_decimal( WC()->cart->get_subtotal(), 2 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '0.00', wc_format_decimal( WC()->cart->get_discount_total(), 2 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '1.66', wc_format_decimal( WC()->cart->get_total_tax(), 2 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '9.99', wc_format_decimal( WC()->cart->get_total( 'edit' ), 2 ) );
// Test in store location with 10% coupon.
WC()->cart->add_discount( $ten_coupon->get_code() );
$this->assertEquals( '8.33', wc_format_decimal( WC()->cart->get_subtotal(), 2 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '0.83', wc_format_decimal( WC()->cart->get_discount_total(), 2 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '1.50', wc_format_decimal( WC()->cart->get_total_tax(), 2 ), WC()->cart->get_total_tax() );
$this->assertEquals( '8.99', wc_format_decimal( WC()->cart->get_total( 'edit' ), 2 ) );
// Test in store location with 50% coupon.
WC()->cart->add_discount( $half_coupon->get_code() );
$this->assertEquals( '8.33', wc_format_decimal( WC()->cart->get_subtotal(), 2 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '4.16', wc_format_decimal( WC()->cart->get_discount_total(), 2 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '0.83', wc_format_decimal( WC()->cart->get_total_tax(), 2 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '5.00', wc_format_decimal( WC()->cart->get_total( 'edit' ), 2 ) );
// Test in store location with 100% coupon.
WC()->cart->add_discount( $full_coupon->get_code() );
$this->assertEquals( '8.33', wc_format_decimal( WC()->cart->get_subtotal(), 2 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '8.33', wc_format_decimal( WC()->cart->get_discount_total(), 2 ), 'Discount total in base' );
$this->assertEquals( '0.00', wc_format_decimal( WC()->cart->get_total_tax(), 2 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '0.00', wc_format_decimal( WC()->cart->get_total( 'edit' ), 2 ) );
remove_filter( 'woocommerce_customer_get_shipping_country', array( $this, 'force_customer_gb_shipping' ) );
add_filter( 'woocommerce_customer_get_shipping_country', array( $this, 'force_customer_us_shipping' ) );
WC()->cart->add_to_cart( $product->get_id(), 1 );
// Test out of store location with no coupon.
$this->assertEquals( '8.33', wc_format_decimal( WC()->cart->get_subtotal(), 2 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '0.00', wc_format_decimal( WC()->cart->get_discount_total(), 2 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '1.66', wc_format_decimal( WC()->cart->get_total_tax(), 2 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '9.99', wc_format_decimal( WC()->cart->get_total( 'edit' ), 2 ) );
// Test out of store location with 10% coupon.
WC()->cart->add_discount( $ten_coupon->get_code() );
$this->assertEquals( '8.33', wc_format_decimal( WC()->cart->get_subtotal(), 2 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '0.83', wc_format_decimal( WC()->cart->get_discount_total(), 2 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '1.50', wc_format_decimal( WC()->cart->get_total_tax(), 2 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '8.99', wc_format_decimal( WC()->cart->get_total( 'edit' ), 2 ) );
// Test out of store location with 50% coupon.
WC()->cart->add_discount( $half_coupon->get_code() );
$this->assertEquals( '8.33', wc_format_decimal( WC()->cart->get_subtotal(), 2 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '4.16', wc_format_decimal( WC()->cart->get_discount_total(), 2 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '0.83', wc_format_decimal( WC()->cart->get_total_tax(), 2 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '5.00', wc_format_decimal( WC()->cart->get_total( 'edit' ), 2 ) );
// Test out of store location with 100% coupon.
WC()->cart->add_discount( $full_coupon->get_code() );
$this->assertEquals( '8.33', wc_format_decimal( WC()->cart->get_subtotal(), 2 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '8.33', wc_format_decimal( WC()->cart->get_discount_total(), 2 ), 'Discount total out of base' );
$this->assertEquals( '0.00', wc_format_decimal( WC()->cart->get_total_tax(), 2 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '0.00', wc_format_decimal( WC()->cart->get_total( 'edit' ), 2 ) );
// Clean up.
remove_filter( 'woocommerce_customer_get_shipping_country', array( $this, 'force_customer_us_shipping' ) );
WC_Helper_Product::delete_product( $product->get_id() );
WC_Helper_Coupon::delete_coupon( $ten_coupon->get_id() );
WC_Helper_Coupon::delete_coupon( $half_coupon->get_id() );
WC_Helper_Coupon::delete_coupon( $full_coupon->get_id() );
$wpdb->query( "DELETE FROM {$wpdb->prefix}woocommerce_tax_rates" );
$wpdb->query( "DELETE FROM {$wpdb->prefix}woocommerce_tax_rate_locations" );
update_option( 'woocommerce_prices_include_tax', 'no' );
update_option( 'woocommerce_calc_taxes', 'no' );
* Test cart calculations when out of base location with no matching taxes and using inclusive taxes and discounts.
* @see GitHub issue #19390.
* @since 3.3
public function test_out_of_base_discounts_inclusive_tax_no_oob_tax() {
global $wpdb;
// Set up tax options.
update_option( 'woocommerce_prices_include_tax', 'yes' );
update_option( 'woocommerce_calc_taxes', 'yes' );
update_option( 'woocommerce_default_country', 'GB' );
update_option( 'woocommerce_default_customer_address', 'base' );
update_option( 'woocommerce_tax_based_on', 'shipping' );
// 20% tax for GB.
