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* Base test case for all WooCommerce tests.
* @package WooCommerce\Tests
use Automattic\WooCommerce\Proxies\LegacyProxy;
use Automattic\WooCommerce\Testing\Tools\CodeHacking\CodeHacker;
use PHPUnit\Framework\Constraint\IsType;
* WC Unit Test Case.
* Provides WooCommerce-specific setup/tear down/assert methods, custom factories,
* and helper functions.
* @since 2.2
class WC_Unit_Test_Case extends WP_HTTP_TestCase {
* Holds the WC_Unit_Test_Factory instance.
* @var WC_Unit_Test_Factory
protected $factory;
* @var int Keeps the count of how many times disable_code_hacker has been invoked.
private static $code_hacker_temporary_disables_requested = 0;
* Increase the count of Code Hacker disable requests, and effectively disable it if the count was zero.
* Does nothing if the code hacker wasn't enabled when the test suite started running.
protected static function disable_code_hacker() {
if ( CodeHacker::is_enabled() ) {
self::$code_hacker_temporary_disables_requested = 1;
} elseif ( self::$code_hacker_temporary_disables_requested > 0 ) {
* Decrease the count of Code Hacker disable requests, and effectively re-enable it if the count reaches zero.
* Does nothing if the count is already zero.
protected static function reenable_code_hacker() {
if ( self::$code_hacker_temporary_disables_requested > 0 ) {
if ( 0 === self::$code_hacker_temporary_disables_requested ) {
* Setup test case.
* @since 2.2
public function setUp() {
// Add custom factories.
$this->factory = new WC_Unit_Test_Factory();
// Setup mock WC session handler.
add_filter( 'woocommerce_session_handler', array( $this, 'set_mock_session_handler' ) );
$this->setOutputCallback( array( $this, 'filter_output' ) );
// Register post types before each test.
// Reset the instance of MockableLegacyProxy that was registered during bootstrap,
// in order to start the test in a clean state (without anything mocked).
wc_get_container()->get( LegacyProxy::class )->reset();
* Set up class unit test.
* @since 3.5.0
public static function setUpBeforeClass() {
// Terms are deleted in WP_UnitTestCase::tearDownAfterClass, then e.g. Uncategorized product_cat is missing.
* Mock the WC session using the abstract class as cookies are not available.
* during tests.
* @since 2.2
* @return string The $output string, sans newlines and tabs.
public function set_mock_session_handler() {
return 'WC_Mock_Session_Handler';
* Strip newlines and tabs when using expectedOutputString() as otherwise.
* the most template-related tests will fail due to indentation/alignment in.
* the template not matching the sample strings set in the tests.
* @since 2.2
* @param string $output The captured output.
* @return string The $output string, sans newlines and tabs.
public function filter_output( $output ) {
$output = preg_replace( '/[\n]+/S', '', $output );
$output = preg_replace( '/[\t]+/S', '', $output );
return $output;
* Throws an exception with an optional message and code.
* Note: can't use `throwException` as that's reserved.
* @since 3.3-dev
* @param string $message Optional. The exception message. Default is empty.
* @param int $code Optional. The exception code. Default is empty.
* @throws Exception Containing the given message and code.
public function throwAnException( $message = null, $code = null ) {
$message = $message ? $message : "We're all doomed!";
throw new Exception( $message, $code );
* Copies a file, temporarily disabling the code hacker.
* Use this instead of "copy" in tests for compatibility with the code hacker.
* TODO: Investigate why invoking "copy" within a test with the code hacker active causes the test to fail.
* @param string $source Path to the source file.
* @param string $dest The destination path.
* @return bool true on success or false on failure.
public static function file_copy( $source, $dest ) {
$result = copy( $source, $dest );
return $result;
* Create a new user in a given role and set it as the current user.
* @param string $role The role for the user to be created.
* @return int The id of the user created.
public function login_as_role( $role ) {
$user_id = $this->factory->user->create( array( 'role' => $role ) );
wp_set_current_user( $user_id );
return $user_id;
* Create a new administrator user and set it as the current user.
* @return int The id of the user created.
public function login_as_administrator() {
return $this->login_as_role( 'administrator' );
* Get an instance of a class that has been registered in the dependency injection container.
* To get an instance of a legacy class (such as the ones in the 'íncludes' directory) use
* 'get_legacy_instance_of' instead.
* @param string $class_name The class name to get an instance of.
