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* Reports order stats tests.
* @package WooCommerce\Admin\Tests\Orders
* @todo Finish up unit testing to verify bug-free order reports.
use \Automattic\WooCommerce\Admin\API\Reports\Variations\DataStore as VariationsDataStore;
use \Automattic\WooCommerce\Admin\API\Reports\Variations\Query as VariationsQuery;
* Reports order stats tests class.
* @package WooCommerce\Admin\Tests\Orders
* @todo Finish up unit testing to verify bug-free order reports.
class WC_Tests_Reports_Variations extends WC_Unit_Test_Case {
* Test the calculations and querying works correctly for the base case of 1 order.
* @since 3.5.0
public function test_populate_and_query() {
// Populate all of the data.
$product = new WC_Product_Variable();
$product->set_name( 'Test Product' );
$variation = new WC_Product_Variation();
$variation->set_name( 'Test Variation' );
$variation->set_parent_id( $product->get_id() );
$variation->set_regular_price( 10 );
$variation->set_attributes( array( 'pa_color' => 'green' ) );
$variation->set_sku( 'test-sku' );
$order = WC_Helper_Order::create_order( 1, $variation );
$order->set_status( 'completed' );
$data_store = new VariationsDataStore();
$start_time = gmdate( 'Y-m-d H:00:00', $order->get_date_created()->getOffsetTimestamp() );
$end_time = gmdate( 'Y-m-d H:00:00', $order->get_date_created()->getOffsetTimestamp() + HOUR_IN_SECONDS );
$args = array(
'after' => $start_time,
'before' => $end_time,
// Test retrieving the stats through the data store.
$data = $data_store->get_data( $args );
$expected_data = (object) array(
'total' => 1,
'pages' => 1,
'page_no' => 1,
'data' => array(
0 => array(
'product_id' => $product->get_id(),
'variation_id' => $variation->get_id(),
'items_sold' => 4,
'net_revenue' => 40.0, // $10 * 4.
'orders_count' => 1,
'extended_info' => new ArrayObject(),
$this->assertEquals( $expected_data, $data );
// Test retrieving the stats through the query class.
$query = new VariationsQuery( $args );
$this->assertEquals( $expected_data, $query->get_data() );
* Test the extended ifo.
* @since 3.5.0
public function test_extended_info() {
// Populate all of the data.
$product = new WC_Product_Variable();
$product->set_name( 'Test Product' );
$product->set_regular_price( 25 );
$attribute = new WC_Product_Attribute();
$attribute->set_id( 0 );
$attribute->set_name( 'pa_color' );
$attribute->set_options( explode( WC_DELIMITER, 'green | red' ) );
$attribute->set_visible( false );
$attribute->set_variation( true );
$product->set_attributes( array( $attribute ) );
$variation = new WC_Product_Variation();
$variation->set_name( 'Test Variation' );
$variation->set_parent_id( $product->get_id() );
$variation->set_regular_price( 10 );
$variation->set_attributes( array( 'pa_color' => 'green' ) );
$variation->set_manage_stock( true );
$variation->set_stock_quantity( 25 );
$order = WC_Helper_Order::create_order( 1, $variation );
$order->set_status( 'completed' );
$data_store = new VariationsDataStore();
$start_time = gmdate( 'Y-m-d H:00:00', $order->get_date_created()->getOffsetTimestamp() );
$end_time = gmdate( 'Y-m-d H:00:00', $order->get_date_created()->getOffsetTimestamp() + HOUR_IN_SECONDS );
$args = array(
'after' => $start_time,
'before' => $end_time,
'extended_info' => 1,
// Test retrieving the stats through the data store.
$data = $data_store->get_data( $args );
$expected_data = (object) array(
'total' => 1,
'pages' => 1,
'page_no' => 1,
'data' => array(
0 => array(
'product_id' => $product->get_id(),
'variation_id' => $variation->get_id(),
'items_sold' => 4,
'net_revenue' => 40.0, // $10 * 4.
'orders_count' => 1,
'extended_info' => array(
'name' => $variation->get_name(),
'image' => $variation->get_image(),
'permalink' => $variation->get_permalink(),
'price' => (float) $variation->get_price(),
'stock_status' => $variation->get_stock_status(),
'stock_quantity' => $variation->get_stock_quantity() - 4, // subtract the ones purchased.