$tax_rate = array(
'tax_rate_country' => 'GB',
'tax_rate_state' => '',
'tax_rate' => '20.0000',
'tax_rate_name' => 'VAT',
'tax_rate_priority' => '1',
'tax_rate_compound' => '0',
'tax_rate_shipping' => '0',
'tax_rate_order' => '1',
'tax_rate_class' => '',
WC_Tax::_insert_tax_rate( $tax_rate );
// 0% tax everywhere else.
$tax_rate = array(
'tax_rate_country' => '',
'tax_rate_state' => '',
'tax_rate' => '0.0000',
'tax_rate_name' => 'TAX',
'tax_rate_priority' => '1',
'tax_rate_compound' => '0',
'tax_rate_shipping' => '0',
'tax_rate_order' => '1',
'tax_rate_class' => '',
WC_Tax::_insert_tax_rate( $tax_rate );
// Create product.
$product = new WC_Product_Simple();
$product->set_regular_price( '24.99' );
// Create coupon.
$ten_coupon = new WC_Coupon();
$ten_coupon->set_code( '10off' );
$ten_coupon->set_discount_type( 'percent' );
$ten_coupon->set_amount( 10 );
$half_coupon = new WC_Coupon();
$half_coupon->set_code( '50off' );
$half_coupon->set_discount_type( 'percent' );
$half_coupon->set_amount( 50 );
$full_coupon = new WC_Coupon();
$full_coupon->set_code( '100off' );
$full_coupon->set_discount_type( 'percent' );
$full_coupon->set_amount( 100 );
add_filter( 'woocommerce_customer_get_shipping_country', array( $this, 'force_customer_us_shipping' ) );
WC()->cart->add_to_cart( $product->get_id(), 1 );
// Test out of store location with no coupon.
$this->assertEquals( '20.83', wc_format_decimal( WC()->cart->get_subtotal(), 2 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '0.00', wc_format_decimal( WC()->cart->get_discount_total(), 2 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '0.00', wc_format_decimal( WC()->cart->get_total_tax(), 2 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '20.83', wc_format_decimal( WC()->cart->get_total( 'edit' ), 2 ) );
// Test out of store location with 10% coupon.
WC()->cart->add_discount( $ten_coupon->get_code() );
$this->assertEquals( '20.83', wc_format_decimal( WC()->cart->get_subtotal(), 2 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '2.08', wc_format_decimal( WC()->cart->get_discount_total(), 2 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '0.00', wc_format_decimal( WC()->cart->get_total_tax(), 2 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '18.75', wc_format_decimal( WC()->cart->get_total( 'edit' ), 2 ) );
// Test out of store location with 50% coupon.
WC()->cart->add_discount( $half_coupon->get_code() );
$this->assertEquals( '20.83', wc_format_decimal( WC()->cart->get_subtotal(), 2 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '10.41', wc_format_decimal( WC()->cart->get_discount_total(), 2 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '0.00', wc_format_decimal( WC()->cart->get_total_tax(), 2 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '10.42', wc_format_decimal( WC()->cart->get_total( 'edit' ), 2 ) );
// Test out of store location with 100% coupon.
WC()->cart->add_discount( $full_coupon->get_code() );
$this->assertEquals( '20.83', wc_format_decimal( WC()->cart->get_subtotal(), 2 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '20.83', wc_format_decimal( WC()->cart->get_discount_total(), 2 ), 'Discount total out of base' );
$this->assertEquals( '0.00', wc_format_decimal( WC()->cart->get_total_tax(), 2 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '0.00', wc_format_decimal( WC()->cart->get_total( 'edit' ), 2 ) );
// Clean up.
remove_filter( 'woocommerce_customer_get_shipping_country', array( $this, 'force_customer_us_shipping' ) );
WC_Helper_Product::delete_product( $product->get_id() );
WC_Helper_Coupon::delete_coupon( $ten_coupon->get_id() );
WC_Helper_Coupon::delete_coupon( $half_coupon->get_id() );
WC_Helper_Coupon::delete_coupon( $full_coupon->get_id() );
$wpdb->query( "DELETE FROM {$wpdb->prefix}woocommerce_tax_rates" );
$wpdb->query( "DELETE FROM {$wpdb->prefix}woocommerce_tax_rate_locations" );
update_option( 'woocommerce_prices_include_tax', 'no' );
update_option( 'woocommerce_calc_taxes', 'no' );
* Helper that can be hooked to a filter to force the customer's shipping country to be GB.
* @since 3.3
* @param string $country
* @return string
public function force_customer_gb_shipping( $country ) {
return 'GB';
* Helper that can be hooked to a filter to force the customer's shipping country to be US.
* @since 3.3
* @param string $country
* @return string
public function force_customer_us_shipping( $country ) {
return 'US';
* Test a rounding issue on prices that are entered inclusive tax and shipping is used.
* See: #17970.
* @since 3.2.6
public function test_inclusive_tax_rounding() {
global $wpdb;
// Store is set to enter product prices inclusive tax.
update_option( 'woocommerce_prices_include_tax', 'yes' );
update_option( 'woocommerce_calc_taxes', 'yes' );
// 19% tax.