* @return mixed The instance.
public function get_instance_of( string $class_name ) {
return wc_get_container()->get( $class_name );
* Get an instance of legacy class (such as the ones in the 'íncludes' directory).
* To get an instance of a class registered in the dependency injection container use 'get_instance_of' instead.
* @param string $class_name The class name to get an instance of.
* @return mixed The instance.
public function get_legacy_instance_of( string $class_name ) {
return wc_get_container()->get( LegacyProxy::class )->get_instance_of( $class_name );
* Reset all the cached resolutions in the dependency injection container, so any further "get"
* for shared definitions will generate the instance again.
* This may be needed when registering mocks for already resolved shared classes.
public function reset_container_resolutions() {
* Reset the mock legacy proxy class so that all the registered mocks are unregistered.
public function reset_legacy_proxy_mocks() {
wc_get_container()->get( LegacyProxy::class )->reset();
* Register the function mocks to use in the mockable LegacyProxy.
* @param array $mocks An associative array where keys are function names and values are function replacement callbacks.
* @throws \Exception Invalid parameter.
public function register_legacy_proxy_function_mocks( array $mocks ) {
wc_get_container()->get( LegacyProxy::class )->register_function_mocks( $mocks );
* Register the static method mocks to use in the mockable LegacyProxy.
* @param array $mocks An associative array where keys are class names and values are associative arrays, in which keys are method names and values are method replacement callbacks.
* @throws \Exception Invalid parameter.
public function register_legacy_proxy_static_mocks( array $mocks ) {
wc_get_container()->get( LegacyProxy::class )->register_static_mocks( $mocks );
* Register the class mocks to use in the mockable LegacyProxy.
* @param array $mocks An associative array where keys are class names and values are either factory callbacks (optionally with a $class_name argument) or objects.
* @throws \Exception Invalid parameter.
public function register_legacy_proxy_class_mocks( array $mocks ) {
wc_get_container()->get( LegacyProxy::class )->register_class_mocks( $mocks );
* Asserts that a certain callable output is equivalent to a given piece of HTML.
* "Equivalent" means that the string representations of the HTML pieces are equal
* except for line breaks, tabs and redundant whitespace.
* @param string $expected The expected HTML.
* @param callable $callable The callable that is supposed to output the expected HTML.
* @param string $message Optional error message to display if the assertion fails.
protected function assertOutputsHTML( $expected, $callable, $message = '' ) {
$actual = $this->capture_output_from( $callable );
$this->assertEqualsHTML( $expected, $actual, $message );
* Asserts that two pieces of HTML are equivalent.
* "Equivalent" means that the string representations of the HTML pieces are equal
* except for line breaks, tabs and redundant whitespace.
* @param string $expected The expected HTML.
* @param string $actual The HTML that is supposed to be equivalent to the expected one.
* @param string $message Optional error message to display if the assertion fails.
protected function assertEqualsHTML( $expected, $actual, $message = '' ) {
$this->assertEquals( $this->normalize_html( $expected ), $this->normalize_html( $actual ), $message );
* Normalizes a block of HTML.
* Line breaks, tabs and redundand whitespaces are removed.
* @param string $html The block of HTML to normalize.
* @return string The normalized block.
protected function normalize_html( $html ) {
$html = $this->filter_output( $html );
$html = str_replace( '&', '&amp;', $html );
$html = preg_replace( '/> +</', '><', $html );
$doc = new DomDocument();
$doc->preserveWhiteSpace = false; //phpcs:ignore WordPress.NamingConventions.ValidVariableName.UsedPropertyNotSnakeCase
$doc->loadHTML( $html );
return $doc->saveHTML();
* Executes a callable, captures its output and returns it.
* @param callable $callable Callable to execute.
* @param mixed ...$params Parameters to pass to the callable as arguments.
* @return false|string The output generated by the callable, or false if there is an error.
protected function capture_output_from( $callable, ...$params ) {
call_user_func( $callable, ...$params );
$output = ob_get_contents();
return $output;
* Asserts that a variable is of type int.
* TODO: After upgrading to PHPUnit 8 or newer, remove this method and replace calls with PHPUnit's built-in 'assertIsInt'.
* @param mixed $actual The value to check.
* @param mixed $message Error message to use if the assertion fails.
* @return bool mixed True if the value is of integer type, false otherwise.
public static function assertIsInteger( $actual, $message = '' ) {
return self::assertInternalType( 'int', $actual, $message );