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* Addons Page
* @author WooThemes
* @category Admin
* @package WooCommerce/Admin
* @version 2.5.0
if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
exit; // Exit if accessed directly
* WC_Admin_Addons Class.
class WC_Admin_Addons {
* Handles the outputting of a contextually aware Storefront link (points to child themes if Storefront is already active).
public static function output_storefront_button() {
$url = 'http://www.woothemes.com/storefront/';
$text = __( 'View more about Storefront', 'woocommerce' );
$template = get_option( 'template' );
$stylesheet = get_option( 'stylesheet' );
$utm_content = 'hasstorefront';
// If we're using Storefront with a child theme.
if ( 'storefront' == $template && 'storefront' != $stylesheet ) {
$url = 'http:///www.woothemes.com/product-category/themes/storefront-child-theme-themes/';
$text = __( 'View more Storefront child themes', 'woocommerce' );
$utm_content = 'hasstorefrontchildtheme';
// If we're using Storefront without a child theme.
if ( 'storefront' == $template && 'storefront' == $stylesheet ) {
$url = 'http:///www.woothemes.com/product-category/themes/storefront-child-theme-themes/';
$text = __( 'Need a fresh look? Try Storefront child themes', 'woocommerce' );
$utm_content = 'nostorefrontchildtheme';
// If we're not using Storefront at all.
if ( 'storefront' != $template && 'storefront' != $stylesheet ) {
$url = 'http://www.woothemes.com/storefront/';
$text = __( 'Need a theme? Try Storefront', 'woocommerce' );
$utm_content = 'nostorefront';
$url = add_query_arg( array(
'utm_source' => 'product',
'utm_medium' => 'upsell',
'utm_campaign' => 'wcaddons',
'utm_content' => $utm_content,
), $url );
echo '<a href="' . esc_url( $url ) . '" class="add-new-h2">' . esc_html( $text ) . '</a>' . "\n";
* Handles output of the reports page in admin.
public static function output() {
if ( false === ( $addons = get_transient( 'woocommerce_addons_data' ) ) ) {
$addons_json = wp_safe_remote_get( 'http://d3t0oesq8995hv.cloudfront.net/woocommerce-addons.json', array( 'user-agent' => 'WooCommerce Addons Page' ) );
if ( ! is_wp_error( $addons_json ) ) {
$addons = json_decode( wp_remote_retrieve_body( $addons_json ) );
if ( $addons ) {
set_transient( 'woocommerce_addons_data', $addons, WEEK_IN_SECONDS );
include_once( 'views/html-admin-page-addons.php' );