$tax_rate = array(
'tax_rate_country' => '',
'tax_rate_state' => '',
'tax_rate' => '19.0000',
'tax_rate_name' => 'VAT',
'tax_rate_priority' => '1',
'tax_rate_compound' => '0',
'tax_rate_shipping' => '1',
'tax_rate_order' => '1',
'tax_rate_class' => '',
WC_Tax::_insert_tax_rate( $tax_rate );
// Create a flat rate method.
$flat_rate_settings = array(
'enabled' => 'yes',
'title' => 'Flat rate',
'availability' => 'all',
'countries' => '',
'tax_status' => 'taxable',
'cost' => '4.12',
update_option( 'woocommerce_flat_rate_settings', $flat_rate_settings );
update_option( 'woocommerce_flat_rate', array() );
WC_Cache_Helper::get_transient_version( 'shipping', true );
// We need this to have the calculate_totals() method calculate totals.
if ( ! defined( 'WOOCOMMERCE_CHECKOUT' ) ) {
define( 'WOOCOMMERCE_CHECKOUT', true );
// Create the product and add it to the cart.
$product = new WC_Product_Simple();
$product->set_regular_price( '149.14' );
WC()->cart->add_to_cart( $product->get_id(), 1 );
// Set the flat_rate shipping method
WC()->session->set( 'chosen_shipping_methods', array( 'flat_rate' ) );
$this->assertEquals( '154.04', wc_format_decimal( WC()->cart->get_total( 'edit' ), 2 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '24.59', wc_format_decimal( WC()->cart->get_total_tax(), 2 ) );
// Clean up.
WC_Helper_Product::delete_product( $product->get_id() );
$wpdb->query( "DELETE FROM {$wpdb->prefix}woocommerce_tax_rates" );
$wpdb->query( "DELETE FROM {$wpdb->prefix}woocommerce_tax_rate_locations" );
update_option( 'woocommerce_prices_include_tax', 'no' );
update_option( 'woocommerce_calc_taxes', 'no' );
// Delete the flat rate method
WC()->session->set( 'chosen_shipping_methods', array() );
delete_option( 'woocommerce_flat_rate_settings' );
delete_option( 'woocommerce_flat_rate' );
WC_Cache_Helper::get_transient_version( 'shipping', true );
* Test a rounding issue on prices that are entered exclusive tax.
* See: #17970.
* @since 3.2.6
public function test_exclusive_tax_rounding() {
global $wpdb;
// todo remove this line when previous test stops failing.
// Store is set to enter product prices excluding tax.
update_option( 'woocommerce_prices_include_tax', 'no' );
update_option( 'woocommerce_calc_taxes', 'yes' );
// 20% tax.
$tax_rate = array(
'tax_rate_country' => '',
'tax_rate_state' => '',
'tax_rate' => '20.0000',
'tax_rate_name' => 'VAT',
'tax_rate_priority' => '1',
'tax_rate_compound' => '0',
'tax_rate_shipping' => '0',
'tax_rate_order' => '1',
'tax_rate_class' => '',
WC_Tax::_insert_tax_rate( $tax_rate );
// Add 2 products whose retail prices (inc tax) are: £65, £50.
// Their net prices are therefore: £54.1666667 and £41.6666667.
$product1 = new WC_Product_Simple();
$product1->set_regular_price( '54.1666667' );
$product2 = new WC_Product_Simple();
$product2->set_regular_price( '41.6666667' );
WC()->cart->add_to_cart( $product1->get_id(), 1 );
WC()->cart->add_to_cart( $product2->get_id(), 1 );
$this->assertEquals( '115.00', wc_format_decimal( WC()->cart->get_total( 'edit' ), 2 ) );
// Clean up.
WC_Helper_Product::delete_product( $product1->get_id() );
WC_Helper_Product::delete_product( $product2->get_id() );
$wpdb->query( "DELETE FROM {$wpdb->prefix}woocommerce_tax_rates" );
$wpdb->query( "DELETE FROM {$wpdb->prefix}woocommerce_tax_rate_locations" );
update_option( 'woocommerce_prices_include_tax', 'no' );
update_option( 'woocommerce_calc_taxes', 'no' );
* Test a rounding issue on prices and totals that are entered exclusive tax.
* See: #17647.
* @since 3.2.6
public function test_exclusive_tax_rounding_and_totals() {
global $wpdb;
$wpdb->query( "DELETE FROM {$wpdb->prefix}woocommerce_tax_rates" );
$wpdb->query( "DELETE FROM {$wpdb->prefix}woocommerce_tax_rate_locations" );
$product_data = array(
// price, quantity.
array( 2.13, 1 ),
array( 2.55, 0.5 ),
array( 39, 1 ),
array( 1.76, 1 ),
foreach ( $product_data as $data ) {
$product = new WC_Product_Simple();
$product->set_regular_price( $data[0] );
$products[] = array( $product, $data[1] );
$tax_rate = array(
'tax_rate_country' => '',
'tax_rate_state' => '',
'tax_rate' => '5.5',
'tax_rate_name' => 'TAX',
'tax_rate_priority' => '1',
'tax_rate_compound' => '0',
'tax_rate_shipping' => '1',
'tax_rate_order' => '1',
'tax_rate_class' => '',
WC_Tax::_insert_tax_rate( $tax_rate );
update_option( 'woocommerce_prices_include_tax', 'no' );
update_option( 'woocommerce_calc_taxes', 'yes' );
update_option( 'woocommerce_tax_round_at_subtotal', 'no' );
foreach ( $products as $data ) {
WC()->cart->add_to_cart( $data[0]->get_id(), $data[1] );
// We need this to have the calculate_totals() method calculate totals.
