
427 lines
10 KiB

/** @format */
* External dependencies
import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n';
import { Component, Fragment } from '@wordpress/element';
import { compose } from '@wordpress/compose';
import { format as formatDate } from '@wordpress/date';
import { map, find, orderBy } from 'lodash';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import { withSelect } from '@wordpress/data';
* Internal dependencies
import {
} from '@woocommerce/components';
import { downloadCSVFile, generateCSVDataFromTable, generateCSVFileName } from 'lib/csv';
import { formatCurrency, getCurrencyFormatDecimal } from 'lib/currency';
import { getAdminLink, getNewPath, updateQueryString } from 'lib/nav-utils';
import { getAllReportData, isReportDataEmpty } from 'store/reports/utils';
import { getCurrentDates, isoDateFormat, getPreviousDate, getDateDifferenceInDays } from 'lib/date';
import { MAX_PER_PAGE } from 'store/constants';
export class RevenueReport extends Component {
constructor() {
this.onDownload = this.onDownload.bind( this );
this.onQueryChange = this.onQueryChange.bind( this );
onDownload( headers, rows, query ) {
// @TODO The current implementation only downloads the contents displayed in the table.
// Another solution is required when the data set is larger (see #311).
return () => {
generateCSVFileName( 'revenue', query ),
generateCSVDataFromTable( headers, rows )
* This function returns an event handler for the given `param`
* @todo Move handling of this to a library?
* @param {string} param The parameter in the querystring which should be updated (ex `page`, `per_page`)
* @return {function} A callback which will update `param` to the passed value when called.
onQueryChange( param ) {
switch ( param ) {
case 'sort':
return ( key, dir ) => updateQueryString( { orderby: key, order: dir } );
return value => updateQueryString( { [ param ]: value } );
getHeadersContent() {
return [
label: __( 'Date', 'wc-admin' ),
key: 'date_start',
required: true,
defaultSort: true,
isSortable: true,
label: __( 'Orders', 'wc-admin' ),
key: 'orders_count',
required: false,
isSortable: true,
label: __( 'Gross Revenue', 'wc-admin' ),
key: 'gross_revenue',
required: true,
isSortable: true,
isNumeric: true,
label: __( 'Refunds', 'wc-admin' ),
key: 'refunds',
required: false,
isSortable: true,
isNumeric: true,
label: __( 'Coupons', 'wc-admin' ),
key: 'coupons',
required: false,
isSortable: true,
isNumeric: true,
label: __( 'Taxes', 'wc-admin' ),
key: 'taxes',
required: false,
isSortable: true,
isNumeric: true,
label: __( 'Shipping', 'wc-admin' ),
key: 'shipping',
required: false,
isSortable: true,
isNumeric: true,
label: __( 'Net Revenue', 'wc-admin' ),
key: 'net_revenue',
required: false,
isSortable: true,
isNumeric: true,
getRowsContent( data = [] ) {
return map( data, row => {
const {
} = row.subtotals;
// @TODO How to create this per-report? Can use `w`, `year`, `m` to build time-specific order links
// we need to know which kind of report this is, and parse the `label` to get this row's date
const orderLink = (
href={ getAdminLink(
'edit.php?post_type=shop_order&m=' + formatDate( 'Ymd', row.date_start )
) }
{ orders_count }
return [
display: formatDate( 'm/d/Y', row.date_start ),
value: row.date_start,
display: orderLink,
value: Number( orders_count ),
display: formatCurrency( gross_revenue ),
value: getCurrencyFormatDecimal( gross_revenue ),
display: formatCurrency( refunds ),
value: getCurrencyFormatDecimal( refunds ),
display: formatCurrency( coupons ),
value: getCurrencyFormatDecimal( coupons ),
display: formatCurrency( taxes ),
value: getCurrencyFormatDecimal( taxes ),
display: formatCurrency( shipping ),
value: getCurrencyFormatDecimal( shipping ),
display: formatCurrency( net_revenue ),
value: getCurrencyFormatDecimal( net_revenue ),
} );
getCharts() {
return [
key: 'gross_revenue',
label: __( 'Gross Revenue', 'wc-admin' ),
type: 'currency',
key: 'refunds',
label: __( 'Refunds', 'wc-admin' ),
type: 'currency',
key: 'coupons',
label: __( 'Coupons', 'wc-admin' ),
type: 'currency',
key: 'taxes',
label: __( 'Taxes', 'wc-admin' ),
type: 'currency',
key: 'shipping',
label: __( 'Shipping', 'wc-admin' ),
type: 'currency',
key: 'net_revenue',
label: __( 'Net Revenue', 'wc-admin' ),
type: 'currency',
getSelectedChart() {
const { query } = this.props;
const charts = this.getCharts();
const chart = find( charts, { key: query.chart } );
if ( chart ) {
return chart;
