
139 lines
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* Texy! - human-readable text to HTML converter.
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2004, 2010 David Grudl
* @license GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 2 or 3
* @link http://texy.info
* @package Texy
* Typography replacements module.
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2004, 2010 David Grudl
* @package Texy
final class TexyTypographyModule extends TexyModule
// @see http://www.unicode.org/cldr/data/charts/by_type/misc.delimiters.html
public static $locales = array(
'cs' => array(
'singleQuotes' => array("\xe2\x80\x9a", "\xe2\x80\x98"), // U+201A, U+2018
'doubleQuotes' => array("\xe2\x80\x9e", "\xe2\x80\x9c"), // U+201E, U+201C
'en' => array(
'singleQuotes' => array("\xe2\x80\x98", "\xe2\x80\x99"), // U+2018, U+2019
'doubleQuotes' => array("\xe2\x80\x9c", "\xe2\x80\x9d"), // U+201C, U+201D
'fr' => array(
'singleQuotes' => array("\xe2\x80\xb9", "\xe2\x80\xba"), // U+2039, U+203A
'doubleQuotes' => array("\xc2\xab", "\xc2\xbb"), // U+00AB, U+00BB
'de' => array(
'singleQuotes' => array("\xe2\x80\x9a", "\xe2\x80\x98"), // U+201A, U+2018
'doubleQuotes' => array("\xe2\x80\x9e", "\xe2\x80\x9c"), // U+201E, U+201C
'pl' => array(
'singleQuotes' => array("\xe2\x80\x9a", "\xe2\x80\x99"), // U+201A, U+2019
'doubleQuotes' => array("\xe2\x80\x9e", "\xe2\x80\x9d"), // U+201E, U+201D
/** @var string */
public $locale = 'cs';
/** @var array */
private $pattern, $replace;
public function __construct($texy)
$this->texy = $texy;
$texy->registerPostLine(array($this, 'postLine'), 'typography');
$texy->addHandler('beforeParse', array($this, 'beforeParse'));
* Text pre-processing.
* @param Texy
* @param string
* @return void
public function beforeParse($texy, & $text)
// CONTENT_MARKUP mark: \x17-\x1F
// CONTENT_REPLACED mark: \x16
// CONTENT_TEXTUAL mark: \x17
// CONTENT_BLOCK: not used in postLine
if (isset(self::$locales[$this->locale]))
$locale = self::$locales[$this->locale];
else // fall back
$locale = self::$locales['en'];
$pairs = array(
'#(?<![.\x{2026}])\.{3,4}(?![.\x{2026}])#mu' => "\xe2\x80\xa6", // ellipsis ...
'#(?<=[\d ]|^)-(?=[\d ]|$)#' => "\xe2\x80\x93", // en dash 123-123
'#(?<=[^!*+,/:;<=>@\\\\_|-])--(?=[^!*+,/:;<=>@\\\\_|-])#' => "\xe2\x80\x93", // en dash alphanum--alphanum
'#,-#' => ",\xe2\x80\x93", // en dash ,-
'#(?<!\d)(\d{1,2}\.) (\d{1,2}\.) (\d\d)#' => "\$1\xc2\xa0\$2\xc2\xa0\$3", // date 23. 1. 1978
'#(?<!\d)(\d{1,2}\.) (\d{1,2}\.)#' => "\$1\xc2\xa0\$2", // date 23. 1.
'# --- #' => "\xc2\xa0\xe2\x80\x94 ", // em dash ---
'# ([\x{2013}\x{2014}])#u' => "\xc2\xa0\$1", // &nbsp; behind dash (dash stays at line end)
'# <-{1,2}> #' => " \xe2\x86\x94 ", // left right arrow <-->
'#-{1,}> #' => " \xe2\x86\x92 ", // right arrow -->
'# <-{1,}#' => " \xe2\x86\x90 ", // left arrow <--
'#={1,}> #' => " \xe2\x87\x92 ", // right arrow ==>
'#\\+-#' => "\xc2\xb1", // +-
'#(\d+)( ?)x\\2(?=\d)#' => "\$1\xc3\x97", // dimension sign 123 x 123...
'#(?<=\d)x(?= |,|.|$)#m' => "\xc3\x97", // dimension sign 123x
'#(\S ?)\(TM\)#i' => "\$1\xe2\x84\xa2", // trademark (TM)
'#(\S ?)\(R\)#i' => "\$1\xc2\xae", // registered (R)
'#\(C\)( ?\S)#i' => "\xc2\xa9\$1", // copyright (C)
'#\(EUR\)#' => "\xe2\x82\xac", // Euro (EUR)
'#(\d) (?=\d{3})#' => "\$1\xc2\xa0", // (phone) number 1 123 123 123...
'#(?<=[^\s\x17])\s+([\x17-\x1F]+)(?=\s)#u'=> "\$1", // remove intermarkup space phase 1
'#(?<=\s)([\x17-\x1F]+)\s+#u' => "\$1", // remove intermarkup space phase 2
'#(?<=.{50})\s+(?=[\x17-\x1F]*\S{1,6}[\x17-\x1F]*$)#us' => "\xc2\xa0", // space before last short word
// nbsp space between number (optionally followed by dot) and word, symbol, punctation, currency symbol
'#(?<=^| |\.|,|-|\+|\x16|\(|\d\x{A0})([\x17-\x1F]*\d+\.?[\x17-\x1F]*)\s+(?=[\x17-\x1F]*[%'.TEXY_CHAR.'\x{b0}-\x{be}\x{2020}-\x{214f}])#mu'
=> "\$1\xc2\xa0",
// space between preposition and word
=> "\$1\xc2\xa0",
'#(?<!"|\w)"(?!\ |")(.+)(?<!\ |")"(?!")()#U' => $locale['doubleQuotes'][0].'$1'.$locale['doubleQuotes'][1], // double ""
'#(?<!\'|\w)\'(?!\ |\')(.+)(?<!\ |\')\'(?!\')()#Uu' => $locale['singleQuotes'][0].'$1'.$locale['singleQuotes'][1], // single ''
$this->pattern = array_keys($pairs);
$this->replace = array_values($pairs);
public function postLine($text, $preserveSpaces = FALSE)
if (!$preserveSpaces) {
$text = preg_replace('# {2,}#', ' ', $text);
return preg_replace($this->pattern, $this->replace, $text);