if ( ! defined( 'WOOCOMMERCE_CHECKOUT' ) ) {
define( 'WOOCOMMERCE_CHECKOUT', true );
$cart_totals = WC()->cart->get_totals();
$this->assertEquals( '2.44', wc_format_decimal( $cart_totals['total_tax'], 2 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '2.44', wc_format_decimal( $cart_totals['cart_contents_tax'], 2 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '44.17', wc_format_decimal( $cart_totals['cart_contents_total'], 2 ) );
$this->assertEquals( '46.61', wc_format_decimal( $cart_totals['total'], 2 ) );
// Clean up.
foreach ( $products as $data ) {
WC_Helper_Product::delete_product( $data[0]->get_id() );
$wpdb->query( "DELETE FROM {$wpdb->prefix}woocommerce_tax_rates" );
$wpdb->query( "DELETE FROM {$wpdb->prefix}woocommerce_tax_rate_locations" );
update_option( 'woocommerce_prices_include_tax', 'no' );
update_option( 'woocommerce_calc_taxes', 'no' );
* Test get_remove_url.
* @since 2.3
public function test_get_remove_url() {
// Get the cart page id
$cart_page_url = wc_get_page_permalink( 'cart' );
// Test cart item key
$cart_item_key = 'test';
// Do the check
$this->assertEquals( apply_filters( 'woocommerce_get_remove_url', $cart_page_url ? wp_nonce_url( add_query_arg( 'remove_item', $cart_item_key, $cart_page_url ), 'woocommerce-cart' ) : '' ), wc_get_cart_remove_url( $cart_item_key ) );
* Test add to cart simple product.
* @since 2.3
public function test_add_to_cart_simple() {
// Create dummy product
$product = WC_Helper_Product::create_simple_product();
// Add the product to the cart. Methods returns boolean on failure, string on success.
$this->assertNotFalse( WC()->cart->add_to_cart( $product->get_id(), 1 ) );
// Check if the item is in the cart
$this->assertEquals( 1, WC()->cart->get_cart_contents_count() );
// Clean up the cart
// Clean up product
WC_Helper_Product::delete_product( $product->get_id() );
* Check if we can add a trashed product to the cart.
public function test_add_to_cart_trashed() {
// Create dummy product
$product = WC_Helper_Product::create_simple_product();
// Trash product
wp_trash_post( $product->get_id() );
// Refetch product, to be sure
$product = wc_get_product( $product->get_id() );
// Add product to cart
$this->assertFalse( WC()->cart->add_to_cart( $product->get_id(), 1 ) );
// Clean up the cart
// Clean up product
WC_Helper_Product::delete_product( $product->get_id() );
* Test add to cart variable product.
* @since 2.3
public function test_add_to_cart_variable() {
$product = WC_Helper_Product::create_variation_product();
$variations = $product->get_available_variations();
$variation = array_shift( $variations );
// Add the product to the cart. Methods returns boolean on failure, string on success.
$this->assertNotFalse( WC()->cart->add_to_cart( $product->get_id(), 1, $variation['variation_id'], array( 'Size' => ucfirst( $variation['attributes']['attribute_pa_size'] ) ) ) );
// Check if the item is in the cart
$this->assertEquals( 1, WC()->cart->get_cart_contents_count() );
// Clean up the cart
$product->delete( true );
* Check if adding a product that is sold individually is corrected when adding multiple times.
* @since 2.3
public function test_add_to_cart_sold_individually() {
// Create dummy product
$product = WC_Helper_Product::create_simple_product();
// Set sold_individually to yes
$product->sold_individually = 'yes';
update_post_meta( $product->get_id(), '_sold_individually', 'yes' );
// Add the product twice to cart, should be corrected to 1. Methods returns boolean on failure, string on success.
$this->assertNotFalse( WC()->cart->add_to_cart( $product->get_id(), 2 ) );
// Check if the item is in the cart
$this->assertEquals( 1, WC()->cart->get_cart_contents_count() );
// Clean up the cart
// Clean up product
WC_Helper_Product::delete_product( $product->get_id() );
* Test the find_product_in_cart method.
* @since 2.3
public function test_find_product_in_cart() {
// Create dummy product
$product = WC_Helper_Product::create_simple_product();
// Add product to cart
WC()->cart->add_to_cart( $product->get_id(), 1 );
// Generate cart id
$cart_id = WC()->cart->generate_cart_id( $product->get_id() );
// Get the product from the cart
$this->assertNotEquals( '', WC()->cart->find_product_in_cart( $cart_id ) );
// Clean up the cart
// Clean up product
WC_Helper_Product::delete_product( $product->get_id() );
* Test the generate_cart_id method.