return charts[ 0 ];
// TODO since this pattern will exist on every report, this possibly should become a component
renderChartSummaryNumbers() {
const selectedChart = this.getSelectedChart();
const { primaryData, secondaryData } = this.props;
const { totals } = primaryData.data;
const secondaryTotals = secondaryData.data.totals || {};
const summaryNumbers = map( this.getCharts(), chart => {
const { key, label, type } = chart;
const isSelected = selectedChart.key === key;
let value = parseFloat( totals[ key ] );
let secondaryValue =
( secondaryTotals[ key ] && parseFloat( secondaryTotals[ key ] ) ) || undefined;
let delta = 0;
if ( secondaryValue && secondaryValue !== 0 ) {
delta = Math.round( ( value - secondaryValue ) / secondaryValue * 100 );
switch ( type ) {
// TODO: implement other format handlers
case 'currency':
value = formatCurrency( value );
secondaryValue = secondaryValue && formatCurrency( secondaryValue );
const href = getNewPath( { chart: key } );
return (
key={ key }
value={ value }
label={ label }
selected={ isSelected }
prevValue={ secondaryValue }
delta={ delta }
href={ href }
} );
return <SummaryList>{ summaryNumbers }</SummaryList>;
renderChart() {
const { primaryData, secondaryData, query } = this.props;
const { primary, secondary } = getCurrentDates( query );
const selectedChart = this.getSelectedChart();
const primaryKey = `${ primary.label } (${ primary.range })`;
const secondaryKey = `${ secondary.label } (${ secondary.range })`;
const difference = getDateDifferenceInDays( primary.after, secondary.after );
const chartData = primaryData.data.intervals.map( function( interval ) {
const date = formatDate( 'Y-m-d', interval.date_start );
const secondaryDate = getPreviousDate( date, difference, query.compare );
const secondaryInterval = find( secondaryData.data.intervals, {
date_start: secondaryDate.format( isoDateFormat ) + ' 00:00:00',
} );
return {
[ primaryKey ]: interval.subtotals[ selectedChart.key ] || 0,
[ secondaryKey ]:
( secondaryInterval && secondaryInterval.subtotals[ selectedChart.key ] ) || 0,
} );
return (
<Card title="">
<Chart data={ chartData } title={ selectedChart.label } />
renderTable() {
const { primaryData, query } = this.props;
const intervals = primaryData.data.intervals;
const page = parseInt( query.page ) || 1;
const rowsPerPage = parseInt( query.per_page ) || 25;
const rows =
function( interval ) {
return 'undefined' === typeof interval.subtotals[ query.orderby ]
? interval.date_start
: interval.subtotals[ query.orderby ];
query.order || 'asc'
).slice( ( page - 1 ) * rowsPerPage, page * rowsPerPage )
) || [];
const headers = this.getHeadersContent();
const tableQuery = { ...query, orderby: query.orderby || 'date_start', order: query.order || 'asc' };
return (
title={ __( 'Revenue', 'wc-admin' ) }
rows={ rows }
totalRows={ intervals.length }
rowsPerPage={ rowsPerPage }
headers={ headers }
onClickDownload={ this.onDownload( headers, rows, tableQuery ) }
onQueryChange={ this.onQueryChange }
query={ tableQuery }
summary={ null }
render() {
const { path, query, primaryData, secondaryData } = this.props;
// TODO The loading, error, and empty messages below are all temporary.
// So we need to use an actual EmptyState components and add in a loading indicator.
const tempMessage = message => {
return (
<ReportFilters query={ query } path={ path } />
<p>{ message }</p>
if ( isReportDataEmpty( primaryData ) ) {
return tempMessage( 'Empty Data' );
if ( primaryData.isRequesting || secondaryData.isRequesting ) {
return tempMessage( 'Loading...' );
if ( primaryData.isError || secondaryData.isError ) {
return tempMessage( 'Error' );
return (
<ReportFilters query={ query } path={ path } />
{ this.renderChartSummaryNumbers() }
{ this.renderChart() }
{ this.renderTable() }
RevenueReport.propTypes = {
params: PropTypes.object.isRequired,
path: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
query: PropTypes.object.isRequired,
export default compose(
withSelect( ( select, props ) => {
const { query } = props;
const datesFromQuery = getCurrentDates( query );
const baseArgs = {
order: 'asc',
interval: 'day', // TODO support other intervals
per_page: MAX_PER_PAGE,
const primaryData = getAllReportData(
after: datesFromQuery.primary.after,
before: datesFromQuery.primary.before,
const secondaryData = getAllReportData(
after: datesFromQuery.secondary.after,
before: datesFromQuery.secondary.before,
return {
} )
)( RevenueReport );