'low_stock_amount' => get_option( 'woocommerce_notify_low_stock_amount' ),
'attributes' => array(
0 => array(
'id' => 0,
'name' => 'color',
'option' => 'green',
'sku' => $variation->get_sku(),
$this->assertEquals( $expected_data, $data );
* Test the attribute filter.
public function test_attribute_filtering() {
$global_attribute_data = WC_Helper_Product::create_attribute( 'size', array( 'Small', 'Medium', 'Large' ) );
$local_attribute = new WC_Product_Attribute();
$local_attribute->set_id( 0 );
$local_attribute->set_name( 'Color' );
$local_attribute->set_options( array( 'red', 'green', 'blue' ) );
$local_attribute->set_visible( true );
$local_attribute->set_variation( true );
$global_attribute = new WC_Product_Attribute();
$global_attribute->set_id( $global_attribute_data['attribute_id'] );
$global_attribute->set_name( $global_attribute_data['attribute_taxonomy'] );
$global_attribute->set_options( $global_attribute_data['term_ids'] );
$global_attribute->set_visible( true );
$global_attribute->set_variation( true );
// Create a variable product with a variation that allows "any x".
$product = new WC_Product_Variable();
$product->set_name( 'Shirt' );
$product->set_regular_price( 25 );
$product->set_attributes( array( $global_attribute, $local_attribute ) );
$green = new WC_Product_Variation();
$green->set_name( 'Green Shirt' );
$green->set_parent_id( $product->get_id() );
$green->set_attributes( array( 'color' => 'green' ) );
$red = new WC_Product_Variation();
$red->set_name( 'Red Shirt' );
$red->set_parent_id( $product->get_id() );
$red->set_attributes( array( 'color' => 'red' ) );
// Create separate orders for two green shirts of different sizes.
$line_item_1 = new WC_Order_Item_Product();
$line_item_1->set_product( $green );
$line_item_1->add_meta_data( 'pa_size', 'Small', true );
$order_1 = \Automattic\WooCommerce\RestApi\UnitTests\Helpers\OrderHelper::create_order();
$order_1->add_item( $line_item_1 );
$order_1->set_status( 'completed' );
$line_item_2 = new WC_Order_Item_Product();
$line_item_2->set_product( $green );
$line_item_2->add_meta_data( 'pa_size', 'Large', true );
$order_2 = \Automattic\WooCommerce\RestApi\UnitTests\Helpers\OrderHelper::create_order();
$order_2->add_item( $line_item_2 );
$order_2->set_status( 'completed' );
// Order a large red shirt.
$line_item_3 = new WC_Order_Item_Product();
$line_item_3->set_product( $red );
$line_item_3->add_meta_data( 'pa_size', 'Large', true );
$order_3 = \Automattic\WooCommerce\RestApi\UnitTests\Helpers\OrderHelper::create_order();
$order_3->add_item( $line_item_3 );
$order_3->set_status( 'completed' );
$data_store = new VariationsDataStore();
// Two orders of the green shirt.
$data = $data_store->get_data(
'attribute_is' => array(
array( 'color', 'green' ),
$this->assertEquals( 1, $data->total );
$this->assertEquals( 2, $data->data[0]['items_sold'] );
$this->assertEquals( 2, $data->data[0]['orders_count'] );
$this->assertEquals( $green->get_id(), $data->data[0]['variation_id'] );
// One order of a Large green shirt.
$data = $data_store->get_data(
'attribute_is' => array(
array( $global_attribute_data['attribute_id'], $global_attribute_data['term_ids'][2] ),
array( 'color', 'green' ),
$this->assertEquals( 1, $data->total );
$this->assertEquals( 1, $data->data[0]['items_sold'] );
$this->assertEquals( 1, $data->data[0]['orders_count'] );
$this->assertEquals( $green->get_id(), $data->data[0]['variation_id'] );
// Two large shirts sold.
$data = $data_store->get_data(
'attribute_is' => array(
array( $global_attribute_data['attribute_id'], $global_attribute_data['term_ids'][2] ),
'orderby' => 'sku',
'order' => 'desc',
$this->assertEquals( 2, $data->total );
$this->assertEquals( 1, $data->data[0]['items_sold'] );
$this->assertEquals( 1, $data->data[0]['orders_count'] );
$this->assertEquals( $green->get_id(), $data->data[0]['variation_id'] );
$this->assertEquals( 1, $data->data[1]['items_sold'] );
$this->assertEquals( 1, $data->data[1]['orders_count'] );
$this->assertEquals( $red->get_id(), $data->data[1]['variation_id'] );
// All orders.
$data = $data_store->get_data(
'match' => 'any',
'attribute_is' => array(
array( $global_attribute_data['attribute_id'], $global_attribute_data['term_ids'][2] ),
array( 'color', 'green' ),
'orderby' => 'items_sold',
'order' => 'desc',
$this->assertEquals( 2, $data->total );
$this->assertEquals( 2, $data->data[0]['items_sold'] );
$this->assertEquals( 2, $data->data[0]['orders_count'] );
$this->assertEquals( $green->get_id(), $data->data[0]['variation_id'] );
$this->assertEquals( 1, $data->data[1]['items_sold'] );
$this->assertEquals( 1, $data->data[1]['orders_count'] );
$this->assertEquals( $red->get_id(), $data->data[1]['variation_id'] );