* @since 2.3
public function test_generate_cart_id() {
// Setup data
$product_id = 1;
$variation_id = 2;
$variation = array( 'Testing' => 'yup' );
$cart_item_data = array(
'string_val' => 'The string I was talking about',
'array_val' => array(
// Manually generate ID
$id_parts = array( $product_id );
if ( $variation_id && 0 != $variation_id ) {
$id_parts[] = $variation_id;
if ( is_array( $variation ) && ! empty( $variation ) ) {
$variation_key = '';
foreach ( $variation as $key => $value ) {
$variation_key .= trim( $key ) . trim( $value );
$id_parts[] = $variation_key;
if ( is_array( $cart_item_data ) && ! empty( $cart_item_data ) ) {
$cart_item_data_key = '';
foreach ( $cart_item_data as $key => $value ) {
if ( is_array( $value ) ) {
$value = http_build_query( $value );
$cart_item_data_key .= trim( $key ) . trim( $value );
$id_parts[] = $cart_item_data_key;
$manual_cart_id = md5( implode( '_', $id_parts ) );
// Assert
$this->assertEquals( $manual_cart_id, WC()->cart->generate_cart_id( $product_id, $variation_id, array( 'Testing' => 'yup' ), $cart_item_data ) );
* Test the set_quantity method.
* @since 2.3
public function test_set_quantity() {
// Create dummy product
$product = WC_Helper_Product::create_simple_product();
// Add 1 product to cart
WC()->cart->add_to_cart( $product->get_id(), 1 );
// Get cart id
$cart_id = WC()->cart->generate_cart_id( $product->get_id() );
// Set quantity of product in cart to 2
$this->assertTrue( WC()->cart->set_quantity( $cart_id, 2 ), $cart_id );
// Check if there are 2 now
$this->assertEquals( 2, WC()->cart->get_cart_contents_count() );
// Set quantity of product in cart to 0
$this->assertTrue( WC()->cart->set_quantity( $cart_id, 0 ) );
// Check if there are 0 now
$this->assertEquals( 0, WC()->cart->get_cart_contents_count() );
// Clean up the cart
// Clean up product
WC_Helper_Product::delete_product( $product->get_id() );
* Test check_cart_item_validity method.
* @since 2.3
public function test_check_cart_item_validity() {
// Create dummy product
$product = WC_Helper_Product::create_simple_product();
// Add product to cart
WC()->cart->add_to_cart( $product->get_id(), 1 );
// Check cart validity, should pass
$this->assertTrue( WC()->cart->check_cart_item_validity() );
// Clean up the cart
// Clean up product
WC_Helper_Product::delete_product( $product->get_id() );
* Test get_total.
* @since 2.3
public function test_get_total() {
// Create dummy product
$product = WC_Helper_Product::create_simple_product();
// We need this to have the calculate_totals() method calculate totals
if ( ! defined( 'WOOCOMMERCE_CHECKOUT' ) ) {
define( 'WOOCOMMERCE_CHECKOUT', true );
// Add product to cart
WC()->cart->add_to_cart( $product->get_id(), 1 );
// Check
$this->assertEquals( apply_filters( 'woocommerce_cart_total', wc_price( WC()->cart->total ) ), WC()->cart->get_total() );
// Clean up the cart
// Clean up product
WC_Helper_Product::delete_product( $product->get_id() );
* Test get_total_ex_tax.
* @since 2.3
public function test_get_total_ex_tax() {
global $wpdb;
// Set calc taxes option.
update_option( 'woocommerce_calc_taxes', 'yes' );
$tax_rate = array(
'tax_rate_country' => '',
'tax_rate_state' => '',
'tax_rate' => '10.0000',
'tax_rate_name' => 'TAX',
'tax_rate_priority' => '1',
'tax_rate_compound' => '0',
'tax_rate_shipping' => '1',
'tax_rate_order' => '1',
'tax_rate_class' => '',
WC_Tax::_insert_tax_rate( $tax_rate );
// Create dummy product.
$product = WC_Helper_Product::create_simple_product();
// We need this to have the calculate_totals() method calculate totals.
if ( ! defined( 'WOOCOMMERCE_CHECKOUT' ) ) {
define( 'WOOCOMMERCE_CHECKOUT', true );
// Add 10 fee.
WC_Helper_Fee::add_cart_fee( 'taxed' );
// Add product to cart (10).
WC()->cart->add_to_cart( $product->get_id(), 1 );
// Check.
$this->assertEquals( wc_price( 22 ), WC()->cart->get_total() );
$this->assertEquals( wc_price( 20 ), WC()->cart->get_total_ex_tax() );
$tax_totals = WC()->cart->get_tax_totals();
// Clean up the cart.
// Clean up product.
WC_Helper_Product::delete_product( $product->get_id() );
// Restore option.
$wpdb->query( "DELETE FROM {$wpdb->prefix}woocommerce_tax_rates" );
$wpdb->query( "DELETE FROM {$wpdb->prefix}woocommerce_tax_rate_locations" );
update_option( 'woocommerce_calc_taxes', 'no' );
* Test needs_shipping_address method.
public function test_needs_shipping_address() {
$needs_shipping_address = false;
if ( WC()->cart->needs_shipping() === true && ! wc_ship_to_billing_address_only() ) {
$needs_shipping_address = true;
$this->assertEquals( apply_filters( 'woocommerce_cart_needs_shipping_address', $needs_shipping_address ), WC()->cart->needs_shipping_address() );
* Test shipping total.
* @since 2.3
public function test_shipping_total() {
// Create product
$product = WC_Helper_Product::create_simple_product();
update_post_meta( $product->get_id(), '_price', '10' );
update_post_meta( $product->get_id(), '_regular_price', '10' );
// Create a flat rate method
// We need this to have the calculate_totals() method calculate totals
if ( ! defined( 'WOOCOMMERCE_CHECKOUT' ) ) {
define( 'WOOCOMMERCE_CHECKOUT', true );
// Add product to cart
WC()->cart->add_to_cart( $product->get_id(), 1 );
// Set the flat_rate shipping method
WC()->session->set( 'chosen_shipping_methods', array( 'flat_rate' ) );
// Test if the shipping total amount is equal 20
$this->assertEquals( 10, WC()->cart->shipping_total );
// Test if the cart total amount is equal 20
$this->assertEquals( 20, WC()->cart->total );
// Clean up the cart
// Delete the flat rate method
WC()->session->set( 'chosen_shipping_methods', array() );
// Delete product
WC_Helper_Product::delete_product( $product->get_id() );
* Test cart fee.
* @since 2.3
public function test_cart_fee() {
// Create product.
$product = WC_Helper_Product::create_simple_product();
update_post_meta( $product->get_id(), '_price', '10' );
update_post_meta( $product->get_id(), '_regular_price', '10' );
// We need this to have the calculate_totals() method calculate totals.
if ( ! defined( 'WOOCOMMERCE_CHECKOUT' ) ) {
define( 'WOOCOMMERCE_CHECKOUT', true );
// Add fee.
// Add product to cart.
WC()->cart->add_to_cart( $product->get_id(), 1 );
// Test if the cart total amount is equal 20.
$this->assertEquals( 20, WC()->cart->total );
// Clean up.
WC_Helper_Product::delete_product( $product->get_id() );
* Test cart fee with taxes.
* @since 3.2
public function test_cart_fee_taxes() {
global $wpdb;
// Set up taxes.
update_option( 'woocommerce_calc_taxes', 'yes' );
$tax_rate = array(
'tax_rate_country' => '',
'tax_rate_state' => '',
'tax_rate' => '10.0000',
'tax_rate_name' => 'TAX',
'tax_rate_priority' => '1',
'tax_rate_compound' => '0',
'tax_rate_shipping' => '1',
'tax_rate_order' => '1',
'tax_rate_class' => '',
WC_Tax::_insert_tax_rate( $tax_rate );
// Create product.
$product = WC_Helper_Product::create_simple_product();
update_post_meta( $product->get_id(), '_price', '10' );
update_post_meta( $product->get_id(), '_regular_price', '10' );
// We need this to have the calculate_totals() method calculate totals.
if ( ! defined( 'WOOCOMMERCE_CHECKOUT' ) ) {
define( 'WOOCOMMERCE_CHECKOUT', true );
// Add fee.
WC_Helper_Fee::add_cart_fee( 'taxed' );
// Add product to cart.
WC()->cart->add_to_cart( $product->get_id(), 1 );
// Test if the cart total amount is equal 22 ($10 item + $10 fee + 10% taxes).
$this->assertEquals( 22, WC()->cart->total );
// Clean up.
WC_Helper_Fee::remove_cart_fee( 'taxed' );
WC_Helper_Product::delete_product( $product->get_id() );
$wpdb->query( "DELETE FROM {$wpdb->prefix}woocommerce_tax_rates" );
$wpdb->query( "DELETE FROM {$wpdb->prefix}woocommerce_tax_rate_locations" );
update_option( 'woocommerce_calc_taxes', 'no' );
* Test negative cart fee.
* @since 3.2
public function test_cart_negative_fee() {
// Create product.
$product = WC_Helper_Product::create_simple_product();
update_post_meta( $product->get_id(), '_price', '15' );
update_post_meta( $product->get_id(), '_regular_price', '15' );
// We need this to have the calculate_totals() method calculate totals.
if ( ! defined( 'WOOCOMMERCE_CHECKOUT' ) ) {
define( 'WOOCOMMERCE_CHECKOUT', true );
// Add fee.
WC_Helper_Fee::add_cart_fee( 'negative' );
// Add product to cart.
WC()->cart->add_to_cart( $product->get_id(), 1 );
// Test if the cart total amount is equal 5.
$this->assertEquals( 5, WC()->cart->total );
// Clean up.
WC_Helper_Fee::remove_cart_fee( 'negative' );
WC_Helper_Product::delete_product( $product->get_id() );
* Test negative cart fee with taxes.
* @since 3.2
public function test_cart_negative_fee_taxes() {
global $wpdb;
// Set up taxes.
update_option( 'woocommerce_calc_taxes', 'yes' );
$tax_rate = array(
'tax_rate_country' => '',
'tax_rate_state' => '',
'tax_rate' => '10.0000',
'tax_rate_name' => 'TAX',
'tax_rate_priority' => '1',
'tax_rate_compound' => '0',
'tax_rate_shipping' => '1',
'tax_rate_order' => '1',
'tax_rate_class' => '',
WC_Tax::_insert_tax_rate( $tax_rate );
// Create product.
$product = WC_Helper_Product::create_simple_product();
update_post_meta( $product->get_id(), '_price', '15' );
update_post_meta( $product->get_id(), '_regular_price', '15' );
// We need this to have the calculate_totals() method calculate totals.
if ( ! defined( 'WOOCOMMERCE_CHECKOUT' ) ) {
define( 'WOOCOMMERCE_CHECKOUT', true );
// Add fee.
WC_Helper_Fee::add_cart_fee( 'negative-taxed' );
// Add product to cart.
WC()->cart->add_to_cart( $product->get_id(), 1 );
// Test if the cart total amount is equal 5.50 ($15 item - $10 negative fee + 10% tax).
$this->assertEquals( 5.50, WC()->cart->total );
// Clean up.
WC_Helper_Fee::remove_cart_fee( 'negative-taxed' );
WC_Helper_Product::delete_product( $product->get_id() );
$wpdb->query( "DELETE FROM {$wpdb->prefix}woocommerce_tax_rates" );
$wpdb->query( "DELETE FROM {$wpdb->prefix}woocommerce_tax_rate_locations" );
update_option( 'woocommerce_calc_taxes', 'no' );
* Test cart coupons.
public function test_get_coupons() {
// Create coupon
$coupon = WC_Helper_Coupon::create_coupon();
// Add coupon
WC()->cart->add_discount( $coupon->get_code() );
$this->assertEquals( count( WC()->cart->get_coupons() ), 1 );
// Clean up the cart
// Remove coupons
// Delete coupon
WC_Helper_Coupon::delete_coupon( $coupon->get_id() );
* Test add_discount allows coupons by code but not by ID.
* @since 3.2
public function test_add_discount_code_id() {
$coupon = new WC_Coupon();
$coupon->set_code( 'test' );
$coupon->set_amount( 100 );
$success = WC()->cart->add_discount( $coupon->get_code() );
$this->assertTrue( $success );
$success = WC()->cart->add_discount( (string) $coupon->get_id() );
$this->assertFalse( $success );
public function test_add_invidual_use_coupon() {
$iu_coupon = WC_Helper_Coupon::create_coupon( 'code1' );
$iu_coupon->set_individual_use( true );
$coupon = WC_Helper_Coupon::create_coupon();
WC()->cart->add_discount( $iu_coupon->get_code() );
WC()->cart->add_discount( $coupon->get_code() );
$coupons = WC()->cart->get_coupons();
$this->assertEquals( count( $coupons ), 1 );
$this->assertEquals( 'code1', reset( $coupons )->get_code() );
// Clean up
WC_Helper_Coupon::delete_coupon( $coupon->get_code() );
WC_Helper_Coupon::delete_coupon( $iu_coupon->get_code() );
public function test_add_individual_use_coupon_removal() {
$coupon = WC_Helper_Coupon::create_coupon();
$iu_coupon = WC_Helper_Coupon::create_coupon( 'code1' );
$iu_coupon->set_individual_use( true );
WC()->cart->add_discount( $coupon->get_code() );
WC()->cart->add_discount( $iu_coupon->get_code() );
$coupons = WC()->cart->get_coupons();
$this->assertEquals( count( $coupons ), 1 );
$this->assertEquals( 'code1', reset( $coupons )->get_code() );
$this->assertEquals( 1, did_action( 'woocommerce_removed_coupon' ) );
// Clean up
WC_Helper_Coupon::delete_coupon( $coupon->get_code() );
WC_Helper_Coupon::delete_coupon( $iu_coupon->get_code() );
public function test_add_individual_use_coupon_double_individual() {
$iu_coupon1 = WC_Helper_Coupon::create_coupon( 'code1' );
$iu_coupon1->set_individual_use( true );
$iu_coupon2 = WC_Helper_Coupon::create_coupon( 'code2' );
$iu_coupon2->set_individual_use( true );
WC()->cart->add_discount( $iu_coupon1->get_code() );
WC()->cart->add_discount( $iu_coupon2->get_code() );
$coupons = WC()->cart->get_coupons();
$this->assertEquals( count( $coupons ), 1 );
$this->assertEquals( 'code2', reset( $coupons )->get_code() );
// Clean up
WC_Helper_Coupon::delete_coupon( $iu_coupon1->get_code() );
WC_Helper_Coupon::delete_coupon( $iu_coupon2->get_code() );
public function test_clone_cart() {
$cart = wc()->cart;
$new_cart = clone $cart;
$is_identical_cart = $cart === $new_cart;
// Cloned carts should not be identical.
$this->assertFalse( $is_identical_cart, 'Cloned cart not identical to original cart' );
public function test_cloned_cart_session() {
// PHP 5.2 does not include support for ReflectionProperty::setAccessible().
if ( version_compare( '5.3', PHP_VERSION, '>' ) ) {
$this->markTestSkipped( 'Test requires PHP 5.3 and above to use ReflectionProperty::setAccessible()' );
$cart = wc()->cart;
$new_cart = clone $cart;
// Allow accessing protected properties.
$reflected_cart = new ReflectionClass( $cart );
$cart_session = $reflected_cart->getProperty( 'session' );
$cart_session->setAccessible( true );
$reflected_new_cart = new ReflectionClass( $new_cart );
$new_cart_session = $reflected_new_cart->getProperty( 'session' );
$new_cart_session->setAccessible( true );
// Ensure that cloned properties are not identical.
$identical_sessions = $cart_session->getValue( $cart ) === $new_cart_session->getValue( $new_cart );
$this->assertFalse( $identical_sessions, 'Cloned cart sessions should not be identical to original cart' );
public function test_cloned_cart_fees() {
$cart = wc()->cart;
$new_cart = clone $cart;
// Get the properties from each object.
$cart_fees = $cart->fees_api();
$new_cart_fees = $new_cart->fees_api();
// Ensure that cloned properties are not identical.
$identical_fees = $cart_fees === $new_cart_fees;
$this->assertFalse( $identical_fees, 'Cloned cart fees should not be identical to original cart.' );
public function test_cart_object_istantiation() {
$cart = new WC_Cart();
$this->assertInstanceOf( 'WC_Cart', $cart );
public function test_get_cart_item_quantities() {
// Create dummy product.
$product = WC_Helper_Product::create_simple_product();
WC()->cart->add_to_cart( $product->get_id(), 1 );
$this->assertEquals( 1, array_sum( WC()->cart->get_cart_item_quantities() ) );
// Clean up the cart.
// Clean up product.
WC_Helper_Product::delete_product( $product->get_id() );
public function test_get_cart_contents_weight() {
// Create dummy product.
$product = WC_Helper_Product::create_simple_product();
WC()->cart->add_to_cart( $product->get_id(), 1 );
$this->assertEquals( 1.1, WC()->cart->get_cart_contents_weight() );
// Clean up the cart.
// Clean up product.
WC_Helper_Product::delete_product( $product->get_id() );
public function test_check_cart_items() {
// Create dummy product.
$product = WC_Helper_Product::create_simple_product();
WC()->cart->add_to_cart( $product->get_id(), 1 );
$this->assertEquals( true, WC()->cart->check_cart_items() );
// Clean up the cart.
// Clean up product.
WC_Helper_Product::delete_product( $product->get_id() );
public function test_check_cart_item_stock() {
// Create dummy product.
$product = WC_Helper_Product::create_simple_product();
WC()->cart->add_to_cart( $product->get_id(), 1 );
$this->assertEquals( true, WC()->cart->check_cart_item_stock() );
// Clean up the cart.
// Clean up product.
WC_Helper_Product::delete_product( $product->get_id() );
public function test_get_cross_sells() {
// Create dummy product.
$product = WC_Helper_Product::create_simple_product();
WC()->cart->add_to_cart( $product->get_id(), 1 );
$this->assertEquals( array(), WC()->cart->get_cross_sells() );
// Clean up the cart.
// Clean up product.
WC_Helper_Product::delete_product( $product->get_id() );
public function test_get_tax_totals() {
global $wpdb;
// Set calc taxes option.
update_option( 'woocommerce_calc_taxes', 'yes' );
$tax_rate = array(
'tax_rate_country' => '',
'tax_rate_state' => '',
'tax_rate' => '10.0000',
'tax_rate_name' => 'TAX',
'tax_rate_priority' => '1',
'tax_rate_compound' => '0',
'tax_rate_shipping' => '1',
'tax_rate_order' => '1',
'tax_rate_class' => '',
WC_Tax::_insert_tax_rate( $tax_rate );
// Create dummy product.
$product = WC_Helper_Product::create_simple_product();
// We need this to have the calculate_totals() method calculate totals.
if ( ! defined( 'WOOCOMMERCE_CHECKOUT' ) ) {
define( 'WOOCOMMERCE_CHECKOUT', true );
// Add product to cart (10).
WC()->cart->add_to_cart( $product->get_id(), 1 );
// Check.
$tax_totals = WC()->cart->get_tax_totals();
$this->assertArrayHasKey( 'TAX-1', $tax_totals );
$this->assertEquals( 1, $tax_totals['TAX-1']->amount );
$this->assertEquals( false, $tax_totals['TAX-1']->is_compound );
$this->assertEquals( 'TAX', $tax_totals['TAX-1']->label );
// Clean up the cart.
// Clean up product.
WC_Helper_Product::delete_product( $product->get_id() );
// Restore option.
$wpdb->query( "DELETE FROM {$wpdb->prefix}woocommerce_tax_rates" );
$wpdb->query( "DELETE FROM {$wpdb->prefix}woocommerce_tax_rate_locations" );
update_option( 'woocommerce_calc_taxes', 'no' );
* Test is_coupon_emails_allowed function on the cart, specifically test wildcard emails.
* @return void
public function test_is_coupon_emails_allowed() {
$this->assertEquals( true, WC()->cart->is_coupon_emails_allowed( array( 'customer@wc.local' ), array( '*.local' ) ) );
$this->assertEquals( false, WC()->cart->is_coupon_emails_allowed( array( 'customer@wc.local' ), array( '*.test' ) ) );
$this->assertEquals( true, WC()->cart->is_coupon_emails_allowed( array( 'customer@wc.local' ), array( 'customer@wc.local' ) ) );
$this->assertEquals( false, WC()->cart->is_coupon_emails_allowed( array( 'customer@wc.local' ), array( 'customer2@wc.local' ) ) );